War on women

You're an idiot man... There are shitty people on both sides and respectable people on both sides. Stop trying to play partisan politics and label everybody from one group with the same moral code. You are just making yourself look more and more stupid with comments like those.

fuck off dude you guys said romeny had a war on women, he wasnt even close to this. next time dont be so sanctiminious

you guys are liars and treat women like shit, you got caught , now were loving to say i told ya so.

ps its not just weinstein, its all the people who knew and did nothing about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

oh the i didnt say that, is a copout.
lefties of importance all said that about romnney.
Show me where you posted criticising your lefty friends about romney
and you are missing the point, the true much bigger scandal isnt weinstein, its the culture of hollywood liberals who defended, promoted and covered up for this man, which is why twitter suspended rose mcgowans twitter. shes not done and they hate it
I criticize people for what they say when I disagree with it. I don't criticize entire groups for the statements or actions of a few. That is a cop out and that is what you are doing. Have you tuned into the Clinton News Network lately? They've been going wall to wall with this story. Whats up with that? Did you happen to see which publication broke the story? So much for your fake news narrative

some stories you cant ignore.
it was brought up by ronam farrow at nbc...they passed on it....i wonder why

reminds me of the blue dress newsweek passed om, but drudge put it out.

then they all reported on it, but they didnt want to.
The failing NY Times reported the story smart guy. Why NBC passed on it, very good questions. They should be pressed about it.
I liked Romney and never said such things. There you go lumping people into a single group of thought and generalizing their stance on issues. It is weak and dishonest. So since a big shot hollywood producer that donated to democrats abused women it means all dems condone that activity? Are you listening to yourself? What a joke

All of the Democrats who apparently knew and yet did nothing apparently do condone it, just like with Bubba Clinton and the other serial abusers in the Democrat party.
Then we can agree. Any democrat or republican or person that knew and condoned Harvey's actions should be held accountable. Now if you are going to accuse Clinton and Obama of being complicit then provide some evidence. Please, something more than a photo...

wonderful human being

Wow, you are revealing so much there... Remind me again what we are proving with these photos?

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mine was a video of her paraising weinstein, i didnt include photos you lying dick.
so dies michelle have a poor judge of character and was she stunned by these revelations that everyone knew about, but somehow the president and first lady had no idea a major donor was a pig......naaaaah

she knew and praised him for his support......

She knew what? That he was donating a bunch of money to support the causes she was championing. That he makes great movies in Hollywood? How much do you really think she knew? The FACT is you don't know so you are doing nothing more than making baseless presumptions.

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