"War on cops reaches new low as milk is hurled at NYPD officer"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
This is what happens when the DemonRATS run a city and let the black thugs get away with doing this shit.....Take the thugs DOWN, BUT you also need a court system that doesn't let these criminals walk!

Not to make light of the situation, but I've heard it said that milk is supposed to do a body.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My only question is why does skim milk have the same number of carbs as the 2% kind of milk?


I suggest a new thread title, "FOXtards go full metal snowflake."
Could just as easily been ACID like the terrorist muslims throw in Europe....but again. THE ABNORMAL shows the fucked up thinking of the ones who want to destroy America....Pathetic fool!
I'm wondering what the reaction would be if someone threw dairy products at AOC, or other squad members.

But, then I remembered, their security details are allowed to shoot back.
The mice in NY aren't afraid to come out and assault the cats now. Surely that's a sign of how sick that city under DeBlasio has become.
Can we throw milk at you?

Sure. Not being a little bitch, I'll laugh. It's a liberal thing, not being a little bitch, so most conservatives wouldn't understand.

You do understand how even the wimpiest beta looks down at people who have meltdowns over milk, right? Trumpflakes make pajama boys look rough and tough in comparison.


I suggest a new thread title, "FOXtards go full metal snowflake."

Throwing items at police, with the intent to injure or interfere with their duties is fine with you? WOW, you're one sick puppy!

If you think "FOXtards go full metal snowflake" would make a great thread, why not go for it?
Can we throw milk at you?

Sure. Not being a little bitch, I'll laugh. It's a liberal thing, not being a little bitch, so most conservatives wouldn't understand.

You do understand how even the wimpiest beta looks down at people who have meltdowns over milk, right? Trumpflakes make pajama boys look rough and tough in comparison.
------------------------------------------------------------- its just not correct to throw milk or anything else at Police or anyone else Mamooth .
Obamaggot's true legacy......has anyone ever read his book Dreams From My Father? It's an exercise in the most jealous, self-absorbed racial paranoia against whites in publishing history, cover to cover. He even said, "I found a great deal of solace nursing a grievance against my mother's race." If you read the book, he clearly wants his fellow black crybabies to have carte blanche in inflicting vengeance against whites. Hence, the reason he would race-bait and LIE to stir up trouble any time a white cop defended himself against a black career violent criminal.

The Obamas used their position to share their racial paranoia with black audiences, always telling them they were perpetual victims and whites will always be out to get them. Since cops are on the forefront of defending against black criminality, of course they're the Obamas' "bete noire."
The NYPD is crazy if they put their lives on the line for New Yawkers.

My advice, de-police, collect a check towards your pension, take a what-me-worry? attitude.
Also keep the coroner's # handy in order to keep the streets and neighborhoods clean.

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