Warren Becoming Logical Sensible Choice For Pres.

Amusing how the dims always resort to playing a race card when confronted with the facts.
It's kinda like a get out of jail free card.
I am not a Dem, but do you deny the racist posts in this thread?
I want you to point them out...
Any post or meme calling her Pocahontas is racist.

Bullshit. She claimed to be Native American and that was lie. If she truly was Native American then it would be racist...barely.
Why do you deny her DNA test proving she has Native American ancestry?

I thought the tests said she had less than most Americans.

Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
She has shown patience, emotional stability, and temperament in her campaign, so far. Her strongest policy issues will be support for programs beneficial to middle-class Americans and her belief in giving a smaller piece of the pie to the rich and corporations and a larger piece of the pie to workers and middle-class citizens.
Redistribution has never worked and will never work you silly little fucker

I agree: Reaganomics, supply-side, trickle down, all of that "redistribution" shit that Larry Kudlow (currently on Trump's cab) foisted upon America never worked & it never will work.
What's old is new again BUT it still doesn't work & it never will.
I guess no one told Trump about that.
Larry; where are U?

So what does work? Tattle tale. Do educate us.
I am not a Dem, but do you deny the racist posts in this thread?
I want you to point them out...
Any post or meme calling her Pocahontas is racist.

Bullshit. She claimed to be Native American and that was lie. If she truly was Native American then it would be racist...barely.
Why do you deny her DNA test proving she has Native American ancestry?

I thought the tests said she had less than most Americans.


You’re ignorant and uninformed. Here is your proof


Elizabeth Warren's Native American problem just got even worse - CNNPolitics

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes For Latest Revelation Of Native American Claims

'An apology from the heart': Sen. Elizabeth Warren sorry for identifying as Native American

Woman asks Warren about 'honesty' over her claim of Native American ancestry
Amusing how the dims always resort to playing a race card when confronted with the facts.
It's kinda like a get out of jail free card.
I am not a Dem, but do you deny the racist posts in this thread?
I want you to point them out...
Any post or meme calling her Pocahontas is racist.

Bullshit. She claimed to be Native American and that was lie. If she truly was Native American then it would be racist...barely.
Why do you deny her DNA test proving she has Native American ancestry?

What denial? She is definitely half Native American and half Martian. No one is disputing this.
I hope she gets the dims nomination....4 more years of Trump
I hope she gets the dims nomination....4 more years of Trump

Those debates would honestly be PPV worthy. Especially when Trump strolls our actual Native Americans and places them in the front row. She would be so rattled.

Moderator: Senator Warren you recently boycotted Fox News. In your opinion is Fox News and it’s audience racist?

Warren: Um um um um
She's the logical and sensible choice if you want America to become another Venezuela, or another Greece, or another England, or another Cuba, or another Mexico, or another Spain. Yeah, if you want that, she's a great pick.
Why do you deny her DNA test proving she has Native American ancestry?

She may have some Native American genetics but millions have that in America. To claim actual ancestry requires Tribal verification which she never got and doesn't have.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

I've liked her since the bush boy years. She was warning about the economic collapse before it happened just as I was. She questioned why people didn't go to prison. She wants proper rules for big business.

She has been my first choice for president since she declared her candidacy.

She would be a great president if she is elected and the republicans work with her.
Her wall street ideas are not really that bad. I can see how dem candidates can tack back on the wind over single payer. Say it's the goal , and eventually people with private insurance will buy in, but even dems are not there yet.

She didn't lie, she's not native American DNA (though that's not that rare) And Trump bought his kids way into Wharton.

I think Harris is a little better positioned though. To the left of The Gaffe and to the right of Warren. And she can raise a lot of money. Can she carry a place like Ohio or even Wisc?
I ain't voting for no one that wants to kill me. That is just foolish.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
She has shown patience, emotional stability, and temperament in her campaign, so far. Her strongest policy issues will be support for programs beneficial to middle-class Americans and her belief in giving a smaller piece of the pie to the rich and corporations and a larger piece of the pie to workers and middle-class citizens.

What, in her campaign so far, has actually tested any of these things? Moreso, what has done so while the cameras and press were focused on her, in particular? Seems to me that it's hard to argue how good or bad she's looked in the campaign so far because there's so many Dems running that she's rarely the focus.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
She has shown patience, emotional stability, and temperament in her campaign, so far. Her strongest policy issues will be support for programs beneficial to middle-class Americans and her belief in giving a smaller piece of the pie to the rich and corporations and a larger piece of the pie to workers and middle-class citizens.

What, in her campaign so far, has actually tested any of these things? Moreso, what has done so while the cameras and press were focused on her, in particular? Seems to me that it's hard to argue how good or bad she's looked in the campaign so far because there's so many Dems running that she's rarely the focus.
For whatever reason, she is running in second place in Iowa only behind Biden. Of course, it is far too early for putting much behind polls, but it indicates her popularity in on the increase. Republicans flooding the internet with "Pocahontas" racism has had no effect.
Amusing how Trumpers deny being racist yet so many of them will post racist comments and memes in a rhread like this one.

This all-or-nothing attitude is one of the problems you lefties have with the general electorate, these days. Back here on Earth, most people have a nuanced enough understanding of themselves and other human beings to understand that telling or laughing at a racist joke does not a racist make. Most people have friends or relatives who aren't the most articulate people in the world and often speak in generalities, but still tend to judge others as individuals when presented with actual people standing in front of them. Until you triggered types stop hitting the panic button and misfiring all of the hate-labels (racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe) the 80+ percent of the population made up of sane people still operating within the liberal-conservative paradigm are going to take you less and less seriously.
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
She has shown patience, emotional stability, and temperament in her campaign, so far. Her strongest policy issues will be support for programs beneficial to middle-class Americans and her belief in giving a smaller piece of the pie to the rich and corporations and a larger piece of the pie to workers and middle-class citizens.
Would you expound on her policies? That may be a starting point for a good discussion.

If you're honestly interested here's her website.

Scroll down then scroll horizontally through the issues she has plans for.

If not, that's your choice.

Elizabeth Warren
Senator Elizabeth is becoming the logical and sensible choice for becoming the Democratic nominee for President. She has the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President.
Of course, this will probably become a Warren bashing and demonizing thread. It's not meant to be a pro-Warren or Warren endorsement thread, but merely, but USMB posters are predictable.

You say Warren has, "the experience, patience, emotional stability and temperament for the makings of a decent and acceptable President." What does that really mean, in 2019, or in 2020?
Our current POTUS possesses none of those attributes yet he won in 2016. The 2016 election was about as anomalous as I can recall. It broke the mold. America NO longer requires any POTUS that has any of the traits you listed. All America needs for a POTUS is an asshole bulldog.
So, IYO what makes Warren so special? She doesn't seem very likeable so, she likely won't have any real popularity.
What, IYO, are the top two policy issues that make Warren the logical choice?
She has shown patience, emotional stability, and temperament in her campaign, so far. Her strongest policy issues will be support for programs beneficial to middle-class Americans and her belief in giving a smaller piece of the pie to the rich and corporations and a larger piece of the pie to workers and middle-class citizens.
Redistribution has never worked and will never work you silly little fucker

I agree: Reaganomics, supply-side, trickle down, all of that "redistribution" shit that Larry Kudlow (currently on Trump's cab) foisted upon America never worked & it never will work.
What's old is new again BUT it still doesn't work & it never will.
I guess no one told Trump about that.
Larry; where are U?

Lowering tax rates isn't redistribution. It's non-distribution.

I can't speak for Reagan. I was only born in '82.

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