War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

If YOU can't defeat them, gtf out of the way...
Don't want to defeat them, not trying to defeat them. I want to emulate them and be just like them. I want you fuckers to literally hate me for all I'm worth.

And to those of you who are muttering "revolution" under your breath, I hope to hell you go for that! Bring it the fuck on! You're going to find out how many bullets the rich can afford. I honestly don't think any of you have the guts to do this, you're just spewing nonsense out of sheer frustration. But crazy stupid people do crazy stupid shit every day, so it would not surprise me.
I don't mutter, if things keep getting worse there will be a revolution, it is the way humans do things, if the rich acted as openly hostile to the rabble as you do it would have already happened. The french aristocracy felt secure enough to rub people's faces in the poverty that they caused and look what happened to them.

The French Aristocracy didn't have a constitution and free republic. Yes... humans often do boneheaded things, and that would certainly qualify. But hey... If your heart is set on being slaughtered in short order, I say you should go for it! Rich people can afford lots of weapons and ammo, so it's not going to be a cake walk.

In fact, I think that might be the best idea you've come up with yet! That would give us ample reason to wipe you off the face of the earth and restore America to glory again.
Now you are just being silly. No one wants a revolution but it's what will happen if this situation continues unabated. Amazing you seem to think that killing people is better than paying them a decent wage or allowing the economy to work for all.

Hell I thought all the middle class and lower class gun owners were "prepping" for the revolution against the plutocrats. Evidently Boss thinks they are all so well armed because they are going to protect the ultra rich from the rest of us.

!% of 300 million is 3 million ultra rich vs the 297 million of the rest of us. I don't care if the ultra rich have a million man army, I like the odds of the masses.
So what I hear is you being in favor of arming little kids and sending them off to fight "the rich"

Dude the "little kids" are already armed. Don't you ever read about how they shoot themselves?
And are you gonna say a 15 yo is a "little kid"?.

But don't worry, if you won't fight for yourself the rest of the nation will leave you along. YOU sure as fuck do not qualify as the "ultra rich".

The world has changed. International business competition has never been more intense, and it's becoming more so by the day.

Drop the corporate tax rate to 10%. Unleash a flood of repatriated capital and attract another flood of international capital.

Add two (although I'm beginning to think three) new marginal personal rates at the top end, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.5%. Add minimum effective tax rates.

There, that should piss off both ends of this argument. But it's what I would do.


I know we don't "discuss" anything BUT why would the ultra rich EVER support a proposal like you just made?
They ultra rich have worked hard to get the effective rates where they are. You are proposing a rather large tax increase on them. Why would they support that?

And why would this huge flood of capital cause all this hiring? Why would these corporation hire all these people if there was no increased demand for their goods or services? Even if they had all the capital in the world, why would they waste it on hiring and expansion they didn't need? That would not be sound business practice.
Out of every $100, here is how wealth is distributed among 100 people


What should we do?

Take from the rich and give to the poor? That is what conservatives say will happen. But that is unconstitutional and only provides a short term fix

What we need to do is end government fiscal policies that only help the rich and enact policies that help working Americans

The wealthy:
Tax capital gains at the same rate as income
Pay Social Security on all income
45% tax rate on income over $1 million
Cut out tax loopholes and minimize deductions

Working Americans:
Increase minimum wage and index to inflation
Require employers who don't pay a living wage (workers need government assistance) to contribute more to housing assistance, food stamps and other social programs
Subsidize more of healthcare and put in catastrophic limits
Subsidize education based on performance
What is really funny is stupid people like Boss want to reduce the "marginal" corporate tax rate to 20% with no deductions. Flat 20%. 15% drop in marginal rate.

And an 8% increase in effective rate.

Boss wants to increase corporate taxes by 8%.

Boss not being smart enough to understand the difference.

And Boss not being smart enough to understand the corporations don't want tax change (unless they get to pay 0%). They do like the ability to bitch about that 35% number while they pay 12%. It keeps people like Boss on their side cause Boss don't know the difference between "marginal" and "effective" tax rates.

Weird especially when Boss wants to up their rate by 8%.

I don't see where I posted anything about what I wanted to do with corporate taxes. Not sure where you came up with all these percentages and figures, but it wasn't from me.

If it were left to me, we would have 0% corporate tax in America. That's right... Boss wants NO corporate tax whatsoever. I also favor transitioning away from income tax to a consumption tax of 25% with a $400 per month prebate paid to families below the poverty line. (aka: Fair Tax) This would require repealing the 16th Amendment.

No corporate taxation in America would create massive amounts of new enterprise and jobs from virtually every global corporation on the planet. We would fucking have to annex Mexico in order to fill the job openings and wages would skyrocket as demand for labor exceeded supply. Corporations would be pleased as punch to pay higher wages in return for no corporate taxation.

So there you have it... next time you get ready to spout off about what Boss believes, you should ask me first.

Cool, now we are down to 0% corporate tax rate. That should be amazing. But fuck it, if we are gonna live in a fantasy world, lets just stipulate that no one pays income tax. Matter of fact. no taxes of any kind.

If 0% tax for corporations is good enough for them (and corporations are people to you know) then it would be good enough for me.

You want to speculate any on what may happen to the country with no income?

And no I am not interested in paying your consumption tax. No tax for me. A 25% CONSUMPTION tax would be a rather large tax increase for me and I am not interested.

Cool, now we are down to 0% corporate tax rate. That should be amazing. But fuck it, if we are gonna live in a fantasy world, lets just stipulate that no one pays income tax.
I already said repeal the 16th and eliminate income tax.

Matter of fact. no taxes of any kind.
No can do, gotta pay for taking care of your bastard children and such.

And no I am not interested in paying your consumption tax.
I didn't ask you.

No tax for me. A 25% CONSUMPTION tax would be a rather large tax increase for me and I am not interested.
Again... don't care if you're interested. You probably would be exempt anyway since you're probably below the poverty level. You'd get a check for $400 per month to offset your consumption tax.

The really great thing about this is, it effectively ends the War on The Rich.
Out of every $100, here is how wealth is distributed among 100 people


What should we do?

Take from the rich and give to the poor? That is what conservatives say will happen. But that is unconstitutional and only provides a short term fix

What we need to do is end government fiscal policies that only help the rich and enact policies that help working Americans

The wealthy:
Tax capital gains at the same rate as income
Pay Social Security on all income
45% tax rate on income over $1 million
Cut out tax loopholes and minimize deductions

Working Americans:
Increase minimum wage and index to inflation
Require employers who don't pay a living wage (workers need government assistance) to contribute more to housing assistance, food stamps and other social programs
Subsidize more of healthcare and put in catastrophic limits
Subsidize education based on performance

That's the second time this graph has been posted along with the same propaganda.

Stop spamming the thread.
Hell I thought all the middle class and lower class gun owners were "prepping" for the revolution against the plutocrats. Evidently Boss thinks they are all so well armed because they are going to protect the ultra rich from the rest of us.

!% of 300 million is 3 million ultra rich vs the 297 million of the rest of us. I don't care if the ultra rich have a million man army, I like the odds of the masses.

Hey ass clown, have yourself some nice wet dreams about your revolution tonight. It's the only place it will ever happen. For the record, it would not be "3 million ultra rich vs the 297 million of the rest of us." You mistakenly and stupidly assume all but the ultra-rich would join your revolution. The overwhelming majority would favor putting you down like rabid dogs with the US Armed Forces in about 2 days. Again... I say you should go for it!
What is really funny is stupid people like Boss want to reduce the "marginal" corporate tax rate to 20% with no deductions. Flat 20%. 15% drop in marginal rate.

And an 8% increase in effective rate.

Boss wants to increase corporate taxes by 8%.

Boss not being smart enough to understand the difference.

And Boss not being smart enough to understand the corporations don't want tax change (unless they get to pay 0%). They do like the ability to bitch about that 35% number while they pay 12%. It keeps people like Boss on their side cause Boss don't know the difference between "marginal" and "effective" tax rates.

Weird especially when Boss wants to up their rate by 8%.

I don't see where I posted anything about what I wanted to do with corporate taxes. Not sure where you came up with all these percentages and figures, but it wasn't from me.

If it were left to me, we would have 0% corporate tax in America. That's right... Boss wants NO corporate tax whatsoever. I also favor transitioning away from income tax to a consumption tax of 25% with a $400 per month prebate paid to families below the poverty line. (aka: Fair Tax) This would require repealing the 16th Amendment.

No corporate taxation in America would create massive amounts of new enterprise and jobs from virtually every global corporation on the planet. We would fucking have to annex Mexico in order to fill the job openings and wages would skyrocket as demand for labor exceeded supply. Corporations would be pleased as punch to pay higher wages in return for no corporate taxation.

So there you have it... next time you get ready to spout off about what Boss believes, you should ask me first.

Cool, now we are down to 0% corporate tax rate. That should be amazing. But fuck it, if we are gonna live in a fantasy world, lets just stipulate that no one pays income tax. Matter of fact. no taxes of any kind.

If 0% tax for corporations is good enough for them (and corporations are people to you know) then it would be good enough for me.

You want to speculate any on what may happen to the country with no income?

And no I am not interested in paying your consumption tax. No tax for me. A 25% CONSUMPTION tax would be a rather large tax increase for me and I am not interested.

Cool, now we are down to 0% corporate tax rate. That should be amazing. But fuck it, if we are gonna live in a fantasy world, lets just stipulate that no one pays income tax.
I already said repeal the 16th and eliminate income tax.

Matter of fact. no taxes of any kind.
No can do, gotta pay for taking care of your bastard children and such.

And no I am not interested in paying your consumption tax.
I didn't ask you.

No tax for me. A 25% CONSUMPTION tax would be a rather large tax increase for me and I am not interested.
Again... don't care if you're interested. You probably would be exempt anyway since you're probably below the poverty level. You'd get a check for $400 per month to offset your consumption tax.

The really great thing about this is, it effectively ends the War on The Rich.

Funny things about "projections" Boss the Asshole. You make yourself look really stupid. Especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Like now.

A solidly middle class man like myself and you want to project that I am poor. LMAO.

OK dude.

Your idea of that flat consumption tax is so fucking stupid that no one other than ignorant assholes like you ever bother to bring it up..

Something about most of us living in the real world and you running around with a mouth speaking through your asshole.

Carry on asshole. This "poor" person is headed to work. Fortunately I am my own Boss and don't have to deal with stupid fucks like you.
Hell I thought all the middle class and lower class gun owners were "prepping" for the revolution against the plutocrats. Evidently Boss thinks they are all so well armed because they are going to protect the ultra rich from the rest of us.

!% of 300 million is 3 million ultra rich vs the 297 million of the rest of us. I don't care if the ultra rich have a million man army, I like the odds of the masses.

Hey ass clown, have yourself some nice wet dreams about your revolution tonight. It's the only place it will ever happen. For the record, it would not be "3 million ultra rich vs the 297 million of the rest of us." You mistakenly and stupidly assume all but the ultra-rich would join your revolution. The overwhelming majority would favor putting you down like rabid dogs with the US Armed Forces in about 2 days. Again... I say you should go for it!

You dumb mother fucker. Look up the word "sarcastic". You know what? You really are fucking stupid.
Out of every $100, here is how wealth is distributed among 100 people


What should we do?

Take from the rich and give to the poor? That is what conservatives say will happen. But that is unconstitutional and only provides a short term fix

What we need to do is end government fiscal policies that only help the rich and enact policies that help working Americans

The wealthy:
Tax capital gains at the same rate as income
Pay Social Security on all income
45% tax rate on income over $1 million
Cut out tax loopholes and minimize deductions

Working Americans:
Increase minimum wage and index to inflation
Require employers who don't pay a living wage (workers need government assistance) to contribute more to housing assistance, food stamps and other social programs
Subsidize more of healthcare and put in catastrophic limits
Subsidize education based on performance

That's the second time this graph has been posted along with the same propaganda.

Stop spamming the thread.

It is an accurate representation of where the wealth is

Simple question for conservatives:

In looking for new revenue why do you go after the guy who has 19 cents instead of the guy who has $34.60?
I know, it must be the single payer H/C he pushed through and the tax burden on the 'job creators' right?

Oh wait, we don't have single payer, we have one modeled after right wing Heritage/Romney and taxes on the 'job creators' are at the lowest SUSTAINED level for 80+ years. Wow he's a horrible socialist/Marxist

The ONLY reason you don't have single payer is there weren't enough Socialist Democrats willing to vote for it. Republicans didn't vote for ANY of Obamacare.

Except when it was Romneycare.
Out of every $100, here is how wealth is distributed among 100 people


What should we do?

Take from the rich and give to the poor? That is what conservatives say will happen. But that is unconstitutional and only provides a short term fix

What we need to do is end government fiscal policies that only help the rich and enact policies that help working Americans

The wealthy:
Tax capital gains at the same rate as income
Pay Social Security on all income
45% tax rate on income over $1 million
Cut out tax loopholes and minimize deductions

Working Americans:
Increase minimum wage and index to inflation
Require employers who don't pay a living wage (workers need government assistance) to contribute more to housing assistance, food stamps and other social programs
Subsidize more of healthcare and put in catastrophic limits
Subsidize education based on performance

That's the second time this graph has been posted along with the same propaganda.

Stop spamming the thread.

It is an accurate representation of where the wealth is

Simple question for conservatives:

In looking for new revenue why do you go after the guy who has 19 cents instead of the guy who has $34.60?

I don't go after anyone, I want to repeal income tax, remember?

The bottom line is, the guy who has $34.60 is not earning an income we can tax.

Wow... the wealthy people have the wealth... that's so surprising to me... you see, I figured the wealth would be with the people living under the overpass in cardboard boxes. Just seems like that's where the wealth should be and not with the WEALTHY! How dare the wealthy people have the wealth! The poor people should have the wealth, they need it the most, right? And wealthy people should have to be poor, they don't need anything.

Have they checked you for mental retardation? Just curious?
I know, it must be the single payer H/C he pushed through and the tax burden on the 'job creators' right?

Oh wait, we don't have single payer, we have one modeled after right wing Heritage/Romney and taxes on the 'job creators' are at the lowest SUSTAINED level for 80+ years. Wow he's a horrible socialist/Marxist

The ONLY reason you don't have single payer is there weren't enough Socialist Democrats willing to vote for it. Republicans didn't vote for ANY of Obamacare.

Except when it was Romneycare.

Romneycare was a state program in the most liberal state of the country. I don't think Congressional Republicans had a vote there.
Out of every $100, here is how wealth is distributed among 100 people


What should we do?

Take from the rich and give to the poor? That is what conservatives say will happen. But that is unconstitutional and only provides a short term fix

What we need to do is end government fiscal policies that only help the rich and enact policies that help working Americans

The wealthy:
Tax capital gains at the same rate as income
Pay Social Security on all income
45% tax rate on income over $1 million
Cut out tax loopholes and minimize deductions

Working Americans:
Increase minimum wage and index to inflation
Require employers who don't pay a living wage (workers need government assistance) to contribute more to housing assistance, food stamps and other social programs
Subsidize more of healthcare and put in catastrophic limits
Subsidize education based on performance

That's the second time this graph has been posted along with the same propaganda.

Stop spamming the thread.
It is an excellent graph and spam is a wonderful canned meat product. Especially when fried with pineapple and maraschino cherries.
I know, it must be the single payer H/C he pushed through and the tax burden on the 'job creators' right?

Oh wait, we don't have single payer, we have one modeled after right wing Heritage/Romney and taxes on the 'job creators' are at the lowest SUSTAINED level for 80+ years. Wow he's a horrible socialist/Marxist

The ONLY reason you don't have single payer is there weren't enough Socialist Democrats willing to vote for it. Republicans didn't vote for ANY of Obamacare.

Except when it was Romneycare.

Romneycare was a state program in the most liberal state of the country. I don't think Congressional Republicans had a vote there.

Had President Romney been in charge and implemented exactly the same program you and all the other Republicans would lauded it as a triumph of free market capitalism.
What is really funny is stupid people like Boss want to reduce the "marginal" corporate tax rate to 20% with no deductions. Flat 20%. 15% drop in marginal rate.

And an 8% increase in effective rate.

Boss wants to increase corporate taxes by 8%.

Boss not being smart enough to understand the difference.

And Boss not being smart enough to understand the corporations don't want tax change (unless they get to pay 0%). They do like the ability to bitch about that 35% number while they pay 12%. It keeps people like Boss on their side cause Boss don't know the difference between "marginal" and "effective" tax rates.

Weird especially when Boss wants to up their rate by 8%.

I don't see where I posted anything about what I wanted to do with corporate taxes. Not sure where you came up with all these percentages and figures, but it wasn't from me.

If it were left to me, we would have 0% corporate tax in America. That's right... Boss wants NO corporate tax whatsoever. I also favor transitioning away from income tax to a consumption tax of 25% with a $400 per month prebate paid to families below the poverty line. (aka: Fair Tax) This would require repealing the 16th Amendment.

No corporate taxation in America would create massive amounts of new enterprise and jobs from virtually every global corporation on the planet. We would fucking have to annex Mexico in order to fill the job openings and wages would skyrocket as demand for labor exceeded supply. Corporations would be pleased as punch to pay higher wages in return for no corporate taxation.

So there you have it... next time you get ready to spout off about what Boss believes, you should ask me first.

Cool, now we are down to 0% corporate tax rate. That should be amazing. But fuck it, if we are gonna live in a fantasy world, lets just stipulate that no one pays income tax. Matter of fact. no taxes of any kind.

If 0% tax for corporations is good enough for them (and corporations are people to you know) then it would be good enough for me.

You want to speculate any on what may happen to the country with no income?

And no I am not interested in paying your consumption tax. No tax for me. A 25% CONSUMPTION tax would be a rather large tax increase for me and I am not interested.

Cool, now we are down to 0% corporate tax rate. That should be amazing. But fuck it, if we are gonna live in a fantasy world, lets just stipulate that no one pays income tax.
I already said repeal the 16th and eliminate income tax.

Matter of fact. no taxes of any kind.
No can do, gotta pay for taking care of your bastard children and such.

And no I am not interested in paying your consumption tax.
I didn't ask you.

No tax for me. A 25% CONSUMPTION tax would be a rather large tax increase for me and I am not interested.
Again... don't care if you're interested. You probably would be exempt anyway since you're probably below the poverty level. You'd get a check for $400 per month to offset your consumption tax.

The really great thing about this is, it effectively ends the War on The Rich.

Funny things about "projections" Boss the Asshole. You make yourself look really stupid. Especially when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Like now.

A solidly middle class man like myself and you want to project that I am poor. LMAO.

OK dude.

Your idea of that flat consumption tax is so fucking stupid that no one other than ignorant assholes like you ever bother to bring it up..

Something about most of us living in the real world and you running around with a mouth speaking through your asshole.

Carry on asshole. This "poor" person is headed to work. Fortunately I am my own Boss and don't have to deal with stupid fucks like you.

Well zeke, all you did was state my ideas are stupid and I'm stupid. That's not reasoned debate in any circle. That's just pissy-pants whining like a 3-year-old.

The Fair Tax has broad support and is very popular. It makes perfect sense because we are the consummate consumer society. We're spoiled. We like our stuff. We like the newest and latest stuff. Now a 25% increase in price may sound a little disconcerting at first, but we have to factor in capitalism and free market competition. This might cause many products to have MSRP lowered by 25% to offset the tax, just because of market demand. Say a guy is selling recliners for $199... doesn't sell at $250, customers aren't motivated to buy. Maybe he reduces the price so that when the tax is added it comes out at $199? Nothing wrong with capitalism.

Lots of upsides... it opens up the underground, all the members of society who avoid taxes now... criminals, drug dealers, democrat politicians... they'd all be paying... they'd all have "skin in the game" as VP Gaffe Machine says.

But hey... the best thing is, it gets you out of this quagmire of a war you're in with the rich! You get to save face! People can forget all about you coming up with the dumbest idea in the history of man and declaring a war you can't win against an enemy you'll never defeat.
I think the OP fails to realize that corporations and Wall Street own and are part of the government. In fact the 'war on the rich' is a fallacy, as they own the politicians in both parties, hold the vast majority of political power, and only give token gestures to the plebs so they don't revolt. They profit more from the status quo, which is why they want to keep it, though the next step is making it so only the poor and middle class pay tax, like in the good old days of serfdom.

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