War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

income i snot wealth.

the only wealth that matters is your wealth (net worth) and none of you have been able to tell me what rich greedy guy is stopping you from increasing your wealth. Or how one person's increase in net worth decreases yours.

Poorly paid people dealing with rising costs coupled with the lower buying power of what dollars they actually make have to liquidate their wealth to keep paying the bills that keep rising, leaving them bereft of that wealth. And it isn't "one person," it is a collusion, a cabal of "people" that (rather than who, no matter what the latest, rather than greatest, Supremes decided on the subject of personhood) keep driving costs higher and paychecks lower. This isn't rocket science, and you know damned well what you're supporting, and why.
So who is stopping any "poorly paid people" from acquiring a better skill set so as to earn more?

Or are you one that subscribes to the ridiculousness that no one should ever work more than 37.5 hours a week, never miss a vacation day or leave a sick day untaken and yet expect to get ahead?
Pubs who cut funding for training, make college loans more expensive duh. Make us the only modern country without at least a month paid vacation after a year, paid parental leave, good cheap day care, and tax the poor as much or more %wise as the rich, chump of the greedy idiot rich.
Funny we had none of those things decades ago yet all of a sudden it's a problem?

If you want training go get it yourself. Why does the government have to pay for it?

And college isn't the answer for everyone. Many people would be better off learning a trade rather than getting some bullshit BA liberal arts degree.

It all boils down to what you will do for yourself and I can see that you don't really think people should do for themselves and that government should do it for them.

The resistance I see to getting a second job here or maybe going to school part time so as to avoid debt is all I need to know that you people aren't willing to sacrifice anything to get ahead

those things have not been a problem since the new deal. since reagan, the right has dodge nothing but undermine workers, force wages down and outsource our jobs in order to increase already-bloated profit margins.

so no. it wasn't a problem because it was contained.
Funny I am a post reagan adult and never had a problem why is it you think everyone else seems to?
What policy exactly has stopped you from making more or adding to your net worth?

we are not talking about MY earnings or net wroth. I am fine. unlike you, I have a societal interest in assuring a strong middle class.

and you know very well what rightwing policies have destroyed the middle class and left people with the same wages they earned basically thirty years ago, while goods cost so much more.
I don't know any right wing anything.

All I know is for my entire life no one, no policies, no rich guy, no CEO has ever stopped me from earning more, saving more, or anything else i wanted to do to improve my financial position.

I guess I don't see cabals and conspiracies to use as excuses.

The battle lines are pretty much drawn at those who have benefited from the American economic/tax system, and those who have not. A lot of those who have benefited have such a knee-jerk, arrogant, and defensive reaction that there is just no getting through to them.

Those who benefit love to crow about how hard they worked.

If anything THAT is the great American myth.

There are so many variables in to financial success that I laugh when I hear people extolling the virtues of their “hard work”. Yes, hard work is necessary, but it is not the path to goodness and wealth.

showing up is 90% of the game. But you people are more concerned with time off and hand outs than you are with showing up.

And really the people who pay no income tax and get all kinds of refundable tax credits are benefiting from the tax code are they not?

If you people looked for reasons to succeed rather than excuses why you can't the country would be better off.

It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
We all have the same time every week.

So tell me why is it that some people with a bunch of kids don't use their kids as an excuse not to do something but as a reason to do it.
Translation: Blah blah blah, bla-blah blah blah. Bla-bla blah blah blah!1!1 Fox, Koch, Boosh... Blah blah blah bla-bla blah!1!! Bankers, Fox, Bush, Cheney, blah bla-bla blah!1!! Pubs, Bush, Koch, Fox, blah bla-bla, blah blah blah and blah bla-bla blah!1!!

Franco is not technically sane.

I don't have him on ignore, but I do ignore his posts. I've never seen anything rational from him yet. Deranged cut & paste. He is the same as Dumb2three, but uses more fringe sources for his hatred.
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So a new paradigm in the US, where only the Rich can vote, where only the Rich can hold positions of power, and where all opposition to, criticism of, and disagreement with the Rich is punishable under the law,

how soon would that make life better for the rest of us?

Comrade, name the last democrat in Congress or the White House with net assets less than $1 million?

Shall I hold my breath?

Comrade, did you know the Koch brothers net worth is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, owner of the democratic party?

Do you have any idea how fucking foolish you are, waging class warfare on "the rich," while your leash is held by one of the 20 richest men in the world?
I know, it must be the single payer H/C he pushed through and the tax burden on the 'job creators' right?

Oh wait, we don't have single payer, we have one modeled after right wing Heritage/Romney and taxes on the 'job creators' are at the lowest SUSTAINED level for 80+ years. Wow he's a horrible socialist/Marxist

The ONLY reason you don't have single payer is there weren't enough Socialist Democrats willing to vote for it. Republicans didn't vote for ANY of Obamacare.

Except when it was Romneycare.

Romneycare was a state program in the most liberal state of the country. I don't think Congressional Republicans had a vote there.

Had President Romney been in charge and implemented exactly the same program you and all the other Republicans would lauded it as a triumph of free market capitalism.
Uh, given Republicans criticized Romney for Romneycare that's an unfounded statement. Actually an outright lie.

You're probably right about that because Republicans in Washington never would have done anything about health care to begin with.
It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
It appears to me you are a bedwetter who is talking out of his ass.

It appears to me you're a piece of shit.
That's how you perceive anyone who calls you on your bullshit. You don't know Skull from a hole in the wall but you're willing to make all sorts of judgments based on literally nothing.

I know he doesn't have kids. And from his attitude, I can guess the rest.

So tell me, what have YOU ever done for anyone else?
You dont know jack shit about him or me. The fact you want to personalize this discussion tells me you're losing badly.

No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.
The OP's premise of there being a war on the rich seems to involve using dissatisfaction with the unaccountable power of the super-rich as a political rallying point. By that standard the GOP has had wars on the poor, immigrants, Muslims, the uninsured, anti-war protesters, minority voters, the homeless, privacy advocates, anti-gun activists, environmental activists, unions, shit I could probably make a much lengthier list of designated scapegoats that have been used to get conservatives to the polls to vote but I think we all get the idea. By the OP's standard simply being against someone else's political/economic agenda is a war, explains why they are so damned nasty to people who disagree with them.

The class warfare being waged in this nation is against the middle class.

From the time of Marx, the left has sought the complete destruction of the bourgeoisie, AKA the middle class. Leftism depends on the very wealthy to fund the social experiments that central planners impose on the enslaved masses. But leftism is ultimately the return to feudalism, the proposition that a benevolent elite are to rule over and care for the the masses in the same way an Antebellum plantation owner cared for his slaves. Socialism and Communism are predicated upon the idea that an elite is smarter and better equipped to make decisions on resource allocation than are consumers and the market.

The goal of George Soros through his puppets like Obama, is simply to pull the ladder of success up, and kick the bourgeois back into poverty and dependence. A dependent people are an obedient people. Leftism demands unquestioning obedience, of the kind we see from NYCarbineer and ClosedCaption, mindless automatons uncritically follow orders from party bosses.
we are not talking about MY earnings or net wroth. I am fine. unlike you, I have a societal interest in assuring a strong middle class.

and you know very well what rightwing policies have destroyed the middle class and left people with the same wages they earned basically thirty years ago, while goods cost so much more.
I don't know any right wing anything.

All I know is for my entire life no one, no policies, no rich guy, no CEO has ever stopped me from earning more, saving more, or anything else i wanted to do to improve my financial position.

I guess I don't see cabals and conspiracies to use as excuses.

The battle lines are pretty much drawn at those who have benefited from the American economic/tax system, and those who have not. A lot of those who have benefited have such a knee-jerk, arrogant, and defensive reaction that there is just no getting through to them.

Those who benefit love to crow about how hard they worked.

If anything THAT is the great American myth.

There are so many variables in to financial success that I laugh when I hear people extolling the virtues of their “hard work”. Yes, hard work is necessary, but it is not the path to goodness and wealth.

showing up is 90% of the game. But you people are more concerned with time off and hand outs than you are with showing up.

And really the people who pay no income tax and get all kinds of refundable tax credits are benefiting from the tax code are they not?

If you people looked for reasons to succeed rather than excuses why you can't the country would be better off.

It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
We all have the same time every week.

So tell me why is it that some people with a bunch of kids don't use their kids as an excuse not to do something but as a reason to do it.

As a reason to get rich? Or what? I've seen people complete an education after kids and some even start a business after kids but I haven't seen anyone get rich after kids unless the seeds were well sown beforehand.
It appears to me you are a bedwetter who is talking out of his ass.

It appears to me you're a piece of shit.
That's how you perceive anyone who calls you on your bullshit. You don't know Skull from a hole in the wall but you're willing to make all sorts of judgments based on literally nothing.

I know he doesn't have kids. And from his attitude, I can guess the rest.

So tell me, what have YOU ever done for anyone else?
You dont know jack shit about him or me. The fact you want to personalize this discussion tells me you're losing badly.

No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.
You get tired of successful people reminding you you have no one to blame but yourself for your failure.
The ONLY reason you don't have single payer is there weren't enough Socialist Democrats willing to vote for it. Republicans didn't vote for ANY of Obamacare.

Except when it was Romneycare.

Romneycare was a state program in the most liberal state of the country. I don't think Congressional Republicans had a vote there.

Had President Romney been in charge and implemented exactly the same program you and all the other Republicans would lauded it as a triumph of free market capitalism.
Uh, given Republicans criticized Romney for Romneycare that's an unfounded statement. Actually an outright lie.

You're probably right about that because Republicans in Washington never would have done anything about health care to begin with.
And we all would have been better off that way.
No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.

Could you occasionally "help" the needy with your own resources instead of taking from others by force to give to those you feel are more deserving?
Just as soon as bailouts for the rich come from the rich only. I will agree...
It appears to me you're a piece of shit.
That's how you perceive anyone who calls you on your bullshit. You don't know Skull from a hole in the wall but you're willing to make all sorts of judgments based on literally nothing.

I know he doesn't have kids. And from his attitude, I can guess the rest.

So tell me, what have YOU ever done for anyone else?
You dont know jack shit about him or me. The fact you want to personalize this discussion tells me you're losing badly.

No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.
You get tired of successful people reminding you you have no one to blame but yourself for your failure.
That in itself is a cop out, since not all humans are greedy, or have a desire to be wealthy.
No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.

Could you occasionally "help" the needy with your own resources instead of taking from others by force to give to those you feel are more deserving?

Yes...:rolleyes: Just how much of what I earn do you feel entitled to?
That's how you perceive anyone who calls you on your bullshit. You don't know Skull from a hole in the wall but you're willing to make all sorts of judgments based on literally nothing.

I know he doesn't have kids. And from his attitude, I can guess the rest.

So tell me, what have YOU ever done for anyone else?
You dont know jack shit about him or me. The fact you want to personalize this discussion tells me you're losing badly.

No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.
You get tired of successful people reminding you you have no one to blame but yourself for your failure.
That in itself is a cop out, since not all humans are greedy, or have a desire to be wealthy.
All humans have a desire to be wealthy. They might not all have the motivation or values to go through the ordeal of getting there.
But here the theme is, Rich people merely lucked into their wealth. Everyone else is getting screwed by the rich and dont have a chance.
Which is bullshit.

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