Want an example of what Biden is letting into this nation? Have a look at this 😧

And our government wants you to take her into your home to live with your children...
This is what they are releasing into the country…coming to your neighborhood soon. Watch this whole 1 minute video and wake up America! This is spiritual warfare. Where are the two fathers from The Exorcist? We're going to need em!

I want to know why they didn't taze the bitch. That would have given her a attitude adjustment.

This is what they are releasing into the country…coming to your neighborhood soon. Watch this whole 1 minute video and wake up America! This is spiritual warfare. Where are the two fathers from The Exorcist? We're going to need em!

So trumps responsible for the good economy we have now but Biden’s responsible for all the bad stuff. Got it.
This is what they are releasing into the country…coming to your neighborhood soon. Watch this whole 1 minute video and wake up America! This is spiritual warfare. Where are the two fathers from The Exorcist? We're going to need em!

/----/ "Give me your tired, your poor, your mentally deranged yearning to bite the border guard".
We need to start doing business with South American countries so their citizens have it good enough they don’t want to come here. That has to be part of the solution.
/---/ The problem with South American countries is corruption and socialism. There are a two-class society: the wealthy ruling class and the poor. The two classes never mix, and if you're born in the wealthy class, you'll be there for life. If. you're born into the poor class, you will never achieve much unless you start selling drugs. This is what the left wants for America.
/---/ The problem with South American countries is corruption and socialism. There are a two-class society: the wealthy ruling class and the poor. The two classes never mix, and if you're born in the wealthy class, you'll be there for life. If. you're born into the poor class, you will never achieve much unless you start selling drugs. This is what the left wants for America.
One could say the problem with America is corrupt capitalism. We are a 3 class society: the wealthy ruling class, merchant class (getting smaller every day) and the masses or working poor. Used to be referred to as the rabble. The two classes never mix with the 1, except to work for them, and if you're born in the wealthy class, you'll be there for life. If. you're born into the poor class, you can make it out but since the Reagan era the baby boomers and Republicans have made it harder and harder. Removing social safety nets and social programs that were designed to help people get out of poverty.
One could say the problem with America is corrupt capitalism. We are a 3 class society: the wealthy ruling class, merchant class (getting smaller every day) and the masses or working poor. Used to be referred to as the rabble. The two classes never mix with the 1, except to work for them, and if you're born in the wealthy class, you'll be there for life. If. you're born into the poor class, you can make it out but since the Reagan era the baby boomers and Republicans have made it harder and harder. Removing social safety nets and social programs that were designed to help people get out of poverty.
/---/ Complete nonsense. Pleanty of wealthy blow their fortunes. Pleanty of the poor work their way up to the middle class, Name a Reagan era policy that makes it hard for the poor to get to the middle class. What safety nets and social programs have been removed?

Joint Economic Committee Republicans
November 1995
The Reagan Prosperity
The Reagan expansion years marked a period of economic progress for middle class Americans. Middle class income increased 11 percent after adjustment for inflation, while nearly 20 million new jobs were created. Nonetheless, there are those, such as Secretary Reich, who have attempted to portray the 1980s as a period of economic hardship and decline for most Americans. This paper will rely on data from the Census Bureau to analyze the income growth of the 1980s. The evidence shows that the percentage of households in the low income category declined during the 1980s, while the proportion of high income households increased. Furthermore, while the middle class shrank as a share of all households, the reason for this is upward, not downward, mobility.
We need to start doing business with South American countries so their citizens have it good enough they don’t want to come here. That has to be part of the solution.
Agreed. Sanctioning them, running black OPs, and overthrowing their governments, certainly isn't helping.

Much of this is blow-back.

But? A lot of this is now coming from all over the world.
We don’t strengthen our nation by importing the underclass
70% of which are single males between 25-45. 10% female and 20% man woman and child(s) traveling as family.
Virtually zero fleeing imminent death or oppression due to political or religious beliefs. ALL seeking the better life of Mo Money . That’s not immigration nor asylum seeking.
And here I thought it was because we have a pretend border??

Silly me :auiqs.jpg:
That too.

Many folks tend to have their partisan biases, they only want to look at causes that are publicized by their favored media source. They all forget, that all the media, is all owned by the same institutional investors. They all meet at the CFR and WEF. They are all owned by the same folks.

If they do not do a complete investigation into how the system works, and are not completely honest with themselves about their nation and economic system, they don't really understand the entire picture.

The folks that are in control of the entire planet, created this problem, and have multiple reasons, yes, for wanting this crisis in the first place. None of this is a mistake.

Fist and foremost, it was all done for the money.

Second, it is to create a technological tracking system, and global ID system. If they create an immigration crisis in all the first world nations, the conservative nativism/populist interests, will be more likely to give up their liberty for such a globalist, social credit/digital ID scheme.

I had been predicting this for years now. And now, there is a bill in Congress, and Joe claims, he needs, just such a scheme to secure the border. Most folks know this is a lie, but can't figure out why this is being sold as such. It is to create a global technocratic panopticon of control over the population. It is to control what everyone buys and sells, what they think, say and write, and where everyone lives, travels, and works.

Meanwhile, the W.H.O. has a "pandemic treaty," they are working on, due to be complete in May, which can be piggy-backed right on top of such legislation. . requiring everyone to use Big PHarma products to buy food, enter businesses, cross borders of cities or states, or even work.. . . in the event of a "crisis."

The immigration laws that various first world ultra-conservative nations will roll out, in the end, have very little to do with "immigration," just as the W.H.O. treaty has little to do with pandemics.

It is all about creating centralization of control, power, and money, for those who are creating a global government, right under your nose.

Your rights and liberty? Be damned.

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