War Drums: White House Claims Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack...

Yea. This is bull shit. We've seen countless examples of the so-called "rebels" doing this and the Obama regim is in bed with them while the media covers for them.

Your Tax Dollars at work. What a horrific travesty.
that doesn't mean jack shit to the dead person

I would rather get shot in the head then mustrard gas that stuff is nasty.
Sulfur mustard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thats why chemical warfare is banned and any country that uses it against women and children have to pay the price.

Seriously-----the WMD excuse for entering this fray is pure bull shit.
It is the simply the most recent PC excuse for attacking someone.

Anything to get the Sheep in line. Unfortunately, Americans have proven they're willing to buy into almost any scam Big Brother offers up. Hopefully times are changing, but i'm not always optimistic about that happening.
Is anyone else as skeptical of this claim as i am? Seems like they've been beating those War Drums over Syria for a long time now. What do you think?

Senior Administration Official: ‘Very Little Doubt’ Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack

The White House says there is “very little doubt” that the Assad regime is responsible for the alleged chemical attack in Syria that is said to have taken place earlier this week.

“Based on the reported number of victims, reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, witness accounts, and other facts,” a senior administration official tells ABC News, “There is very little doubt at this point that a chemical weapon was used by the Syrian regime against civilians in this incident. We are continuing to assess the facts so the President can make an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons.”

White House officials also point out the attack was on rebel-held territory and apparently done using rockets that the rebels do not possess.

The president has ordered his national security team to draw up possible strike options on Syria, but there is a divide in the White House on how forcefully to respond, although another official told ABC News if there is a strike, it must be “timely” — done soon enough to prevent another chemical attack...

Read More:
Senior Administration Official: ?Very Little Doubt? Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack - ABC News

Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.
Is anyone else as skeptical of this claim as i am? Seems like they've been beating those War Drums over Syria for a long time now. What do you think?

Senior Administration Official: ‘Very Little Doubt’ Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack

The White House says there is “very little doubt” that the Assad regime is responsible for the alleged chemical attack in Syria that is said to have taken place earlier this week.

“Based on the reported number of victims, reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, witness accounts, and other facts,” a senior administration official tells ABC News, “There is very little doubt at this point that a chemical weapon was used by the Syrian regime against civilians in this incident. We are continuing to assess the facts so the President can make an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons.”

White House officials also point out the attack was on rebel-held territory and apparently done using rockets that the rebels do not possess.

The president has ordered his national security team to draw up possible strike options on Syria, but there is a divide in the White House on how forcefully to respond, although another official told ABC News if there is a strike, it must be “timely” — done soon enough to prevent another chemical attack...

Read More:
Senior Administration Official: ?Very Little Doubt? Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack - ABC News

Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.

Great idea except Israel would have a fit so say the least.
I would rather get shot in the head then mustrard gas that stuff is nasty.
Sulfur mustard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thats why chemical warfare is banned and any country that uses it against women and children have to pay the price.

Seriously-----the WMD excuse for entering this fray is pure bull shit.
It is the simply the most recent PC excuse for attacking someone.

Anything to get the Sheep in line. Unfortunately, Americans have proven they're willing to buy into almost any scam Big Brother offers up. Hopefully times are changing, but i'm not always optimistic about that happening.

Are democrats really going to lineup behind Obama and defend him attacking Syria ? After the whole Iraq WMD thing with Bush ?
Amazing hypocrites.
No one and nothing will ever change the archaic attitudes of Muslims in that part of the world.. even the more Westernized Muslims still fall prey to Islamic propaganda.. Stop sending our people to die and spending money we do not have for something that won't make a damn bit of difference but simply piss off these radical freaks even more.
Seriously-----the WMD excuse for entering this fray is pure bull shit.
It is the simply the most recent PC excuse for attacking someone.

Anything to get the Sheep in line. Unfortunately, Americans have proven they're willing to buy into almost any scam Big Brother offers up. Hopefully times are changing, but i'm not always optimistic about that happening.

Are democrats really going to lineup behind Obama and defend him attacking Syria ? After the whole Iraq WMD thing with Bush ?
Amazing hypocrites.

Most people really are just cattle. They'll do what they're told. The 'Party before Country' crowd will support anything their beloved D's & R's do. They frantically search for any possible reasons to defend the indefensible. I'm sure the Dear Leader-Worshippers will quickly fall in line. And the Neocons will too. Communists/Progressives and Neocons actually agree on much more than they'll ever admit. They'll both cheerlead this one along. Bet on it.
Is anyone else as skeptical of this claim as i am? Seems like they've been beating those War Drums over Syria for a long time now. What do you think?

Senior Administration Official: ‘Very Little Doubt’ Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack

The White House says there is “very little doubt” that the Assad regime is responsible for the alleged chemical attack in Syria that is said to have taken place earlier this week.

“Based on the reported number of victims, reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, witness accounts, and other facts,” a senior administration official tells ABC News, “There is very little doubt at this point that a chemical weapon was used by the Syrian regime against civilians in this incident. We are continuing to assess the facts so the President can make an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons.”

White House officials also point out the attack was on rebel-held territory and apparently done using rockets that the rebels do not possess.

The president has ordered his national security team to draw up possible strike options on Syria, but there is a divide in the White House on how forcefully to respond, although another official told ABC News if there is a strike, it must be “timely” — done soon enough to prevent another chemical attack...

Read More:
Senior Administration Official: ?Very Little Doubt? Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack - ABC News

Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.

You talk like they did during the 2nd golf war and Iraq's "scary Army" Bush jr smashed them in a few months Iran is a frickin joke.
Anything to get the Sheep in line. Unfortunately, Americans have proven they're willing to buy into almost any scam Big Brother offers up. Hopefully times are changing, but i'm not always optimistic about that happening.

Are democrats really going to lineup behind Obama and defend him attacking Syria ? After the whole Iraq WMD thing with Bush ?
Amazing hypocrites.

Most people really are just cattle. They'll do what they're told. The 'Party before Country' crowd will support anything their beloved D's & R's do. They frantically search for any possible reasons to defend the indefensible. I'm sure the Dear Leader-Worshippers will quickly fall in line. And the Neocons will too. Communists/Progressives and Neocons actually agree on much more than they'll ever admit. They'll both cheerlead this one along. Bet on it.

Nah, I like keeping any country with a home address in check and make sure they know we have the strongest milatary that money can buy and dont fuck around or we will cream your butt.
Is anyone else as skeptical of this claim as i am? Seems like they've been beating those War Drums over Syria for a long time now. What do you think?

Senior Administration Official: ‘Very Little Doubt’ Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack

The White House says there is “very little doubt” that the Assad regime is responsible for the alleged chemical attack in Syria that is said to have taken place earlier this week.

“Based on the reported number of victims, reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, witness accounts, and other facts,” a senior administration official tells ABC News, “There is very little doubt at this point that a chemical weapon was used by the Syrian regime against civilians in this incident. We are continuing to assess the facts so the President can make an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons.”

White House officials also point out the attack was on rebel-held territory and apparently done using rockets that the rebels do not possess.

The president has ordered his national security team to draw up possible strike options on Syria, but there is a divide in the White House on how forcefully to respond, although another official told ABC News if there is a strike, it must be “timely” — done soon enough to prevent another chemical attack...

Read More:
Senior Administration Official: ?Very Little Doubt? Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack - ABC News

Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.

Great idea except Israel would have a fit so say the least.

Israel is a strong and valuable ally to the US in that region, but it's time for them to realize that they don't own the US. Our military is strong enough that we could move in to Syria, take control and really not be that concerned with Iran's threat about all hell breaking loose. Like I said, unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think it is a soft diplomacy that would work, that could stop the use of gas that is killing civilians. Alternatively, we could launch some nukes and wipe Syria off of the planet, then tell Iran we could do the same to them, but probably not the best choice on the international political scene.
Is anyone else as skeptical of this claim as i am? Seems like they've been beating those War Drums over Syria for a long time now. What do you think?

Senior Administration Official: ‘Very Little Doubt’ Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack

The White House says there is “very little doubt” that the Assad regime is responsible for the alleged chemical attack in Syria that is said to have taken place earlier this week.

“Based on the reported number of victims, reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, witness accounts, and other facts,” a senior administration official tells ABC News, “There is very little doubt at this point that a chemical weapon was used by the Syrian regime against civilians in this incident. We are continuing to assess the facts so the President can make an informed decision about how to respond to this indiscriminate use of chemical weapons.”

White House officials also point out the attack was on rebel-held territory and apparently done using rockets that the rebels do not possess.

The president has ordered his national security team to draw up possible strike options on Syria, but there is a divide in the White House on how forcefully to respond, although another official told ABC News if there is a strike, it must be “timely” — done soon enough to prevent another chemical attack...

Read More:
Senior Administration Official: ?Very Little Doubt? Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack - ABC News

Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.

You talk like they did during the 2nd golf war and Iraq's "scary Army" Bush jr smashed them in a few months Iran is a frickin joke.

There is no doubt in my mind that our military is the best trained, most effective and most powerful military in the world. I still wouldn't use a hammer to repair a window.
Iran is a power player in that region. We can leverage that.
Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.

You talk like they did during the 2nd golf war and Iraq's "scary Army" Bush jr smashed them in a few months Iran is a frickin joke.

There is no doubt in my mind that our military is the best trained, most effective and most powerful military in the world. I still wouldn't use a hammer to repair a window.
Iran is a power player in that region. We can leverage that.

Our military contractors don't get rich if we solve anything diplomatically.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLVHdgpCmb4#t=32]Chemical Weapons False Flag Against Syria Update - YouTube[/ame]
Are democrats really going to lineup behind Obama and defend him attacking Syria ? After the whole Iraq WMD thing with Bush ?
Amazing hypocrites.

No, they will not. Neither will republicans.
It is a lose-lose situation for Mr Obama unless he comes up with a unique way of getting involved.
He has my idea if he reads this board. :cool:
Iran has made it perfectly clear that if the US involves itself in Syria all hell will break out in the middle east.
The vast majority of the US populace is opposed to US involvement in Syria.
So what is President Obama to do?

A real leader might take a risk, do something completely UN-expected, but I don't think Mr Obama is a real leader.

I think Mr Obama should reach out to Hassan Rouhani, work with him, ask him to to get Iran involved to clean up this mess. Iran is one of the most powerful forces (both militarily and politically) in that region. It would be unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think that is the best option. Use the regions power players as an ally, not an enemy, to clean up their neighborhood. Let Iran lead the charge to fix this and give US support (no boots on the ground) to help them.

Great idea except Israel would have a fit so say the least.

Israel is a strong and valuable ally to the US in that region, but it's time for them to realize that they don't own the US. Our military is strong enough that we could move in to Syria, take control and really not be that concerned with Iran's threat about all hell breaking loose. Like I said, unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think it is a soft diplomacy that would work, that could stop the use of gas that is killing civilians. Alternatively, we could launch some nukes and wipe Syria off of the planet, then tell Iran we could do the same to them, but probably not the best choice on the international political scene.

I personally like you Alan and think highly of you but you really don't understand what you're even suggesting here. I will not go in to personal details but suffice to say, when you plant nearly half your troops (In theatre troops from Desert Storm Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) who have either died or are sick and dying due to chemical fall out- that is not a victory.. far from it. The Gulf War community has suffered horribly with rare brain cancers, neurological diseases which number - off the charts- all from a bunker which was blown up during the early campaign located in Khamisiyah -https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/gulfwar/whiteper/index.htm

DO NOT ever do this to our troops again, not ever.. Go volunteer to go yourself or send your son, your father, your daughter but do not demand Americas sons and daughters be subjected to this again.. ITS WRONG. Shame on the Bush I Administration which includes Colin Powell who covered this shit up for years.
Last edited:
There is absolutely no strategic value in Assad using Chemical Weapons. It's a No-Win for him. It didn't happen. I don't believe this latest bit of War Propaganda. Always question. Demand answers.
You talk like they did during the 2nd golf war and Iraq's "scary Army" Bush jr smashed them in a few months Iran is a frickin joke.

There is no doubt in my mind that our military is the best trained, most effective and most powerful military in the world. I still wouldn't use a hammer to repair a window.
Iran is a power player in that region. We can leverage that.

Our military contractors don't get rich if we solve anything diplomatically.

make it look like this,
"Our military contractors don't get rich if we solve everything diplomatically."
and then you will be right.
Are democrats really going to lineup behind Obama and defend him attacking Syria ? After the whole Iraq WMD thing with Bush ?
Amazing hypocrites.

No, they will not. Neither will republicans.
It is a lose-lose situation for Mr Obama unless he comes up with a unique way of getting involved.
He has my idea if he reads this board. :cool:

He's being advised (told) how to deal with this by those who really are running our foreign policy.
Great idea except Israel would have a fit so say the least.

Israel is a strong and valuable ally to the US in that region, but it's time for them to realize that they don't own the US. Our military is strong enough that we could move in to Syria, take control and really not be that concerned with Iran's threat about all hell breaking loose. Like I said, unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think it is a soft diplomacy that would work, that could stop the use of gas that is killing civilians. Alternatively, we could launch some nukes and wipe Syria off of the planet, then tell Iran we could do the same to them, but probably not the best choice on the international political scene.

I personally like you Alan and think highly of you but you really don't understand what you're even suggesting here. I will not go in to personal details but suffice to say, when you plant nearly half your troops (In theatre troops from Desert Storm Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) who have either died or are sick and dying due to chemical fall out- that is not a victory.. far from it. The Gulf War community has suffered horribly with rare brain cancers, neurological diseases which number - off the charts- all from a bunker which was blown up during the early campaign located in Khamisiyah -https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/gulfwar/whiteper/index.htm

DO NOT ever do this to our troops again, not ever.. Go volunteer to go yourself or send your son, your father, your daughter but do not demand Americas sons and daughters be subjected to this again.. ITS WRONG. Shame on the Bush I Administration which includes Colin Powell who covered this shit up for years.
Ms ladygunslinger, my suggestion is to keep US boots off the ground and to use an odd diplomacy with Iran. I think you missed my earlier posts in this thread.

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