War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Pity the poor investor who has to pay the same tax rate on his $50,000 investment income as the guy who sweat to make $50,000

The guy who invested the money already paid taxes on the money he invested.

The irony of your story is the guy who wants to work for $50,000 has fewer jobs when you take more of the investor's money. In the end, big guy, the little guy always gets screwed. We're smarter than you, work harder, think things through better and have lawyers and accountants at our disposal. The ultimate tax for the little guy is the fair tax. Flat is as good as it gets for you. Tilt the field, we always figure out how to win.

Actually, he hasn't
That is why they call it a Capital "Gain"

By the way, we have already fallen for that trickle down bullshit

Bullshit? It triggered two decades of economic boom and a stock bull market run.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.
ah the zero sum game nonsense of the left

its like saying if the class valedictorian earns an A, he deprives you of making the honor roll

It's not like that at all.

If it's not a zero sum game, why do business owners fight against raising the minimum wage?

I guess my question has stumped the lot of you.

You are insisting that wealth is not a zero sum game, but you bitch constantly about the distribution of it as it's created.

Which is it?

Apparently it's not a zero sum game when the Rich are keeping more and more of it,

but it is a zero sum game when it's an the issue of the working class getting more of it.

Fascinating hypocrisy.

1 question for you - Where is the middle class in today's economy?

Looks like it's about here:


Its the same old story from the right....buckle down, work harder and fortune will rain down on you

$400 extra a month is not available to most middle class workers struggling to stay ahead

- I mean't to save $400 this month but I had to pay $1200 for a car repair
- I meant to save $400 this month but that doctors bill came due
- I meant to save $400 this month but we had that tuition payment

Excuses. and that shit doesn't happen every single month. Really how many moth's out of the year do you have a 12oo dollar car repair?

And everyone is supposed to have affordable insurance now so the Dr excuse is unusable.

And your kids should be paying for their own college.

Explain that to a young couple making $25,000 a year.
Do you know the deductibles on todays health insurance before it pays its first dollar?

Sure kid....pay that $30,000 college bill on the $7.25 an hour that conservatives want you to make

I paid my way through college are kids any different than I was when i was 25?

other than thinking everything should be handed to them on a silver platter that is?

And most routine care is covered so really how many times do you think you're going to have to fully pay out your deductible?

I paid my way through college making $2.10 an hour minimum wage. Kids can't do that today
I also had a good job waiting for me when I graduated
Of course they can.

But if you keep telling them they can't then why would they even try.

Why can't they go to school part time? Why can't they work a full time night job while they are in school?

Why can't they work 3 jobs every summer to save money for school?

I did all those things and anyone who says it can't be done is obviously wrong.

Once again you offer a solution that may work for one student as an answer for all students

No, not all students can go part time
No, not all students can attend night school
No, not all students can find three part time jobs

The problem is with the middle class as a whole. Solutions need to resolve the problem as a whole, not "well all college kids can get three jobs"
Tax codes benefiting the wealthy and punishing the wage earner created by puppet politicians controlled by the wealthy. Yeah, you are right, it is WORSE than a subsidy!

December 06, 2012
RUSH: The problem is, in Warren Buffett's case, you could raise the income tax rate to a hundred percent and you're gonna be collecting taxes on about $120,000 of income. The rest of his income is not earned, so to speak. It's dividend, capital gains. He's got his wealth. You're going to have to institute a wealth tax to go get people like Buffett and many moguls and many executives. They've insured themselves.
You have to understand, the income tax is to prevent you from accruing wealth.
You made My case for Me. The income tax is wielded as a weapon for the greedy to keep the citizen oppressed. A company (Note I was talking about a company and subsidies, not the all encompassing nebulous evil known as "the rich") uses existing tax code that is available to EVERYONE.

You also seem to be delusional. Do you not understand that the money belongs to the companies and the people and that taxes is a punitive act by government in taking that money away? Why is it that people like you always make the mistake of thinking that corporations are taking money that doesn't belong to them when in fact, it is the other way around.
If the tax code subsidies were available to EVERYONE, then it couldn't be a "weapon" for the greedy against the average wage earning citizen. The tax code creates two kinds of income, one the type of income of the wealthy, and the other the type of income of the wage earner and taxes them differently.

Again I will let your MessiahRushie Lombola explain it to you.

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Another prediction that I... Well, not a prediction. Not a prediction. Last week, after the fiscal cliff deal was signed and everybody was celebrating on the low-information side about taxes being raised on the rich, I very cogently and timely reminded people that there are two kinds of rich. There are the income rich and the asset rich, and the asset rich are the people that you think about when you think of the rich.
The Bill Gateses and the Warren Buffetts and the Jeffrey Immelts and the Hollywood people -- the Wall Street people, the hedge fund people -- those are the asset wealthy, and they don't pay income taxes.

Rush is right. What you are failing to comprehend is you can't tax investment income the same as earned income because rich people are smart. You fire another cannonball through the hull of your ship trying to fight a war you cannot win against an enemy you'll never defeat. What happens if an investor is no longer encouraged to invest? Are you smart enough to figure that out, or not?

Now... IF we actually lived in this fantasy Utopian universe you think we live in, then every person who ever invested would see huge glorious returns on their investments every time, and it would be relatively easy to make any poor person wealthy, just give them a little money to invest where they could never go wrong and would always realize huge windfalls. But the reality we actually live in doesn't work that way. Investments require a great deal of risk. They don't always pay off. Sometimes the investor may lose everything.

Wealthy investors aren't investing because they need money and this is a cheaper tax option than earning it. They take a risk with their money in order to see a profit like any capitalist, and we encourage this investment by lowering the tax rates on the profit because the money is important to economic growth and prosperity. The wealthy investors can always find something else to do with their fortunes, which is why you can never win this war.

You say wealth is infinite. Why then can't businesses with minimum wage workers tap into that infinity to pay their workers a higher minimum wage?
Wealth and income or profits are not the same thing or don't you understand that?

I understand that wealth at any time is finite. Why don't you and the idiot who started this thread understand that?
Tax codes benefiting the wealthy and punishing the wage earner created by puppet politicians controlled by the wealthy. Yeah, you are right, it is WORSE than a subsidy!

December 06, 2012
RUSH: The problem is, in Warren Buffett's case, you could raise the income tax rate to a hundred percent and you're gonna be collecting taxes on about $120,000 of income. The rest of his income is not earned, so to speak. It's dividend, capital gains. He's got his wealth. You're going to have to institute a wealth tax to go get people like Buffett and many moguls and many executives. They've insured themselves.
You have to understand, the income tax is to prevent you from accruing wealth.
You made My case for Me. The income tax is wielded as a weapon for the greedy to keep the citizen oppressed. A company (Note I was talking about a company and subsidies, not the all encompassing nebulous evil known as "the rich") uses existing tax code that is available to EVERYONE.

You also seem to be delusional. Do you not understand that the money belongs to the companies and the people and that taxes is a punitive act by government in taking that money away? Why is it that people like you always make the mistake of thinking that corporations are taking money that doesn't belong to them when in fact, it is the other way around.
If the tax code subsidies were available to EVERYONE, then it couldn't be a "weapon" for the greedy against the average wage earning citizen. The tax code creates two kinds of income, one the type of income of the wealthy, and the other the type of income of the wage earner and taxes them differently.

Again I will let your MessiahRushie Lombola explain it to you.

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Another prediction that I... Well, not a prediction. Not a prediction. Last week, after the fiscal cliff deal was signed and everybody was celebrating on the low-information side about taxes being raised on the rich, I very cogently and timely reminded people that there are two kinds of rich. There are the income rich and the asset rich, and the asset rich are the people that you think about when you think of the rich.
The Bill Gateses and the Warren Buffetts and the Jeffrey Immelts and the Hollywood people -- the Wall Street people, the hedge fund people -- those are the asset wealthy, and they don't pay income taxes.

Rush is right. What you are failing to comprehend is you can't tax investment income the same as earned income because rich people are smart. You fire another cannonball through the hull of your ship trying to fight a war you cannot win against an enemy you'll never defeat. What happens if an investor is no longer encouraged to invest? Are you smart enough to figure that out, or not?

Now... IF we actually lived in this fantasy Utopian universe you think we live in, then every person who ever invested would see huge glorious returns on their investments every time, and it would be relatively easy to make any poor person wealthy, just give them a little money to invest where they could never go wrong and would always realize huge windfalls. But the reality we actually live in doesn't work that way. Investments require a great deal of risk. They don't always pay off. Sometimes the investor may lose everything.

Wealthy investors aren't investing because they need money and this is a cheaper tax option than earning it. They take a risk with their money in order to see a profit like any capitalist, and we encourage this investment by lowering the tax rates on the profit because the money is important to economic growth and prosperity. The wealthy investors can always find something else to do with their fortunes, which is why you can never win this war.

You say wealth is infinite. Why then can't businesses with minimum wage workers tap into that infinity to pay their workers a higher minimum wage?

"You say wealth is infinite. Why then can't businesses with minimum wage workers tap into that infinity to pay their workers a higher minimum wage?"

Okay, this one made me dizzy.

Oxygen, I need oxygen...


Then tell Boss he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Pity the poor investor who has to pay the same tax rate on his $50,000 investment income as the guy who sweat to make $50,000

The guy who invested the money already paid taxes on the money he invested.

The irony of your story is the guy who wants to work for $50,000 has fewer jobs when you take more of the investor's money. In the end, big guy, the little guy always gets screwed. We're smarter than you, work harder, think things through better and have lawyers and accountants at our disposal. The ultimate tax for the little guy is the fair tax. Flat is as good as it gets for you. Tilt the field, we always figure out how to win.

Actually, he hasn't
That is why they call it a Capital "Gain"

By the way, we have already fallen for that trickle down bullshit

Bullshit? It triggered two decades of economic boom and a stock bull market run.
It triggered $17 trillion in debt and the destruction of the middle class
Sure kid....pay that $30,000 college bill on the $7.25 an hour that conservatives want you to make

I earned $10 an hour and paid my way through college in the 80s. Higher than minimum wage is today. I built cabinets, painted houses, shoveled roofs after snowstorms. I did whatever odd job work I could get. I was reliable and had all the customers I could handle. The last couple years I had two customers who I worked for exclusively, they never said no when I had time because they didn't want me to find other customers.

You get paid what you are worth. If you are working for minimum wage, that's what you're worth. If you are worth less, you're unemployed. The idea that people worth $5 an hour are going to get $10 or $15 is ridiculous, they just won't get jobs at all.
Pity the poor investor who has to pay the same tax rate on his $50,000 investment income as the guy who sweat to make $50,000

The guy who invested the money already paid taxes on the money he invested.

The irony of your story is the guy who wants to work for $50,000 has fewer jobs when you take more of the investor's money. In the end, big guy, the little guy always gets screwed. We're smarter than you, work harder, think things through better and have lawyers and accountants at our disposal. The ultimate tax for the little guy is the fair tax. Flat is as good as it gets for you. Tilt the field, we always figure out how to win.

Actually, he hasn't
That is why they call it a Capital "Gain"

By the way, we have already fallen for that trickle down bullshit

Bullshit? It triggered two decades of economic boom and a stock bull market run.
It triggered $17 trillion in debt and the destruction of the middle class

No, government spending did the first and progressive taxes and redistribution of wealth did the second.
Excuses. and that shit doesn't happen every single month. Really how many moth's out of the year do you have a 12oo dollar car repair?

And everyone is supposed to have affordable insurance now so the Dr excuse is unusable.

And your kids should be paying for their own college.

Explain that to a young couple making $25,000 a year.
Do you know the deductibles on todays health insurance before it pays its first dollar?

Sure kid....pay that $30,000 college bill on the $7.25 an hour that conservatives want you to make

I paid my way through college are kids any different than I was when i was 25?

other than thinking everything should be handed to them on a silver platter that is?

And most routine care is covered so really how many times do you think you're going to have to fully pay out your deductible?

I paid my way through college making $2.10 an hour minimum wage. Kids can't do that today
I also had a good job waiting for me when I graduated
Of course they can.

But if you keep telling them they can't then why would they even try.

Why can't they go to school part time? Why can't they work a full time night job while they are in school?

Why can't they work 3 jobs every summer to save money for school?

I did all those things and anyone who says it can't be done is obviously wrong.

Once again you offer a solution that may work for one student as an answer for all students

No, not all students can go part time
No, not all students can attend night school
No, not all students can find three part time jobs

The problem is with the middle class as a whole. Solutions need to resolve the problem as a whole, not "well all college kids can get three jobs"
Why can't they?

I never went to night school. I said i worked a full time night job while in school.

I don't know too many undergrad programs that don't have a part time option.

But as long as you think it can't be done it won't or at least you'll never do it and anyone who follows your example will never do it either.
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You made My case for Me. The income tax is wielded as a weapon for the greedy to keep the citizen oppressed. A company (Note I was talking about a company and subsidies, not the all encompassing nebulous evil known as "the rich") uses existing tax code that is available to EVERYONE.

You also seem to be delusional. Do you not understand that the money belongs to the companies and the people and that taxes is a punitive act by government in taking that money away? Why is it that people like you always make the mistake of thinking that corporations are taking money that doesn't belong to them when in fact, it is the other way around.
If the tax code subsidies were available to EVERYONE, then it couldn't be a "weapon" for the greedy against the average wage earning citizen. The tax code creates two kinds of income, one the type of income of the wealthy, and the other the type of income of the wage earner and taxes them differently.

Again I will let your MessiahRushie Lombola explain it to you.

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Another prediction that I... Well, not a prediction. Not a prediction. Last week, after the fiscal cliff deal was signed and everybody was celebrating on the low-information side about taxes being raised on the rich, I very cogently and timely reminded people that there are two kinds of rich. There are the income rich and the asset rich, and the asset rich are the people that you think about when you think of the rich.
The Bill Gateses and the Warren Buffetts and the Jeffrey Immelts and the Hollywood people -- the Wall Street people, the hedge fund people -- those are the asset wealthy, and they don't pay income taxes.

Rush is right. What you are failing to comprehend is you can't tax investment income the same as earned income because rich people are smart. You fire another cannonball through the hull of your ship trying to fight a war you cannot win against an enemy you'll never defeat. What happens if an investor is no longer encouraged to invest? Are you smart enough to figure that out, or not?

Now... IF we actually lived in this fantasy Utopian universe you think we live in, then every person who ever invested would see huge glorious returns on their investments every time, and it would be relatively easy to make any poor person wealthy, just give them a little money to invest where they could never go wrong and would always realize huge windfalls. But the reality we actually live in doesn't work that way. Investments require a great deal of risk. They don't always pay off. Sometimes the investor may lose everything.

Wealthy investors aren't investing because they need money and this is a cheaper tax option than earning it. They take a risk with their money in order to see a profit like any capitalist, and we encourage this investment by lowering the tax rates on the profit because the money is important to economic growth and prosperity. The wealthy investors can always find something else to do with their fortunes, which is why you can never win this war.

You say wealth is infinite. Why then can't businesses with minimum wage workers tap into that infinity to pay their workers a higher minimum wage?
Wealth and income or profits are not the same thing or don't you understand that?

I understand that wealth at any time is finite. Why don't you and the idiot who started this thread understand that?
The problem with your claim is that you limit wealth accumulation to a specific and very short time frame.

The simple fact that a family working together with modest contributions from every member can in a few generations amass more wealth than they will ever need.

So the wealth anyone can actually realize is not finite.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.
ah the zero sum game nonsense of the left

its like saying if the class valedictorian earns an A, he deprives you of making the honor roll

It's not like that at all.

If it's not a zero sum game, why do business owners fight against raising the minimum wage?

I guess my question has stumped the lot of you.

You are insisting that wealth is not a zero sum game, but you bitch constantly about the distribution of it as it's created.

Which is it?

Apparently it's not a zero sum game when the Rich are keeping more and more of it,

but it is a zero sum game when it's an the issue of the working class getting more of it.

Fascinating hypocrisy.

1 question for you - Where is the middle class in today's economy?

Looks like it's about here:



Exactly. Why do libs think they can skip the middle class and go from poor to rich? Don't they understand the importance of the middle class? :)
1 question for you - Where is the middle class in today's economy?

Job providers are being overtaxed reducing pay and opportunity and the money given to people poorer than they are, they are left out.

If I was a large business owner I'd get ride of full time employees and get below 50 and hire all 1099 - misc independent contractors. Why? They will take a pay cut because they can work for multiple companies and are willing to do way more work AND since they aren't employees corporations aren't required to offer health coverage so they don't have to pay any fees saving the big corporations millions and billions.
How can wealth be infinite. Is the annual GDP number 'infinity'?

A nation can only generate so much wealth per year; the more of it the Rich keep, the less for the rest of us.

So every dollar more that the "rich" get, is a dollar less that the "poor" get? So if the owner of the democratic party, George Soros, doubles his wealth due to Obamacare, then millions of "poor" see their wealth cut in half?

When Algore sold his global warming network to the Arab oil sultans for over $100 million, food stamp recipients had their welfare cut by that amount?

You should have finished second grade.

How can wealth be infinite. Is the annual GDP number 'infinity'?

A nation can only generate so much wealth per year; the more of it the Rich keep, the less for the rest of us.

So every dollar more that the "rich" get, is a dollar less that the "poor" get? So if the owner of the democratic party, George Soros, doubles his wealth due to Obamacare, then millions of "poor" see their wealth cut in half?

When Algore sold his global warming network to the Arab oil sultans for over $100 million, food stamp recipients had their welfare cut by that amount?

You should have finished second grade.


If a restaurant is paying 8 dollars an hour to its workers and then starts paying them 10 dollars an hour,

where did the other 2 dollars an hour come from? ...all else being equal?
I understand that wealth at any time is finite. Why don't you and the idiot who started this thread understand that?

You have not grasp of even basic economics. You fail to grasp that before you can loot the wealth of others, that wealth must first be created..

Oh, and even the openly Communist website Mother Jones points out that the middle class was expanding through 2008.


It is not clever to use income distribution rather than purchasing power as a metric - it's merely dishonest.

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