War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.
I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.

He's a lying sack of shit---we have been in full support of the rebels.
Can't happen from the air - Chemical agents will be dispersed into the air. The ONLY way to destroy the stockpiles is to put "boots on the ground" in the form of Special Operators.

Obama said over the weekend that he will not deploy ground forces.

And I sincerely hope tht he holds to that. My point was that an attack from the air on the sites where chemical weapons are reportedly stored would only accomplish dispersing the agents into the air. Probably do more harm (to civilians) than good.

Tell me you don't believe that these strikes will do anything. Except inflame.
I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.

He's a lying sack of shit---we have been in full support of the rebels.

I do not like Obama at all.

But in this one I think he is right.
There is no way Obama is going to back any large scale ground forces in Syria. He has talked himself out of that option. He will authorize a few missile strikes, declare a no-fly zone that will probably be unenforced, put US weapons on French planes to fly around for the cameras, and spend more time worrying about Putin than the people of Syria.

Clinton ( Bill) said he looked like a pussy so I guess he has to do something. :lol:

Would Bill send Chelsea to fight and die in a war in Syria?

Would Barack send his two daughters, put them in boots on the ground there?

If they wouldn't send their own children to fight and die in Syria then they shouldn't be sending other people's children to war in Syria.

Barack should point Bill towards his embarrassing sins and tell him to butt out, that he Barack is 'king' now and will make his own decisions.
The United States cannot stay out of the ME because it's future depends on it. These wars are an act of desperation by a declining empire in it's death throes. You people need to get your heads around this fact.
Obama said over the weekend that he will not deploy ground forces.

And I sincerely hope tht he holds to that. My point was that an attack from the air on the sites where chemical weapons are reportedly stored would only accomplish dispersing the agents into the air. Probably do more harm (to civilians) than good.

Tell me you don't believe that these strikes will do anything. Except inflame.

These strikes will accomplish absolutely nothing except to inflame an already tense situation. Al Jazeera will show the deaths of civilians and we will take the blame for it. Same story - different country.

Obama will hold a news conference and tell America how much "safer" we are now. Same rhetoric - different country.

Obama, during his presidential run told America that "the president doesn't have the right to engage in military operations without the approval of Congress" yet, I fully expect him to launch missile strikes WITHOUT the approval of Congress.

Same actions - different president.

Meet the new boss - same as the old boss.
With this much consensus it must clearly be wrong.

I'll offer the opposite view. Once Obama made an issue of Syria's use of chemical weapons then it became something we would have to do. Chemical weapons are the big taboo of war. Hardly anyone has used them since WW1. Even Hitler would not use chem weapons.
If we stand aside and let Assad's use of them go then it will give the greenlight to everyone in the world to start using them. We must take a stand, a credible one, and show that use of chemical weapons is unacceptable. Lobbing a few cruise missiles will not do that.
There are few good options here. That is the position Obama and his inexperience have gotten us into. But that is where we are.

Obviously McCain is just as ‘inexperienced’ as Obama, if not more so:

McCain met with some of the Syrian rebels earlier this year and called them "freedom fighters." Others have worried that arming them might be dangerous because up to seven of the nine different rebel groups may be connected to al-Qaida.

McCain told Cavuto that isn't true, and that it is vital that the United States assist with arms to turn the battle and overthrow Assad.

McCain: Limited Cruise Missiles Not Strong Enough Response to Syria

Clearly only ‘inexperienced’ candidates run for president.
Why does America want Assad dead?

Let us talk about the elephant in the room. Why does America want to turn over Syria to Al Qaeda and kill Assad?

To please this man:


Then his people - the American Likudnicks - will vote democrat on the next presidential elections.

I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.

Dearheart I respected you as a poster from the minute you walked in this door.

But you are wrong on this one.

Okay, td time. Kay my friend?

Chemical weapon attack.

Video who shot with body bags no rigor setting in with a dude in black clothes with a rifle. All the bodies wonderfully lined up in a row. Nice and tidy.

Not one person obviously filming the chemical weapon attack for having one lick of fear because no one had bio hazard suits on.

Oh give me a freaking break. Chem attack and we have people on the ground filming the so called aftermath?

And they aren't afraid? And they are in there with body bags/linens?

I could go on endlessly. This is such bullshit I can't wrap my brain around it.
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Why does America want Assad dead?

Let us talk about the elephant in the room. Why does America want to turn over Syria to Al Qaeda and kill Assad?

To please this man:


Then his people - the American Likudnicks - will vote democrat on the next presidential elections.


No way jose. No way at all.

This is beyond a huge risk for Obama. This is not about Israel. Get real dearheart. This isn't about Israel at all.
With this much consensus it must clearly be wrong.

I'll offer the opposite view. Once Obama made an issue of Syria's use of chemical weapons then it became something we would have to do. Chemical weapons are the big taboo of war. Hardly anyone has used them since WW1. Even Hitler would not use chem weapons.
If we stand aside and let Assad's use of them go then it will give the greenlight to everyone in the world to start using them. We must take a stand, a credible one, and show that use of chemical weapons is unacceptable. Lobbing a few cruise missiles will not do that.
There are few good options here. That is the position Obama and his inexperience have gotten us into. But that is where we are.

Obviously McCain is just as ‘inexperienced’ as Obama, if not more so:

McCain met with some of the Syrian rebels earlier this year and called them "freedom fighters." Others have worried that arming them might be dangerous because up to seven of the nine different rebel groups may be connected to al-Qaida.

McCain told Cavuto that isn't true, and that it is vital that the United States assist with arms to turn the battle and overthrow Assad.

McCain: Limited Cruise Missiles Not Strong Enough Response to Syria

Clearly only ‘inexperienced’ candidates run for president.

I just wish the old asshole would die. Hey so glad he served his country but now he's selling his soul so his douche bag daughter actually gets a reality tv show.

You do know that he sucks Obama's cock daily so Meghan can succeed correct?

He's even proud of it. One Huff Po interview McCain actually said he wished he could be at the White House daily so he could advise Obama.
I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.

Dearheart I respected you as a poster from the minute you walked in this door.

But you are wrong on this one.

Okay, td time. Kay my friend?

Chemical weapon attack.

Video who shot with body bags no rigor setting in with a dude in black clothes with a rifle. All the bodies wonderfully lined up in a row. Nice and tidy.

Not one person obviously filming the chemical weapon attack for having one lick of fear because no one had bio hazard suits on.

Oh give me a freaking break. Chem attack and we have people on the ground filming the so called aftermath?

And they aren't afraid? And they are in there with body bags/linens?

I could go on endlessly. This is such bullshit I can't wrap my brain around it.

not a prob :)

as we say often here... we will agree to disagree.;)
I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.

Are you being a smart ass here? Because if so I love it.
I just don't get Obama's hard on for Assad.

This alleged attack is bullshit. It's a complete lie. But why go after Assad. I really don't get it. Is it because Assad is educated? Is it...honestly I just don't get it. \
But Obama has a mega hard on for him and wants him to fall.

Nobody is going after Assad.

US and the international community have the moral obligation to take out those chemical weapons.

Obama said it, he is not after Regime change in Syria.

Are you being a smart ass here? Because if so I love it.

you are the smart ass!!!!!:lol::lol::lol: look at your avatar!!!!!:eusa_whistle:
And thanks for calling it what it is: War. It's not some "limited, targeted police action" or other some stupid euphemism.

I cannot believe Obama thinks this will work. He barely got out of the Libya mistake without losing liberal support. This may cost him and the Dems dearly.
Why does America want Assad dead?

Let us talk about the elephant in the room. Why does America want to turn over Syria to Al Qaeda and kill Assad?

To please this man:


Then his people - the American Likudnicks - will vote democrat on the next presidential elections.


No way jose. No way at all.

This is beyond a huge risk for Obama. This is not about Israel. Get real dearheart. This isn't about Israel at all.

This doctrine was prefigured in a 1996 paper prepared for then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a working group consisting of several individuals who are now in top spots in the Bush administration. "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" recommended that Israel set itself free from its embarrassing and debilitating dependence on U.S. military and diplomatic support: no matter how unconditional, this support constrained Israel and prevented it from pursuing its true interests. The paper, co-authored by Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, portrayed Syria as the main enemy of Israel, but maintained the road to Damascus had to first pass through Baghdad:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq – an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right – as a means of foiling Syria's regional ambitions. Jordan has challenged Syria's regional ambitions recently by suggesting the restoration of the Hashemites in Iraq."

Obama is a puppet. He has enormous influences directing him. He'll do and say what these influences ultimately wish. Every president will. These influences are not limited to the Jewish, war mongering scum in Israel.

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