Want To Stop Mass Shootings/Mass Killings In The US??

Using the leader of the Republican parties gun control idea in a discussion about mass shootings is TDS?

We can't because everytime you are challenged you pull out the typical republican tropes when asked to defend your position.

Pretending you want rational discussion is hilarious.
yes it is,,,

what have you challenged me on??

you keep talking about trump and havent responded to my first question or anything else I have asked,,

both your idea and trumps is crazy and anyone that tries it should go to jail,,
So you think all convicted felons should spend life in jail?

What exactly is your point?
Someone should not get only 6 Years for Anal Rape of a 9 year old or 3 years for a drive by Shooting or 14 months for Rape or 4 years probation for Elder Abuse
how about a mandatory fuck you to anyone that wants you to do something to buy a gun???
How bout kicking back any 4473 for any ( Illegal ) ( Visa overstayer ) ( Person with two recent 51/50s or who is seeing two Shrinks and a Psychologist ) ( Person who has a restraining order )
How bout kicking back any 4473 for any ( Illegal ) ( Visa overstayer ) ( Person with two recent 51/50s or who is seeing two Shrinks and a Psychologist ) ( Person who has a restraining order )
illegals and overstays are already not allowed,,

the rest requires due process to remove rights,, and a restraining order doesnt cut it,,
illegals and overstays are already not allowed,,

the rest requires due process to remove rights,, and a restraining order doesnt cut it,,
In California a restraining order = Giant truck and 11 LEOs come to my house and haul 50 years of my shit away including Family heirloom Arms from great Great Grandfather
they fall under the fuck you catagory,,

wouldnt live there if you paid me,,
They are showing states like ( Colorado ) ( Pennsylvania ) ( Nebraska ) ( Utah ) ( Oregon ) ( WashingtonState ) ( Hawaii ) ( Connecticut ) ( Massachusetts ) ( Maryland ) ( Minnesota ) ( Illinois ) ( New Jersey ) ( New York ) ... what they can foist on their Citizenry
17 out of the last 20 Mass Shooters were ( On SSRIs / Seeing a Shrink or Psychologist or both ) ( On LEO Or FBI Radar )
They are showing states like ( Colorado ) ( Pennsylvania ) ( Nebraska ) ( Utah ) ( Oregon ) ( WashingtonState ) ( Hawaii ) ( Connecticut ) ( Massachusetts ) ( Maryland ) ( Minnesota ) ( Illinois ) ( New Jersey ) ( New York ) ... what they can foist on their Citizenry
if we only had people willing to stand up for the constitution,,

cant depend on republicans to do it,, and a few people arguoing on the internet sure arent going to accomplish anything,,
if we only had people willing to stand up for the constitution,,

cant depend on republicans to do it,, and a few people arguoing on the internet sure arent going to accomplish anything,,
Yep , going door to door with stacks for confiscations will start with us ( Not Criminals & Bangers & Prohibited Persons )
I sure would like some details of many of those and why further action wasnt taken,,
because 2 A Purists resist things like No Soup for you ( Firearms Ownership ) if your a known Snapper Nutjob .
Yep , going door to door with stacks for confiscations will start with us ( Not Criminals & Bangers & Prohibited Persons )

because 2 A Purists resist things like No Soup for you ( Firearms Ownership ) if your a known Snapper Nutjob .
I am constitutional purist,,

nxt thing you will tell me is you want lynching mobs instead or trials in a court room,,

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