Want To Stop Mass Shootings/Mass Killings In The US??

Here’s my two cents:

Without turning this into a religious debate, I will say it in “Star Wars” terminology. If more ”Jedi“ lived in this country and less folks turned to the Dark side of the force (read: Worshipping the Devil), I believe that we would see a lot less mass shootings.

It’s that simple. I have evolved on this sort of thing. After reading and studying Reilly’s “America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding,” my eyes have been opened.

Maybe that’s why, when I was a boy under Reagan, domestic terrorism was practically non-existent. At least in the community I grew up in, more people went to church. There was less sin and Godlessness.

To me, that explains a lot. Not saying religion is the only solution, but to me it’s important to consider.
That's because you also keep the law abiding people away from firearms. In the likes of the UK, we whooped their asses to get our independence and we have had a right to bear arms just in case England ever wanted to try taking us back. Our right to bear arms prevented that, keeping our freedom.

But, we don't have to suffer from mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting if we just kept the bad guys locked up. It's stupid to let them run around free and try keeping guns out of their hands. As I said, these crazies don't need guns to commit mass murder.
No, that's a gun nut cliché. Been over this a thousand times and you thick yanks can't seem to get it into your thick skulls.

America seems to comes across the most retarded place on the planet. Why can't anything sink into your thick skulls??
Ally? What's that? A bowler's friend who supports them?

Yes, or more efficiently kill their victims.

You don't even know what "regulated" means, dumbass!

That would be an illegal search.

Illegal search.

What if you buy your guns before any of that happens? The shooter only recently went crackers. Illegals and visa overstayers cannot buy weapons in any case.

You are not even proposing a serious solution. You are just like the gun-grabbers.

Stop spamming the thread!

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