Warren Becoming Logical Sensible Choice For Pres.

Uhm yeah she lied....good grief LOL
Her mother's grandmother's mother, was native American...

On ancestry, doing my tree for my dad, I am 5 or 6 generations past that on my family search of my great grandfathers.... England, The Netherlands, Ireland....

That's not possible. If her mother's grandmother's mother was native American, that would make Liz 1/16. Go check the actual ratio again, it's CONSIDERABLY lower than 1/16. You'd have to backtrack another 5 or 6 generations to find the culprit, given that she's somewhere in the 1/500-1/1024 range, if I recall correctly.
Not if gr-gr grandmother was only part Native American. There was some white, as well as black, mixing. I saw a genealogy of Warren's and that individual was listed in one place as Native and in another as White. Half breed? It was enough to put you in the "Injun" basket back then, same as now.

Couldn't have been a half breed, either. That would put Warren at 1/32. I just checked the report, and I do stand corrected on my prior post. Apparently she's between 1/64th and 1/1024th. That puts mother's grandmother's mother between 1/4 and 1/64. Simple powers of two here, try to keep track.

Also, what puts you in the "injun" basket, these days, as many members of the Cherokee nation explained in the wake of the DNA test fiasco, is actually being a part of a native American community. Sharing their experiences. Pointing to a distant ancestor only puts you in the "injun" basket insofar as it allows you to claim it on college and job applications and potentially benefit from AA admissions/hiring policies.
I don't disagree with you, and when I said "half breed" I wasn't necessarily being literal. Yes, gr-gr-gram could have been a quarter Native, which would prove Liz wasn't lying at all. It depends on how you look at it. I already get it that you don't approve of her.

But considering that we are talking about her in comparison to Trump, who kicked off his Presidency by bold face lying about the size of the crowd at his Inauguration and has not stopped bullshitting us since, I'd take Warren if this is all you've got. Even if you had more, it's hard to beat "Grab 'em by the pussy."

I do disapprove of her, but that doesn't factor into the truth or untruth of her statement. My disapproval also has very little to do with the Hiawatha incident.

Also, YOU'RE talking about her in comparison to Trump. I'm simply pointing out errors in declaring her statement truthful.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

When Pocahontas Warren is the "logical and sensible" answer to a question----it has to be a really really strange question.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.
Calling all police racist is tyrannical
Her mother's grandmother's mother, was native American...

On ancestry, doing my tree for my dad, I am 5 or 6 generations past that on my family search of my great grandfathers.... England, The Netherlands, Ireland....

That's not possible. If her mother's grandmother's mother was native American, that would make Liz 1/16. Go check the actual ratio again, it's CONSIDERABLY lower than 1/16. You'd have to backtrack another 5 or 6 generations to find the culprit, given that she's somewhere in the 1/500-1/1024 range, if I recall correctly.
Not if gr-gr grandmother was only part Native American. There was some white, as well as black, mixing. I saw a genealogy of Warren's and that individual was listed in one place as Native and in another as White. Half breed? It was enough to put you in the "Injun" basket back then, same as now.

Couldn't have been a half breed, either. That would put Warren at 1/32. I just checked the report, and I do stand corrected on my prior post. Apparently she's between 1/64th and 1/1024th. That puts mother's grandmother's mother between 1/4 and 1/64. Simple powers of two here, try to keep track.

Also, what puts you in the "injun" basket, these days, as many members of the Cherokee nation explained in the wake of the DNA test fiasco, is actually being a part of a native American community. Sharing their experiences. Pointing to a distant ancestor only puts you in the "injun" basket insofar as it allows you to claim it on college and job applications and potentially benefit from AA admissions/hiring policies.
I don't disagree with you, and when I said "half breed" I wasn't necessarily being literal. Yes, gr-gr-gram could have been a quarter Native, which would prove Liz wasn't lying at all. It depends on how you look at it. I already get it that you don't approve of her.

But considering that we are talking about her in comparison to Trump, who kicked off his Presidency by bold face lying about the size of the crowd at his Inauguration and has not stopped bullshitting us since, I'd take Warren if this is all you've got. Even if you had more, it's hard to beat "Grab 'em by the pussy."

I do disapprove of her, but that doesn't factor into the truth or untruth of her statement. My disapproval also has very little to do with the Hiawatha incident.

Also, YOU'RE talking about her in comparison to Trump. I'm simply pointing out errors in declaring her statement truthful.
Since I'm not from Massachusetts, my only interest in her is that she might be running for Pres against Trump next year at this time.
Doing genealogy myself, I can see how things played out the way they did, even though as I've ALREADY SAID, she took advantage without being sure. Of course, back then you couldn't swab your cheek and find out so easy, either.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Agree to disagree.

Sen Warren supporters, do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done.

no one can match the heart and spirit and fight of america.



Not sure if Sen Warren is the best choice. One of the problems I have with the current President is his need to be right and execrate the opposition. He says what he thinks without considering consequences and repercussions. This procrustean style of his just feeds into this Us vs Them mindset.

Sen Warren may present a similar problem from the other side. She has a fiery demeanor and can be bombastic with those who do not agree with her ideology. Red state democrats in Congress are going to be forced between supporting her progressive initiatives or risking a backlash from conservative constituents.

In order for this country to move away from its tribalism, someone has to step in and demonstrate they can work across the aisle and find common ground. Sen Warren is too partisan to fit that bill in my opinion.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.
What's her tribe's take on it?
Maybe you can clue us in on which tribe she associates herself with. Of course, you are unable to articulate an intellectual response, so you have to rely on a nonsense one. If needed, you can look up the words articulate and intellectual.

LOL she doesn't have a tribe, dumbass. She lied and of course my point went right over the point on your head.

Now gfy
Her DNA test proved she has a hereditary link to native American ancestry. Perhaps small, but still proof the ancestor she mentioned in her book is real and genuine.
Hahaha! Yes, with a South American tribe....that is where her link to Native American lies. Nice try, but it was a swing and a miss for you.
What's her tribe's take on it?
Maybe you can clue us in on which tribe she associates herself with. Of course, you are unable to articulate an intellectual response, so you have to rely on a nonsense one. If needed, you can look up the words articulate and intellectual.

LOL she doesn't have a tribe, dumbass. She lied and of course my point went right over the point on your head.

Now gfy
Her DNA test proved she has a hereditary link to native American ancestry. Perhaps small, but still proof the ancestor she mentioned in her book is real and genuine.
Hahaha! Yes, with a South American tribe....that is where her link to Native American lies. Nice try, but it was a swing and a miss for you.
Amusing how Trumpers deny being racist yet so many of them will post racist comments and memes in a rhread like this one.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
She has shown patience, emotional stability, and temperament in her campaign, so far. Her strongest policy issues will be support for programs beneficial to middle-class Americans and her belief in giving a smaller piece of the pie to the rich and corporations and a larger piece of the pie to workers and middle-class citizens.

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