War Of Northern Aggression

"A couple of months ago the new president of the NRA got Southern racists all riled up by calling the Civil War "The War Of Northern Aggression" etc. Now, the Lincoln Memorial has been vandalized, we don't yet know who the vandals are or if there is a connection to the President of the NRA's racist and historically inaccurate comments and the Lincoln Memorial vandals but... "

but you're going to start in on some sordid guilt by association schtick anyway, aren't you?
Most historians are Lincoln sycophants on the government payroll. They get paid to say that the federal government is justified in invading sovereign states.

There is no provision for individual States to secede from the union. The people of the South have been paying for the mistake made by the Southern Elite ever since. Hell their way of life might have been preserved until the 20th century if they hadn't been so stupid.

Is there a provision in the constitution preventing states from seceding? Doesn't the constitution enumerate the powers given to the federal government with all other powers going to the states and the people?

I'm not supporting slavery, so don't go there. But why shouldn't a state have a right to secede if a super majority of its citizens vote to do so.

I think it would take an amendment to allow an individual State(s) to leave the Union, imo.
A couple of months ago the new president of the NRA got Southern racists all riled up by calling the Civil War "The War Of Northern Aggression" etc. Now, the Lincoln Memorial has been vandalized, we don't yet know who the vandals are or if there is a connection to the President of the NRA's racist and historically inaccurate comments and the Lincoln Memorial vandals but...

And then-----and then this nutball called President Obama "the fake President"...


What a goddamned race baiter you are!

You are a little behind the times. I'm 65 and have heard it called The War of Northern Aggression my entire life. In fact I call it The War of Northern Aggression, and have my entire life. I have even posted that on this forum. And you might do a little research on how blacks feel about Lincoln. He is NOT their hero by any stretch. So stop your stupid race baiting. It could have been anyone who defaced that monument. Most likely a bunch of kids high on something.

And FYI: Lincoln didn't free the northern slaves. He only freed the southern slaves.

Actually, he didn't free a single slave. The Emancipation Proclamation applied only in territory held by the Confederates. In other words, it applied where the federal government had no jurisdiction. It was purely a political maneuver.

Actually, you are correct. You must overlook my ignorance of some of these things. High School was, for me, one big party and I didn't learn much. Most of the history I know, is what I learned when I was going to college to be a nurse, and from the internet. It was through the internet that I came to read W E B Dubois, an intellectual black who wrote about the horrors of former slaves being emancipated, not knowing how to care for themselves, and their suffering and dying because Lincoln's government did nothing to help them and in some cases sent them back to the plantations.
There is no provision for individual States to secede from the union. The people of the South have been paying for the mistake made by the Southern Elite ever since. Hell their way of life might have been preserved until the 20th century if they hadn't been so stupid.

Is there a provision in the constitution preventing states from seceding? Doesn't the constitution enumerate the powers given to the federal government with all other powers going to the states and the people?

I'm not supporting slavery, so don't go there. But why shouldn't a state have a right to secede if a super majority of its citizens vote to do so.

I think it would take an amendment to allow an individual State(s) to leave the Union, imo.

Your opinion and $3.00 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Just think...if the crazies hadn't fired on Ft. Sumter, they might have held their silly little confederacy. But no.........they had to be aggressive.

The fact that Lincoln used the episode as a pretext for invading the South is irrelevant to this discussion. They weren't "aggressive." They were defending their territory from Yankee carpetbagger invaders.
What a goddamned race baiter you are!

You are a little behind the times. I'm 65 and have heard it called The War of Northern Aggression my entire life. In fact I call it The War of Northern Aggression, and have my entire life. I have even posted that on this forum. And you might do a little research on how blacks feel about Lincoln. He is NOT their hero by any stretch. So stop your stupid race baiting. It could have been anyone who defaced that monument. Most likely a bunch of kids high on something.

And FYI: Lincoln didn't free the northern slaves. He only freed the southern slaves.

Actually, he didn't free a single slave. The Emancipation Proclamation applied only in territory held by the Confederates. In other words, it applied where the federal government had no jurisdiction. It was purely a political maneuver.

Actually, you are correct. You must overlook my ignorance of some of these things. High School was, for me, one big party and I didn't learn much. Most of the history I know, is what I learned when I was going to college to be a nurse, and from the internet. It was through the internet that I came to read W E B Dubois, an intellectual black who wrote about the horrors of former slaves being emancipated, not knowing how to care for themselves, and their suffering and dying because Lincoln's government did nothing to help them and in some cases sent them back to the plantations.

The Occupation of the South (also known as Reconstruction) ended in 1877 under Hayes Administration. Until then the former slaves were mostly protected. After that, the old Southerners regained power in most areas. That was bad news for the former slaves.
Most historians are Lincoln sycophants on the government payroll. They get paid to say that the federal government is justified in invading sovereign states.

There is no provision for individual States to secede from the union. The people of the South have been paying for the mistake made by the Southern Elite ever since. Hell their way of life might have been preserved until the 20th century if they hadn't been so stupid.

Is there a provision in the constitution preventing states from seceding? Doesn't the constitution enumerate the powers given to the federal government with all other powers going to the states and the people?

I'm not supporting slavery, so don't go there. But why shouldn't a state have a right to secede if a super majority of its citizens vote to do so.
It would have been a waste of ink, to address secession in the constitution. It doesn't matter whether a state has the right to succeed or not, attempting to settle the issues required for secession would end in civil war. Even if Congress did agree to a peaceful secession, it would open up a whole can of worms. Conservatives claim that we'll all be better off without "BIG GOVERNMENT", but what would happen to all of the federal property in the seceding states?

The national parks, monuments, historic sites, federal buildings, post offices, military installations, prisons, veterans hospitals, and other property comprises millions of acres of prime real estate, as well as buildings and furnishings. Do you think the federal government would just let that property go? Shouldn't the states have to pay the U.S. government for it? Where would they get that much money?

The states would lose all of their federal funds for welfare, food assistance, housing, utilities, education, and other public benefits programs. College loans and grants, small business aid, farm subsidies, disaster assistance, FHA and VA mortgages, food and drug inspection, FDIC insurance on consumers' bank deposits, first responder grants, conservation services, interstate highways, environmental protections, civil and workers' rights, and all of the other federal benefits would vanish immediately.

The bottom line is statehood is a one way street. The South learned that the hard way, 150 years ago.
When it was established that Lincoln was going to re-supply the troops at Ft. Sumter, the Confederates sent an emissary to the fort to announce that Southern forces were going to fire on it. They advised the Union troops to go deep within the recesses of the fort to avoid injury. The Union troops took their advice and the Confederates fired on the fort. After enough fire to satisfy form, the Union troops emerged and surrendered. The only injury during the much-vaunted event was a union cannoneer who was killed when a cannon misfired while the Union troops were firing a salute to the Confederates.

The Confederate troops stood at attention and saluted the Union troops as they left.

Lincoln wanted his war and he got it.
A couple of months ago the new president of the NRA got Southern racists all riled up by calling the Civil War "The War Of Northern Aggression" etc. Now, the Lincoln Memorial has been vandalized, we don't yet know who the vandals are or if there is a connection to the President of the NRA's racist and historically inaccurate comments and the Lincoln Memorial vandals but...

And then-----and then this nutball called President Obama "the fake President"...


The same people that spray paint their ghettos are the prime suspects.

Speaking of fakes, Obama said all the scandals from his administration were phoney.
Lincoln started it. He sent an army to invade Virginia

The South started it by seceding and occupying Federal Forts after the election of 1860 but before Lincoln's inauguration. Then after the inauguration South Carolina attacked Federal troops in Ft. Sumter.

Secession isn't an act of war. Forts within the boundaries of South Carolina were not federal territory. They were Carolina territory. The federal government committed an act of war when it declined to evacuate them when asked to do so.

This stupid argument has been posted in the forum at least 1000 times and has been shot down every time. But, hey, what else can the Lincoln sycophants use to justify blatant acts of war committed by their savior?
You are wrong about that. Secession IS an act of war. The purpose of secession is to destroy the United States. No act of war could be more focused than the break up of the country.

Do not bother to debate it with Me. I stopped listening the moment you decided to say it was NOT a act of war.
Most historians are Lincoln sycophants on the government payroll. They get paid to say that the federal government is justified in invading sovereign states.

LOL... Pretty sure that Fort Sumter was a federal installation continuously occupied by federal troops prior to the secession of South Carolina, thus technically not an "invasion".

Why can't you numskulls get it through your thick heads the Ft Sumter was within the boundaries of South Carolina?

Don't answer that, I already know the reason: any facts that intrude on your delusions are automatically ignored and filtered out.

The US embassy located in Tehran Iran was within the borders of Iran, does that mean the Iranians were justified in attacking it?

Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is located within the boundaries of Cuba, does that mean the Cubans are justified if they attacked it?

Can South Carolina merely grab real and personal property belonging to the US Government, which the US Government bought and paid for with taxpayer money merely because they want to? I thought that was what Communists did? Was the Confederacy a Marxist state which did not have to recognize the ownership of property and was allowed to grab anything and everything they wanted and disregard property rights?

Just think...if the crazies hadn't fired on Ft. Sumter, they might have held their silly little confederacy. But no.........they had to be aggressive.

Actually , I believe you may be right. Had the south taken more of a civil disobedience approach, the union may not have been able to maintain the political will too keep the southern states from seceding.

Today, if SC were to decide to secede but never fire a shot, would the federal government impose martial law and take over the state house? Would the rest of the nation have the political will to keep SC from seceding by force?
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When it was established that Lincoln was going to re-supply the troops at Ft. Sumter, the Confederates sent an emissary to the fort to announce that Southern forces were going to fire on it. They advised the Union troops to go deep within the recesses of the fort to avoid injury. The Union troops took their advice and the Confederates fired on the fort. After enough fire to satisfy form, the Union troops emerged and surrendered. The only injury during the much-vaunted event was a union cannoneer who was killed when a cannon misfired while the Union troops were firing a salute to the Confederates.

The Confederate troops stood at attention and saluted the Union troops as they left.

Lincoln wanted his war and he got it.

It was the South that wanted war, not Lincoln.

You still hear rednecks today who can't wait for the next one.
What does the United States have in common with a ghetto gang?

Answer: Once you join, you are not allowed to leave.
What does the United States have in common with a ghetto gang?

Answer: Once you join, you are not allowed to leave.

You can leave. Go right ahead. Let us know when you have found a better place.

I hear there are a lot of white people in Sweden. Lots of blond hair and blue eyes. Like me! Maybe you'll feel more comfortable there. But they have high taxes and socialized medicine. Sorry!
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Is there a provision in the constitution preventing states from seceding? Doesn't the constitution enumerate the powers given to the federal government with all other powers going to the states and the people?

I'm not supporting slavery, so don't go there. But why shouldn't a state have a right to secede if a super majority of its citizens vote to do so.

I think it would take an amendment to allow an individual State(s) to leave the Union, imo.

Your opinion and $3.00 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

How about a Supreme Court decision? Texas v. White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just think...if the crazies hadn't fired on Ft. Sumter, they might have held their silly little confederacy. But no.........they had to be aggressive.

Actually , I believe you may be right. Had the south taken more of a civil disobedience approach, the union may not have been able to maintain the political will too keep the southern states from seceding.

Today, if SC were to decide to secede but never fire a shot, would the federal impose martial law and take over the state house? Would the rest of the nation have the political will to keep SC from seceding by force?

Even after the war started the South could have won by merely avoiding major battles like Gettysburg or Antietam. The North would have eventually tired of the war, like we tired of Vietnam......

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