War on Trump is Spreading

They come, they work and then go home knowing full well that Visas will be readily available. So there is no need to fear going back home...
Thats an uncharacteristically sensible idea from the left

And its worth discussing AFTER we secure the border

But until we stop the alien invasion in its tracks along with the drug smugglers and sex traffickers its just an empty promise

and we have been lied to by the swamp rats in washington before
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What candy bars did you pay a dime for in 1960?
1st, notice I said "1960s" - plural. Not just "1960".
IIRC, "Mounds" and "Almond Joy" were a dime. Hersey and Mars brands bars were a nickel.
By the 1970s, they all started creeping up in price, every year or few, nickel or dime more.
We can't find people to be home health aides at $20 an hour.
But according to you you’re pay $50 an hour


And chances are she will only be your indentured servant till she drops the first anchor baby and qualifies for the EITC

Or maybe she’ll hand the job off to the next Maria who comes across the border illegally
The working class family got a few thousand in stimulus themselves, silly Willie! Everyone took part in the money grabbing, even the wealthiest!

So? That's an excuse?

I have no idea what you are talking about regarding the current regime?

Of course you don't. :p

True. Or, prices will have to drop, if looking at it with a glass half full attitude, instead of glass half empty! 😁

Economics is science. It's NOT subjective. First the Covid money dries up, then people start over extending their credit, then I'll let you guess what happens next. (Anyone? Ferris?)
But according to you you’re pay $50 an hour


And chances are she will only be your indentured servant till she drops the first anchor baby and qualifies for the EITC

Or maybe she’ll hand the job off to the next Maria who comes across the border illegally
I didn't say that, someone else did. You can look up wages for home health aides yourself.

To get EITC, you need to work.

I'm still waiting to find out who you're going to wipe your ass for you.
As I said, the 10,000,000 Biden let in are not supposed to be working.
When they are allowed to work they will lower wages for Americans.
Democraps are completely brain dead

They let in millions of illegals workers and then use eVerify to keep them from working.

Can't get much more brain dead than that.
The So called far left is really mainstream.


The DNC leadership consists of a collection of psychopaths.

Get rid of them, then we'll talk.

Till then, leftards can go straight to hell
You can work as little as you like and still qualify for the up to $7000 windfall
To qualify for $7k credit, you’d have to have three kids and earn $20k per year.

You honestly don’t know the first thing about the people you’re talking about. They want to work. We need them to work. You’re not thinking about the future.

Ha ha.
Yup, I confess. I bought into science. .I’m not into conspiracies and made up shit. Now if you can find one topic where conservative bozos have a clue…be sure and inform us. now lets hear the open border, deep state tripe.
Hey here's one.. leftists sure like to kill babies. Especially black ones!
To qualify for $7k credit, you’d have to have three kids and earn $20k per year.

You honestly don’t know the first thing about the people you’re talking about. They want to work. We need them to work. You’re not thinking about the future.

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Why shouldnt YOU pay the full $27,000 a year to YOUR employee instead of demanding the government do it for you?

And while we are on the subject why pay an able bodied welfare bum $27,000 a year to sit on their ass just because they happen to be an American citizen?

Deport the illegal and make the American do the work
Why shouldnt YOU pay the full $27,000 a year to YOUR employee instead of demanding the government do it for you?

And while we are on the subject why pay an able bodied welfare bum $27,000 a year to sit on their ass just because they happen to be an American citizen?

Deport the illegal and make the American do the work
A home health aid will clear $40,000 easy and not qualify for an EITC.

There aren't Americans to do the work. They don't exist. The work simply won't get done and you'll be left all alone with no one to take care of you. This will blow up but by the time you realize it, it'll be too late.
Please explain those policies in more detail...

Could you also explain how there was Global Inflation which US had lower in comparsion to nearly every country....

But you explain how Biden with one of the best results in comparison, made it worse...

I am all ears...
Here I just took the first article that I Googled. I'll leave it up to you to do your own research from here. Try educating yourself for once it's not that hard.

Ha ha
Maybe…but it Doesn't matter. There are more MSM outlets. then devoted so called conservative news shows to choose from.
There are a ton of conservative radio shows and podcasts online. Very informative. Try Armstrong and Getty
You are not fooling anyone

When the time comes you will lead the chorus of libs in anguish over the fact there are HUNGRY CHILDREN IN AMERICA!


And you will demand that government do something, anything, as long as you dont have to pay your servants a fair market wage for their labor
We know, you hate the brown people so much you would have a poorer economy and higher food costs but no brown people...

You sold an idea that problems of the world is that brown people will take what you got...
A home health aid will clear $40,000 easy and not qualify for an EITC.

There aren't Americans to do the work. They don't exist. The work simply won't get done and you'll be left all alone with no one to take care of you. This will blow up but by the time you realize it, it'll be too late.
A home health aid making $40,000 a year will not be an illiterate illegal alien

And explain to me why an American who only makes $20,000 plus the $7,000 windfall would not want to make $40,000 instead

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