War on Trump is Spreading

A home health aid making $40,000 a year will not be an illiterate illegal alien

And explain to me why an American who only makes $20,000 plus the $7,000 windfall would not want to make $40,000 instead
It takes basically no skill to become a home health aide and illegal immigrants will do just fine.

Ask the American you're referring to. Maybe they're limited in the number of hours they can work because they have to care for someone in their family. Maybe they work part time because they don't have child care. Maybe they're physically unable to do home health aide work.

You lack any real world knowledge here.
Thats an uncharacteristically sensible idea from the left

And its worth discussing AFTER we secure the border

But until we stop the alien invasion in its tracks along with the drug smugglers and sex traffickers its just an empty promise

and we have been lied to by the swamp rats in washington before
Ah border security...

The US Mexico border is just short of two thousand miles long... The Mexico side has access to money and as much equipment they want and cartels who can build what they like a monetise it...

So I want to do a comparsion...

"The Egypt-Palestine border, also called Egypt–Gaza border, is the 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) long border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. There is a buffer zone along the border which is about 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) long. The Rafah Border Crossing is the only crossing point between Egypt and the Gaza Strip."

There are 100s of tunnels and Isreal have a buffer zone between them... Tunnel detection equipment which Isreal are the world leaders at.. is pretty crap and very expensive... It claims a lot but IDF guys just laugh...

There is also the wall, sorry but that was just a bad joke... Buffer zones and fencing are effective in build up areas with more border patrols...

In deserts and sparse areas, drones with thermal are far more effective and a preference for by boarder patrol..

But the basic problem is that the demand is far too high... South of the border there a countries which are failed states mainly due to US drug money and guns... They are simply too dangerous to live... Security cuts from the US during the Trump administration didn't help.
This made their countries even more dangerous and want (and some cases need) to get out..
US gave aid before not due to war on drugs but because they knew the drug cartels were way too financed and armed illegally from the US..

Couple of points:
The top five purchasers of U.S. goods exports in 2022 were: Canada ($356.5 billion), Mexico ($324.3 billion), China ($150.4 billion), Japan ($80.2 billion), and the United Kingdom ($76.2 billion).
They are also the third highest importer...

Mexico makes a lot of components which are assembled in the US, closing the border would cause huge job losses in US. It is $2 billion a day.

So knowing what I told you there, what is the solution... Please don't blame libs... Give us your solution...
Ah border security...

The US Mexico border is just short of two thousand miles long... The Mexico side has access to money and as much equipment they want and cartels who can build what they like a monetise it...

So I want to do a comparsion...

"The Egypt-Palestine border, also called Egypt–Gaza border, is the 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) long border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. There is a buffer zone along the border which is about 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) long. The Rafah Border Crossing is the only crossing point between Egypt and the Gaza Strip."

There are 100s of tunnels and Isreal have a buffer zone between them... Tunnel detection equipment which Isreal are the world leaders at.. is pretty crap and very expensive... It claims a lot but IDF guys just laugh...

There is also the wall, sorry but that was just a bad joke... Buffer zones and fencing are effective in build up areas with more border patrols...

In deserts and sparse areas, drones with thermal are far more effective and a preference for by boarder patrol..

But the basic problem is that the demand is far too high... South of the border there a countries which are failed states mainly due to US drug money and guns... They are simply too dangerous to live... Security cuts from the US during the Trump administration didn't help.
This made their countries even more dangerous and want (and some cases need) to get out..
US gave aid before not due to war on drugs but because they knew the drug cartels were way too financed and armed illegally from the US..

Couple of points:
The top five purchasers of U.S. goods exports in 2022 were: Canada ($356.5 billion), Mexico ($324.3 billion), China ($150.4 billion), Japan ($80.2 billion), and the United Kingdom ($76.2 billion).
They are also the third highest importer...

Mexico makes a lot of components which are assembled in the US, closing the border would cause huge job losses in US. It is $2 billion a day.

So knowing what I told you there, what is the solution... Please don't blame libs... Give us your solution...
The solution remains making the US a hostile place for illegal immigrants to be. That includes making jobs hard to get by having penalties for companies that don't vet employees with a functional database, and it could/should provide for expedited removal, and permanent ban, of any illegal immigrant already here who is arrested for minor crimes or stopped for a basic driving violation.

"The wall" was actually a throw away line from a Trump Bannon rally, and it caught on with the public. And it IS a tangible image people can have. But you're right that in places that are miles from any road of services, manned patrols aren't as cost-effective as drones .... and hellfire missiles for those who don't comply with messages to stop in place while awaiting border patrol agents to escort them to jails pending deportation, permanently.
It takes basically no skill to become a home health aide and illegal immigrants will do just fine.

Ask the American you're referring to. Maybe they're limited in the number of hours they can work because they have to care for someone in their family. Maybe they work part time because they don't have child care. Maybe they're physically unable to do home health aide work.

You lack any real world knowledge here.
If they are disabled thats an exception

One leg missing, or wheelchair bound

But there are plenty of able bodied Americans on welfare you are just lazy

Or they grew up on welfare and know no other life
If they are disabled thats an exception

One leg missing, or wheelchair bound

But there are plenty of able bodied Americans on welfare you are just lazy

Or they grew up on welfare and know no other life
Prime age labor force participation is higher now than at any time than during Trump’s tenure.

Of course you didn’t know that because right wing media manipulates you.

They make you believe there’s a large population “on welfare” (whatever that means, we got rid of welfare during Clinton).

It just doesn’t exist and there’s no data to show it.
Watch the Five every day, check your garbage all the time...wtf is wrong with you dupes? Try being an informed citizen for chrissake....
The five actually employs a dissenting opinion. CNN and MSNBC never do. I soak up whatever news I can get all day long everyday ABC NBC News Nation Armstrong and Getty Ben Shapiro Buck Sexton Laura Ingraham. Being well versed helps me spot your propaganda like the constant stream on CNN which I can't stand for about a minute. It sounds like you are the dupe.
The five actually employs a dissenting opinion. CNN and MSNBC never do. I soak up whatever news I can get all day long everyday ABC NBC News Nation Armstrong and Getty Ben Shapiro Buck Sexton Laura Ingraham. Being well versed helps me spot your propaganda like the constant stream on CNN which I can't stand for about a minute. It sounds like you are the dupe.
BS. You have one channel. Admitted propagandists. We have every other channel in the modern world. Poor America...
Not really but, the DNC has been infiltrated by radical, 'green' 'DEI' organizations funded by world entities that wish to overthrow America. What amazes me is how people like you can swallow this leftist, political shit show.
Brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job.....look at other media, actual news...
Ah border security...

The US Mexico border is just short of two thousand miles long... The Mexico side has access to money and as much equipment they want and cartels who can build what they like a monetise it...

So I want to do a comparsion...

"The Egypt-Palestine border, also called Egypt–Gaza border, is the 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) long border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. There is a buffer zone along the border which is about 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) long. The Rafah Border Crossing is the only crossing point between Egypt and the Gaza Strip."

There are 100s of tunnels and Isreal have a buffer zone between them... Tunnel detection equipment which Isreal are the world leaders at.. is pretty crap and very expensive... It claims a lot but IDF guys just laugh...

There is also the wall, sorry but that was just a bad joke... Buffer zones and fencing are effective in build up areas with more border patrols...

In deserts and sparse areas, drones with thermal are far more effective and a preference for by boarder patrol..

But the basic problem is that the demand is far too high... South of the border there a countries which are failed states mainly due to US drug money and guns... They are simply too dangerous to live... Security cuts from the US during the Trump administration didn't help.
This made their countries even more dangerous and want (and some cases need) to get out..
US gave aid before not due to war on drugs but because they knew the drug cartels were way too financed and armed illegally from the US..

Couple of points:
The top five purchasers of U.S. goods exports in 2022 were: Canada ($356.5 billion), Mexico ($324.3 billion), China ($150.4 billion), Japan ($80.2 billion), and the United Kingdom ($76.2 billion).
They are also the third highest importer...

Mexico makes a lot of components which are assembled in the US, closing the border would cause huge job losses in US. It is $2 billion a day.

So knowing what I told you there, what is the solution... Please don't blame libs... Give us your solution...
Reducing all that to its basic ingredients you are admitting that work visas accomplish nothing and are just a bait and switch proposal to blunt real border security

My solution is to build the wall, not over the entire 2000 miles, but where needed

Supplement that with electronic surveillance and ready reaction patrols, and same-day deportation and you have the making of real border control
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Prime age labor force participation is higher now than at any time than during Trump’s tenure.

Of course you didn’t know that because right wing media manipulates you.

They make you believe there’s a large population “on welfare” (whatever that means, we got rid of welfare during Clinton).

It just doesn’t exist and there’s no data to show it.
If you believe that then new regulations denying welfare benefits to any adult not physically disabled should be acceptable to you
Reducing all that to its basic ingredients you are admitting that work visas accomplish nothing and are just a bait and switch proposal to blunt real border security

My solution is to build the wall, not over the entire 2000 but where needed

Supplement that with electronic surveillance and ready reaction patrols, and same-day deportation and you have the making of real border control

Most countries have temporary work visas. Have you ever been out of the United States?
Mexico makes a lot of components which are assembled in the US, closing the border would cause huge job losses in US. It is $2 billion a day.
You really are not paying attention or else deliberately misunderstanding

The border must be closed to ILLEGAL traffic

Legitimate crossings are allowed

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