WaPo Makes New Appeal To End Presidential Term Limits


so the campaign has already started.

now let's see our leftards wringing and twisting in defense of this authoritarian grasp to come
Indeed. Reid has already done it in the Senate...Only Judges you might say...well, what is to stop him if he can change rules on the fly, or even make up new ones?

Obama is doing it all the time.


Not that it was not ever envisioned.

The totalitarian left which this president is a representative of never gives the power away peacefully.
Back then they expected honorable people to hold office. Now criminal politicians are held high on a pedestal (that is if you're a Statist/Leftist sort of politician).
Saddam, Castro and more recently Chavez were re-elected time after time - sometimes with about 99% of the vote. Now that's democracy!

FDR was "elected" 4 times as well

At that time there were no term limits as the founders set the government up for people to go in and do their civic duty and get out, not be career politicians.
Let's see how this idea stacks up.

1. Super majority in the Senate to apporve it. NOPE
2. Super majority in the House to approve it. NOPE
3. Super majority of States that would approve it. NOPE

So all things considered I's say there is not a chance in hell.

He will do it via executive order.
Saddam, Castro and more recently Chavez were re-elected time after time - sometimes with about 99% of the vote. Now that's democracy!

FDR was "elected" 4 times as well

At that time there were no term limits as the founders set the government up for people to go in and do their civic duty and get out, not be career politicians.
Bingo. They never meant for government to become so large that it in of itself became an occupation or business to profit from.
Let's see how this idea stacks up.

1. Super majority in the Senate to apporve it. NOPE
2. Super majority in the House to approve it. NOPE
3. Super majority of States that would approve it. NOPE

So all things considered I's say there is not a chance in hell.

He will do it via executive order.
Right. Again? What's to stop him? He hasn't been called on the carpet yet, has he?
It's simple.
Step 1: Dems nominate a ticket of Michelle Obama for Pres, Barack Obama for VP.
there is no violating the Constitution since the VP is not term limited.
Step 2: They get elected. Given massive vote fraud it is likely.
Step 3: Michelle resigns, leaving Obama president. This also does not violate the constitution since the amendment says "no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice." Obama would not have been elected to office but assumed it by force of law.

Normal people would be shy about engaging in such charades. But the Obamas are anything but shy when it comes to extraordinary exercise of power.
It's simple.
Step 1: Dems nominate a ticket of Michelle Obama for Pres, Barack Obama for VP.
there is no violating the Constitution since the VP is not term limited.
Step 2: They get elected. Given massive vote fraud it is likely.
Step 3: Michelle resigns, leaving Obama president. This also does not violate the constitution since the amendment says "no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice." Obama would not have been elected to office but assumed it by force of law.

Normal people would be shy about engaging in such charades. But the Obamas are anything but shy when it comes to extraordinary exercise of power.
Now there's a scenario I thought would happen with the Hildebeast (Clinton)...but then she's a power monger worse than her hubby and wouldn't relinquish squat for Bill anyway. But then Bill would be glad to be back in the Whitehouse to sample the intern pool again. ;)
The Clintons:popcorn: will have none of it. All the media is running around joking about the splits in the R party all the while missing on purpose the biggest royal rumble that is about to occur between Obamabots and Clintonistas.

Someone pass me some popcorn because all hell is about to break loose in the Democrat Party.
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The Clintons:popcorn: will have none of it. All the media is running around joking about the splits in the R party all the while missing on purpose the biggest royal rumble that is about to occur between Obamabots and Clintonistas.

Someone pass me some popcorn because all hell is about to break loose in the Democrat Party.
Yep. And as the Democrats pay Hell for what they've done since Obama has been in office and they having 2/3 control of the government...
Interestingly, the author is a history professor at NYU, the same school that conferred Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, the suspected author of UN Ambassador Susan Rice's talking points used on her post Benghazi Five Sunday Talk Show Tour Of Lies, his MFA in fictional literature writing. These Libs sure have a fondness for dictatorships and tyrannies, don't they? Cucksocker.

End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

Just as conservatives have a fondness for ignorance, stupidity, and lying.

Ending the term limit for president would in no way constitute a ‘dictatorship,’ as a given president will still need to win reelection to remain in office, and would still be subject to the will of the American people every 4 years.

FDR’s three reelection bids were an aberration, and the 22nd Amendment was a misguided overreaction to that aberration by republicans.
I think obama will try to do it with a Presidential Order.

And here we see an example of the ignorant, stupid conservative.

The Constitution can’t be changed with an EO.

And by the time the 22nd Amendment was repealed, which isn’t going to happen, Obama would have left office.
How the hell would "Obama's socialist minions" go about abolishing term limits? Anyone? You all know it's a constitutional amendment requiring an amendment to overturn. Conspiracy freaks are the worst.

Technically, you also need a constitutional amendment to overturn the 2nd Amendment and the 4th Amendment (NSA spying) and the 5th Amendement (Eminent Domain, Kelo vs New London) and the 3rd Amendment (Boston Military Occupation for Jhokar) or the double jeopardy clause (DoJ attempted to retry Zimmeran under the "dual sovereign" intperpretation).

But those needs to amend the Constitution have never been an obstacle for the Authoritarian Left


You see, this is the problem you Leftists have created. Since you ignore the plain and common English meaning of the Second Amendment (and many others), how do we know you'll recognize the common and plain sense meaning of the 22nd Amendment when it becomes an obstacle for the Socialist Agenda? Lawlessness and legal unpredictability FLOWS from leftist ideology. The shoe fits, now wear it.

Now here's the real test of your belief in Constitutional Law [MENTION=33716]occupied[/MENTION]

If ANY President ran for a third term (with the 22nd Amendment still standing), would the Militia of the Several States have a DUTY to restore the Rule of Law and march on Washington DC?

Reveal your allegiance.
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