Wanna know why the Democrat Parody has schemed to get Biden into race?


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
If you want to know why the Democrat Parody has been scheming (and not exactly in a subtle fashion) to get Biden into their Presidential nominating race then you need only consider what appears to be ABOUT to happen to Shrillary Rotten Clinton.

"Gross negligence" my ass. She did what she did intentionally and knowingly.

I seriously doubt she ever even contemplated the 'getting hacked' part. But it was a full fledged risk from jump. So her culpability appears to be equal parts negligence and venal petty intent.

I couldn't give a rat's sphincter about whether she ends up in a lovely Federal Orange pant-suit or not.

But there is damn good reason to take note of what's happening around us. And the indications are that Shrillary is actually IN trouble. Having her thighness as the Democrat Parody presidential nominee under those circumstances is FAR from optimal for the Democrat Parody hacks, movers, shakers and wholesale purchasers.

Nobody can take O'Malley seriously. Ditto Lincoln Chaffee. Webb has articulated a few more or less conservative thoughts. So, in that freaking Party, he's toast. Bernie Sanders HAS shown electoral strength. An avowed Socialist, his mindless pablum puke political philosophy DOES have some appeal to the rabid Democrat Parody base. BUT ...

Can anybody truly imagine the socialist idiot WINNING the general election? I doubt the Democrat Parody hacks and movers and plantation owners can. Thus, they have a sense of doom. And they are evidently feeling some urgency to field a candidate who might have some chance in the general election.

Enter Joe "Plugs" Biden. His timing (like so many things in his pin head) was off. Imagine that. A miscalculation by Plugs. He really should have been in the debate. But, the The Magic Eight Ball when asked "what are the chances of Plugs announcing that he is running for President?" says:


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In case hiLIARy implodes or is indicted, Biden the retard is the official DNC back-up plan. Kinda like his job now....:rofl:

If that happens, I believe Sanders will be the nominee.

The fact that Trump is leading the GOP and "Bernie the crackpot" is beating hiLIARy in several states, proves that the anti-Washington, anti-establishment sentiment is far deeper and wider than anyone imagined.
In case hiLIARy implodes or is indicted, Biden the retard is the official DNC back-up plan. Kinda like his job now....:rofl:

If that happens, I believe Sanders will be the nominee.

The fact that Trump is leading the GOP and "Bernie the crackpot" is beating hiLIARy in several states, proves that the anti-Washington, anti-establishment sentiment is far deeper and wider than anyone imagined.

I would agree with you EXCEPT that I believe the plantation owners of the DNC see things with a bit more (justified) alarm.

I suspect that those assclowns realize that Bernie will not (cannot) garner enough votes even from the Democratic voters to win enough Electoral College votes to claim the White House.

Ergo, they are seeking SOME alternative. If they can't have their Shrillary, and if Sander's views are too far out there for THEIR tastes (and their own risk assessment), then that means: it's gonna be Plugs.
I'd guess (okay, wild-ass guess) that Hillary and the Dems and the DNC have a decent idea as to whether she's really in trouble on this email thing, and they're definitely not acting as if they're terribly worried. That was/is Biden's biggest value, taking over for her.

Otherwise, I do pretty clearly remember how confident the GOP was going into 2012, some even saying "landslide".

In the end, electoral votes, kids, it's all about electoral votes.
I enjoy NaziCon conspiracy theories.

You are a complete liar, Shitting Bull.

You fascist lolberals LOVE you your dictators.

I just wish you lying NaziCons could get in the same universe with facts and truth.

I wish you depraved disgusting liberal mental pygmies would stop pretending that all folks who disagree with your idiotic mindless brainless twat waffle thought process are somehow "nazis" on account of disagreeing with your idiocy.

I wish you were honest. Ever.
I'd guess (okay, wild-ass guess) that Hillary and the Dems and the DNC have a decent idea as to whether she's really in trouble on this email thing, and they're definitely not acting as if they're terribly worried. That was/is Biden's biggest value, taking over for her.

Otherwise, I do pretty clearly remember how confident the GOP was going into 2012, some even saying "landslide".

In the end, electoral votes, kids, it's all about electoral votes.


There's nothing for them to even worry themselves about.

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision

They aint nuthin to see here folks. Nope. Nahhht a thang.

Well...but....but....but the Repubic-hair
I enjoy NaziCon conspiracy theories.

You are a complete liar, Shitting Bull.

You fascist lolberals LOVE you your dictators.

I just wish you lying NaziCons could get in the same universe with facts and truth.

I wish you depraved disgusting liberal mental pygmies would stop pretending that all folks who disagree with your idiotic mindless brainless twat waffle thought process are somehow "nazis" on account of disagreeing with your idiocy.

I wish you were honest. Ever.

Odd thing is, "nazi" is probably the least retarded name calling in this thread.
They know Hillary is a flawed candidate despite what the lemmings want to admit.
Well...but....but....but the Repubic-hair
I enjoy NaziCon conspiracy theories.

You are a complete liar, Shitting Bull.

You fascist lolberals LOVE you your dictators.

I just wish you lying NaziCons could get in the same universe with facts and truth.

I wish you depraved disgusting liberal mental pygmies would stop pretending that all folks who disagree with your idiotic mindless brainless twat waffle thought process are somehow "nazis" on account of disagreeing with your idiocy.

I wish you were honest. Ever.

Odd thing is, "nazi" is probably the least retarded name calling in this thread.

No. The odd thing is that a dipshit like Shitting Bull and an ass sucker like Pogo think that they are above that kind of thing when, in fact, it is a thing they do a whole lot.

In any case, the facts on the ground can be discussed or they can be avoided and evaded. That won't change them. Either Shrillary is in potentially deep shit or she isn't.

If you bother to look at the LAW and compare it to what she did and the facts surrounding what then happened to the stuff on "her" private servers, you might (if you were objective) concede that she is facing a potentially dire problem.
I'd guess (okay, wild-ass guess) that Hillary and the Dems and the DNC have a decent idea as to whether she's really in trouble on this email thing, and they're definitely not acting as if they're terribly worried. That was/is Biden's biggest value, taking over for her.

Otherwise, I do pretty clearly remember how confident the GOP was going into 2012, some even saying "landslide".

In the end, electoral votes, kids, it's all about electoral votes.


There's nothing for them to even worry themselves about.

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision

They aint nuthin to see here folks. Nope. Nahhht a thang.

Could be, I dunno.

But assuming she's not indicted, she may have too much momentum for Biden now.
Well...but....but....but the Repubic-hair
I enjoy NaziCon conspiracy theories.

You are a complete liar, Shitting Bull.

You fascist lolberals LOVE you your dictators.

I just wish you lying NaziCons could get in the same universe with facts and truth.

I wish you depraved disgusting liberal mental pygmies would stop pretending that all folks who disagree with your idiotic mindless brainless twat waffle thought process are somehow "nazis" on account of disagreeing with your idiocy.

I wish you were honest. Ever.

Odd thing is, "nazi" is probably the least retarded name calling in this thread.

No. The odd thing is that a dipshit like Shitting Bull and an ass sucker like Pogo think that they are above that kind of thing when, in fact, it is a thing they do a whole lot.

In any case, the facts on the ground can be discussed or they can be avoided and evaded. That won't change them. Either Shrillary is in potentially deep shit or she isn't.

If you bother to look at the LAW and compare it to what she did and the facts surrounding what then happened to the stuff on "her" private servers, you might (if you were objective) concede that she is facing a potentially dire problem.

She's facing the dire problem of bad press. That's about it. But damn, dude, don't have a stroke over it.
I'd guess (okay, wild-ass guess) that Hillary and the Dems and the DNC have a decent idea as to whether she's really in trouble on this email thing, and they're definitely not acting as if they're terribly worried. That was/is Biden's biggest value, taking over for her.

Otherwise, I do pretty clearly remember how confident the GOP was going into 2012, some even saying "landslide".

In the end, electoral votes, kids, it's all about electoral votes.


There's nothing for them to even worry themselves about.

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision

They aint nuthin to see here folks. Nope. Nahhht a thang.

Could be, I dunno.

But assuming she's not indicted, she may have too much momentum for Biden now.

That's true. And it isn't exactly a sure thing that she will ever get indicted, either.

Our "Justice" Department may not care to be bothered pursuing a criminal investigation or case against a big ass Democrat.
I enjoy NaziCon conspiracy theories.

You are a complete liar, Shitting Bull.

You fascist lolberals LOVE you your dictators.

I just wish you lying NaziCons could get in the same universe with facts and truth.

I wish you depraved disgusting liberal mental pygmies would stop pretending that all folks who disagree with your idiotic mindless brainless twat waffle thought process are somehow "nazis" on account of disagreeing with your idiocy.

I wish you were honest. Ever.

Wanna bet? Oh wait, never mind.

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