Want To Stop Mass Shootings/Mass Killings In The US??

who decides who the crazy ones are??

The people who hate guns, of course...I suspect many say anyone who owns a gun is "crazy".

Or bring back Public Hanging for the offenders... arrest, trial, conviction, 6-month appeal timeframe, then The Gallows.

That and follow the constitution to convict them, which calls for a speedy trial. With the nature of these crimes, the creeps should be put to death within a month.

How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?

Sorry you feel that way, but 2A fanatics are just about my least favorite people.

Your terror of an inanimate object is of no concern.

the bowling ally was a gun free zone,,,

So was the bar, by state law.
Why should crazies be running around in the first place? These people don't even need guns. They can commit mass murder in any number of ways. You seem to be fine with that.

By the way, are you against Democracy?
Because in America, you have the blanket cover of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In the likes of the UK, the tough licensing system keeps most crazies away from firearms.

All schools above are gun free zones.
With 330 million people we will unfortunately have our share of nutcases.
Exacty. So, we shouldn't overreact to these events.

Years ago, in my city a boy drowned at one of the beaches. His body was found after a long search beneath a pier where it was partially hidden. The city reacted by eliminating all the piers and diving boards from all the swimming beaches, which numbered about a dozen. A drowning at one of the beaches was so rare that the response stunned everyone that swam at them. The piers and diving boards were never restored. As a result, the only people that go into the water at the beaches are a few mothers splashing around in the shallows with small children. The young people that used to enjoy swimming and diving are no longer seen.
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Piss test for every 4473 ( Because Nutjobs are protected by their Doctors and Laws keeping their Info private )
Now agreeing with Trump is TDS?

Lol. Sure let's get back on topic...

Do you agree with Trump's plan to bypass the courts and take guns from crazy people?
You know, it isn't true that if you tell a lie twice it becomes the truth. Trump never said any of that as I already schooled you and, it will not become true no matter how many times you tell the same lie.
Black people made strong progress until the piece of shit Woodhead Wilson (dimocrap scumbag extraordinaire) took his Southern dimocrap shit to DC. He re-segregated the Army, he fired the vast majority of Black goobermint employees. He was typical dimocrap scumbag of his day. And it hurt Black people a lot. Really a lot.

Blacks were again making steady progress until FDR, but his biggest crime was to ignore them. Harry Truman was another Southern dimocrap racist that was so prejudiced, he wouldn't even let his Jewish Cabinet members into his private home.

Even still, in the 1950s Blacks had roughly the same divorce rate and about the same out-of-wedlock birth-rate and a little more, but not much more, crime conviction rate.

Then, right when they were starting to get their feet on the ground... dimocrap FILTH all but kick Black MEN out of the household.

Northern States who were accustomed to being Republican-Led had dimocrap FILTH invite tens, probably hundreds, of thousands of Blacks and Black families to the North with the promise of welfare. But to get the welfare, dimocrap SCUM demanded there was no man present in the household.

We haven't gotten over that yet. Maybe won't ever get over it. Probably won't. Trump made a difference. A big difference and look what those scumbags are doing to him...

And trust me, if you believe nothing else in your entire life, believe me when I tell you -- dimocrap FILTH want to do for us what they've done for Blacks.

For dimocrap scum, Americans, regardless of race, color or creed are nothing more than livestock. To be harvested when they need votes. To be set loose on Cities and towns when they want to terrorize the people.

dimocraps are the scummiest scumbags to ever exist on the Planet Earth. And people....... It's ALL of them. From the lowliest spambot in here to the top of the ticket. They.Are.Scum.

Always have been, always will be. I get tired of saying it
Dimocrap? How old are you, kid?
go rent a room in North ST. Louis and walk around at 11PM then get back to us you dumb marshmellow headed buffoon. You panty liners run a big mouth till someone comes up behind and in front you.
You're outta the park right, but people don't appreciate listening until they are deaf for life. Then, hearing means something. May it never be lies and may it always be the truth. Last night, I prayed for overlooked Vietnam vets who are now in their 70s and 80s. Seems like yesterday when my older brother joined the Navy and was so mechanically gifted he was given charge of the perfection of maintaining phantom jets for very good pilots who opened doors for the troops on the ground witn their precision activities. When my brother passed several years ago, he had a decorated military funeral in which the admiral on his ship told how important it was for pilots to have perfect flights, which was enabled by great mechanics, how many other mechanics he trained to perfection, just all good stuff. This country was determined that South Vietnam would not fall to he incipience of communism, and today, we have an executive branch that supports Bernie Sanders, the town clown communist in Congress, only nobody laughs as the Democrat Party salutes 1 Alinsky method step after another to create chaos that is confusing to people considering the false narratives put upon conservative President Trump whom they continue to present lie after lie about him in order to make people hate him and those who voted for him, in a phrase, amounts to 8 million God-fearing American citizens. That's just wrong to marginalize so many baby boomers and their best friends, many of who served and came home in wheelchairs without legs to walk on for being on the front lines of the fracas, only to come home and be spat at in FPO. That makes me mad to think about the day I heard that on radio and tv multiple times as a Freshman in college. So my prayer list includes Vietnam vets who gave their all to stop a communist oligarchy which are definitely in place as Biden agrees to execute Hillary and Bernie's fondest hopes of destroying this nation with a system that does not require accountability to the public at large. May God keep us free to speak our minds, pursue happiness, and peruse candidates' ultimate goals whether to support the Constitution or lark around with unaccountability to their fellow citizens.
many (most) are on GOVT FBI radar right before any big act.

We are, unfortunately, infected with a sick gun culture for an awful long time to come and no amount of gun regulation will get us out of it.

So thanks for that, 2A fanatics. Job well done.

Define "gun nuts".
Thanks in advance

who decides who the crazy ones are??

Even better idea, put more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens 'on the streets.
soooo, the government is functionally inept, the mental health community is not far behind, the judicial system isn't a detriment, and all the gun grabbers offer is being defenseless .

I live in a state w/highest gun ownership, and least gun incident

the reason is obvious

some of you need to get the fact that your own community IS the last line of defense, and it's your duty as a citizen of it to take part in doing so

Mass killings are not a problem?

Ya can’t send your kid to school or church or the movies or a concert or a bowling alley without wondering if they’ll be the next victim of that “no problem”
Lack of Mental Hospitals and leftist indoctrination in the schools is the problem.

Part of the leftist indoctrination is the lack of disciplining children as was done since the dawn of mankind.

What that produces is a bunch of toddlers in grown bodies, and then to top it off they teach them to not think critically.
Their main concern is ratings and their stockholders. Why wouldn`t it be?
Spoken like a true dimocrap. All that matters is what's good for you or those who support you, eh?

dims don't just say it, they live it. Ever notice that virtually everything dims do, they do in order to advance THEIR agenda, not the American People's in general?

Sure, they'll do things once in a while that benefits one of their favored groups now and then, but something that benefits ALL the people ALL the time?


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