
Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Yesterday I stopped into a Walmart in Wooster, Ohio to pick up a cheap gym bag. I actually found a pretty nice one, not exactly "cheap", but not outlandish. I figured I'd scored and headed to the front of the store.

When I got there, I was shocked to see that not a single check-out lane had an actual cashier. Every single lane was self-serve. Every. Single. One.

Years ago, my then 16 year old daughter made $6.25 an hour as a cashier for Walmart. As long as her grades were good, we allowed her to work as many hours as she was offered. She wasn't getting rich, obviously, but she had her own money to do with as she pleased.

When I asked the self-serve "attendant" about it, she told me that they went to an all self-serve model after the minimum wage became the latest perceived panacea for the left. There were about 20 checkout lanes. There's only one person overseeing the self-checkout lanes.

That means that 19 people who could've had cashier jobs have been replaced by technology.

That's very good news for Walmart, and very shitty news for the 19 people who could've had those jobs...
Yesterday I stopped into a Walmart in Wooster, Ohio to pick up a cheap gym bag. I actually found a pretty nice one, not exactly "cheap", but not outlandish. I figured I'd scored and headed to the front of the store.

When I got there, I was shocked to see that not a single check-out lane had an actual cashier. Every single lane was self-serve. Every. Single. One.

Years ago, my then 16 year old daughter made $6.25 an hour as a cashier for Walmart. As long as her grades were good, we allowed her to work as many hours as she was offered. She wasn't getting rich, obviously, but she had her own money to do with as she pleased.

When I asked the self-serve "attendant" about it, she told me that they went to an all self-serve model after the minimum wage became the latest perceived panacea for the left. There were about 20 checkout lanes. There's only one person overseeing the self-checkout lanes.

That means that 19 people who could've had cashier jobs have been replaced by technology.

That's very good news for Walmart, and very shitty news for the 19 people who could've had those jobs...
Isnt this the progressive dream to put as many people on welfare as they can get?
Yesterday I stopped into a Walmart in Wooster, Ohio to pick up a cheap gym bag. I actually found a pretty nice one, not exactly "cheap", but not outlandish. I figured I'd scored and headed to the front of the store.

When I got there, I was shocked to see that not a single check-out lane had an actual cashier. Every single lane was self-serve. Every. Single. One.

Years ago, my then 16 year old daughter made $6.25 an hour as a cashier for Walmart. As long as her grades were good, we allowed her to work as many hours as she was offered. She wasn't getting rich, obviously, but she had her own money to do with as she pleased.

When I asked the self-serve "attendant" about it, she told me that they went to an all self-serve model after the minimum wage became the latest perceived panacea for the left. There were about 20 checkout lanes. There's only one person overseeing the self-checkout lanes.

That means that 19 people who could've had cashier jobs have been replaced by technology.

That's very good news for Walmart, and very shitty news for the 19 people who could've had those jobs...
Whenever libturds try to "fix" something, it is already countered by business decisions. Everything libturds touch just fucks people straight up the arses
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.
I admire them. I'm happy for them. Walmart has been a Godsend with reasonable priced grocery and items.

They have kept competition from going wild on prices.

I admire them. Now you libturds have done this......My God how do you people fucking live?
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.
I admire them. I'm happy for them. Walmart has been a Godsend with reasonable priced grocery and items.

They have kept competition from going wild on prices.

I admire them. Now you libturds have done this......My God how do you people fucking live?
You’re nuts.
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.

Yea, they should be even more wealthy, if it weren't for those goddamn greedy cashiers!
LOL Remember when the dope AOC caused Amazon, I think, to pull a big business with high paying jobs from her district...............LOLOLOL

You stoopid fucks voted for this shit. A ton of 100k jobs gone.LOLOL
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.
I admire them. I'm happy for them. Walmart has been a Godsend with reasonable priced grocery and items.

They have kept competition from going wild on prices.

I admire them. Now you libturds have done this......My God how do you people fucking live?
You’re nuts.
You see. It ain't my GD business what anyone in this fucking world makes besides myself.

None of my fucking business , and cointenly not yours.

I don't spend my life worrying about others incomes.
When I asked the self-serve "attendant" about it, she told me that they went to an all self-serve model after the minimum wage became the latest perceived panacea for the left. There were about 20 checkout lanes. There's only one person overseeing the self-checkout lanes.

So let me get this straight

Walmart had cashiers when your daughter made $6.25 but now do self serve when minimum wage is $7.25?

Walmart went self serve because the technology is there .....regardless of prevailing wage
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.

Yea, they should be even more wealthy, if it weren't for those goddamn greedy cashiers!
That’s right. They just aren’t rich enough. They pay their help poverty wages, while they earn billions. It’s just not enough. Like Bezos using drone delivery or self driving trucks to get rid of all those expensive drivers. Psychopaths!!!
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.
I admire them. I'm happy for them. Walmart has been a Godsend with reasonable priced grocery and items.

They have kept competition from going wild on prices.

I admire them. Now you libturds have done this......My God how do you people fucking live?

The prices at Walmart are great, no doubt about it. When all the stores were unionized, the prices folks had to pay were a lot higher.
I wouldn't feel sorry for jobless cashiers. They probably vote Democrat.
You probably feel sorry for the richest family in the world, the Waltons.
I admire them. I'm happy for them. Walmart has been a Godsend with reasonable priced grocery and items.

They have kept competition from going wild on prices.

I admire them. Now you libturds have done this......My God how do you people fucking live?
You’re nuts.
You see. It ain't my GD business what anyone in this fucking world makes besides myself.

None of my fucking business , and cointenly not yours.

I don't spend my life worrying about others incomes.
Yeah who gives a fuck about other people? I’ve got mine fuck you!

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