Warren and Schumer urge student debt cancellation of up to $50,000 for all federal borrowers

Follow the money, it flows right into the Democratic party coffers.

Democrats, assholes that they are PREY on kids by charging them tuition the size of a f'ing home mortgage to purchase a degree. Saddling the kids with a staggering amount of student loan debt that stunts their lives financially for the next 10-20 years.

Degree prices so high no bank would approve a loan for them without that Federal government guarantee of repayment. So with the Federal government guaranteeing repayment universities are free to jack up the price of the degree, the Dem party gets it's kick back, the university sits happy on a pile of cash, the kids well they are screwed.

Again, you are confused, Wingnut.

It used to be the states subsidized the universities... Now it all comes out of tuition.

The reason why these kids spend so much on degrees is that they can't get good paying jobs without one.

The cost of tuition relative to the cost of anything else over the past 40 years has skyrocketed, a fact that utterly destroys your narrative. Be gone from my sight your argument is ignorant.
JoeBlow argument is almost always ignorant. Got to stop answering him.
Gipper is usually decent, but in this thread... holy cow.
Do you remember the GI Bill after WWII, and what it did for our economy? Student loan forgiveness will do much the same.

It’s clear tuition costs have gone up exponentially, only HC costs have gone higher. It’s a scam, just like HC costs. Time to kill it.
Dude... it is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Do you believe there is some magic fairy hand that when all is "wrote off" the debts magically disappear??
The debt will still be there, and ONCE AGAIN the American taxpayer has bailed out liberal policies that rack up costs/debts to the sky.
It is not even a band-aid.
No, it’s robbing thieves to pay Paul.
Why do you hate your fellow Americans?
Why do you excuse grossly failed policies that, even as liberals are demanding bail out for THEIR policy, have no desire to fix the problem... so in a few more years again... they can demand bailouts again and again.
They love to stand on a podium and brag about passing legislation that provides "much needed assistance to impoverished and minority students" [applause] [cheering]... when the legislation provides NO REQUIREMENTS on students to - you know - actually study and even attend the classes they signed up for.
Because I suspect a debt jubilee will fix the problem.

When our corrupt government under the last several presidents bail out big corporations and big banks with enormous sums of taxpayer dollars, it’s time to help the people. After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed and the US Treasury.
I have no argument to that, but Trump did much better than "Mr. WallSTreet" Obama.
The Obama administration bailed out all of the banks and investment firms, including projected profits, that owned mortgages across the nation while 2 million people were kicked out of their homes. The result was a record profit/growth period for Wall Street that lasted 5 years in a row. And we all sucked on it.
Fast forward to 2020. The Covid restriction fiasco created holocaust conditions for businesses. Trump, from day one said the stimulus would INCLUDE the small guys this time. And it did. We received $$ in PPP that absolutely saved our business. And Many-many others.
The PPP was not perfect, but it was a HUGE far cry better than the greatest tax payer robbery in U.S. history also known as TARP
Yes, Ears was the black mascot of Wall Street, yet millions of Americans somehow think he was great. As for a Trump, you’re dreaming. The lion share of the CARES Act went to the wealthy, with a small share going to the people. It’s the same old story repeated over and over. The ultra wealthy get socialism and the people get capitalism.
In 1992 Ross Perot said much of this. At one point Bush, Clinton and Perot each had about 33% of the potential vote. The Perot dropped out of the race. Why? Then he came back in and got about 20% of the vote. That guaranteed Clinton a victory. He ran again in 1996 to guarantee Clinton a victory again. A third party candidate must have the chance to win. And be honest in his intentions. In 1992 he just suspended his candidacy.....then returned.
Yes we need an effective third party, but it won’t happen. Both criminal parties collude to make sure this doesn’t happen, with lots of help from the MSM, ultra wealthy, and the government bureaucracy.

We live in a failed state.
Then when Trump fucks up the economy, you find that they can't pay these loans back.

Trump is has been VERY good for the economy. COVID and Democrat's hiding in their basements...not so much. I know you are much to dumb to understand.

Here's the real reason you would fear such a program. The idea of young people being instilled with a sense of community and service to country instead of worshipping greed, that would horrify you guys on the right.

Sure, these nice, young protestors sure are a great example of the world in which you want to live. Idioicy.

It used to be the states subsidized the universities... Now it all comes out of tuition.

This is a flat out lie. State universities received funding from the state. That is an irrefutable fact. Sorry if I don't feel sorry for schools who participate in the facilities race to compete with other universities. They build the equivalent of 5-star hotels on campus for student housing and many other ridiculous frills. When I was in college, I lived in a crappy dorm for a couple of years and then in the equivalent of an old-school fraternity house for a couple. Now, even the fraternity rows, which are paid for by the fraternity so I don't care, are like palaces. Extremely nice. The point is that college has gotten away from educating and are more concerned with left-wing indoctrination and pampering. I don't want any MORE of my tax dollars going to support that nonsense.

The reason why these kids spend so much on degrees is that they can't get good paying jobs without one.

There are many jobs that pay well without college degrees. Good electricians can make quite a bit of money. Obviously starting your own business doesn't require a degree. Keep in mind, there are many jobs that require a college degree that pay less on average than the average electrician, welder, LPN's, etc. so what was the point of going to college and racking up a lot of debt?

The only reason you hate universities is because they promote liberal politics.

You got it. That and the extraordinary costs are by biggest beefs. At least you finally admit it. Yes, they promote laziness, bigotry and Socialism. Glad you are cool with it, but it will ultimately destroy the US.
Follow the money, it flows right into the Democratic party coffers.

Democrats, assholes that they are PREY on kids by charging them tuition the size of a f'ing home mortgage to purchase a degree. Saddling the kids with a staggering amount of student loan debt that stunts their lives financially for the next 10-20 years.

Degree prices so high no bank would approve a loan for them without that Federal government guarantee of repayment. So with the Federal government guaranteeing repayment universities are free to jack up the price of the degree, the Dem party gets it's kick back, the university sits happy on a pile of cash, the kids well they are screwed.

Again, you are confused, Wingnut.

It used to be the states subsidized the universities... Now it all comes out of tuition.

The reason why these kids spend so much on degrees is that they can't get good paying jobs without one.

The cost of tuition relative to the cost of anything else over the past 40 years has skyrocketed, a fact that utterly destroys your narrative. Be gone from my sight your argument is ignorant.
JoeBlow argument is almost always ignorant. Got to stop answering him.
Gipper is usually decent, but in this thread... holy cow.
Do you remember the GI Bill after WWII, and what it did for our economy? Student loan forgiveness will do much the same.

It’s clear tuition costs have gone up exponentially, only HC costs have gone higher. It’s a scam, just like HC costs. Time to kill it.
Dude... it is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Do you believe there is some magic fairy hand that when all is "wrote off" the debts magically disappear??
The debt will still be there, and ONCE AGAIN the American taxpayer has bailed out liberal policies that rack up costs/debts to the sky.
It is not even a band-aid.
No, it’s robbing thieves to pay Paul.
Why do you hate your fellow Americans?
Why do you excuse grossly failed policies that, even as liberals are demanding bail out for THEIR policy, have no desire to fix the problem... so in a few more years again... they can demand bailouts again and again.
They love to stand on a podium and brag about passing legislation that provides "much needed assistance to impoverished and minority students" [applause] [cheering]... when the legislation provides NO REQUIREMENTS on students to - you know - actually study and even attend the classes they signed up for.
Because I suspect a debt jubilee will fix the problem.

When our corrupt government under the last several presidents bail out big corporations and big banks with enormous sums of taxpayer dollars, it’s time to help the people. After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed and the US Treasury.
I have no argument to that, but Trump did much better than "Mr. WallSTreet" Obama.
The Obama administration bailed out all of the banks and investment firms, including projected profits, that owned mortgages across the nation while 2 million people were kicked out of their homes. The result was a record profit/growth period for Wall Street that lasted 5 years in a row. And we all sucked on it.
Fast forward to 2020. The Covid restriction fiasco created holocaust conditions for businesses. Trump, from day one said the stimulus would INCLUDE the small guys this time. And it did. We received $$ in PPP that absolutely saved our business. And Many-many others.
The PPP was not perfect, but it was a HUGE far cry better than the greatest tax payer robbery in U.S. history also known as TARP
Yes, Ears was the black mascot of Wall Street, yet millions of Americans somehow think he was great. As for a Trump, you’re dreaming. The lion share of the CARES Act went to the wealthy, with a small share going to the people. It’s the same old story repeated over and over. The ultra wealthy get socialism and the people get capitalism.
Like I say, it wasn't perfect for sure. Keep in mind though, many of those larger companies who received it, will have to pay it back in full.
But in comparison to the monumental $trillions the TARP windfall was for the wealthy - PPP is a speck.
And now we look at the next stimulus and what do we see?? Bailouts for pet companies, gifts for pet projects and pork spending that is so over the top it is unimaginable.
Meanwhile small businesses are closing right and left while they argue over how many $billions in pork they can giveaway.
The United States Federal government is a rouge organization
Trump is has been VERY good for the economy. COVID and Democrat's hiding in their basements...not so much. I know you are much to dumb to understand.

You Lie!
- Trump Economy petered out a year before Covid came here.
- Trump never achieved Obama's GDP growth or Job creation prior to Covid.
- Trump Deficit Spending prior to Covid & currently is the highest in history!!!
- Iran has 10 times more uranium.
- The trade deficit — which Trump promised to reduce — went up 30%.
- The number of Americans lacking health insurance rose nearly 2 million.
- The number of rapes went up.
- Illegal border crossings nearly doubled, as of 2019. Covid slowed them this year.
Last edited:
Follow the money, it flows right into the Democratic party coffers.

Democrats, assholes that they are PREY on kids by charging them tuition the size of a f'ing home mortgage to purchase a degree. Saddling the kids with a staggering amount of student loan debt that stunts their lives financially for the next 10-20 years.

Degree prices so high no bank would approve a loan for them without that Federal government guarantee of repayment. So with the Federal government guaranteeing repayment universities are free to jack up the price of the degree, the Dem party gets it's kick back, the university sits happy on a pile of cash, the kids well they are screwed.

Again, you are confused, Wingnut.

It used to be the states subsidized the universities... Now it all comes out of tuition.

The reason why these kids spend so much on degrees is that they can't get good paying jobs without one.

The cost of tuition relative to the cost of anything else over the past 40 years has skyrocketed, a fact that utterly destroys your narrative. Be gone from my sight your argument is ignorant.
JoeBlow argument is almost always ignorant. Got to stop answering him.
Gipper is usually decent, but in this thread... holy cow.
Do you remember the GI Bill after WWII, and what it did for our economy? Student loan forgiveness will do much the same.

It’s clear tuition costs have gone up exponentially, only HC costs have gone higher. It’s a scam, just like HC costs. Time to kill it.
Dude... it is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Do you believe there is some magic fairy hand that when all is "wrote off" the debts magically disappear??
The debt will still be there, and ONCE AGAIN the American taxpayer has bailed out liberal policies that rack up costs/debts to the sky.
It is not even a band-aid.
No, it’s robbing thieves to pay Paul.
Why do you hate your fellow Americans?
Why do you excuse grossly failed policies that, even as liberals are demanding bail out for THEIR policy, have no desire to fix the problem... so in a few more years again... they can demand bailouts again and again.
They love to stand on a podium and brag about passing legislation that provides "much needed assistance to impoverished and minority students" [applause] [cheering]... when the legislation provides NO REQUIREMENTS on students to - you know - actually study and even attend the classes they signed up for.
Because I suspect a debt jubilee will fix the problem.

When our corrupt government under the last several presidents bail out big corporations and big banks with enormous sums of taxpayer dollars, it’s time to help the people. After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed and the US Treasury.
I have no argument to that, but Trump did much better than "Mr. WallSTreet" Obama.
The Obama administration bailed out all of the banks and investment firms, including projected profits, that owned mortgages across the nation while 2 million people were kicked out of their homes. The result was a record profit/growth period for Wall Street that lasted 5 years in a row. And we all sucked on it.
Fast forward to 2020. The Covid restriction fiasco created holocaust conditions for businesses. Trump, from day one said the stimulus would INCLUDE the small guys this time. And it did. We received $$ in PPP that absolutely saved our business. And Many-many others.
The PPP was not perfect, but it was a HUGE far cry better than the greatest tax payer robbery in U.S. history also known as TARP
Yes, Ears was the black mascot of Wall Street, yet millions of Americans somehow think he was great. As for a Trump, you’re dreaming. The lion share of the CARES Act went to the wealthy, with a small share going to the people. It’s the same old story repeated over and over. The ultra wealthy get socialism and the people get capitalism.
Like I say, it wasn't perfect for sure. Keep in mind though, many of those larger companies who received it, will have to pay it back in full.
But in comparison to the monumental $trillions the TARP windfall was for the wealthy - PPP is a speck.
And now we look at the next stimulus and what do we see?? Bailouts for pet companies, gifts for pet projects and pork spending that is so over the top it is unimaginable.
Meanwhile small businesses are closing right and left while they argue over how many $billions in pork they can giveaway.
The United States Federal government is a rouge organization
We are in 100% agreement. The US government needs termination, but I fear the vast majority of Americans haven’t figured it out yet even though the evidence is overwhelming. They’ve allowed the elite to dupe them and divide them.
Follow the money, it flows right into the Democratic party coffers.

Democrats, assholes that they are PREY on kids by charging them tuition the size of a f'ing home mortgage to purchase a degree. Saddling the kids with a staggering amount of student loan debt that stunts their lives financially for the next 10-20 years.

Degree prices so high no bank would approve a loan for them without that Federal government guarantee of repayment. So with the Federal government guaranteeing repayment universities are free to jack up the price of the degree, the Dem party gets it's kick back, the university sits happy on a pile of cash, the kids well they are screwed.

Again, you are confused, Wingnut.

It used to be the states subsidized the universities... Now it all comes out of tuition.

The reason why these kids spend so much on degrees is that they can't get good paying jobs without one.

The cost of tuition relative to the cost of anything else over the past 40 years has skyrocketed, a fact that utterly destroys your narrative. Be gone from my sight your argument is ignorant.
JoeBlow argument is almost always ignorant. Got to stop answering him.
Gipper is usually decent, but in this thread... holy cow.
Do you remember the GI Bill after WWII, and what it did for our economy? Student loan forgiveness will do much the same.

It’s clear tuition costs have gone up exponentially, only HC costs have gone higher. It’s a scam, just like HC costs. Time to kill it.
Dude... it is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Do you believe there is some magic fairy hand that when all is "wrote off" the debts magically disappear??
The debt will still be there, and ONCE AGAIN the American taxpayer has bailed out liberal policies that rack up costs/debts to the sky.
It is not even a band-aid.
No, it’s robbing thieves to pay Paul.
Why do you hate your fellow Americans?
Why do you excuse grossly failed policies that, even as liberals are demanding bail out for THEIR policy, have no desire to fix the problem... so in a few more years again... they can demand bailouts again and again.
They love to stand on a podium and brag about passing legislation that provides "much needed assistance to impoverished and minority students" [applause] [cheering]... when the legislation provides NO REQUIREMENTS on students to - you know - actually study and even attend the classes they signed up for.
Because I suspect a debt jubilee will fix the problem.

When our corrupt government under the last several presidents bail out big corporations and big banks with enormous sums of taxpayer dollars, it’s time to help the people. After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed and the US Treasury.
I have no argument to that, but Trump did much better than "Mr. WallSTreet" Obama.
The Obama administration bailed out all of the banks and investment firms, including projected profits, that owned mortgages across the nation while 2 million people were kicked out of their homes. The result was a record profit/growth period for Wall Street that lasted 5 years in a row. And we all sucked on it.
Fast forward to 2020. The Covid restriction fiasco created holocaust conditions for businesses. Trump, from day one said the stimulus would INCLUDE the small guys this time. And it did. We received $$ in PPP that absolutely saved our business. And Many-many others.
The PPP was not perfect, but it was a HUGE far cry better than the greatest tax payer robbery in U.S. history also known as TARP
Yes, Ears was the black mascot of Wall Street, yet millions of Americans somehow think he was great. As for a Trump, you’re dreaming. The lion share of the CARES Act went to the wealthy, with a small share going to the people. It’s the same old story repeated over and over. The ultra wealthy get socialism and the people get capitalism.
Like I say, it wasn't perfect for sure. Keep in mind though, many of those larger companies who received it, will have to pay it back in full.
But in comparison to the monumental $trillions the TARP windfall was for the wealthy - PPP is a speck.
And now we look at the next stimulus and what do we see?? Bailouts for pet companies, gifts for pet projects and pork spending that is so over the top it is unimaginable.
Meanwhile small businesses are closing right and left while they argue over how many $billions in pork they can giveaway.
The United States Federal government is a rouge organization
We are in 100% agreement. The US government needs termination

To be replaced with what?
Of course they do. Destroying the value of contracts will permit an escape from one's own stupidity.

Warren and Schumer urge student debt cancellation of up to $50,000 for all federal borrowers

What you need to face is facts. Much of this debt is never going to be paid back. It will act as a drag on the economy. Also many of these companies have pushed people into forbearance instead of income based repayment plans. Forbearance just pushes the amount owed higher and interest continues to accumulate. That results in higher payments. Navient even admitted it. Their asses need to be sued for defrauding their customers.

While I do not necessarily agree with their plan, I do agree with their goal. republicans do not give a damn when big business cheats their customers. You are no different.
Follow the money, it flows right into the Democratic party coffers.

Democrats, assholes that they are PREY on kids by charging them tuition the size of a f'ing home mortgage to purchase a degree. Saddling the kids with a staggering amount of student loan debt that stunts their lives financially for the next 10-20 years.

Degree prices so high no bank would approve a loan for them without that Federal government guarantee of repayment. So with the Federal government guaranteeing repayment universities are free to jack up the price of the degree, the Dem party gets it's kick back, the university sits happy on a pile of cash, the kids well they are screwed.

Again, you are confused, Wingnut.

It used to be the states subsidized the universities... Now it all comes out of tuition.

The reason why these kids spend so much on degrees is that they can't get good paying jobs without one.

The cost of tuition relative to the cost of anything else over the past 40 years has skyrocketed, a fact that utterly destroys your narrative. Be gone from my sight your argument is ignorant.
JoeBlow argument is almost always ignorant. Got to stop answering him.
Gipper is usually decent, but in this thread... holy cow.
Do you remember the GI Bill after WWII, and what it did for our economy? Student loan forgiveness will do much the same.

It’s clear tuition costs have gone up exponentially, only HC costs have gone higher. It’s a scam, just like HC costs. Time to kill it.
Dude... it is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Do you believe there is some magic fairy hand that when all is "wrote off" the debts magically disappear??
The debt will still be there, and ONCE AGAIN the American taxpayer has bailed out liberal policies that rack up costs/debts to the sky.
It is not even a band-aid.
No, it’s robbing thieves to pay Paul.
Why do you hate your fellow Americans?
Why do you excuse grossly failed policies that, even as liberals are demanding bail out for THEIR policy, have no desire to fix the problem... so in a few more years again... they can demand bailouts again and again.
They love to stand on a podium and brag about passing legislation that provides "much needed assistance to impoverished and minority students" [applause] [cheering]... when the legislation provides NO REQUIREMENTS on students to - you know - actually study and even attend the classes they signed up for.
Because I suspect a debt jubilee will fix the problem.

When our corrupt government under the last several presidents bail out big corporations and big banks with enormous sums of taxpayer dollars, it’s time to help the people. After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed and the US Treasury.
I have no argument to that, but Trump did much better than "Mr. WallSTreet" Obama.
The Obama administration bailed out all of the banks and investment firms, including projected profits, that owned mortgages across the nation while 2 million people were kicked out of their homes. The result was a record profit/growth period for Wall Street that lasted 5 years in a row. And we all sucked on it.
Fast forward to 2020. The Covid restriction fiasco created holocaust conditions for businesses. Trump, from day one said the stimulus would INCLUDE the small guys this time. And it did. We received $$ in PPP that absolutely saved our business. And Many-many others.
The PPP was not perfect, but it was a HUGE far cry better than the greatest tax payer robbery in U.S. history also known as TARP
Yes, Ears was the black mascot of Wall Street, yet millions of Americans somehow think he was great. As for a Trump, you’re dreaming. The lion share of the CARES Act went to the wealthy, with a small share going to the people. It’s the same old story repeated over and over. The ultra wealthy get socialism and the people get capitalism.
Like I say, it wasn't perfect for sure. Keep in mind though, many of those larger companies who received it, will have to pay it back in full.
But in comparison to the monumental $trillions the TARP windfall was for the wealthy - PPP is a speck.
And now we look at the next stimulus and what do we see?? Bailouts for pet companies, gifts for pet projects and pork spending that is so over the top it is unimaginable.
Meanwhile small businesses are closing right and left while they argue over how many $billions in pork they can giveaway.
The United States Federal government is a rouge organization
We are in 100% agreement. The US government needs termination

To be replaced with what?
A government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Of course they do. Destroying the value of contracts will permit an escape from one's own stupidity.

Warren and Schumer urge student debt cancellation of up to $50,000 for all federal borrowers
Universities should be the ones to cancel that debt.

But then, who would fund the democrat indoctrination centers?

Funny how everyone seems to be hurting during economic hard times, EXCEPT left wing universities around the country that keep raising tuition anyway.
Yes, if their student can't earn enough from their degree in 10 years to pay for the tuition, the university should refund the earnings shortfall to the lender.

Many red states have cut their support for state colleges by a larger percentage than blue states. Also incomes have not been growing strongly since the 2000's. In addition, housing costs have skyrocketed as developers have concentrated on higher end housing.
The problem is the Government is required by the statute to make a lot of stupid ass loans in the Student Loan Programs.

Loaning a young person a brick, when they have no income, no collateral and no responsible co-signers, and when they intend to use the money to get a degree in Lesbian Studies or German Polka is insane.

Wow... you actually believe that shit, don't you?

Okay, here's a list of the top majors. Please note that Lesbian Studies is nowhere to be found.

Just give you the top Ten.

1Business and Management289,384Best Colleges for Business
2Nursing141,632Best Colleges for Nursing
3Psychology127,066Best Colleges for Psychology
4Biology120,375Best Colleges for Biology
5Engineering117,553Best Colleges for Engineering
6Education102,219Best Colleges for Education
7Communications98,949Best Colleges for Communications
8Finance and Accounting98,663Best Colleges for Accounting
9Criminal Justice63,961Best Colleges for Criminal Justice
10Anthropology and Sociology57,630Best Colleges for Anthropology

Most of those are specific majors with specific career paths...

Loan officers need to get involved to make individual decisions as to the business plan and resources of each borrower and be able to assign an interest rate and demand collateral based upon each individual's circumstances and plans.

Or maybe we just need to get the banks out of the program altogether and let the government run it, since they are the ones subsidizing the loans to start with.

Here's my solution. At age 18, everyone has to do two years of national service. Can be the military, the forest service, inner city outreach, whatever. On completion of your service, you can get a full ride to the university or trade school of your choice, providing it's a viable major and you had good enough grades. Your conduct during your service will also be a factor.

No, the key is to eliminate government subsidies altogether. Lenders will make better loans when they risk losing their ass if too many loans become non-performing. As far as "requiring" "service", the 13th Amendment would have to be dealt with. Drafting an Army to fight a war is one thing, but drafting young people to do suburban outreach to mow old people's lawns or provide other services for those in need isn't the same.

Actually we need to go back to the way things were. Student loans could be discharged in bankruptcy. That forced both sides to come to a agreement.
Universities should be the ones to cancel that debt.

But then, who would fund the democrat indoctrination centers?

Funny how everyone seems to be hurting during economic hard times, EXCEPT left wing universities around the country that keep raising tuition anyway.

The money flows from banks, to the universities, to the Dem party coffers. Asshole Democrats yell and scream about prices of just about everything BUT the cost of a degree. It's total crickets on the ridiculous cost of higher education because that's a Dem party cash cow. With friends like Democrats students don't need enemies.

You want to 'splain that Lucy?
Until you see people like JoeBlow even address the fact there are 100's of colleges and universities that rake in $10s and even $100s millions per year from taxpayers - with graduation rates as low as the SINGLE DIGIT %.... the problem will go on and on and on.

Where did you dig that up?
Interesting idea. We wouldn't be in this position if our liberal politicians didn't insist that everyone has a right to go to college, regardless if they're intellectually or emotionally qualified. But I can understand why liberals want to get as many people in their brainwashing factories as possible. Colleges condition the student to support the Democrats who have bribed them with unaffordable promises for years, and now they expect to confiscate the money from the uninvolved American worker. No thanks. MAGA

But who made the unaffordable promise.

The real problem is most good paying jobs REQUIRE a bachelor's degree. It's a simple matter of supply and demand, really. More people need Bachelor degrees - but the number of seats in universities hasn't increased. Demand goes up, supply stays the same, prices increase.

I worked in purchasing for many years. Most purchasing jobs require a bachelor's degree. Why? No idea. The skills you need to be good at purchasing really can't be learned at college. (My own career path was through the Army in logistics and then moving to purchasing in the civilian world.)

So in 2008, when the recession hit and they fired the buyers in my department, I was able to land a new gig in about four weeks, but the lady who had a lot more experience than I did but no degree, wasn't able to land a new gig for more than a year.

To put it in perspective. When I graduated from UIC In 1985, tuition was about $1500 a year. That would be about $4751 in today's Dollars. In my case, the Army National Guard picked up most of my tuition, but I could still pay that working minimum wage jobs working 20 hours a week.

By comparison- UIC today costs $13,574 for in state tuition. About three times what it cost then. Working a full time minimum wage job in Illinois ($8.25 an hour) would net you $17,160. Which means you would have less than $4000 to pay for food, housing, books, transportation, clothing and so on.

Now, why has pricing gone up? Part of the reason as I said was demand. part of the reason was that back in the day, most of those operating costs for state universities were picked up by the state. The State cuts funding, they have to go to the students. The students don't have the funding, they have to go to the banks.

Then when Trump fucks up the economy, you find that they can't pay these loans back. Funny how that works.

Joe: "Now, why has pricing gone up?"

The price went up primarily because the government is flooding universities with free money. Then when people graduate with degrees in English and psychology they couldn't pay them back.

Ironically our goal here is the same. The government should STOP funding degrees and let universities and students deal with tuition. Then people will start getting better degrees or to your point stop going to college for jobs that don't really need college degrees. Then universities will have to right size and get their costs in line with reality.

Once again government is not the solution, government is the problem
Of course they do. Destroying the value of contracts will permit an escape from one's own stupidity.

Warren and Schumer urge student debt cancellation of up to $50,000 for all federal borrowers
These loans are a scam. Banks have been making out like bandits on them

Federally guaranteed loans at MARKET rates?

Are ya kidding? Loans that are not subject to bankruptcy?

There are TRILLIONS tied up in these loans and an entire generation is enslaved by it.

No one is forced to take out a student loan if they don't want to pay it back. There are less expensive state schools and community colleges out there, people can work their way through if they are motivated.

I agree there are problems with student loans. They should be given privately by financial institutions at their own risk and decretion with the borrowers being assessed as to their credit worthiness for a loan. Someone looking to borrow a brick for a black studies or sociology career doesn't make sense.
No one is forced to take out a student loan if they don't want to pay it back. There are less expensive state schools and community colleges out there, people can work their way through if they are motivated.
My daughter in law went to one of those "less expensive state schools" and has a six figure debt.

They should be able to afford a house in oh....40 years
These loans are a scam. Banks have been making out like bandits on them

Federally guaranteed loans at MARKET rates?

Are ya kidding? Loans that are not subject to bankruptcy?

There are TRILLIONS tied up in these loans and an entire generation is enslaved by it.
Republicans want to end education & install religious madrassas to make us slaves.

Universities need to be held liable for students ability to pay their student loans.

The lower performing students need trade schools not string theory.

Billionaires need to pay more taxes because their money is coming from their education & their educated workforce.
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Republicans want to end education & install religious madrassas to make us slaves.
Universities need to be held liable for students ability to pay their student loans.

I agree with your 2nd sentence here. But this will only happen if the school make their own loans, or at least assume the risk to pay them back if they are non-performing.

Somebody definitely needs to be qualifying borrowers. If not the schools, the lending institutions.

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