War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

If you want to continue denying the obvious fact of a declining and shrinking middle class then you really can't be taken seriously.

I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.
If you want to continue denying the obvious fact of a declining and shrinking middle class then you really can't be taken seriously.

I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!
Many people I listen to who say they are conservatives don't have two cents to scratch their a**s with, and here's the funny part most of them don't even have health insurance, not because they choose not to have it, but because they can't afford it, or simply because they can't get it because of current state of health, and they still defend the system.......truly pathetic!!!

Well you got your guy elected and you had full control of Congress and you all passed Obamacare into law in order to fix the health care problem... so what happened? Why is health care insurance still unaffordable? Why do people still not have it?

You see, even when you're given full reign and allowed to push through whatever you please in legislative acts, you can't fix the problems and then you run out there and blame republicans for that. You act as if Republicans have controlled all the power and have been blocking everything you've proposed when you've gotten everything you wanted.

Single payer? Wasn't the republicans who blocked that, it was the democrats who wouldn't support it. Republicans didn't support ANY of it, single payer or not. But the thing is, single payer doesn't fix the problem either. Nothing you've proposed (or done) even begins to address the problems with our health care system.

You're all clueless idiot drones. You hang out at these Marxist blogs and get pumped full of Marxist idiocy, then run over here to copy-n-paste this stuff as if it's some new-age way of thinking, when it's recycled 19th century ideas that have done nothing but massively failed. You won't listen to anybody who has any sense at all, it's just easier for you to cling to a Utopian fantasy that will never transpire. You continue to fuck things up beyond repair, then have the unmitigated gall to blame your failures on your opposition.

Dems had 'full control'? Oh you mean a total of 24 days as Dubya'sGOP recession crashed the worlds economy?

One of the standard Republican talking points is that the Democrats had a filibuster-proof, super majority for two years between 2008 and 2010. This talking point is usually trotted out when liberals complain that the Republicans filibustered virtually every piece of legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats during Obama’s presidency. The implication is that Democrats had ample opportunity to pass legislation and that the reason they didn’t pass more legislation doesn’t have anything to do with the Republicans.

It is also used to counter any argument that Republican legislation, (passed during the six years of total Republican control,) has anything to do with today’s problems. They claim that the Democrats had a super majority for two years and passed all kinds of legislation, (over Republican objection and filibuster,) that completely undid all Republican policies and legislation, and this absolves them from today’s problems.

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 60 working days during that period, insufficient time to undo even a small portion of the legislation passed during six years of Republican control. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days Fact Left

You passed Obamacare without any Republican votes. Period. End of discussion. You now want to claim Obamacare was a republican idea. I've heard several of you claim that you REALLY wanted "single payer" but the mean old Republicans stopped you. Well... Unless there were a bunch of republicans calling themselves Democrats and being members of your party, that isn't the case.

You've had your guy in the White House for 6 years, and you've had at least one, if not both, houses of Congress under your control. Yet all the fucked up mess we have is the fault of Republicans. Not a single Republican-sponsored measure has been passed in 6 years, you've gotten virtually everything you wanted for the past 6 years, the republican leadership is about to be ousted for cowering and capitulating to you...and yet, it's all the republicans to blame for everything.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else we can do... maybe we should execute all republicans in America and allow only Democrats in Congress? Maybe if we kill ALL Republicans you guys can govern and take responsibility then? Of course, then it would be the 2% of Libertarians who were preventing you from implementing your genius plans to save the country....so we need to kill them off too, I suppose. Ooops.. no wait... you guys have this thing where you incoherently adopt "republican plans" like Obamacare and pass them into law... so, I don't know what we can do about that.
Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

What's funny is how the middle class are still becoming the new wealthy in spite of all you are doing to prevent that from happening. Darnit... if you could just figure out some way to keep all these people from becoming rich, you might be able to sell people on your Neo-Marxism.
Ya'll need to make up your minds. Either 47% of the population is sucking off the government teat and about worthless or the poor is all making it to the middle class on 9 bucks an hour. Or is it that the middle class have moved up to the wealthy class even though their middle class incomes show a decline along with the decline in other assets.

You just have to wonder what world the people who believe such bullshit live in. Black is white, up is down and being a stupid fuck makes you smart and daboss. LMAO.

But who'd a thunk that boss is a comedy writer. After reading what I read today, I do. Funny shit. In a strange sort of way.
The SS tax is regressive the flat tax treats everyone the same.

Oh it's opposite world today???
The SS tax hits lower income people harder than higher income people THAT is the very definition of a regressive tax.
That's just plain stupid. Lower income people get more out of SS than they put in.. this as opposed to upper income folks who get less out of SS than they put in.

First off... that's totally irrelevant. It doesn't matter what benefits are given out, to determine if a tax is regressive.
Regressive tax - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"A regressive tax is a tax imposed in such a manner that the tax rate decreases as the amount subject to taxation increases."

Social Security, and Medicare, are both regressive taxes. Benefits are irrelevant to determining whether the tax fits the definition of regressive or not.

Bottom line: It is a regressive tax. You can either accept that, or prove you are disqualified from this discussion.

Now as for benefits to tax ratio, I will in fact concede to you, that at the absolute lowest end of the income spectrum, people get out, more than they put in.

However, I think you need to realize just how few fit that group.


A single Male, Earning $45K a year, turning 65 in the year 2015:
Paid in Taxes: $337K

Will collect in benefits: $287K
Female Benefits: $314K (women tend to live longer)

That's significantly less in my book. Which means well more than 50% of the country, is collecting less than they paid in taxes.

Yet it's true that if you earn $20K for your entire life, you will collect far more in benefits, than you paid in taxes.

However, you seems to be missing our point.

If I earn $20,000 a year, until I retire, for doing that I get $12,000 a year in benefits. So taxes keep me broke until I retire, and then I'm even more broke until I die.

Do you think people who live on $12,000 a year in Social Security benefits, are sitting there going "Man this is great! I'm getting back more than I paid in!" while they live in a roach apartment with a beat up 20 year old car to get around in? I did meals on wheels to exactly these people. They are the most pitiful sight you could see.

6.5% of $20,000 a year, is $1,300 a year in taxes.
If you take that $108 a month, and put it into a growth stock mutual fund, over that same time frame of age 20 to age 67, you would end up with..... $1.2 Million dollars.

But thanks to you... those people have $12,000 a year. Now that's a good trade off.

On top of that.....

What you miss, is what advancement those people may have made, had they kept their own money.

Back in the year 1999-2000, I made some really terrible financial mistakes. I spent literally 6 years of my life, paying off loans and debts I had built up in 2 years. In 2006, I paid off nearly all of my debt, and closed out all debts, all credit cards, and all loans of any kind in 2008.

But most of it I paid off in 2006. When I got my account closed letter, and paid-in-full notices in 2006, I tallied up, and found that I had paid off $20,000 worth of debt and loans by 2006.

I received from the Social Security administration, that I had also paid into Social Security $23,000 in taxes.

If *I* had been able to keep *MY* own money, I would NOT have had to spend 6 years of my life working for the bank.

Millions of low wage earners could use that money to.... fix their cars, or repair their homes. Maybe they could have paid for some education, or training. Maybe they could have used the money to start a new business.

Seriously, during that 6 years, I did NOTHING. I bought NOTHING. I didn't even buy new clothes. I wish I had pictures of the rags that I wore during that time. The ripped shirts and torn pants, and so on.

So the Social Security tax, holds people down while they are working, so they can live impoverished when they retire?

And lastly.....

All the calculations, all the estimates, all the graphs and charts, all assume that people sit there and collect their meager $12K a year.

Problem is.... many don't. Most of the retired people, don't just sit on their butts, collecting impoverishment benefits. Most go back to work, because they can't possibly survive on so little.

But when they go to work..... they lose their benefits.

If I reach 67, I am certainly not going to live off of $12K a year. That's not going to happen. I'll keep working.

But then I'll lose my benefits.

So how much benefits will I collect over my taxes paid in, if I keep work? None... in fact, if I keep working, I'll be paying even more taxes into the system, for the benefits I don't receive.

All of that BULL CRAP, that the lowest income people will collect more than they paid in, all fo that is tossed out the window if they keep working at retirement age.

Bottom line..... Socialist Insecurity, is a terrible terrible program that ruins everyone.

And by the way...... It *IS* going broke. The retirement age will have to be raised, and taxes will have to be increased. Sooner, or later, the system will have to be changed, and it will make the already miserable benefit-to-tax ratio, far worse.
Clearly you are just masterbating. You are incapable of reading even simple sentences without going off on complete tangents. But yes SS is a horrible program for the middle class and an even more horrible program for the upper middle class. However, the rate of return being 8x for low income makes SS a good plan for the poor.
Ya'll need to make up your minds. Either 47% of the population is sucking off the government teat and about worthless or the poor is all making it to the middle class on 9 bucks an hour. Or is it that the middle class have moved up to the wealthy class even though their middle class incomes show a decline along with the decline in other assets.

You just have to wonder what world the people who believe such bullshit live in. Black is white, up is down and being a stupid fuck makes you smart and daboss. LMAO.

But who'd a thunk that boss is a comedy writer. After reading what I read today, I do. Funny shit. In a strange sort of way.
What part of the poor don't show up as having income is confusing you zeke?
Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

What's funny is how the middle class are still becoming the new wealthy in spite of all you are doing to prevent that from happening. Darnit... if you could just figure out some way to keep all these people from becoming rich, you might be able to sell people on your Neo-Marxism.

A few people holding all the wealth does nothing to expand the middle class. But you keep droning on about Marxism because that must by your safe place, your fall back position when you don't actually have an argument.
If you want to continue denying the obvious fact of a declining and shrinking middle class then you really can't be taken seriously.

I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
If you want to continue denying the obvious fact of a declining and shrinking middle class then you really can't be taken seriously.

I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
So to summarize, this so called war on the rich is nothing more than a crude rhetorical diversion from the fact that the real war is being waged against the middle class. Rich folks are in no danger of becoming casualties.
Eggzactly. Middle class jobs are under attack from the bottom via illegal immigration, and the top via H1B visas and offshoring. Upper middle class income is under attack via the so called progressive tax system and offshoring. The rich.. yeah profits are up and govco is writing them checks from the upper middle class.

The rich have never been richer, but they don't drive the economy, the middle class does. While more wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few, middle class wages have remained stagnant for more than twenty years. There is a direct correlation between the increasing wealth concentration, a shrinking middle class, and the decline of our economy.
Actually the correlation is between number of Democrats in office and a declining economy.

That must have come from the same study which clearly demonstrates a strong correlation between falling intelligence levels and increased viewership of FOX News.
If you want to continue denying the obvious fact of a declining and shrinking middle class then you really can't be taken seriously.

I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You are as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.
So to summarize, this so called war on the rich is nothing more than a crude rhetorical diversion from the fact that the real war is being waged against the middle class. Rich folks are in no danger of becoming casualties.
Eggzactly. Middle class jobs are under attack from the bottom via illegal immigration, and the top via H1B visas and offshoring. Upper middle class income is under attack via the so called progressive tax system and offshoring. The rich.. yeah profits are up and govco is writing them checks from the upper middle class.

The rich have never been richer, but they don't drive the economy, the middle class does. While more wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few, middle class wages have remained stagnant for more than twenty years. There is a direct correlation between the increasing wealth concentration, a shrinking middle class, and the decline of our economy.

View attachment 33386

Take a look at this graph and tell me what you think is happening to the so-called "middle class" families? It looks to me like the "middle class" is becoming the new rich. They aren't becoming the poor because the poor are also declining. The rich are getting richer, but so are the middle class and poor. Of course... "we" have to stop all this getting rich stuff! Too much of that going on these days! Marxism can only be properly promoted when people are hopelessly mired in poverty with no seeming way out. We have to keep telling people how worthless they are and how they can't help their condition and they need government to fix their situation. Repeat it over and over, pound it into their stubborn heads! If they refuse to believe it, ridicule them and call them stupid, insinuate they don't care about the poor and needy, brow-beat them and make them feel guilty for success. That's how Alinsky says it's done.

RKM, daBoss says we aren't making any more poor people. They have moved to the middle class and the middle class have moved to the wealthy class. He has a graph to prove it too.

Where you get the idea that a bunch of poor people are sucking off the government teat is wrong. They are moving up. And daBoss says to quit bitching about poor people. They hear way to much negativity from people like you. Quit it.
I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.
The ones that don't pay taxes are the ones with enough deductions to not have to pay taxes.. DUH!
So to summarize, this so called war on the rich is nothing more than a crude rhetorical diversion from the fact that the real war is being waged against the middle class. Rich folks are in no danger of becoming casualties.
Eggzactly. Middle class jobs are under attack from the bottom via illegal immigration, and the top via H1B visas and offshoring. Upper middle class income is under attack via the so called progressive tax system and offshoring. The rich.. yeah profits are up and govco is writing them checks from the upper middle class.

The rich have never been richer, but they don't drive the economy, the middle class does. While more wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few, middle class wages have remained stagnant for more than twenty years. There is a direct correlation between the increasing wealth concentration, a shrinking middle class, and the decline of our economy.

View attachment 33386

Take a look at this graph and tell me what you think is happening to the so-called "middle class" families? It looks to me like the "middle class" is becoming the new rich. They aren't becoming the poor because the poor are also declining. The rich are getting richer, but so are the middle class and poor. Of course... "we" have to stop all this getting rich stuff! Too much of that going on these days! Marxism can only be properly promoted when people are hopelessly mired in poverty with no seeming way out. We have to keep telling people how worthless they are and how they can't help their condition and they need government to fix their situation. Repeat it over and over, pound it into their stubborn heads! If they refuse to believe it, ridicule them and call them stupid, insinuate they don't care about the poor and needy, brow-beat them and make them feel guilty for success. That's how Alinsky says it's done.

RKM, daBoss says we aren't making any more poor people. They have moved to the middle class and the middle class have moved to the wealthy class. He has a graph to prove it too.

Where you get the idea that a bunch of poor people are sucking off the government teat is wrong. They are moving up. And daBoss says to quit bitching about poor people. They hear way to much negativity from people like you. Quit it.
The people moving up are the ones that put forth the effort. Additionally when people quit that were making low wages that raises the average. Look it up.. simple math.
I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You are as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

Makes you wonder why any one would engage such stupidity. But they do say some astounding things ie middle class people not paying income taxes..
Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.
The ones that don't pay taxes are the ones with enough deductions to not have to pay taxes.. DUH!

Which working middle income people are those?
Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You are as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

Makes you wonder why any one would engage such stupidity. But they do say some astounding things ie middle class people not paying income taxes..

I know people making less than $30,000 per year who pay a higher income tax rate than the people they work for.
I didn't deny it. I showed you the graph from the US Census Bureau showing where the declining and shrinking middle class are going. You are the one who wants to deny the obvious facts.

Funny how all the casualties are middle class in your imaginary war on the rich. Maybe they're just collateral damage or something.

It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You are as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

Cue the "biased source blah blah blah" litany of excuses.
It's not imaginary. You guys are too much. You sit here day in and day out, railing against the rich, calling them every possible name in the book, accusing them of being greedy corrupt assholes, calling for draconian measures to "fix" wealth disparity, demanding we sock it to the rich who you claim are not paying their fair share, harkening back to the old 'robber baron' days, insinuating that wealthy people don't deserve their wealth, but somehow, some way, your attacks are not to be seen as a "war" on them. LOL... Yeah, right! AND... Obamacare was a Republican idea! LMFAO... You guys should do comedy, seriously!

They don't pay anything like their fair share. Regular working people on average pay a far higher proportion of their income in taxes. Just unfortunate I guess that middle class folks can't afford their own corporate lobbyists to write laws.
Regular working class people dont pay income tax by and large.
Bull shit, absolute and complete fucking bullshit. Which middle income people don't pay taxes? You are as just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

Makes you wonder why any one would engage such stupidity. But they do say some astounding things ie middle class people not paying income taxes..

I know people making less than $30,000 per year who pay a higher income tax rate than the people they work for.
Oh yeah? I know people begging in the streets who are paying more than Bill Gates.

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