Want To Stop Mass Shootings/Mass Killings In The US??

Black people made strong progress until the piece of shit Woodhead Wilson (dimocrap scumbag extraordinaire) took his Southern dimocrap shit to DC. He re-segregated the Army, he fired the vast majority of Black goobermint employees. He was typical dimocrap scumbag of his day. And it hurt Black people a lot. Really a lot.

Blacks were again making steady progress until FDR, but his biggest crime was to ignore them. Harry Truman was another Southern dimocrap racist that was so prejudiced, he wouldn't even let his Jewish Cabinet members into his private home.

Even still, in the 1950s Blacks had roughly the same divorce rate and about the same out-of-wedlock birth-rate and a little more, but not much more, crime conviction rate.

Then, right when they were starting to get their feet on the ground... dimocrap FILTH all but kick Black MEN out of the household.

Northern States who were accustomed to being Republican-Led had dimocrap FILTH invite tens, probably hundreds, of thousands of Blacks and Black families to the North with the promise of welfare. But to get the welfare, dimocrap SCUM demanded there was no man present in the household.

We haven't gotten over that yet. Maybe won't ever get over it. Probably won't. Trump made a difference. A big difference and look what those scumbags are doing to him...

And trust me, if you believe nothing else in your entire life, believe me when I tell you -- dimocrap FILTH want to do for us what they've done for Blacks.

For dimocrap scum, Americans, regardless of race, color or creed are nothing more than livestock. To be harvested when they need votes. To be set loose on Cities and towns when they want to terrorize the people.

dimocraps are the scummiest scumbags to ever exist on the Planet Earth. And people....... It's ALL of them. From the lowliest spambot in here to the top of the ticket. They.Are.Scum.

Always have been, always will be. I get tired of saying it

You concept of history is a little skewed.

Wilson was from New Jersey as governor and president of Princeton, although he was raised in the south.

Harry Truman was so racist he desegregated the military.

Blacks migrated north in search of jobs even before WWII, not for welfare, which did not even exist. The Second Klan was in response to this and although nationwide was centered in the Midwest during the early 1900s.

Your idea that Black men were kicked out of the household was the 1960s, not the 1950s.
It's really simple.

Stop covering them. Stop giving crazy people the attention they desire.
Hey, you almost had me there. For a moment I thought you were serious and then realized it was a joke. Cuz nobody is that stupid. Unless.........................
Because in America, you have the blanket cover of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In the likes of the UK, the tough licensing system keeps most crazies away from firearms.
That's because you also keep the law abiding people away from firearms. In the likes of the UK, we whooped their asses to get our independence and we have had a right to bear arms just in case England ever wanted to try taking us back. Our right to bear arms prevented that, keeping our freedom.

But, we don't have to suffer from mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting if we just kept the bad guys locked up. It's stupid to let them run around free and try keeping guns out of their hands. As I said, these crazies don't need guns to commit mass murder.
How bout kicking back any 4473 for any ( Illegal ) ( Visa overstayer ) ( Person with two recent 51/50s or who is seeing two Shrinks and a Psychologist ) ( Person who has a restraining order )
What if you buy your guns before any of that happens? The shooter only recently went crackers. Illegals and visa overstayers cannot buy weapons in any case.

You are not even proposing a serious solution. You are just like the gun-grabbers.
No, liberals do NOT want to stop them. They want to use them as propaganda to take away the 2ndA.
You know, it isn't true that if you tell a lie twice it becomes the truth. Trump never said any of that as I already schooled you and, it will not become true no matter how many times you tell the same lie.
Yes he did say it.

I posted the link that had the quotes and you still won't believe it.

Wow...just wow.
Spoken like a true dimocrap. All that matters is what's good for you or those who support you, eh?

dims don't just say it, they live it. Ever notice that virtually everything dims do, they do in order to advance THEIR agenda, not the American People's in general?

Sure, they'll do things once in a while that benefits one of their favored groups now and then, but something that benefits ALL the people ALL the time?

Calling someone a dimocrat is speaking like a child that`s been held back a few grades. What did I say that isn`t true? The #1 priority of a business is to make money for the stockholders. If you`ve gotten as far as 9th grade, you should have learned that in your Economics class.
soooo, the government is functionally inept, the mental health community is not far behind, the judicial system isn't a detriment, and all the gun grabbers offer is being defenseless .

I live in a state w/highest gun ownership, and least gun incident

the reason is obvious

some of you need to get the fact that your own community IS the last line of defense, and it's your duty as a citizen of it to take part in doing so

Not sure why you put me on that list, but, I live in a C&C state, and we have low gun incidences, also.
I am not sure that these liberals who are against the Second Amendment even know why the
Founding Fathers even created it.
I’m saying if you go crackers and come out other side seeing 2 Shrinks and a Psychologist your Shit gets seized just like a Restraining order ( even if it’s gonna take a stack on a Knock Raid
Union Heavy Equipment Operators / Crane operators / Pilots ... eagerly take regular drug screenings to keep their gigs
Union Heavy Equipment Operators / Crane operators / Pilots ... eagerly take regular drug screenings to keep their gigs
unions can go fuck themselves,,

theres nothing that says they cant have restrictions or requirments to have those jobs,,

this has nothing to do with the 2nd A
Nutjobs ( Like guy who shot Chris Kyle ) should not be able to legally own firearms , even if they are not in Prison or an Institution

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