War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Bottom line is Obama wants to eliminate the middle class so there is only rich and poor and nothing inbetween to bridge the gap so the poor have no hope other than wealth redistrobution, which is to forcefully take from the rich and give to the poor making them dependent on the Federal Government and the only way to do that is through federal government intervention.

What Libs don't understand is it's not about the big businesses that can afford to pay the higher taxes it's really the small businesses that hurt and every business starts out with a small business mindset. Small businesses employ 50% of our nation workforce and if you take their money and tax them higher and make it impossible for them to expand they go out of business because they can't turn a profit or there work doesn't justify their pay and business owners get paid more when they expand and become big which naturally creates more jobs. Big businesses just like small businesses want to hire and expand to create more and more and infinate wealth, but hurt them financially in any specific way and they will hoard there money and won't hire.

Bottom line is do nothing but incentivice businesses and jobs will be created and people won't be complaining. That means lower that corporate tax rate, reduce regulations, and offer tax breaks. Do nothing but offer incentives and make sure they are in place longer than 1-2 years. Businesses need to be able to project long term with their plans. they aren't short term thinkers like Liberals on welfare.

Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases
for most small businesses business income is personal income because they are organized as s corps and llcs

Bottom line is Obama wants to eliminate the middle class so there is only rich and poor and nothing inbetween to bridge the gap so the poor have no hope other than wealth redistrobution, which is to forcefully take from the rich and give to the poor making them dependent on the Federal Government and the only way to do that is through federal government intervention.

What Libs don't understand is it's not about the big businesses that can afford to pay the higher taxes it's really the small businesses that hurt and every business starts out with a small business mindset. Small businesses employ 50% of our nation workforce and if you take their money and tax them higher and make it impossible for them to expand they go out of business because they can't turn a profit or there work doesn't justify their pay and business owners get paid more when they expand and become big which naturally creates more jobs. Big businesses just like small businesses want to hire and expand to create more and more and infinate wealth, but hurt them financially in any specific way and they will hoard there money and won't hire.

Bottom line is do nothing but incentivice businesses and jobs will be created and people won't be complaining. That means lower that corporate tax rate, reduce regulations, and offer tax breaks. Do nothing but offer incentives and make sure they are in place longer than 1-2 years. Businesses need to be able to project long term with their plans. they aren't short term thinkers like Liberals on welfare.

Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years
Bottom line is Obama wants to eliminate the middle class so there is only rich and poor and nothing inbetween to bridge the gap so the poor have no hope other than wealth redistrobution, which is to forcefully take from the rich and give to the poor making them dependent on the Federal Government and the only way to do that is through federal government intervention.

What Libs don't understand is it's not about the big businesses that can afford to pay the higher taxes it's really the small businesses that hurt and every business starts out with a small business mindset. Small businesses employ 50% of our nation workforce and if you take their money and tax them higher and make it impossible for them to expand they go out of business because they can't turn a profit or there work doesn't justify their pay and business owners get paid more when they expand and become big which naturally creates more jobs. Big businesses just like small businesses want to hire and expand to create more and more and infinate wealth, but hurt them financially in any specific way and they will hoard there money and won't hire.

Bottom line is do nothing but incentivice businesses and jobs will be created and people won't be complaining. That means lower that corporate tax rate, reduce regulations, and offer tax breaks. Do nothing but offer incentives and make sure they are in place longer than 1-2 years. Businesses need to be able to project long term with their plans. they aren't short term thinkers like Liberals on welfare.

Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases
for most small businesses business income is personal income because they are organized as s corps and llcs

No problem with that

And if their business income is very low, they will pay very low taxes. If they are making millions, they will pay high taxes
Bottom line is Obama wants to eliminate the middle class so there is only rich and poor and nothing inbetween to bridge the gap so the poor have no hope other than wealth redistrobution, which is to forcefully take from the rich and give to the poor making them dependent on the Federal Government and the only way to do that is through federal government intervention.

What Libs don't understand is it's not about the big businesses that can afford to pay the higher taxes it's really the small businesses that hurt and every business starts out with a small business mindset. Small businesses employ 50% of our nation workforce and if you take their money and tax them higher and make it impossible for them to expand they go out of business because they can't turn a profit or there work doesn't justify their pay and business owners get paid more when they expand and become big which naturally creates more jobs. Big businesses just like small businesses want to hire and expand to create more and more and infinate wealth, but hurt them financially in any specific way and they will hoard there money and won't hire.

Bottom line is do nothing but incentivice businesses and jobs will be created and people won't be complaining. That means lower that corporate tax rate, reduce regulations, and offer tax breaks. Do nothing but offer incentives and make sure they are in place longer than 1-2 years. Businesses need to be able to project long term with their plans. they aren't short term thinkers like Liberals on welfare.

Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years

If cost of business in one state becomes to high that prohibits growth for the company that company transfers to a state with a better economic business environment meaning that state just lost jobs. Businesses get prior notices for taxes and some other things you mentioned, so they know and can prepare ahead of time and give out notices.
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Bottom line is Obama wants to eliminate the middle class so there is only rich and poor and nothing inbetween to bridge the gap so the poor have no hope other than wealth redistrobution, which is to forcefully take from the rich and give to the poor making them dependent on the Federal Government and the only way to do that is through federal government intervention.

What Libs don't understand is it's not about the big businesses that can afford to pay the higher taxes it's really the small businesses that hurt and every business starts out with a small business mindset. Small businesses employ 50% of our nation workforce and if you take their money and tax them higher and make it impossible for them to expand they go out of business because they can't turn a profit or there work doesn't justify their pay and business owners get paid more when they expand and become big which naturally creates more jobs. Big businesses just like small businesses want to hire and expand to create more and more and infinate wealth, but hurt them financially in any specific way and they will hoard there money and won't hire.

Bottom line is do nothing but incentivice businesses and jobs will be created and people won't be complaining. That means lower that corporate tax rate, reduce regulations, and offer tax breaks. Do nothing but offer incentives and make sure they are in place longer than 1-2 years. Businesses need to be able to project long term with their plans. they aren't short term thinkers like Liberals on welfare.

Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases
for most small businesses business income is personal income because they are organized as s corps and llcs

No problem with that

And if their business income is very low, they will pay very low taxes. If they are making millions, they will pay high taxes

Very rare for a small business to make millions or even a million per year. They usually pay the 15.3% self-employment tax and if they are incorporated they tend to pay themselves more to escape the 35% corporate tax. That's the advantage of taxeing yourself as an S-Corp which even LLC's can choose to do.
Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years

If cost of business in one state becomes to high that prohibits growth for the company that company transfers to a state with a better economic business environment meaning that state just lost jobs. Businesses get prior notices for taxes and some other things you mentioned, so they know and can prepare ahead of time and give out notices.

Same goes for wages. A minimum wage increase would be nation wide so there is no advantage in jumping states
How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years

If cost of business in one state becomes to high that prohibits growth for the company that company transfers to a state with a better economic business environment meaning that state just lost jobs. Businesses get prior notices for taxes and some other things you mentioned, so they know and can prepare ahead of time and give out notices.

Same goes for wages. A minimum wage increase would be nation wide so there is no advantage in jumping states

There is a huge disadvantage to small business that can't afford them. Case and point.
Bottom line is Obama wants to eliminate the middle class so there is only rich and poor and nothing inbetween to bridge the gap so the poor have no hope other than wealth redistrobution, which is to forcefully take from the rich and give to the poor making them dependent on the Federal Government and the only way to do that is through federal government intervention.

What Libs don't understand is it's not about the big businesses that can afford to pay the higher taxes it's really the small businesses that hurt and every business starts out with a small business mindset. Small businesses employ 50% of our nation workforce and if you take their money and tax them higher and make it impossible for them to expand they go out of business because they can't turn a profit or there work doesn't justify their pay and business owners get paid more when they expand and become big which naturally creates more jobs. Big businesses just like small businesses want to hire and expand to create more and more and infinate wealth, but hurt them financially in any specific way and they will hoard there money and won't hire.

Bottom line is do nothing but incentivice businesses and jobs will be created and people won't be complaining. That means lower that corporate tax rate, reduce regulations, and offer tax breaks. Do nothing but offer incentives and make sure they are in place longer than 1-2 years. Businesses need to be able to project long term with their plans. they aren't short term thinkers like Liberals on welfare.

Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years
So you assume that a person hired 7 years ago is still making only minimum wage?
How can wealth be infinite. Is the annual GDP number 'infinity'?

Wealth is limited only by the human mind. It's the human mind that creates wealth.

Well then let the owners of businesses in America use their minds to create enough wealth to pay their workers something better than shit wages.

Wealth creation and wealth distribution are two different topics.

No they're not. The author of this thread said wealth was infinite, as part of his defense of the Rich getting as much of the wealth created as they possibly could.
How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years

If cost of business in one state becomes to high that prohibits growth for the company that company transfers to a state with a better economic business environment meaning that state just lost jobs. Businesses get prior notices for taxes and some other things you mentioned, so they know and can prepare ahead of time and give out notices.

Same goes for wages. A minimum wage increase would be nation wide so there is no advantage in jumping states

How much of an increase are you talking about?

If it's a few percent no big deal.

If you're talking about a 40% increase like Obama or a more than 100% increase like the unions then that's another thing.

Now let's use the 15 an hour figure for the sake of this post.

If everyone making less that 15 an hour was given a raise overnight do you not think prices for everything would go up?

So now that 15 an hour doesn't really give them that much more purchasing power does it?

But what happens is that everyone making more than 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

So i guess the question is: Do more people make 15 an hour now than less than 15 an hour?

If so is a very slight real increase in purchasing power for those making less than 15 an hour worth the decrease in purchasing power of the higher number of people making more?
How can wealth be infinite. Is the annual GDP number 'infinity'?

Wealth is limited only by the human mind. It's the human mind that creates wealth.

Well then let the owners of businesses in America use their minds to create enough wealth to pay their workers something better than shit wages.

Wealth creation and wealth distribution are two different topics.

No they're not. The author of this thread said wealth was infinite, as part of his defense of the Rich getting as much of the wealth created as they possibly could.

So tell me how does a rich person's net worth increasing in a year limit how much your net worth can increase in a year?
How can wealth be infinite. Is the annual GDP number 'infinity'?

Wealth is limited only by the human mind. It's the human mind that creates wealth.

Well then let the owners of businesses in America use their minds to create enough wealth to pay their workers something better than shit wages.

Wealth creation and wealth distribution are two different topics.

No they're not. The author of this thread said wealth was infinite, as part of his defense of the Rich getting as much of the wealth created as they possibly could.

So tell me how does a rich person's net worth increasing in a year limit how much your net worth can increase in a year?

Easily, if we eating out of the same pie. The pie is a finite amount. The division of the pie has to be a zero sum game.
Wealth is limited only by the human mind. It's the human mind that creates wealth.

Well then let the owners of businesses in America use their minds to create enough wealth to pay their workers something better than shit wages.

Wealth creation and wealth distribution are two different topics.

No they're not. The author of this thread said wealth was infinite, as part of his defense of the Rich getting as much of the wealth created as they possibly could.

So tell me how does a rich person's net worth increasing in a year limit how much your net worth can increase in a year?

Easily, if we eating out of the same pie. The pie is a finite amount. The division of the pie has to be a zero sum game.
Not an answer.

If the pie is finite as you say you should be able to tell me to the penny how much your increase in net worth is limited by someone else's increase in net worth.

If every time your net worth went up someone else's necessarily went down then every time you make a car payment, or a mortgage payment you are making someone else poorer

So you see there is no pie.
Well then let the owners of businesses in America use their minds to create enough wealth to pay their workers something better than shit wages.

Wealth creation and wealth distribution are two different topics.

No they're not. The author of this thread said wealth was infinite, as part of his defense of the Rich getting as much of the wealth created as they possibly could.

So tell me how does a rich person's net worth increasing in a year limit how much your net worth can increase in a year?

Easily, if we eating out of the same pie. The pie is a finite amount. The division of the pie has to be a zero sum game.
Not an answer.

If the pie is finite as you say you should be able to tell me to the penny how much your increase in net worth is limited by someone else's increase in net worth.

If every time your net worth went up someone else's necessarily went down then every time you make a car payment, or a mortgage payment you are making someone else poorer

So you see there is no pie.

If there is no pie and no zero sum game, why do businesses fight so hard against a higher minimum wage? It's not like increasing the wealth of their employees is going to harm their wealth is it?
Wealth creation and wealth distribution are two different topics.

No they're not. The author of this thread said wealth was infinite, as part of his defense of the Rich getting as much of the wealth created as they possibly could.

So tell me how does a rich person's net worth increasing in a year limit how much your net worth can increase in a year?

Easily, if we eating out of the same pie. The pie is a finite amount. The division of the pie has to be a zero sum game.
Not an answer.

If the pie is finite as you say you should be able to tell me to the penny how much your increase in net worth is limited by someone else's increase in net worth.

If every time your net worth went up someone else's necessarily went down then every time you make a car payment, or a mortgage payment you are making someone else poorer

So you see there is no pie.

If there is no pie and no zero sum game, why do businesses fight so hard against a higher minimum wage? It's not like increasing the wealth of their employees is going to harm their wealth is it?
Wages and income are not wealth.

Get your terms straight.
Do you realize that you could never get a raise and your wealth could increase every year?

How does that prevent someone else from increasing his wealth?
Who said anything about big or small business?

We are talking about personal income

How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years
So you assume that a person hired 7 years ago is still making only minimum wage?
Why would anyone assume that?
How can you get personal income if you can't work for a small or large business due to them not hireing or them reducing fulltime to part time or laying off workers and hireing 1099 employees? They go hand in hand. Go back a re-read my last 3 posts.

We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years
So you assume that a person hired 7 years ago is still making only minimum wage?
Why would anyone assume that?

I smell pot.
We are talking about personal income of those small businesses not business income

Dealing with increased business costs is part of running a business. We never see this whining when a business has to pay more for raw materials or rent or advertising....they make adjustments
But as soon as you talk about increasing wages, all of a sudden it is "you know, we are going to have to lay people off"

Has never been the case with other minimum wage increases

What you fail to realize is that in a lot of those small business they are sole proprietors meaning their business income is there personal income and expenses vice versa. Also, small businesses don't hvae the cash flow of larger corporations to be able to increase those wages. Lot's of small businesses can't even get credit from banks due to dodd Frank regulatory bill that was passed. Of course they'd have to lay people off. Common sense.
What do those businesses do when their rent increases? How about when their real estate taxes go up? How about when they have to pay more for energy?

Wages are another cost of doing business and minimum wage has been frozen for seven years. None of those other costs have been frozen for seven years

If cost of business in one state becomes to high that prohibits growth for the company that company transfers to a state with a better economic business environment meaning that state just lost jobs. Businesses get prior notices for taxes and some other things you mentioned, so they know and can prepare ahead of time and give out notices.

Same goes for wages. A minimum wage increase would be nation wide so there is no advantage in jumping states

How much of an increase are you talking about?

If it's a few percent no big deal.

If you're talking about a 40% increase like Obama or a more than 100% increase like the unions then that's another thing.

Now let's use the 15 an hour figure for the sake of this post.

If everyone making less that 15 an hour was given a raise overnight do you not think prices for everything would go up?

So now that 15 an hour doesn't really give them that much more purchasing power does it?

But what happens is that everyone making more than 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

So i guess the question is: Do more people make 15 an hour now than less than 15 an hour?

If so is a very slight real increase in purchasing power for those making less than 15 an hour worth the decrease in purchasing power of the higher number of people making more?
I am looking for an increase to $15 an hour over five years
You can't assume a one for one correlation between wages and price increases
The market will adjust to the new wage structure

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