Warren Ignores First Rule of Holes

One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
When I was in aerospace if we didn’t have the right races in management they’d lose government contracts.

Bullshit. All the company would need to do was show it never discriminated. Show it considered others & those that werte hired werte actually better qualified.
Wrong. That wouldn't get it off the hook.

Yes it would. I know, I've been in that position. You know nothing. STFU.
There have been numerous lawsuits for discrimination based solely on the racial makeup of a company.

You're full of shit.

The numbers will show a possible tendency. It takes an investigation to show actual discrimination.

Yeats ago, a fed stopped by my office & was asking about minorities in my company.

She asked about African Americans - I said none
She asked about Hispanics - I said None
On & in through the list.

According to you, I should have been fines.

I was not.

The company was in rural western PA in what used to be underground coal mining area.

I told them to go & research the local high school year books & tell me how many of those minorities were there.

The investigation showed we did not discriminate.

So quit being such a fucking idiot. Yiou obviously know nothing.
A couple of years ago I met a Fire Captain of a large city Fire Department.

She was about 5’-0”, 125 pounds in full fire gear.

How do you think she passed the strenuous physical weight carrying requirements to be a firefighter?

A: She was a female needed to check a box.
One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
Yea...well he also said Ted Cruz's father was in on the Kennedy assassination so...
One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
Yea...well he also said Ted Cruz's father was in on the Kennedy assassination so...
Talk about non sequiturs.

Hillary said she was under sniper fire in Bosnia.
Liz Warren has released her taxes
Trump has not

I'm not interested in Warren's taxes. I'm interested in her employment and school records. See exactly how she cheated the Indian people by accept Affirmative Action.

Warren worked for public institutions, we know how much she made, her tax return is a waste

How about the people Trump cheated by lying about his medical records during Vietnam ? Who went in his place?

Bet his daddy didn’t buy him out
/—— / Your posts have more twists and turns than a pretzel factory
Bullshit. All the company would need to do was show it never discriminated. Show it considered others & those that werte hired werte actually better qualified.
Wrong. That wouldn't get it off the hook.

Yes it would. I know, I've been in that position. You know nothing. STFU.
There have been numerous lawsuits for discrimination based solely on the racial makeup of a company.

You're full of shit.

The numbers will show a possible tendency. It takes an investigation to show actual discrimination.

Yeats ago, a fed stopped by my office & was asking about minorities in my company.

She asked about African Americans - I said none
She asked about Hispanics - I said None
On & in through the list.

According to you, I should have been fines.

I was not.

The company was in rural western PA in what used to be underground coal mining area.

I told them to go & research the local high school year books & tell me how many of those minorities were there.

The investigation showed we did not discriminate.

So quit being such a fucking idiot. Yiou obviously know nothing.
A couple of years ago I met a Fire Captain of a large city Fire Department.

She was about 5’-0”, 125 pounds in full fire gear.

How do you think she passed the strenuous physical weight carrying requirements to be a firefighter?

A: She was a female needed to check a box.

Only an ass would demand that women meet the same physical requirements as men.
One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
Yea...well he also said Ted Cruz's father was in on the Kennedy assassination so...
Talk about non sequiturs.

Hillary said she was under sniper fire in Bosnia.
Comparing a story altered for humor with Trump saying Cruz's father killed Kennedy is further proof of what an ass you are.

The fact is Clinton did land under the threat of sniper fire. Her story was not meant to hurt anyone.

Your fat assed orange piece of shit buddy lied to purposefully trash a contending candidate
One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
Trump is a bigot & a liar so I suppose he will & bigotred fucks like you will cheer.
Bullshit. All the company would need to do was show it never discriminated. Show it considered others & those that werte hired werte actually better qualified.
Wrong. That wouldn't get it off the hook.

Yes it would. I know, I've been in that position. You know nothing. STFU.
There have been numerous lawsuits for discrimination based solely on the racial makeup of a company.

You're full of shit.

The numbers will show a possible tendency. It takes an investigation to show actual discrimination.

Yeats ago, a fed stopped by my office & was asking about minorities in my company.

She asked about African Americans - I said none
She asked about Hispanics - I said None
On & in through the list.

According to you, I should have been fines.

I was not.

The company was in rural western PA in what used to be underground coal mining area.

I told them to go & research the local high school year books & tell me how many of those minorities were there.

The investigation showed we did not discriminate.

So quit being such a fucking idiot. Yiou obviously know nothing.
You can be sued, moron, and many companies have. Recently a fire department was sued solely on the bases of the percentage of women in their workforce.

Anyone can be sued Dumbfuck. You still have to show proof beyond statistics.
Wrong. That wouldn't get it off the hook.

Yes it would. I know, I've been in that position. You know nothing. STFU.
There have been numerous lawsuits for discrimination based solely on the racial makeup of a company.

You're full of shit.

The numbers will show a possible tendency. It takes an investigation to show actual discrimination.

Yeats ago, a fed stopped by my office & was asking about minorities in my company.

She asked about African Americans - I said none
She asked about Hispanics - I said None
On & in through the list.

According to you, I should have been fines.

I was not.

The company was in rural western PA in what used to be underground coal mining area.

I told them to go & research the local high school year books & tell me how many of those minorities were there.

The investigation showed we did not discriminate.

So quit being such a fucking idiot. Yiou obviously know nothing.
A couple of years ago I met a Fire Captain of a large city Fire Department.

She was about 5’-0”, 125 pounds in full fire gear.

How do you think she passed the strenuous physical weight carrying requirements to be a firefighter?

A: She was a female needed to check a box.

Only an ass would demand that women meet the same physical requirements as men.
/——/ If you can’t meet the same requirements men must then you shouldn’t be allowed to join. There are supporting roles they can fill without the life and death jobs men do.
Wrong. That wouldn't get it off the hook.

Yes it would. I know, I've been in that position. You know nothing. STFU.
There have been numerous lawsuits for discrimination based solely on the racial makeup of a company.

You're full of shit.

The numbers will show a possible tendency. It takes an investigation to show actual discrimination.

Yeats ago, a fed stopped by my office & was asking about minorities in my company.

She asked about African Americans - I said none
She asked about Hispanics - I said None
On & in through the list.

According to you, I should have been fines.

I was not.

The company was in rural western PA in what used to be underground coal mining area.

I told them to go & research the local high school year books & tell me how many of those minorities were there.

The investigation showed we did not discriminate.

So quit being such a fucking idiot. Yiou obviously know nothing.
A couple of years ago I met a Fire Captain of a large city Fire Department.

She was about 5’-0”, 125 pounds in full fire gear.

How do you think she passed the strenuous physical weight carrying requirements to be a firefighter?

A: She was a female needed to check a box.

Only an ass would demand that women meet the same physical requirements as men.
Really? Would you want female doctors to meet lower requirements than male doctors?

A male fighter fighter is expected to pickup unconscious people and carry them out of the building. Do you think some 120 lb woman can do that? Do you want your life depending on the requirements she was required to meet?

Like all snowflakes, you're a fucking dumbass.
Wrong. That wouldn't get it off the hook.

Yes it would. I know, I've been in that position. You know nothing. STFU.
There have been numerous lawsuits for discrimination based solely on the racial makeup of a company.

You're full of shit.

The numbers will show a possible tendency. It takes an investigation to show actual discrimination.

Yeats ago, a fed stopped by my office & was asking about minorities in my company.

She asked about African Americans - I said none
She asked about Hispanics - I said None
On & in through the list.

According to you, I should have been fines.

I was not.

The company was in rural western PA in what used to be underground coal mining area.

I told them to go & research the local high school year books & tell me how many of those minorities were there.

The investigation showed we did not discriminate.

So quit being such a fucking idiot. Yiou obviously know nothing.
You can be sued, moron, and many companies have. Recently a fire department was sued solely on the bases of the percentage of women in their workforce.

Anyone can be sued Dumbfuck. You still have to show proof beyond statistics.
Wrong again, asshole.

DISCRIMINATION SUIT SETTLES AGAINST THE CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT - Discrimination Legal Blogs Posted by David J. Linesch - Lawyers.com
One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
Yea...well he also said Ted Cruz's father was in on the Kennedy assassination so...
Talk about non sequiturs.

Hillary said she was under sniper fire in Bosnia.
Comparing a story altered for humor with Trump saying Cruz's father killed Kennedy is further proof of what an ass you are.

The fact is Clinton did land under the threat of sniper fire. Her story was not meant to hurt anyone.

Your fat assed orange piece of shit buddy lied to purposefully trash a contending candidate
Hillary lied, dumbass. She did not land under threat of sniper fire. furthermore, the claim is virtually meaningless.

Hillary lies to trash the contending candidate all the time. She paid off a bunch of bimbos to lie about Trump. Virtually every claim she made about Trump was a lie.
First Rule of Holes: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Elizabeth Warren Compares Scrutiny Of Native American Heritage Claim To Obama Birtherism

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s website for her presidential exploratory committee attempts to link questions about her claims of Native American heritage to people who questioned whether former President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Warren launched the committee Monday, including a website with a “fact squad” meant to push back against criticisms of the senator.

Warren’s website blames “the right-wing machine” for scrutiny of her heritage claims.
So, Warren is supposed toremain silent while you assfucks lie & spread rumors?

Trump did the exact same thing with Warren's heritage as Obama's citizenship.

Too bad you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Trump offered big money for Obama's birth certificate & for Warren's proof.

Both provided & Trump welshed like the piece of shit he has always been.

Elizabeth Warren is way smarter than you or your fat assed orange buddy.

She fucking lied and got caught
I'd like to see Ms. Warren release copies of her school and employment applications. See if she claimed to be a squaw there.

Politicians lie, and that's one thing. But if she used a phony claim of being a squaw to gain admission to a prestigious school or get a great job meant for an Indian broad living in a teepee who needs food for her papoose, that's just wrong.
You can't say squaw any longer, it's just not politically correct.
Elizabeth is now considered a Pikeminnow.

Even with a PC name, here’s a fish with no friends.
....even purest biologists can’t love the pikeminnow.
So disliked it is.
Bounty on Pikeminnow Keeps Bad Tradition Alive

Pretty much sums up Liz
She was told all her life that she had Indian blood in her. That she did not have much does not mean that this was not what she believed growing up and as an adult. I believed some stories abut my ancestry that tuned out not to be true. So if this is all you have against Warren then you are extremely shallow in your thinking. So once again you set out to destroy Warren because you are afraid of her. As we have seen is that the Donald has to have someone he can give a name to as he cannot compete with ideas. So yes I expect him to give a derogatory name to all democratic candidates. You know like we used to do in grade school. Sadly Donald never grew up.
One thing democrats can always count on is support from the media. Warren knows that the media will try to support her or ignore the story until it fades away and that seems to be the strategy.
Trump won't ignore it. He'll be calling her Pocahontas every time he has a rally.
Trump is a bigot & a liar so I suppose he will & bigotred fucks like you will cheer.
You voted for the bigot who said Trump supporters are "deplorable."

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