War Taxes By Each US Taxpayer Since 911 For Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
DIRECT WAR Costs for Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria added to the mix since 911 total over $1.5 TRILLION so far. That tally doesn't include other annual Pentagon Defense costs, but it keeps going up by the hour, day, week and month over the nearly 17 year journey into waste, stupidity and lies with the Butcher's Bill going up steadily, too!

The Bush/Neocon adventure into Nation Building in the ME has been a failed proposition since its inception to say nothing of the fraud of the false flag information used to gin up the public's fervor for war. Do you believe the nearly 17 years of the "Global War On Terror" should be paid for by the US taxpayer for another 17 years and more blood sacrificed from the Nation's new generations ad nauseum?

Here’s How Much of Your Taxes Have Gone To Wars
"Previously unreported Pentagon data shows how much the average U.S. taxpayer has paid for combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria.

As of Monday, the average American taxpayer will have paid nearly $7,500 to fund the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria since the 9/11 attacks, according to previously unreported Pentagon budget data sent to Congress this summer."

MORE @: Here’s How Much of Your Taxes Have Gone To Wars
It wouldn't cost nearly as much if Obama hadn't sent ISIS Humvees and Fords and Iran planeloads of our taxed income........
It wouldn't cost nearly as much if Obama hadn't sent ISIS Humvees and Fords and Iran planeloads of our taxed income........
That is all proven bullshit and none of it would be able to be found on the Pentagon's war spending ledger! If you feel differently, produce the fucking evidence from reliable sources that prove your BS is actual fact in the first place which also ties the vehicles to Pentagon appropriated funds with their delivery, AND just how the fuck those Treasury sums held since Jimmy Carter seized those Iranian funds along with the over 35 years of interest were transferred and appropriated by Congress then redirected to the Pentagon?

Got anything other than bullshit propaganda to shove out of your Kommando Keyboard?
You bet none of it was found on the Pentagon's ledger. Obama didn't want a record of his treason.
And why launder money before you fly it all into Iran? And why fly money into Iran at all? He got caught and then lied about why the money was laundered through Swiss banks before he delivered it to the enemy. How many other planeloads of our money got through without getting caught? Where do you think ISIS got all of those Fords and Humvees? And all that missing money from Hitlery's State Dept.? Any guesses?
Turns out Obama was wrong. We don't love his Muslim Spring nearly as much as he does.....
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You bet none of it was found on the Pentagon's ledger. Obama didn't want a record of his treason.
And why launder money before you fly it all into Iran? And why fly money into Iran at all? He got caught and then lied about why the money was laundered through Swiss banks before he delivered it to the enemy. How many other planeloads of our money got through without getting caught? Where do you think ISIS got all of those Fords and Humvees? And all that missing money from Hitlery's State Dept.? Any guesses?
Turns out Obama was wrong. We don't love his Muslim Spring nearly as much as he does.....
So you have no fucking proof that any of that bullshit you're peddling, but you do have lots of tired and worn propaganda is what you're saying. Got it you bloody OFF TOPIC TROLL! Now go piss up a fucking rope, asshole!
You bet none of it was found on the Pentagon's ledger. Obama didn't want a record of his treason.
And why launder money before you fly it all into Iran? And why fly money into Iran at all? He got caught and then lied about why the money was laundered through Swiss banks before he delivered it to the enemy. How many other planeloads of our money got through without getting caught? Where do you think ISIS got all of those Fords and Humvees? And all that missing money from Hitlery's State Dept.? Any guesses?
Turns out Obama was wrong. We don't love his Muslim Spring nearly as much as he does.....
So you have no fucking proof that any of that bullshit you're peddling, but you do have lots of tired and worn propaganda is what you're saying. Got it you bloody OFF TOPIC TROLL! Now go piss up a fucking rope, asshole!
She's nuts. Don't bother with her.

As to the topic, get ready for even more to be spent on wars. An empire can't endure without constant warfare.
Does that even include costs of the VA and vet benefits for all the troops that came back dead or messed up?
Does that even include costs of the VA and vet benefits for all the troops that came back dead or messed up?
NO! The VA is a Cabinet level department and not part of DOD. Separate budgets all together!
DIRECT WAR Costs for Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria added to the mix since 911 total over $1.5 TRILLION so far. That tally doesn't include other annual Pentagon Defense costs, but it keeps going up by the hour, day, week and month over the nearly 17 year journey into waste, stupidity and lies with the Butcher's Bill going up steadily, too!

The Bush/Neocon adventure into Nation Building in the ME has been a failed proposition since its inception to say nothing of the fraud of the false flag information used to gin up the public's fervor for war. Do you believe the nearly 17 years of the "Global War On Terror" should be paid for by the US taxpayer for another 17 years and more blood sacrificed from the Nation's new generations ad nauseum?

Here’s How Much of Your Taxes Have Gone To Wars
"Previously unreported Pentagon data shows how much the average U.S. taxpayer has paid for combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria.

As of Monday, the average American taxpayer will have paid nearly $7,500 to fund the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria since the 9/11 attacks, according to previously unreported Pentagon budget data sent to Congress this summer."

MORE @: Here’s How Much of Your Taxes Have Gone To Wars

Actually your taxes haven't gone to pay for all of that since we've borrowed hundreds of billions almost every year to make up for tax revenue shortages.
You bet none of it was found on the Pentagon's ledger. Obama didn't want a record of his treason.
And why launder money before you fly it all into Iran? And why fly money into Iran at all? He got caught and then lied about why the money was laundered through Swiss banks before he delivered it to the enemy. How many other planeloads of our money got through without getting caught? Where do you think ISIS got all of those Fords and Humvees? And all that missing money from Hitlery's State Dept.? Any guesses?
Turns out Obama was wrong. We don't love his Muslim Spring nearly as much as he does.....
So you have no fucking proof that any of that bullshit you're peddling, but you do have lots of tired and worn propaganda is what you're saying. Got it you bloody OFF TOPIC TROLL! Now go piss up a fucking rope, asshole!

Where do you live? Did you miss Obama's excuse for laundering the money when he got caught?
The OP is taxes and war correct? You don't think all that money came out of Obama's wallet do you?
You go piss up a rope, asshole. You don't know what you are talking about. He did get caught and he did lie about it.

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