War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in a significant cut in taxes for the wealthy

That is because you lack the wits to grasp the details.

A 90% tax that only applies to 1% of the gross yields less than a 10% that hits 90% of it.

The left seeks high taxes so that favors might be easily sold to the well connected. A flat tax kills corruption, ergo the left.
So...you don't try to get blood from a turnip

You tax where the money is not by shaking down poor people. Care to name a successful nation on earth that has a flat tax? Why not start with Russia?

So, you rob banks because that is where the money is?

You seem to think that taxation is somehow stealing?

Haven't you read the Constitution?
I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in a significant cut in taxes for the wealthy

That is because you lack the wits to grasp the details.

A 90% tax that only applies to 1% of the gross yields less than a 10% that hits 90% of it.

The left seeks high taxes so that favors might be easily sold to the well connected. A flat tax kills corruption, ergo the left.

A 90% tax that only applies to 1% of the gross yields less than a 10% that hits 90% of it.

You might think that but a 90% tax on the top one percent of the population will yield significantly more than a 10% tax on the lower 90% but you would be wrong

Actually, a 10% tax on the wealthy would yield more
The battle lines are pretty much drawn at those who have benefited from the American economic/tax system, and those who have not. A lot of those who have benefited have such a knee-jerk, arrogant, and defensive reaction that there is just no getting through to them.

Those who benefit love to crow about how hard they worked.

If anything THAT is the great American myth.

There are so many variables in to financial success that I laugh when I hear people extolling the virtues of their “hard work”. Yes, hard work is necessary, but it is not the path to goodness and wealth.

showing up is 90% of the game. But you people are more concerned with time off and hand outs than you are with showing up.

And really the people who pay no income tax and get all kinds of refundable tax credits are benefiting from the tax code are they not?

If you people looked for reasons to succeed rather than excuses why you can't the country would be better off.

It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
We all have the same time every week.

So tell me why is it that some people with a bunch of kids don't use their kids as an excuse not to do something but as a reason to do it.

As a reason to get rich? Or what? I've seen people complete an education after kids and some even start a business after kids but I haven't seen anyone get rich after kids unless the seeds were well sown beforehand.
Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it can't be done.

I know people who started business while they had kids and they even had more kids after who never made excuses they way you people do and they actually became quite wealthy.

But people like you would rather say it can't be done so you can justify your own lack of initiative. The sad thing is that at least 80% of people will agree with you so it's quite a group of enablers.

Maybe you should associate with more ambitious people.

I've got all the material wealth I could ever want. If I had a lot more money, I'd buy time with it. That's the commodity that most rich people I know don't have.
You seem to think that taxation is somehow stealing?

Haven't you read the Constitution?

Some is, some isn't.

For the first 160 years of this nation we used flat, consumption taxes.

The problem with consumption taxes is that they are anonymous. Let's say that major democrat Ima Phukinkruk takes a large bribe from Ted Danson or Brad Pitt. His job is to exempt Actors from taxes. With a direct tax, this isn't possible. How does the grocer or barber know who the actors are? They just collect a flat percent on the total spent.

This clearly is no good for selling favors. So the answer is a direct tax, particularly on income and property. An exorbitant tax where exemptions are sold to the highest bidder and the well connected looter is ideal - and exactly what we had prior to 1986. Reagan cut 90% of the corruption out of the tax code - which is why you are trained to hate Reagan. But the 10% remaining is still huge.

A flat tax offers a far more fair system, but beyond that, it creates honest government, it takes away one of the main elements that the crooks in Washington sell, tax exemptions.
I don't know any right wing anything.

All I know is for my entire life no one, no policies, no rich guy, no CEO has ever stopped me from earning more, saving more, or anything else i wanted to do to improve my financial position.

I guess I don't see cabals and conspiracies to use as excuses.

The battle lines are pretty much drawn at those who have benefited from the American economic/tax system, and those who have not. A lot of those who have benefited have such a knee-jerk, arrogant, and defensive reaction that there is just no getting through to them.

Those who benefit love to crow about how hard they worked.

If anything THAT is the great American myth.

There are so many variables in to financial success that I laugh when I hear people extolling the virtues of their “hard work”. Yes, hard work is necessary, but it is not the path to goodness and wealth.

showing up is 90% of the game. But you people are more concerned with time off and hand outs than you are with showing up.

And really the people who pay no income tax and get all kinds of refundable tax credits are benefiting from the tax code are they not?

If you people looked for reasons to succeed rather than excuses why you can't the country would be better off.

It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
We all have the same time every week.

So tell me why is it that some people with a bunch of kids don't use their kids as an excuse not to do something but as a reason to do it.

As a reason to get rich? Or what? I've seen people complete an education after kids and some even start a business after kids but I haven't seen anyone get rich after kids unless the seeds were well sown beforehand.

or the kids are grown
You seem to think that taxation is somehow stealing?

Haven't you read the Constitution?

Some is, some isn't.

For the first 160 years of this nation we used flat, consumption taxes.

The problem with consumption taxes is that they are anonymous. Let's say that major democrat Ima Phukinkruk takes a large bribe from Ted Danson or Brad Pitt. His job is to exempt Actors from taxes. With a direct tax, this isn't possible. How does the grocer or barber know who the actors are? They just collect a flat percent on the total spent.

This clearly is no good for selling favors. So the answer is a direct tax, particularly on income and property. An exorbitant tax where exemptions are sold to the highest bidder and the well connected looter is ideal - and exactly what we had prior to 1986. Reagan cut 90% of the corruption out of the tax code - which is why you are trained to hate Reagan. But the 10% remaining is still huge.

A flat tax offers a far more fair system, but beyond that, it creates honest government, it takes away one of the main elements that the crooks in Washington sell, tax exemptions.

so-called consumption taxes cause working people to pay as taxes a greater part of their income than wealthy people who save a greater percentage of their income.

the "flat-tax" is also called the "help steve forbes not pay taxes" tax.

but that wouldn't bother you, no doubt.
A 90% tax that only applies to 1% of the gross yields less than a 10% that hits 90% of it.

You might think that but a 90% tax on the top one percent of the population will yield significantly more than a 10% tax on the lower 90% but you would be wrong

Actually, a 10% tax on the wealthy would yield more

You democrats sell tax exemptions that shield 99% of the income of the wealth of the 1%

It's all about corruption - it always was.

Tax credits and exemptions are the currency of the democratic party. Take away direct taxation, and you take away most of the democrats sell in return for bribes.
A 90% tax that only applies to 1% of the gross yields less than a 10% that hits 90% of it.

You might think that but a 90% tax on the top one percent of the population will yield significantly more than a 10% tax on the lower 90% but you would be wrong

Actually, a 10% tax on the wealthy would yield more

You democrats sell tax exemptions that shield 99% of the income of the wealth of the 1%

It's all about corruption - it always was.

Tax credits and exemptions are the currency of the democratic party. Take away direct taxation, and you take away most of the democrats sell in return for bribes.

democrats sell tax exemptions? wow... .that's a new one. the exemptions are rightwingnut gimmes'.
who is suggesting a 90% tax on the top 1%. i think most of us would be pretty ok if the top 1% paid the same PERCENTAGE of their annual earnings, whether by income or earnings on investments, as the middle class.

i've never seen a justification for taxing stock market earnings at a lower rate than employment income.
I've got all the material wealth I could ever want. If I had a lot more money, I'd buy time with it. That's the commodity that most rich people I know don't have.

Of course you do, you're a leftist on the interwebz. All interwebz leftists are gazillionaires. Just ask them...

Yes, and one of these days, an internet libertarian might have a brief encounter with reality.
.....who is suggesting a 90% tax on the top 1%. i think most of us would be pretty ok if the top 1% paid the same PERCENTAGE of their annual earnings, whether by income or earnings on investments, as the middle class.


It was, however, Your New Messiah's proud papa who urged, not just suggested, a 100% tax on the wealthy.

Big apple trees beget little apples.
so-called consumption taxes cause working people to pay as taxes a greater part of their income than wealthy people who save a greater percentage of their income.

the "flat-tax" is also called the "help steve forbes not pay taxes" tax.

but that wouldn't bother you, no doubt.

Yes, you mindlessly recite leftist memes, no doubt your trainer will give you a treat.

{"I'll be a fair amount higher, 8 or 9 points higher," Buffett said of his own tax rate in an appearance on CNBC Monday. "But the differential between me and the rest of the office, not just my secretary but the rest of the office, was greater than that. It'll be closer, but I'll probably be the lowest paying taxpayer in the office."}

Buffett says he s still paying lower tax rate than his secretary - Mar. 4 2013

Now HOW is that possible? Because Buffet has bought targeted exemptions and credits that ensure he escapes paying taxes. The politicians he has purchased deliver by providing tax shelters.

As usual, you are 180° from correct.
.....who is suggesting a 90% tax on the top 1%. i think most of us would be pretty ok if the top 1% paid the same PERCENTAGE of their annual earnings, whether by income or earnings on investments, as the middle class.


It was, however, Your New Messiah's proud papa who urged, not just suggested, a 100% tax on the wealthy.

Big apple trees beget little apples.

my messiah?

more rightwingnut obama deranged garbage.

How is readjusting the tax code so that it no longer favors the rich, a "war on the rich"?
A flat tax doesn't favor anyone.
I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in a significant cut in taxes for the wealthy

All that illustrates is that some people pay far beyond their fair share.

Why should anyone pay a higher share than anyone else.
So...you don't try to get blood from a turnip

You tax where the money is not by shaking down poor people. Care to name a successful nation on earth that has a flat tax? Why not start with Russia?
Actually some eastern European countries have done very well with a flat tax and it has worked very well in Hong kong

showing up is 90% of the game. But you people are more concerned with time off and hand outs than you are with showing up.

And really the people who pay no income tax and get all kinds of refundable tax credits are benefiting from the tax code are they not?

If you people looked for reasons to succeed rather than excuses why you can't the country would be better off.

It appears to me that you've never ever been a care taker. Not for kids, not for parents, not for anyone. It tends to put a dent in the time and energy it takes to 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps'.
We all have the same time every week.

So tell me why is it that some people with a bunch of kids don't use their kids as an excuse not to do something but as a reason to do it.

As a reason to get rich? Or what? I've seen people complete an education after kids and some even start a business after kids but I haven't seen anyone get rich after kids unless the seeds were well sown beforehand.
Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it can't be done.

I know people who started business while they had kids and they even had more kids after who never made excuses they way you people do and they actually became quite wealthy.

But people like you would rather say it can't be done so you can justify your own lack of initiative. The sad thing is that at least 80% of people will agree with you so it's quite a group of enablers.

Maybe you should associate with more ambitious people.

I've got all the material wealth I could ever want. If I had a lot more money, I'd buy time with it. That's the commodity that most rich people I know don't have.
more rationalization.

You have yet to tell me who made it harder or impossible for you to amass this material wealth.

Maybe that's because no one is stopping you or anyone else from improving their financial position
How is readjusting the tax code so that it no longer favors the rich, a "war on the rich"?
A flat tax doesn't favor anyone.
I have yet to see a flat tax proposal that does not result in a significant cut in taxes for the wealthy

All that illustrates is that some people pay far beyond their fair share.

Why should anyone pay a higher share than anyone else.
So...you don't try to get blood from a turnip

You tax where the money is not by shaking down poor people. Care to name a successful nation on earth that has a flat tax? Why not start with Russia?
Actually some eastern European countries have done very well with a flat tax and it has worked very well in Hong kong
Doesn't look like a flat tax to me

Salaries tax - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Graduated tax at 2-17%

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