War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

So you want to listen to the Rich, I posted a quote from Andrew Carnegie.

Hey, I can appreciate Carnegie and what he's saying, money isn't everything. I personally know very wealthy people who benevolently give massive amounts of their fortunes to various philanthropic causes. That's the great thing about having lots of really wealthy people around, the money flows generously.

What I can't figure out is why your stupid ass wants to make this the enemy?

If we cannot feed the many, we cannot protect the few. JFK, or RFK, it doesn't matter who said it, it happens to be the truth. There's more, but hell, you don't care about any of it. There will be a correction, or there will be blood in the streets. Or there will be blood in the streets and THEN a correction. In any case, there WILL be a correction.
We should continue to subsidize the Walton's who inherited their wealth and don't have enough billions stashed away. Without our help they will take a half a decade to reach a 200 billion dollar stash of cash.

The Waltons are subsidizing government by providing employment and a career path to low, low end workers who otherwise could not support themselves at all.

Walmart didn't create retailing. They replaced others in retailing.

The workers you're referring to would be working at other retailers doing what Walmart does if Walmart didn't exist.
Yer kidding. You are so out of touch, it;'s comical
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Again... This is the kind of propaganda you believe when you think wealth is finite.
Propaganda? If decrying the sorry state of wealth distribution is propaganda then what is your cheerleading for a flawed system that clearly leaves so many in want? Look at the reality of things, sure there is wealth being generated but not by wage earners. We do not have a perfect system, it is not a class war to examine the flaws and attempt to address them.
The propaganda is the belief that wealth should be equally distributed in society.

It is class warfare to deliberately seek to harm one group of people out of greed and envy. People who are in want are people who are striving to be more than they are. Or they used to be. Until the mentality such as yours comes along and eliminates the need for people to strive to be better.

Rather they have it handed to them through false prophecy of compassion than to hunger to be better.
Nobody is asking to take money away from rich people and give it to the poor. What we are asking is why does our government continue economic policies that ensure more wealth is distributed at the top. These policies were supposed to result in more jobs and a rising economic tide that benefitted everyone
Those policies did not work.....why do we continue them?
Oh yes you are. In fact you demand it. Your side has put forth the idea that taxation on anyone with whom you feel has an uncomfortable amount of wealth or earns more than an imaginary wage or salary for the sole purpose of "getting even" or to punish.
On this alleged government policy which benefits only those with wealth, I have a question. Which policy might that be?
BTW, that idea of a rising tide lifts all boats is a maritime concept based on the laws of physics. It has nothing to do with economics, It is simply a cry out for help from government to make laws to equalize that which you are convinced must be equal.
Finally, you are free to conceptualize and then produce YOUR solution to this alleged government policy.
Have at it. If you dare.
There is no getting even or punishment. In fact, our wealthy have been enjoying some of the lowest tax rates in generations. Our working class has suffered for it. The rising tide does not lift all boats.....it only lifts the yachts
Time to admit we made a mistake and move on
Holy shit.
Ok, make the connection between taxation and the net wealth of the "working class".
I am still waiting for YOUR solution to government policies which YOU claim are in place to benefit the wealthy.
Apparently there has been a mistake made in the system of capitalism. So go ahead. Perfect our lives.
Failing a solution, your posts are mere complaints.
Propaganda? If decrying the sorry state of wealth distribution is propaganda then what is your cheerleading for a flawed system that clearly leaves so many in want? Look at the reality of things, sure there is wealth being generated but not by wage earners. We do not have a perfect system, it is not a class war to examine the flaws and attempt to address them.
The propaganda is the belief that wealth should be equally distributed in society.

It is class warfare to deliberately seek to harm one group of people out of greed and envy. People who are in want are people who are striving to be more than they are. Or they used to be. Until the mentality such as yours comes along and eliminates the need for people to strive to be better.

Rather they have it handed to them through false prophecy of compassion than to hunger to be better.
Nobody is asking to take money away from rich people and give it to the poor. What we are asking is why does our government continue economic policies that ensure more wealth is distributed at the top. These policies were supposed to result in more jobs and a rising economic tide that benefitted everyone
Those policies did not work.....why do we continue them?
Oh yes you are. In fact you demand it. Your side has put forth the idea that taxation on anyone with whom you feel has an uncomfortable amount of wealth or earns more than an imaginary wage or salary for the sole purpose of "getting even" or to punish.
On this alleged government policy which benefits only those with wealth, I have a question. Which policy might that be?
BTW, that idea of a rising tide lifts all boats is a maritime concept based on the laws of physics. It has nothing to do with economics, It is simply a cry out for help from government to make laws to equalize that which you are convinced must be equal.
Finally, you are free to conceptualize and then produce YOUR solution to this alleged government policy.
Have at it. If you dare.
There is no getting even or punishment. In fact, our wealthy have been enjoying some of the lowest tax rates in generations. Our working class has suffered for it. The rising tide does not lift all boats.....it only lifts the yachts
Time to admit we made a mistake and move on
Holy shit.
Ok, make the connection between taxation and the net wealth of the "working class".
I am still waiting for YOUR solution to government policies which YOU claim are in place to benefit the wealthy.
Apparently there has been a mistake made in the system of capitalism. So go ahead. Perfect our lives.
Failing a solution, your posts are mere complaints.
More of the tax burden has shifted to the middle class, they also receive fewer benefits, pay a higher percentage for education and healthcare

Policies I would change?
Same tax rate for capital gains and income
Tax rate on income over 1 million 43%
Wealthy pay SS on all their income
Minimize deductions and loopholes
American Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet. Their economic redistribution ideas failed 100% of the time, everywhere, every time, it's a perfect 100% guaranteed fail no matter how large of small the scale. They're so uneducated, they're duped into believing if we turn the USA into full time redistribution, they will be happy and prosperous.

Then you wonder why Michelle Obama has to give them precise instruction on what and when to eat or they'd starve
So you want to listen to the Rich, I posted a quote from Andrew Carnegie.

Hey, I can appreciate Carnegie and what he's saying, money isn't everything. I personally know very wealthy people who benevolently give massive amounts of their fortunes to various philanthropic causes. That's the great thing about having lots of really wealthy people around, the money flows generously.

What I can't figure out is why your stupid ass wants to make this the enemy?

If we cannot feed the many, we cannot protect the few. JFK, or RFK, it doesn't matter who said it, it happens to be the truth. There's more, but hell, you don't care about any of it. There will be a correction, or there will be blood in the streets. Or there will be blood in the streets and THEN a correction. In any case, there WILL be a correction.

It's not the "few's" responsibility to "feed the many." It's the "many's" responsibility to feed themselves. If the "few" feel like giving to charity then that's a good thing. But it's not the government's job to determine which charities the "few" must give to. If the "many" want to eat then they need to learn how to plant crops and raise rabbits.
So you want to listen to the Rich, I posted a quote from Andrew Carnegie.

Hey, I can appreciate Carnegie and what he's saying, money isn't everything. I personally know very wealthy people who benevolently give massive amounts of their fortunes to various philanthropic causes. That's the great thing about having lots of really wealthy people around, the money flows generously.

What I can't figure out is why your stupid ass wants to make this the enemy?

If we cannot feed the many, we cannot protect the few. JFK, or RFK, it doesn't matter who said it, it happens to be the truth. There's more, but hell, you don't care about any of it. There will be a correction, or there will be blood in the streets. Or there will be blood in the streets and THEN a correction. In any case, there WILL be a correction.

It's not the "few's" responsibility to "feed the many." It's the "many's" responsibility to feed themselves. If the "few" feel like giving to charity then that's a good thing. But it's not the government's job to determine which charities the "few" must give to. If the "many" want to eat then they need to learn how to plant crops and raise rabbits.
Everywhere but in Libertarian hell it is
Seems odd that with all that government gets involved in, it is feeding the poor that outrages a libertarian
We should continue to subsidize the Walton's who inherited their wealth and don't have enough billions stashed away. Without our help they will take a half a decade to reach a 200 billion dollar stash of cash.
What the Walton family does with its cash reserves is none of your business.
It's none of your business what other people determine is their business. The Walton's are dependent on county, state and federal laws to operate their business the way they do. They mooch off those governments and hence, tax payers, to subsidize their low paid employees. That increases their wealth, so it is everyone's business since everyone is putting money in their pockets.
Workers are getting a smaller and smaller slice of the value they produce:


Wages as a percentage of productivity

The reason is straightforward- employers are keeping a larger and larger share of the value workers produce for themselves:


How worker productivity is divided up

As our tax system has gotten less progressive, and the rich have consumed a larger and larger share of our nation's wealth, our GDP growth has slowed significantly on average:


GDP growth and the top tax bracket

None of this stuff has anything to do with hating the rich or something, it is just a question of whether that change is a good thing for our country or a bad thing. I think it is clearly a bad thing. People have much less incentive to work hard if they aren't sharing in the successes they create, we need much more educated workers and we need consumers that have enough surplus income to buy things or else the companies' revenues collapse. Ensuring that working people get a bigger slice of what they create is just sensible economic policy. All this emotional stuff is totally irrelevant.
So you want to listen to the Rich, I posted a quote from Andrew Carnegie.

Hey, I can appreciate Carnegie and what he's saying, money isn't everything. I personally know very wealthy people who benevolently give massive amounts of their fortunes to various philanthropic causes. That's the great thing about having lots of really wealthy people around, the money flows generously.

What I can't figure out is why your stupid ass wants to make this the enemy?

If we cannot feed the many, we cannot protect the few. JFK, or RFK, it doesn't matter who said it, it happens to be the truth. There's more, but hell, you don't care about any of it. There will be a correction, or there will be blood in the streets. Or there will be blood in the streets and THEN a correction. In any case, there WILL be a correction.

It's not the "few's" responsibility to "feed the many." It's the "many's" responsibility to feed themselves. If the "few" feel like giving to charity then that's a good thing. But it's not the government's job to determine which charities the "few" must give to. If the "many" want to eat then they need to learn how to plant crops and raise rabbits.
Miserable grumpy and greedy people don't determine what citizens and tax payers responsibilities are. The people decide that through elected officials.Generations of citizens and tax payers have continuously and consistently elected to feed the poor and provide other benefits to the most vulnerable members of our society as a responsibility. Those who want to whine and complain about it have the option of electing officials who agree with their selfish proposals.
Our system has all but stopped creating middle-class wealth, the part that allows poor people through hard work and dedication to level up is not currently working as it should. Something about the great recession short-circuited it. It's far too easy to blame poor people for being lazy than to look at the structural flaws that keep people where they are in spite of any amount of diligence. The high cost of a quality education is one such barrier along with the millstone of debt that accompanies it. Flat wages are another problem, if a rising tide raises all boats than wages would have been keeping pace with the cost of living but they have not. The trouble is that you are looking too much at the people who started the race to the top at the finish line instead of the bottom.

Well no, our system still generates a tremendous amount of 'middle class' wealth. A I said, the so-called 'middle class' as a collective, produce more wealth than the wealthy and poor combined. It costs more to live today than it did yesterday. Wealth doesn't go as far. But there is nothing 'busted' about the system, it works as it always has. Every year, there are more millionaires and billionaires than the year before.

The high cost of education is directly related to government meddling in a free capitalist system. You see, your meme used to just be "the high cost of education" and now it includes "the massive debt" because you didn't do anything to address the problem of cost. You mandated government would help pay for education through grants and student loans. That action artificially increased demand, which in turn, increased the price. The same thing is about to happen with health care.

Wages are the biggest red herring you have to toss out in this argument. There is never going to be a time when all wage earners are going to be completely satisfied they are earning enough. You're simply chasing ideological utopia, a dream you can never catch.

No one in this country is shackled to being a wage earner. They are all free to become entrepreneurs, to become wage payers, if they don't like being a wage earner. Many have been brainwashed by your Marxist propaganda and believe they are paralyzed and incapable of ever doing better, dependent on you to make government force their employers to pay more wages. But as we've seen over and over again, government meddling in capitalism doesn't work.
Workers are getting a smaller and smaller slice of the value they produce:


Wages as a percentage of productivity

The reason is straightforward- employers are keeping a larger and larger share of the value workers produce for themselves:


How worker productivity is divided up

As our tax system has gotten less progressive, and the rich have consumed a larger and larger share of our nation's wealth, our GDP growth has slowed significantly on average:


GDP growth and the top tax bracket

None of this stuff has anything to do with hating the rich or something, it is just a question of whether that change is a good thing for our country or a bad thing. I think it is clearly a bad thing. People have much less incentive to work hard if they aren't sharing in the successes they create, we need much more educated workers and we need consumers that have enough surplus income to buy things or else the companies' revenues collapse. Ensuring that working people get a bigger slice of what they create is just sensible economic policy. All this emotional stuff is totally irrelevant.

Chart shows that it's been downhill since The Great Society and moving off of gold. Any coincidence?
I can produce the simple fact that if a business with an owner and 10 employees produced a million dollars of profit in a year and the owner kept 800,000 and paid his employees 20,000 each, or if the owner kept 500,000 and paid his employees 50,000 each,

his employees would know the difference.

What you've managed to produce is yet another liberal bowel movement. No business owner ever goes into business knowing they are going to generate a million dollars in profit. In fact, most of them are prepared to actually lose money in the beginning. You see, there are costs involved with running a business. In order to profit you must keep costs at a minimum, and labor is part of cost. If you shook hands and agreed to work for $20k, that's not the fault of the business owner, is it? Had his business not shown a profit, would you have settled for $5k instead? Probably not, because that's not what was agreed to.

Now here is where free market capitalism works so brilliantly... You see this capitalist making $800k profit while paying his employees only $20k. You reason that you could make $500k profit and pay employees $50k, which is fine with you... So, go out there and do that, and hire his workers to come work for you! Who wouldn't jump at the opportunity to make more than double their pay? Pretty soon, you're making that $500k and the guy who was making the $800k is now out of business, all his employees work for you. But now then, someone else may come along and say... I can make $100k profit and pay my employees $100k.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Human speed is "finite" but there are always going to be the fastest runners.
Human intelligence is "finite" but not everyone will reach genius status.
Football games are regulated by time and rules but there can only be one Super Bowl trophy awarded.

Life simply isn't "fair" nor has it ever been. Time to get over it and do the best with what you got. Want more money? Invent something; earn a degree and get a better job; work longer hours; stop spending as much and invest more wisely; etc.
Lots of people did all that and still lost, the "life isn't fair" dodge is frequently used to cover for reckless policy and predatory business practices, will it ever be time to make the economically powerful accountable for their actions?

I agree with you. Let's start making people accountable. Let's do away with all forms of welfare, Raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, and allow companies to indiscriminately fire employees who aren't worth that wage.

Business would be fine, and losers would be starving daily. Accountability right?

Oh no, no, no, no, no. Libs want what the rich have but only want to work part time; continue getting their welfare checks; and put forth a half-ass effort to get it. They're perpetual "wanters" ... not "earners."

I actually read an interesting treatise on this subject awhile back, can't recall where.

Anyway the writer suggested, and backed this up with actual figures, that it would be cheaper for all concerned if the USG simply shut down all welfare programs, Just completely shuttered them, and then just sent every adult American a check for $30K once a year, and those who wanted to have more could get a job, while those who did not want to work could make do with $30K.

His solution also required getting rid of the income tax and going with a 10% national sales tax at the retail level.

He opined that it would result in better , and better paid, employees in every industry and would do a far better job of eliminating poverty than the welfare programs we have now.

I think I agree with him.

The problem with scenario is that millions of folks wouldn't work two seconds yet rake in $30,000 a year. Where would all that money come from? Trees?
Workers are getting a smaller and smaller slice of the value they produce:


Wages as a percentage of productivity

The reason is straightforward- employers are keeping a larger and larger share of the value workers produce for themselves:


How worker productivity is divided up

As our tax system has gotten less progressive, and the rich have consumed a larger and larger share of our nation's wealth, our GDP growth has slowed significantly on average:


GDP growth and the top tax bracket

None of this stuff has anything to do with hating the rich or something, it is just a question of whether that change is a good thing for our country or a bad thing. I think it is clearly a bad thing. People have much less incentive to work hard if they aren't sharing in the successes they create, we need much more educated workers and we need consumers that have enough surplus income to buy things or else the companies' revenues collapse. Ensuring that working people get a bigger slice of what they create is just sensible economic policy. All this emotional stuff is totally irrelevant.

What none of your charts factor in is the costs incurred by the employers and to what percentage those have also increased exponentially over the same period. Government regulations, fees, taxes, mandates... all the things you've lobbied government to do for the workers.

When looking at an intangible such as "productivity" you also failed to consider advances in technology over the same time. Are the workers more productive because of their own efforts or because the owner bought new technology to increase productivity? Why should the worker be compensated for increased productivity he didn't produce or have anything to do with?

People have much less incentive to work hard if they aren't sharing in the successes they create...

Which is precisely why all socialist systems look good on paper but totally fail in practice. In our system, if such a worker is not happy, they can seek better employment opportunities or become a capitalist themselves.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.
No it is NOT. Wealth is created. Of course there is no use pointing out the hundreds of reasons why your idea is incorrect because you do not hold your premise in logic. Nor can you produce a single fact that it is correct. You can produce a theory or two. Yours has close ties to the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game. That theory has been debunked in do many ways, that it is largely ignored as a socialist fantasy.
Plainly spoken, you are a believer in the possibility of a socialist utopia. A place where there is equality of outcome. That every person is entitled to share an equal portion of the efforts of others. So be it.

I can produce the simple fact that if a business with an owner and 10 employees produced a million dollars of profit in a year and the owner kept 800,000 and paid his employees 20,000 each, or if the owner kept 500,000 and paid his employees 50,000 each,

his employees would know the difference.

The technical term for a company that pays out 100% of its profits in bonuses is: soon to be broke
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Human speed is "finite" but there are always going to be the fastest runners.
Human intelligence is "finite" but not everyone will reach genius status.
Football games are regulated by time and rules but there can only be one Super Bowl trophy awarded.

Life simply isn't "fair" nor has it ever been. Time to get over it and do the best with what you got. Want more money? Invent something; earn a degree and get a better job; work longer hours; stop spending as much and invest more wisely; etc.
Lots of people did all that and still lost, the "life isn't fair" dodge is frequently used to cover for reckless policy and predatory business practices, will it ever be time to make the economically powerful accountable for their actions?

And yet ... life still isn't fair. Not everyone wins the Lotto.
And yet the the free marketeers continually claim that hard work, sensible spending and dedication is all you need for success, they claim a kind of inherent fairness in capitalism that does not exist.

A few years ago some people started a sub shop down the road from me. It was very clear that they were dedicated, sensible, and hard working.

They shut down in about a year. Not enough customers. Hard work as the guarantee of success is tripe.

It's the Obama economy. Food stamps and unemployment checks cannot drive an economy
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.
No it is NOT. Wealth is created. Of course there is no use pointing out the hundreds of reasons why your idea is incorrect because you do not hold your premise in logic. Nor can you produce a single fact that it is correct. You can produce a theory or two. Yours has close ties to the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game. That theory has been debunked in do many ways, that it is largely ignored as a socialist fantasy.
Plainly spoken, you are a believer in the possibility of a socialist utopia. A place where there is equality of outcome. That every person is entitled to share an equal portion of the efforts of others. So be it.

I can produce the simple fact that if a business with an owner and 10 employees produced a million dollars of profit in a year and the owner kept 800,000 and paid his employees 20,000 each, or if the owner kept 500,000 and paid his employees 50,000 each
his employees would know the difference.

There is a fine line between being a responsible business owner and being a greedy business owner, I grant you that. But likewise there is a fine line between being an employee who wants to be treated right and being a greedy fucker who thinks he deserves what the owner makes to. BOTH are problems.
Human speed is "finite" but there are always going to be the fastest runners.
Human intelligence is "finite" but not everyone will reach genius status.
Football games are regulated by time and rules but there can only be one Super Bowl trophy awarded.

Life simply isn't "fair" nor has it ever been. Time to get over it and do the best with what you got. Want more money? Invent something; earn a degree and get a better job; work longer hours; stop spending as much and invest more wisely; etc.
Lots of people did all that and still lost, the "life isn't fair" dodge is frequently used to cover for reckless policy and predatory business practices, will it ever be time to make the economically powerful accountable for their actions?

I agree with you. Let's start making people accountable. Let's do away with all forms of welfare, Raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, and allow companies to indiscriminately fire employees who aren't worth that wage.

Business would be fine, and losers would be starving daily. Accountability right?

Oh no, no, no, no, no. Libs want what the rich have but only want to work part time; continue getting their welfare checks; and put forth a half-ass effort to get it. They're perpetual "wanters" ... not "earners."

I actually read an interesting treatise on this subject awhile back, can't recall where.

Anyway the writer suggested, and backed this up with actual figures, that it would be cheaper for all concerned if the USG simply shut down all welfare programs, Just completely shuttered them, and then just sent every adult American a check for $30K once a year, and those who wanted to have more could get a job, while those who did not want to work could make do with $30K.

His solution also required getting rid of the income tax and going with a 10% national sales tax at the retail level.

He opined that it would result in better , and better paid, employees in every industry and would do a far better job of eliminating poverty than the welfare programs we have now.

I think I agree with him.

The problem with scenario is that millions of folks wouldn't work two seconds yet rake in $30,000 a year. Where would all that money come from? Trees?

Conservative icons Friedrich Hayek and Martin Friedman supported the basic income.
We should continue to subsidize the Walton's who inherited their wealth and don't have enough billions stashed away. Without our help they will take a half a decade to reach a 200 billion dollar stash of cash.
What the Walton family does with its cash reserves is none of your business.
It's none of your business what other people determine is their business. The Walton's are dependent on county, state and federal laws to operate their business the way they do. They mooch off those governments and hence, tax payers, to subsidize their low paid employees. That increases their wealth, so it is everyone's business since everyone is putting money in their pockets.

Then stop doing business at Walmart. Simple as that. It's how capitalism works. If their employees don't think they are making enough, go work for someone who pays more.

Funny that you mentioned Walmart, I have a close personal friend who worked for Walmart for 30 years. When they began, it was company practice to match stock purchases in the company up to 15% of your pay. Walmart discouraged the word "employee" and adopted "associate" in place of it because their philosophy was, the workers were part of the business. Now this friend of mine who worked at Walmart for 30 years, happened to obtain tons and tons of very cheap (at the time) Walmart stock. Through the 80s, their stock 'split' 4 times. That means it basically doubled itself in value. When he retired in 2006, his Walmart stock was worth $1.7 million.

Now, he took a job with Walmart after he was laid off by KMart. He actually had to take a cut in pay from what he once made at KMart, but it was a consolation that he would receive matching employer stock purchases up to 15% of his pay. Back then, that didn't put food on the table or pay the light bill, and in fact, it was a struggle because they only matched what he purchased in stock, but he was determined to have 15% of his pay devoted to this and get the maximum contribution from his employer.

Of course, no one could have predicted Walmart stock would increase so much in value, he took the risk and received the benefit in the long run. Is my friend "rich?" Well, by your standards he is a "rich greedy millionaire" who obviously had his wealth given to him by swindling the little guy.

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