War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

40 hours a week, 51 weeks a year (ok to get a week off?) = 2040 hours worked. 70,000$ gross income divided by 2040 hours = $34.31 per hour.

And you say there are "lots" of jobs out there paying 34 bucks an hour. Where are they for the person with the high school education? I know some people that would really like to make 34 dollars an hour. Even 24 an hour.
Hell, 14 an hour for some I know would be great.

What's your company pay per hour? You hiring?
Yes because we all know there is only one way to make money and that's to work one job never miss a break a sick day or give up a vacation day and then whine that your boss sucks.

How's that working for ya?

My 3 highest paid employees get over 80K a year. But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me.
But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me

Dude, if you were the last employer in the world, I wouldn't work for an asshole like you. Not a chance.
But you put out this idea that there are lots of 34 dollar an hour job. Where in the fuck are they? You got three. Where's the rest of them for the 47% of the population that doesn't work? That is the correct number isn't it? 47%?

Wait I know, you got the have THREE jobs to make 34 an hour. 2 jobs paying 13 an hour and one at 8.
That's what you would do. Work three jobs and never rest. Right? You a bad dude.
Hey Boss, how many millions are you worth? Just curious.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I suppose it would depend on how many 'little people' I would want to crush. You see, most of my wealth is invested in numerous capitalist ventures, some of them make money and some lose money. I usually let the money losers ride unless they are losing all my money constantly, then I cut them loose. I own property that I don't even know I own... no lie. A few months ago, my accountant approached me about selling some timber land I owned in Tennessee, which I thought had been sold 10 years ago. I have a warehouse in New York with about 70 antique cars, some worth well over $100k. I am part owner of a power company in Maine which uses biofuel, and I just signed a $90 million contract to recycle asphalt in Georgia for use in the power plant, but I have to move a $900k piece of equipment from Alabama to do the job. I am promoting several artists in Nashville who are just one hit song away from fortune and fame. I'm invested in two Canadian film projects which may or may not pan out. Then, I have security investments overseas.

But now, as wealthy as that may sound to you, I attended a black tie gala a few weeks ago in New York where I sat at the table with people worth billions. Their wealth dwarfs mine considerably. I felt really under-dressed.

Of course, I do not live an opulent lifestyle. I drive a 2006 Toyota and live in a small modest cabin in the boondocks. I don't even have cable television. Last year, I lived on less than $20k. I actually gave more than that to charity. For me, life is not about money, there are some things wealth cannot buy.

Here's the thing... When I was 16 years old, I decided that I wasn't going to be a "worker." I have always been an entrepreneur. Until I was 40, I never had a vacation or worked less than 40 hours a week. Many a weekend, I was busy making money while my friends partied and had a good time. When everyone was buying new houses and cars, I did without. It was tough because I wasn't born into wealth, my parents were typical middle class, my mom worked until she was 70. As a kid, we struggled, living in a house that was more than we could afford, having to do without to pay the electric bills and mortgage. That is why I live so modestly today.

So now that you kind of know my story, you can see why I have little sympathy for whiners who say they can't make it. I know that ANYONE can make it because I did it. Wasn't always easy, it was sometimes very hard. I made sacrifices, lost a lot of time with my daughters that I can never get back. So when pissants like you come along and try to tell me that I don't "deserve" my wealth, it angers me. When you tell me that I have more than I need, it pisses me off. I have everything I have because I worked for it and earned it. And you are never going to get your grubby little greedy freeloading hands on it.
I plainly told you I am pro-capitalism
:rofl: .....And I am the Dalai Lama!
Capitalism prevailed during the most productive and prosperous decades in our history -- the 40s to the 80s. The main advantage existed in the form federal regulations which supervised the activities of the banking and financial industries, assuring the equitable distribution of the Nation's wealth, promoting the union movement, and rigidly enforcing labor laws.

But those regulations, virtually all of which have been repealed or modified beyond being useful, did in no way interfere with the mechanics of capitalistic expansion and growth. Individual growth flourished and new millionaires emerged every day. One significant difference was there were few if any billionaires. Overall economic growth was horizontal rather than the constrictive vertical example we're seeing today.

So why would I not favor the capitalist system? It's the free market (laissez-faire) version of capitalism I oppose -- for very obvious reasons. Simply stated, enabling "free market" capitalism is analogous to eliminating all the rules and regulations governing the use of motor vehicles. A few drivers would make it from Maine to California at 100mph with no problems. But the majority of less proficient, less fortunate drivers would not get very far and the highway system would soon be clogged and barely usable.

As I said, you are a Marxist. It's important to note, a Marxist is not "anti-capitalist" they just want to control the capitalism from a central government.

I'm more in favor of the "no speed limit" version of capitalism... let it ride, baby! I have no problem whatsoever with creating more millionaires, and billionaires are even better. More people becoming wealthy is better than more people becoming poor, in my opinion.

Have you ever in your life said anything that made any sense to anyone? You're the fucking idiot who thinks the middle class doesn't matter.
Well, we can't do anything about it until we get rid of stupid people like you who are pushing the War on The Rich agenda. If we don't get some pro-capitalist smart people elected soon, who understand that free market capitalism is the key to prosperity, there is little hope for our future.[/b]

Free market capitalism is laissez-faire capitalism, which is unregulated capitalism, which ultimately operates to benefit only a small group of insiders, who in the current example are commonly known as the "One Percent."

Free market capitalism is the system imposed (with Milton Friedman's direct guidance) on the Chilean economy by Augusto Pinochet after murdering Salvador Allende during the 1973 coup. What has happened and continues to happen here in the U.S., i.e. the gradual concentration of wealth in the hands of a small group of insiders, is essentially the same thing that happened in Chile. The main difference is the method of transition is peaceful rather than violent and has taken much longer.

The free market system initiated by Ronald Reagan was introduced as "trickle down" economics (a more accurately descriptive name for it would be "siphon up" economics). This transition was implemented by the incremental removal of regulations which had prevented the maneuvers and manipulations which brought about the near-collapse of the U.S. Economy in 2008 and promoted the growth of the One Percent (Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine).

The main point of the above being the basic system operating in both supply side and demand side economics is capitalism. Even the strongest opponents of your ideology (including me) are pro-capitalist. What we oppose is not capitalism but the absence of certain socialist controls (regulations). Without those controls laissez-faire capitalism will eventually begin feeding on itself, as it is doing now with such concepts as privatized prisons.

But that simply has not borne out.

The number of people who are wealthy in America, has drastically increased, and many of the formerly wealthy have all but disappeared.

If you go through some of the oldest institutions of learning in America, they are littered with the names of previously wealthy, whose decadence are live more are less as average citizens.

The idea of the limitations of a privileged class of people, came from a thousand years where the wealthy and the political were the same. You were in politics and in business, because of the privilege of politics. This system could be seen in Tunisia, where the president, had members of his family, and extended family, and friends of the family, in control of every major business in the entire country.

But in America, where we have a more Capitalists Free-Market system, your claims are old and false. There is no such system in America.

The CEO of Walmart, started working as a truck unloader, working as a summer job while going to college.

The CEO of Walmart was not given to privilege, or by having connections in the government. He worked a low-wage part time job, while going to school, and worked his way up the corporate ladder through hard work, education, and effort.

I could list the names of people in government, who worked their way up from completely unknown families, in unknown towns, to the highest offices in our country. Even Obama himself, even if I disagree with his policies, is proof that there is no "class-system" at work. There is not aristocracy.

And 80% of all Millionaires in our country are self made. They were not born into billions. Warren Buffet wasn't born into billions. Warren Buffet, made his way by working to where he is.

And Reagan I don't even think coined the term trickle down. Nevertheless, trickle down is in fact how the world works. That's undeniable fact of reality. You show me the poor impoverished beggar that supplies jobs or wealth for the country? Where's the Beggar Auto Factory pumping out automobiles? Or LCD TVs? Or computers? Or Smart Phones? Of course there is no such wealth created by impoverished beggars, or jobs by the same.

Trickle down is how everything works. The internet I have, is a trickle down from wealthy people who provide that service. The computers I'm using, is trickle down from wealthy people. My home, A/C and heat, electricity, food, stereo, the chair I'm sitting on, the car I drive, and the job I'm currently working, have all trickled down to me from the wealthy. If they didn't exist to make all such things, I would have none of them. No beggar is going to make so much as the cup I'm drinking from.

And what you oppose, is the cause of all the things you claim to hate. Your regulations are what rich people use, to hold other people poor. You controls, are what the wealthy use to prevent anyone else from getting wealthy.

This is what you people on the left, refuse to admit, even though it's overwhelmingly obvious.

Look at the people who surrounded Obama, when he signed into law the new CAFE regulations on cars.

GM, Toyota, Honda, Ford... all the big executives. Did it look like your regulations were holding them back? Were you 'sticking it to the man' with them smiling all around Obama signing what you claim was us reining them in? Did they have the looks of men who were having their fun ended?

Ford CEO Alan Mulally, “We are pleased President Obama is taking decisive and positive action as we work together toward one national standard for vehicle fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions that will benefit the environment and the economy. Today’s announcement signals the achievement of a crucial milestone – an agreement in principle on a national program for increased fuel economy and reduced greenhouse gases.”

The agony of the super wealthy at Ford is bleeding through no doubt.

Friedrich Eichiner, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, said, “The announcement today by President Obama is a major step in the right direction for automotive manufacturers in the United States such as the BMW Group.”

Poor Fiedrich saying that it's a this is a good thing for his BMW Group. He's obviously lost in the pain of denial no doubt.


All those terribly worried miserable people standing proudly by Obama as he signs in the regulations that doom them.

These people don't look like their beaten. They look like their dominating. Why? Because they are.

Think about it this way.... let's say that you and me, try to start a car company. The Federal Regulators show up, and demand our car must pass all these millions of regulations.

Do we have the money to fund the R&D to meet those regulations? No. Who does? GM... Ford... BMW... Toyota.... the rich wealthy corporations do.

These regulations do more to protect the wealthy, and hinder the poor, than any overt rule ever could.

You on the left, are the people who are being played like a fiddle. You are the pawns of the rich, that hinder yourselves, for their benefit.

Tesla Motors says hi
Hey Boss, how many millions are you worth? Just curious.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I suppose it would depend on how many 'little people' I would want to crush. You see, most of my wealth is invested in numerous capitalist ventures, some of them make money and some lose money. I usually let the money losers ride unless they are losing all my money constantly, then I cut them loose. I own property that I don't even know I own... no lie. A few months ago, my accountant approached me about selling some timber land I owned in Tennessee, which I thought had been sold 10 years ago. I have a warehouse in New York with about 70 antique cars, some worth well over $100k. I am part owner of a power company in Maine which uses biofuel, and I just signed a $90 million contract to recycle asphalt in Georgia for use in the power plant, but I have to move a $900k piece of equipment from Alabama to do the job. I am promoting several artists in Nashville who are just one hit song away from fortune and fame. I'm invested in two Canadian film projects which may or may not pan out. Then, I have security investments overseas.

But now, as wealthy as that may sound to you, I attended a black tie gala a few weeks ago in New York where I sat at the table with people worth billions. Their wealth dwarfs mine considerably. I felt really under-dressed.

Of course, I do not live an opulent lifestyle. I drive a 2006 Toyota and live in a small modest cabin in the boondocks. I don't even have cable television. Last year, I lived on less than $20k. I actually gave more than that to charity. For me, life is not about money, there are some things wealth cannot buy.

Here's the thing... When I was 16 years old, I decided that I wasn't going to be a "worker." I have always been an entrepreneur. Until I was 40, I never had a vacation or worked less than 40 hours a week. Many a weekend, I was busy making money while my friends partied and had a good time. When everyone was buying new houses and cars, I did without. It was tough because I wasn't born into wealth, my parents were typical middle class, my mom worked until she was 70. As a kid, we struggled, living in a house that was more than we could afford, having to do without to pay the electric bills and mortgage. That is why I live so modestly today.

So now that you kind of know my story, you can see why I have little sympathy for whiners who say they can't make it. I know that ANYONE can make it because I did it. Wasn't always easy, it was sometimes very hard. I made sacrifices, lost a lot of time with my daughters that I can never get back. So when pissants like you come along and try to tell me that I don't "deserve" my wealth, it angers me. When you tell me that I have more than I need, it pisses me off. I have everything I have because I worked for it and earned it. And you are never going to get your grubby little greedy freeloading hands on it.

You are completely full of shit.
Hey Boss, how many millions are you worth? Just curious.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I suppose it would depend on how many 'little people' I would want to crush. You see, most of my wealth is invested in numerous capitalist ventures, some of them make money and some lose money. I usually let the money losers ride unless they are losing all my money constantly, then I cut them loose. I own property that I don't even know I own... no lie. A few months ago, my accountant approached me about selling some timber land I owned in Tennessee, which I thought had been sold 10 years ago. I have a warehouse in New York with about 70 antique cars, some worth well over $100k. I am part owner of a power company in Maine which uses biofuel, and I just signed a $90 million contract to recycle asphalt in Georgia for use in the power plant, but I have to move a $900k piece of equipment from Alabama to do the job. I am promoting several artists in Nashville who are just one hit song away from fortune and fame. I'm invested in two Canadian film projects which may or may not pan out. Then, I have security investments overseas.

But now, as wealthy as that may sound to you, I attended a black tie gala a few weeks ago in New York where I sat at the table with people worth billions. Their wealth dwarfs mine considerably. I felt really under-dressed.

Of course, I do not live an opulent lifestyle. I drive a 2006 Toyota and live in a small modest cabin in the boondocks. I don't even have cable television. Last year, I lived on less than $20k. I actually gave more than that to charity. For me, life is not about money, there are some things wealth cannot buy.

Here's the thing... When I was 16 years old, I decided that I wasn't going to be a "worker." I have always been an entrepreneur. Until I was 40, I never had a vacation or worked less than 40 hours a week. Many a weekend, I was busy making money while my friends partied and had a good time. When everyone was buying new houses and cars, I did without. It was tough because I wasn't born into wealth, my parents were typical middle class, my mom worked until she was 70. As a kid, we struggled, living in a house that was more than we could afford, having to do without to pay the electric bills and mortgage. That is why I live so modestly today.

So now that you kind of know my story, you can see why I have little sympathy for whiners who say they can't make it. I know that ANYONE can make it because I did it. Wasn't always easy, it was sometimes very hard. I made sacrifices, lost a lot of time with my daughters that I can never get back. So when pissants like you come along and try to tell me that I don't "deserve" my wealth, it angers me. When you tell me that I have more than I need, it pisses me off. I have everything I have because I worked for it and earned it. And you are never going to get your grubby little greedy freeloading hands on it.

You are completely full of shit.

Yes, this guy reminds me of one percenter who claims to have made $26M last year. LOL
Hey Boss, how many millions are you worth? Just curious.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I suppose it would depend on how many 'little people' I would want to crush. You see, most of my wealth is invested in numerous capitalist ventures, some of them make money and some lose money. I usually let the money losers ride unless they are losing all my money constantly, then I cut them loose. I own property that I don't even know I own... no lie. A few months ago, my accountant approached me about selling some timber land I owned in Tennessee, which I thought had been sold 10 years ago. I have a warehouse in New York with about 70 antique cars, some worth well over $100k. I am part owner of a power company in Maine which uses biofuel, and I just signed a $90 million contract to recycle asphalt in Georgia for use in the power plant, but I have to move a $900k piece of equipment from Alabama to do the job. I am promoting several artists in Nashville who are just one hit song away from fortune and fame. I'm invested in two Canadian film projects which may or may not pan out. Then, I have security investments overseas.

But now, as wealthy as that may sound to you, I attended a black tie gala a few weeks ago in New York where I sat at the table with people worth billions. Their wealth dwarfs mine considerably. I felt really under-dressed.

Of course, I do not live an opulent lifestyle. I drive a 2006 Toyota and live in a small modest cabin in the boondocks. I don't even have cable television. Last year, I lived on less than $20k. I actually gave more than that to charity. For me, life is not about money, there are some things wealth cannot buy.

Here's the thing... When I was 16 years old, I decided that I wasn't going to be a "worker." I have always been an entrepreneur. Until I was 40, I never had a vacation or worked less than 40 hours a week. Many a weekend, I was busy making money while my friends partied and had a good time. When everyone was buying new houses and cars, I did without. It was tough because I wasn't born into wealth, my parents were typical middle class, my mom worked until she was 70. As a kid, we struggled, living in a house that was more than we could afford, having to do without to pay the electric bills and mortgage. That is why I live so modestly today.

So now that you kind of know my story, you can see why I have little sympathy for whiners who say they can't make it. I know that ANYONE can make it because I did it. Wasn't always easy, it was sometimes very hard. I made sacrifices, lost a lot of time with my daughters that I can never get back. So when pissants like you come along and try to tell me that I don't "deserve" my wealth, it angers me. When you tell me that I have more than I need, it pisses me off. I have everything I have because I worked for it and earned it. And you are never going to get your grubby little greedy freeloading hands on it.

You are completely full of shit.

Yes, this guy reminds me of one percenter who claims to have made $26M last year. LOL

He drives a Toyota and lives on less than $20 thousand......fucking hilarious. He just outed himself as a complete fraud and liar.
He drives a Toyota and lives on less than $20 thousand......fucking hilarious. He just outed himself as a complete fraud and liar.

Now why would you say such a thing? Do you think all wealthy people just sit around drinking fine 12-year-old Scotch and burn piles of money in bonfires? Hey, I am not 'conventional' and never have been. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy, especially material things.

I love my little Toyota! It has 166k miles and still running strong. Gets me where I'm going and doesn't cost a lot to operate and maintain. I live on $20k because I have NO debt. It's not hard to do, I don't live like a king, but I have everything I want.
But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me

Dude, if you were the last employer in the world, I wouldn't work for an asshole like you. Not a chance.
But you put out this idea that there are lots of 34 dollar an hour job. Where in the fuck are they? You got three. Where's the rest of them for the 47% of the population that doesn't work? That is the correct number isn't it? 47%?

Wait I know, you got the have THREE jobs to make 34 an hour. 2 jobs paying 13 an hour and one at 8.
That's what you would do. Work three jobs and never rest. Right? You a bad dude.
Where did I ever say 47% don't work.

They don't pay income taxes.

But hey you are only limited by your thinking so we all know just how far you'll get since you believe everything is impossible. I mean if even making 70K a year is too much for your tiny mind to comprehend how far will you really get?

And I only have one job now but I worked 2 or 3 at a time in order to get where I am rather than whining about all the imaginary people keeping me down.
40 hours a week, 51 weeks a year (ok to get a week off?) = 2040 hours worked. 70,000$ gross income divided by 2040 hours = $34.31 per hour.

And you say there are "lots" of jobs out there paying 34 bucks an hour. Where are they for the person with the high school education? I know some people that would really like to make 34 dollars an hour. Even 24 an hour.
Hell, 14 an hour for some I know would be great.

What's your company pay per hour? You hiring?
I don't know any engineers that make less than 70k. I don't know many managers that make less then 70k. I don't know many professionals that make less than 70k. For that matter even high school teachers end up making 70 with tenure. IMO one would have to try really hard to not get to the point where they are making 70k. Really really hard to find excuses to not get into a position to make 70k.
But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me

Dude, if you were the last employer in the world, I wouldn't work for an asshole like you. Not a chance.
But you put out this idea that there are lots of 34 dollar an hour job. Where in the fuck are they? You got three. Where's the rest of them for the 47% of the population that doesn't work? That is the correct number isn't it? 47%?

Wait I know, you got the have THREE jobs to make 34 an hour. 2 jobs paying 13 an hour and one at 8.
That's what you would do. Work three jobs and never rest. Right? You a bad dude.
No offense, but my children made more than you when they were in high school. Hell I made more than you part time when I was working my way through college 30years ago.
But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me

Dude, if you were the last employer in the world, I wouldn't work for an asshole like you. Not a chance.
But you put out this idea that there are lots of 34 dollar an hour job. Where in the fuck are they? You got three. Where's the rest of them for the 47% of the population that doesn't work? That is the correct number isn't it? 47%?

Wait I know, you got the have THREE jobs to make 34 an hour. 2 jobs paying 13 an hour and one at 8.
That's what you would do. Work three jobs and never rest. Right? You a bad dude.
Maybe that's why you're driving a beat up toyota.
He drives a Toyota and lives on less than $20 thousand......fucking hilarious. He just outed himself as a complete fraud and liar.

Now why would you say such a thing? Do you think all wealthy people just sit around drinking fine 12-year-old Scotch and burn piles of money in bonfires? Hey, I am not 'conventional' and never have been. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy, especially material things.

I love my little Toyota! It has 166k miles and still running strong. Gets me where I'm going and doesn't cost a lot to operate and maintain. I live on $20k because I have NO debt. It's not hard to do, I don't live like a king, but I have everything I want.

You certainly do have a very lively imagination, but your story doesn't pass the smell test.
But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me

Dude, if you were the last employer in the world, I wouldn't work for an asshole like you. Not a chance.
But you put out this idea that there are lots of 34 dollar an hour job. Where in the fuck are they? You got three. Where's the rest of them for the 47% of the population that doesn't work? That is the correct number isn't it? 47%?

Wait I know, you got the have THREE jobs to make 34 an hour. 2 jobs paying 13 an hour and one at 8.
That's what you would do. Work three jobs and never rest. Right? You a bad dude.
Maybe that's why you're driving a beat up toyota.
I never hold the car a person drives against them.

I have a 15 year old pick up and until recently our daily driver was an 11 year old hyundai that finally died.

We bought a newer Jeep Cherokee (2012) to replace the hyundai. I find it funny that most of my employees have bought brand new cars in the past 3 years and I have yet to ever own a brand new car.
But don't worry you're not qualified to work for me

Dude, if you were the last employer in the world, I wouldn't work for an asshole like you. Not a chance.
But you put out this idea that there are lots of 34 dollar an hour job. Where in the fuck are they? You got three. Where's the rest of them for the 47% of the population that doesn't work? That is the correct number isn't it? 47%?

Wait I know, you got the have THREE jobs to make 34 an hour. 2 jobs paying 13 an hour and one at 8.
That's what you would do. Work three jobs and never rest. Right? You a bad dude.
Maybe that's why you're driving a beat up toyota.
I never hold the car a person drives against them.

I have a 15 year old pick up and until recently our daily driver was an 11 year old hyundai that finally died.

We bought a newer Jeep Cherokee (2012) to replace the hyundai. I find it funny that most of my employees have bought brand new cars in the past 3 years and I have yet to ever own a brand new car.
I'm not holding it against you. You were complaining about insufficient high paying jobs. You can't have it both ways. You can't complain there are insufficient high paying jobs then brag about being able to live off 10bucks an hour. Not when any child can get a job that pays twice that. What you are bragging about is what I would call being lazy. Not that there is anything wrong with being lazy, not when you are not collecting welfare anyway. Anyhow which is it, you are only making 10bucks because that's what you want or only making 10bucks because there are no better jobs out there.

I have a 98 pickup.. Old pickups are cool. Old toyotas and hundais... not so much. But that's just my opinion. The reason I buy new, when I do buy new, is that the used cars are too expensive to maintain. Course if I want to do my own maintenance I would, I used to do my own car rebuilds when I was in HS but that was a long time ago. If that's your hobby sure old cars are fun to work on. However newer cars are safer, come with a warranty, and interest rates are at zero for them, thus making it effective to buy new over used sometimes. For example, I picked up a new sonic as a daily driver that gets 50mpg and I let my kids take it to college. That was more effective than getting an old Toyota that gets 35mpg and needs maintenance from a remote location where the kids are.
He drives a Toyota and lives on less than $20 thousand......fucking hilarious. He just outed himself as a complete fraud and liar.

Now why would you say such a thing? Do you think all wealthy people just sit around drinking fine 12-year-old Scotch and burn piles of money in bonfires? Hey, I am not 'conventional' and never have been. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy, especially material things.

I love my little Toyota! It has 166k miles and still running strong. Gets me where I'm going and doesn't cost a lot to operate and maintain. I live on $20k because I have NO debt. It's not hard to do, I don't live like a king, but I have everything I want.

Boss, I think you have no idea what truly wealthy people do. Seriously.

I think your income is a bit low to be considered in the ultra wealthy range. Just a guess on my part. but still, 20k year.

Holding business's that are losing you money because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,did your broker advise you to do that?

I usually let the money losers ride unless they are losing all my money constantly,

And I like Toyota's. Sold them for four years. Drove them even longer. Now a 2006 is a fine year. Is it at least an Avalon? Nice Camry LE? Loaded SR5 truck? Don't tell me its a strippy Corolla.

Anywhooo, hopefully your empire will survive the attack you seem to think it is under.

But here's some advice from a solidly middle class individual (and proud of it) who has done just fine. About those losing business's you keep holding,. Get rid of them and get a better broker.

And I don't think I'll be following any of your "insider advice" about what the ultra wealthy will do, or think ..about anything.
You have no idea.

But you tell a good "story".
RKM, how's this new format working out for ya?? LMAO. You haven't been drinkinghaveya?
Boss, I think you have no idea what truly wealthy people do. Seriously.

I think your income is a bit low to be considered in the ultra wealthy range. Just a guess on my part. but still, 20k year.

Hey, I never said my "income" was $20k, I said that's what I live on. My actual income fluctuates from year to year and I don't really know how to tell you what it is because of that. I can tell you that some years, I don't make enough earned income to pay taxes. A few years ago, I actually qualified for EIC but didn't claim it. Now, my "wealth" is a totally different story... but we don't tax wealth.

Perhaps you are right about me not knowing what truly wealthy people do. I know some very wealthy people and they probably aren't living in cabins on $20k a year driving an old Toyota. But that's okay with me, they earned their wealth and can spend it however they please.

Holding business's that are losing you money because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,did your broker advise you to do that?

Nope. I don't really have a "broker" per say. I don't believe in listening to other people telling me how to spend my money. Through personal connections, I have made some investments in various business ventures. Some of them are very successful and some, not so much. The ones that I have which aren't making much money, I keep because I know the people who own them and they are honestly trying to make it work. At some point, if the business doesn't work out, I have to cut the cord... I hate to do that because I have a personal connection. But really, all the wealth I have invested in these things is wealth I am not using and don't need. If I lose all my investment, it's a writer-off, it doesn't really bother me much.

And I like Toyota's. Sold them for four years. Drove them even longer. Now a 2006 is a fine year. Is it at least an Avalon? Nice Camry LE? Loaded SR5 truck? Don't tell me its a strippy Corolla.

Actually, it's a Scion Xb. I also have a 69 chevy truck, but that bugger sucks the gas. I had a chance to buy a nice Avalon a few years ago at basically below dealer cost, but I passed. But now... I don't ever buy cars like most people, straight off the showroom. I look for deals, find bargains, save big money. The Avalon was a car which was new but about to be two years old and the dealer just wanted to get rid of her. I saw the invoice of what he had paid for the car and got him down to $4k below his cost. Still, the jump in insurance premiums was what changed my mind. Plus, I really love the car I have.

Anywhooo, hopefully your empire will survive the attack you seem to think it is under.

Hey, the rich are doing just fine. No problems. They continue to get richer and richer. The more you try to confiscate their wealth, the more they outsmart you and the more you blast holes in your own ship. So it doesn't really matter to me how long you want to wage this war you can't win against an enemy you'll never defeat, that's entirely up to you. I think it's the dumbest idea in the history of man. All that wealth could be benefiting the economy in so many ways to help the middle class, but you had rather keep this war going. So be it!

But here's some advice from a solidly middle class individual (and proud of it) who has done just fine. About those losing business's you keep holding,. Get rid of them and get a better broker.

And I don't think I'll be following any of your "insider advice" about what the ultra wealthy will do, or think ..about anything.
You have no idea.

But you tell a good "story".

Well thanks, but I don't need advice from a pissant whiner. I don't care if you follow my advice or don't believe what I've disclosed. You're free to think whatever you like.

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