War Drums: White House Claims Assad Regime Behind Alleged Chemical Attack...

The question is which side will the White House take? My guess is that Barry Hussein will always side with the revolution and the muslem brotherhood.
The question is which side will the White House take? My guess is that Barry Hussein will always side with the revolution and the muslem brotherhood.

No, he'll side with Obama and teh Democrats. He will kick this to the UN, appoint a committee to study it, and hope it goes away. He's the gutless president. The rest of the world is laughing at him.
Are democrats really going to lineup behind Obama and defend him attacking Syria ? After the whole Iraq WMD thing with Bush ?
Amazing hypocrites.

No, they will not. Neither will republicans.
It is a lose-lose situation for Mr Obama unless he comes up with a unique way of getting involved.
He has my idea if he reads this board. :cool:

He's being advised (told) how to deal with this by those who really are running our foreign policy.

Neither of which is you or I.
I don't always agree with you, but I think you'd be better than what he's got.
If Obama makes the mistake of getting involved militarily, he's lost my support. Might as well have a chest thumping GOPer in the White House instead, if we're going to repeat the Bush-era flopped foreign policies.
The question is which side will the White House take? My guess is that Barry Hussein will always side with the revolution and the muslem brotherhood.

No, he'll side with Obama and teh Democrats. He will kick this to the UN, appoint a committee to study it, and hope it goes away. He's the gutless president. The rest of the world is laughing at him.

obama is getting a bit frustrated with the world considering him a gutless coward who is all mouth. He sees this as a way to assert himself. And, he really does support al quaeda. He's not ready to see them lose in Syria the way they are losing in Egypt.

I hope that Putin puts his foot down and confronts our gutless wonder head on. obama will either back off like children do when challenged by an adult, or he will have a tantrum and start a war with the whole of the middle east and Russia.
Israel is a strong and valuable ally to the US in that region, but it's time for them to realize that they don't own the US. Our military is strong enough that we could move in to Syria, take control and really not be that concerned with Iran's threat about all hell breaking loose. Like I said, unorthodox for the US to work with Iran, but I think it is a soft diplomacy that would work, that could stop the use of gas that is killing civilians. Alternatively, we could launch some nukes and wipe Syria off of the planet, then tell Iran we could do the same to them, but probably not the best choice on the international political scene.

I personally like you Alan and think highly of you but you really don't understand what you're even suggesting here. I will not go in to personal details but suffice to say, when you plant nearly half your troops (In theatre troops from Desert Storm Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) who have either died or are sick and dying due to chemical fall out- that is not a victory.. far from it. The Gulf War community has suffered horribly with rare brain cancers, neurological diseases which number - off the charts- all from a bunker which was blown up during the early campaign located in Khamisiyah -https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/gulfwar/whiteper/index.htm

DO NOT ever do this to our troops again, not ever.. Go volunteer to go yourself or send your son, your father, your daughter but do not demand Americas sons and daughters be subjected to this again.. ITS WRONG. Shame on the Bush I Administration which includes Colin Powell who covered this shit up for years.
Ms ladygunslinger, my suggestion is to keep US boots off the ground and to use an odd diplomacy with Iran. I think you missed my earlier posts in this thread.

Alan, I appreciate your response but unfortunately, Desert Storm pilots, both fighters pilots and helicopter pilots were as exposed and sick, dying.. If you will take the time to read and watch all of the evidence over the past 20 yrs about what happened there, you will understand that nothing good came from that war and sending our sons and daughters in to a chemical war zone would be very dangerous. There are several good books written by Desert Storm pilots and flying thru that sarin cloud- which eventually sickened and killed many..
IDA Report

It stands to reason and we now know that if you blow up a chemical bunker, the chemicals and gasses released not only go up in to the atmosphere , but they now have slides that show that sarin cloud remained over the entire theatre for 7 to 10 days.. Medically susceptible personnel were affected in numerous ways, a lot fatal.
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Israel USED to be a strong ally of the United States. They would be foolish to be a strong ally today because of obama's propensity to stab allies in the back. Israel rightfully doesn't trust us. We have no more allies except for Britian and who knows how long that will last.
Study: Wind blew deadly gas to U.S. troops in Gulf War

The gas plumes, the researchers said, can be blamed for symptoms of Gulf War illness, the mysterious ailment that has affected more than 250,000 veterans of the war.

The gas set off repeated chemical weapons alarms at U.S. troop points in Saudi Arabia, the report said, but commanders said they were false alarms, because if the troops had been hit with sarin gas, there would have been casualties. There were no casualties, although U.S., Czech and French systems all detected traces of sarin and mustard agent.

Compounding the effects of the sarin were Scud missile attacks on the bases by Iraqi forces, Haley and Tuite reported, because the missiles would stir up the airborne toxic gases and force the sarin to drift back into the base level of air, which would set off the chemical alarms again.

The two researchers investigated satellite images and weather charts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to determine the movements of the sarin plume. Haley is the chief of epidemiology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, and Tuite is a former Secret Service senior agent who has worked as an investigator for the Pentagon and the Government Accountability Office.
I personally like you Alan and think highly of you but you really don't understand what you're even suggesting here. I will not go in to personal details but suffice to say, when you plant nearly half your troops (In theatre troops from Desert Storm Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) who have either died or are sick and dying due to chemical fall out- that is not a victory.. far from it. The Gulf War community has suffered horribly with rare brain cancers, neurological diseases which number - off the charts- all from a bunker which was blown up during the early campaign located in Khamisiyah -https://www.cia.gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/gulfwar/whiteper/index.htm

DO NOT ever do this to our troops again, not ever.. Go volunteer to go yourself or send your son, your father, your daughter but do not demand Americas sons and daughters be subjected to this again.. ITS WRONG. Shame on the Bush I Administration which includes Colin Powell who covered this shit up for years.
Ms ladygunslinger, my suggestion is to keep US boots off the ground and to use an odd diplomacy with Iran. I think you missed my earlier posts in this thread.

Alan, I appreciate your response but unfortunately, Desert Storm pilots, both fighters pilots and helicopter pilots were as exposed and sick, dying.. If you will take the time to read and watch all of the evidence over the past 20 yrs about what happened there, you will understand that nothing good came from that war and sending our sons and daughters in to a chemical war zone would be very dangerous. There are several good books written by Desert Storm pilots and flying thru that sarin cloud- which eventually sickened and killed many..
IDA Report

It stands to reason and we now know that if you blow up a chemical bunker, the chemicals and gasses released not only go up in to the atmosphere , but they now have slides that show that sarin cloud remained over the entire theatre for 7 to 10 days.. Medically susceptible personnel were affected in numerous ways, a lot fatal.
Go back and read my posts in this thread.
I never advocated for US troops in Syria. I am unsure why you are thinking I did.
Ms ladygunslinger, my suggestion is to keep US boots off the ground and to use an odd diplomacy with Iran. I think you missed my earlier posts in this thread.

Alan, I appreciate your response but unfortunately, Desert Storm pilots, both fighters pilots and helicopter pilots were as exposed and sick, dying.. If you will take the time to read and watch all of the evidence over the past 20 yrs about what happened there, you will understand that nothing good came from that war and sending our sons and daughters in to a chemical war zone would be very dangerous. There are several good books written by Desert Storm pilots and flying thru that sarin cloud- which eventually sickened and killed many..
IDA Report

It stands to reason and we now know that if you blow up a chemical bunker, the chemicals and gasses released not only go up in to the atmosphere , but they now have slides that show that sarin cloud remained over the entire theatre for 7 to 10 days.. Medically susceptible personnel were affected in numerous ways, a lot fatal.
Go back and read my posts in this thread.
I never advocated for US troops in Syria. I am unsure why you are thinking I did.

Ok.. I apologize.. No troops, no sorties..no missions should take place. Let us support them with weapons, intel..
Alan, I appreciate your response but unfortunately, Desert Storm pilots, both fighters pilots and helicopter pilots were as exposed and sick, dying.. If you will take the time to read and watch all of the evidence over the past 20 yrs about what happened there, you will understand that nothing good came from that war and sending our sons and daughters in to a chemical war zone would be very dangerous. There are several good books written by Desert Storm pilots and flying thru that sarin cloud- which eventually sickened and killed many..
IDA Report

It stands to reason and we now know that if you blow up a chemical bunker, the chemicals and gasses released not only go up in to the atmosphere , but they now have slides that show that sarin cloud remained over the entire theatre for 7 to 10 days.. Medically susceptible personnel were affected in numerous ways, a lot fatal.
Go back and read my posts in this thread.
I never advocated for US troops in Syria. I am unsure why you are thinking I did.

Ok.. I apologize.. No troops, no sorties..no missions should take place. Let us support them with weapons, intel..

Lets not support them at all. Save the blood & treasure.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRImSHIYYuY]URGENT - Assad Forces Find Chemical Agents In Rebel Tunnels, But West Wont Broadcast This - YouTube[/ame]

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