War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

It appears to me you're a piece of shit.
That's how you perceive anyone who calls you on your bullshit. You don't know Skull from a hole in the wall but you're willing to make all sorts of judgments based on literally nothing.

I know he doesn't have kids. And from his attitude, I can guess the rest.

So tell me, what have YOU ever done for anyone else?
You dont know jack shit about him or me. The fact you want to personalize this discussion tells me you're losing badly.

No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.
You get tired of successful people reminding you you have no one to blame but yourself for your failure.

I'm probably in a better situation than you. Go sulk in your own failure. Or better yet, keep kissing the asses of the rich. It's bound to pay off some day, right?
I'm probably in a better situation than you. Go sulk in your own failure. Or better yet, keep kissing the asses of the rich. It's bound to pay off some day, right?

I have never encountered an internet troll, particularly a far left troll, who was not fabulously wealthy.

It's almost as if one could make any claim they please on the interwebz...
I'm probably in a better situation than you. Go sulk in your own failure. Or better yet, keep kissing the asses of the rich. It's bound to pay off some day, right?

I have never encountered an internet troll, particularly a far left troll, who was not fabulously wealthy.

It's almost as if one could make any claim they please on the interwebz...

I'm far from fabulously wealthy. But I'm in about the top 5th or 6th percentile which means I'm probably better off than Rabbi.
Except when it was Romneycare.

Romneycare was a state program in the most liberal state of the country. I don't think Congressional Republicans had a vote there.

Had President Romney been in charge and implemented exactly the same program you and all the other Republicans would lauded it as a triumph of free market capitalism.
Uh, given Republicans criticized Romney for Romneycare that's an unfounded statement. Actually an outright lie.

You're probably right about that because Republicans in Washington never would have done anything about health care to begin with.
And we all would have been better off that way.

Who's we? There seems to be some difference of opinion on that depending on your level of income.
Kind of melodramatic aren't you?

Adjusting the tax structure on that 1% who have 34% of the wealth is far from a war. It's just sensible fiscal policy

No. it's utterly stupid policy. You can't tax wealth. You can only tax income. Wealthy people do not have to earn incomes... they are already wealthy.

The only thing you can do is to put up roadblocks so that no one else can obtain wealth. This seems to be the approach you've chosen to take, and it's the dumbest idea ever in the history of man.

Taxing wealth is how taxation was originally done in our republic. Jefferson and Paine and some other wise men decided that Dynastic wealth was a threat to democracy, and that taxing the sweat of a man's brow was an abhorrent idea.

Start at page 77

Screwed The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class and What We Can Do ... - Thom Hartmann - Google Books

I have no interest in reading the ramblings of a propagandist who is distorting the Founding Fathers to promote Marxism. No, our nation has never taxed wealth. We tax incomes, we tax inheritance. Neither of those is wealth.

Wealth is property. According to the 4th Amendment, the government cannot seize your property without due cause. Wanting to steal your property is not due cause.

They taxed property, they taxed estates, they still do, to a lesser (yet much wailed about) extent. And yes, inheritance is realized wealth. You are a functional moron or an accomplished liar. I'll let you decide which to settle on.
The effective rate is acrobatics? Try the real world. And THAT seems to be paid mostly by small business. Keep defending the greedy rich's racket, dingbat dupe.

LOL... The rich don't need me to defend them, they are resoundingly kicking your ass without any help from me. I'm just sitting here on the sidelines watching them constantly outsmart you at every turn while you continue to shoot yourself in the foot, blow holes in your own ship and kill off your own citizenry in a war you can't win against an enemy you'll never defeat. It's amusing to me.
They're also outbuying you, stupid. If YOU can't defeat them, gtf out of the way...

If YOU can't defeat them, gtf out of the way...
Don't want to defeat them, not trying to defeat them. I want to emulate them and be just like them. I want you fuckers to literally hate me for all I'm worth.

And to those of you who are muttering "revolution" under your breath, I hope to hell you go for that! Bring it the fuck on! You're going to find out how many bullets the rich can afford. I honestly don't think any of you have the guts to do this, you're just spewing nonsense out of sheer frustration. But crazy stupid people do crazy stupid shit every day, so it would not surprise me.

This, "Bring it the fuck on! You're going to find out how many bullets the rich can afford." is precisely WHY the founders were against dynastic fortunes. It makes the wealthiest believe they are above it all, above humanity.
I don't know any right wing anything.

All I know is for my entire life no one, no policies, no rich guy, no CEO has ever stopped me from earning more, saving more, or anything else i wanted to do to improve my financial position.

I guess I don't see cabals and conspiracies to use as excuses.

The battle lines are pretty much drawn at those who have benefited from the American economic/tax system, and those who have not. A lot of those who have benefited have such a knee-jerk, arrogant, and defensive reaction that there is just no getting through to them.

Those who benefit love to crow about how hard they worked.

If anything THAT is the great American myth.

There are so many variables in to financial success that I laugh when I hear people extolling the virtues of their “hard work”. Yes, hard work is necessary, but it is not the path to goodness and wealth.

showing up is 90% of the game. But you people are more concerned with time off and hand outs than you are with showing up.

And really the people who pay no income tax and get all kinds of refundable tax credits are benefiting from the tax code are they not?

If you people looked for reasons to succeed rather than excuses why you can't the country would be better off.

It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
We all have the same time every week.

So tell me why is it that some people with a bunch of kids don't use their kids as an excuse not to do something but as a reason to do it.

As a reason to get rich? Or what? I've seen people complete an education after kids and some even start a business after kids but I haven't seen anyone get rich after kids unless the seeds were well sown beforehand.
Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it can't be done.

I know people who started business while they had kids and they even had more kids after who never made excuses they way you people do and they actually became quite wealthy.

But people like you would rather say it can't be done so you can justify your own lack of initiative. The sad thing is that at least 80% of people will agree with you so it's quite a group of enablers.

Maybe you should associate with more ambitious people.
I know he doesn't have kids. And from his attitude, I can guess the rest.

So tell me, what have YOU ever done for anyone else?
You dont know jack shit about him or me. The fact you want to personalize this discussion tells me you're losing badly.

No, I just get tired of sociopathic douchebags criticizing people who help people besides themselves.
You get tired of successful people reminding you you have no one to blame but yourself for your failure.
That in itself is a cop out, since not all humans are greedy, or have a desire to be wealthy.
All humans have a desire to be wealthy. They might not all have the motivation or values to go through the ordeal of getting there.
But here the theme is, Rich people merely lucked into their wealth. Everyone else is getting screwed by the rich and dont have a chance.
Which is bullshit.
Usually the harder you work the luckier you get
Romneycare was a state program in the most liberal state of the country. I don't think Congressional Republicans had a vote there.

Had President Romney been in charge and implemented exactly the same program you and all the other Republicans would lauded it as a triumph of free market capitalism.
Uh, given Republicans criticized Romney for Romneycare that's an unfounded statement. Actually an outright lie.

You're probably right about that because Republicans in Washington never would have done anything about health care to begin with.
And we all would have been better off that way.

Who's we? There seems to be some difference of opinion on that depending on your level of income.
About 60% of people say they are worse off under Obamacare, about 20% say they're better. Do the math.
How is readjusting the tax code so that it no longer favors the rich, a "war on the rich"?
A flat tax doesn't favor anyone.
I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in a significant cut in taxes for the wealthy

All that illustrates is that some people pay far beyond their fair share.

Why should anyone pay a higher share than anyone else.
So...you don't try to get blood from a turnip

You tax where the money is not by shaking down poor people. Care to name a successful nation on earth that has a flat tax? Why not start with Russia?
Inheritance is wealth. We have fairly high taxes on it.

There's a fairly high setting to when those taxes are applied, too. Funny how that part isn't mentioned :rolleyes:
That's sort of irrelevant. Unless you think $5,000 is great wealth.
The usual RW idiocy. 5 MILLION is the lower limit.
If an asset is left to a spouse or a Federally recognized charity, the tax usually does not apply. In addition, up to a certain amount varying year by year, amounting to $5,250,000 for estates of persons dying in 2013[2] and $5,340,000 for estates of persons dying in 2014[3] can be given by an individual, before and/or upon their death, without incurring federal gift or estate taxes.[4]
Had President Romney been in charge and implemented exactly the same program you and all the other Republicans would lauded it as a triumph of free market capitalism.
Uh, given Republicans criticized Romney for Romneycare that's an unfounded statement. Actually an outright lie.

You're probably right about that because Republicans in Washington never would have done anything about health care to begin with.
And we all would have been better off that way.

Who's we? There seems to be some difference of opinion on that depending on your level of income.
About 60% of people say they are worse off under Obamacare, about 20% say they're better. Do the math.

That certainly is an interesting anecdotal statistic. What do you think about these numbers?

Polls Show Rising Acceptance for Obamacare The Fiscal Times

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