WaPo Makes New Appeal To End Presidential Term Limits

It's simple.
Step 1: Dems nominate a ticket of Michelle Obama for Pres, Barack Obama for VP.
there is no violating the Constitution since the VP is not term limited.
Step 2: They get elected. Given massive vote fraud it is likely.
Step 3: Michelle resigns, leaving Obama president. This also does not violate the constitution since the amendment says "no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice." Obama would not have been elected to office but assumed it by force of law.

Normal people would be shy about engaging in such charades. But the Obamas are anything but shy when it comes to extraordinary exercise of power.

One small problem, the Vice President has be meet the qualifications to be President, maobama doesn't. So much for that one.
It's simple.
Step 1: Dems nominate a ticket of Michelle Obama for Pres, Barack Obama for VP.
there is no violating the Constitution since the VP is not term limited.
Step 2: They get elected. Given massive vote fraud it is likely.
Step 3: Michelle resigns, leaving Obama president. This also does not violate the constitution since the amendment says "no person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice." Obama would not have been elected to office but assumed it by force of law.

Normal people would be shy about engaging in such charades. But the Obamas are anything but shy when it comes to extraordinary exercise of power.

Voter fraud claim #456,743 by Republican. 456,743rd time that no evidence was provided of MASSIVE vote fraud.
Interestingly, the author is a history professor at NYU, the same school that conferred Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, the suspected author of UN Ambassador Susan Rice's talking points used on her post Benghazi Five Sunday Talk Show Tour Of Lies, his MFA in fictional literature writing. These Libs sure have a fondness for dictatorships and tyrannies, don't they? Cucksocker.

End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

Will never happen...just like changing the Constitution to allow foreign born like Schwartzenegger never happened.
I think obama will try to do it with a Presidential Order.

And here we see an example of the ignorant, stupid conservative.

The Constitution can’t be changed with an EO.

And by the time the 22nd Amendment was repealed, which isn’t going to happen, Obama would have left office.

Seriously, you act as if the Progressives need to repeal Constitutional Provision before violating them.
Interestingly, the author is a history professor at NYU, the same school that conferred Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, the suspected author of UN Ambassador Susan Rice's talking points used on her post Benghazi Five Sunday Talk Show Tour Of Lies, his MFA in fictional literature writing. These Libs sure have a fondness for dictatorships and tyrannies, don't they? Cucksocker.

End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

This is one Prof's opinion, nothing more. Though, this is the second moron to attempt to make it into something more. I have no illusions other partisan's, some morons and some liars, will continue the fraud implied in this thread.

The Conservative Republican Set has little to post when the truth is known, yet, it never stops them.
I've been predicting calls for ending term limits for a couple of years now. Your opinion that this is just one guy's opinion is meaningless.

If people didn't agree with him, he wouldn't have gotten an editorial in WaPo.

That is the truth. Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected.

Hater dupes, not knowing that real news sources, newspapers etc, don't HAVE a lockstep propaganda point and have guest bloggers and writers that have no connection to the WaPo, keep making this ignorant mistake.

STOP PUTTING THAT IN THE THREAD TITLES FER CHRISSAKE YA GD morons, and change your stupid channel, chicken little dingbats...lol
I think obama will try to do it with a Presidential Order.

And here we see an example of the ignorant, stupid conservative.

The Constitution can’t be changed with an EO.

And by the time the 22nd Amendment was repealed, which isn’t going to happen, Obama would have left office.

Seriously, you act as if the Progressives need to repeal Constitutional Provision before violating them.

Only hater dupe morons think Dems can get away with anything illegal with all the Pub a-holes around...get a grip.lol
Only hater dupe morons think Dems can get away with anything illegal with all the Pub a-holes around...get a grip.lol

IRS scandal?
AP scandal?
Arming and funding Al Qaeda in Syria?
Aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria?

Shall I go on?
Phony crises and phony scandals, for dupes only- change the channel. Nothing illegal AT ALL-
I must say I'm surprised he didn't float this idea when a Republican was President alright not really that said given what we have seen from the previous administration and this one two terms seems like one two many.
Saddam, Castro and more recently Chavez were re-elected time after time - sometimes with about 99% of the vote. Now that's democracy!

FDR was "elected" 4 times as well

At that time there were no term limits as the founders set the government up for people to go in and do their civic duty and get out, not be career politicians.

my point was on the "election"

voter fraud and election falsifications were not invented under obama
FDR was "elected" 4 times as well

At that time there were no term limits as the founders set the government up for people to go in and do their civic duty and get out, not be career politicians.

my point was on the "election"

voter fraud and election falsifications were not invented under obama

I'm sure you have evidence of all of this voter fraud that has been so widespread that it has swung elections. And I'm sure it has only happened when a Democrat won.
That is absolutely the worst fuckin' idea I ever heard.

Needless to say you’d be all for it if a republican were president.

Needless to say you are talking out of your ass.

I outlined how it could happen. With massive Dem voter fraud and opposition suppression it would be a virtual dictatorship.

Like 2012? Worked well for them that time. They've been refining the procedures. Should work even better if they can get presidential terms limits suspended.
Needless to say you’d be all for it if a republican were president.
You know that as fact? Some of us DO respect the Constitution and LAW. YOU? Not so much unless it suits your talking points.

The Leftoids don't respect The Constitution - they prefer Mob Rule, as evidenced by Reid getting rid of the Filibuster.

It's funny, when the CA constituency voted against Prop 8, the same folks who are now tearing down the Constitution screamed bloody murder about how the minority should always be protected from the depredations of the majority. So what's changed?
As much as I enjoy watching the Wingnuts go all crazy at the thought of a third Obama Term, I think repealling the 22nd Amendment would probably be a bad idea.

let us not forget why we got the 22nd Amendment to start with. Because everyone realized that once you abandon the tradition of presidents serving only two terms, a president would feel obligated to keep running until they carried him out feet first. (WHich is exactly what happened to FDR.)

Possibly worse, there would be the suffocating effect of no back-bench of leaders developing on the hope of running for the job themselves.
You know that as fact? Some of us DO respect the Constitution and LAW. YOU? Not so much unless it suits your talking points.

The Leftoids don't respect The Constitution - they prefer Mob Rule, as evidenced by Reid getting rid of the Filibuster.

It's funny, when the CA constituency voted against Prop 8, the same folks who are now tearing down the Constitution screamed bloody murder about how the minority should always be protected from the depredations of the majority. So what's changed?

I think it's a matter of scope.

51% voting to deny a right to 10% of the poplation that almost half thought they should have and which they did enjoy for a while is an abuse by the majority.

A minority insisting that the majority can't do ANY kind of business without their blessing because of an unconstitutional rule is just nuts.

The Republicans had every oppurtunity to give these guys up or down votes. They chose not to.
This would simply be the Senate filibuster rule change all over again you think it's a great idea if your party is the one likely to benefit from it at the moment if not you hate it and of course you never seem to consider that sooner or later the other side will benefit from that same change. Personally I think the term limits for the President should stay as is and term limits should be put in place for Congress as well.
This would simply be the Senate filibuster rule change all over again you think it's a great idea if your party is the one likely to benefit from it at the moment if not you hate it and of course you never seem to consider that sooner or later the other side will benefit from that same change. Personally I think the term limits for the President should stay as is and term limits should be put in place for Congress as well.

Well, no, not really.

Changing term limits for the President would require a constitutional amendment, and there'd be no appetite for one at this point.

Dumping the awful Filibuster rule made sense because the abuse of the rule = one senator could hold up a nomination for months - perverted the original intent.

The original intent of filibusters was to make sure things were fully debated. but these guys weren't being debated at all.
This would simply be the Senate filibuster rule change all over again you think it's a great idea if your party is the one likely to benefit from it at the moment if not you hate it and of course you never seem to consider that sooner or later the other side will benefit from that same change. Personally I think the term limits for the President should stay as is and term limits should be put in place for Congress as well.

Well, no, not really.

Changing term limits for the President would require a constitutional amendment, and there'd be no appetite for one at this point.

Dumping the awful Filibuster rule made sense because the abuse of the rule = one senator could hold up a nomination for months - perverted the original intent.

The original intent of filibusters was to make sure things were fully debated. but these guys weren't being debated at all.
We will see how people feel about the Senate rule change when the power flip happens again I'm sure the Republicans who are outraged now will be fine with it then and the Democrats who love it now will be less than thrilled when their the minority. Obama will be able to get his hardcore liberal appointees confirmed with much more ease now of course the Republicans will be able to do the same with their hardcore conservatives when the time comes this was a very short sighted decision in my opinion.
Interestingly, the author is a history professor at NYU, the same school that conferred Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, the suspected author of UN Ambassador Susan Rice's talking points used on her post Benghazi Five Sunday Talk Show Tour Of Lies, his MFA in fictional literature writing. These Libs sure have a fondness for dictatorships and tyrannies, don't they? Cucksocker.

End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

Just as conservatives have a fondness for ignorance, stupidity, and lying.

Ending the term limit for president would in no way constitute a ‘dictatorship,’ as a given president will still need to win reelection to remain in office, and would still be subject to the will of the American people every 4 years.

FDR’s three reelection bids were an aberration, and the 22nd Amendment was a misguided overreaction to that aberration by republicans.
Looks like we can put Jonesy in the "Wants Obama to be President for Life" column.

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