Warren is heartless to those who save for college

The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In today’s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
You have to ask yourself how many liberal arts grads does the country need.
The current financial aid system is a major reason why college is so expensive now. The colleges know that they can raise tuition each year and make out like bandits because the kids will get much of the money through financial much of which are guaranteed student loans. The colleges and universities don't care if the students default on the loans after either dropping out or graduating.
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It shows how what we really need right now is affordable college. I think most of us just want to know it’s not going to be a fortune when our kids go to college.

She is the problem.
The current financial aid system is a major reason why college is so expensive now. The colleges know that they can raise tuition each year and make out like bandits because the kids will get much of the money through financial much of which are guaranteed student loans. The colleges and universities don't care if the students default on the loans after either dropping out our graduating.
Legal racketeering
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked
Reform the system. Giving families 50k solves nothing and only leads to an INCREASE in tuition costs.

Use your brain

The goal is affordable college education
Families should not be burdened by massive debt just to educate their children
The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In today’s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
You have to ask yourself how many liberal arts grads does the country need.
You guys keep selling that lie

Most students today major in Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM and then Liberal Arts

Students are well aware of getting degrees in fields that have jobs waiting when they get out
The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In today’s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
You have to ask yourself how many liberal arts grads does the country need.
You guys keep selling that lie

Most students today major in Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM and then Liberal Arts

Students are well aware of getting degrees in fields that have jobs waiting when they get out
This isn’t 1970 any more bro the rent in Boston used to be 300 a month is now 2,000 a month because of democrats standards of living, your policies have killed our cities. The only people doing well are rich people.
The OP needs to ask....what about all the parents who saved for college and can now use the money for other things?
The OP needs to ask....what about all the parents who saved for college and can now use the money for other things?
Warren's a horrible politician, but the charges are suspicious imo and smack of a dead fish being planted. Anyone going to college/university (public or private) is getting a mix of aid, loans and having to come up with cash. If you really were able to finance your kids' educations without loans, you didn't need the help. Either that or you really did screw up by paying out in cash what you could have gotten in programs like teach for America.

Warren's plan is a bit screwy though. But there are tens of thousands of young people whose careers got lost in the great recession. Even my daughter's generation that is ten years removed from that debacle fears it could be her future (heh) too.
The left will try and explain it away as college shouldn't be so expensive.
That we should pay for college because we pay for k-12.
And other crazy ideas.
The problem with college being so expensive is the simple fact that wages have increased. The wage of a janitor has increased. The wages of those printing text books have increased. The wages of the people overseeing electricity production and distribution have increased. The wage of a professor has increased.

The tax payers pay for k-12 because it covers required basic courses of study. Once one gets to college it is no longer the government deciding what you are taught. We could require everyone to major in business but that does not help.
Used to be, students would leave school after grade 8 and go get a job.
HS was for the elite

In today’s society, post HS education including vocational school is necessary to get a job you can support yourself on

Problem is, that education is becoming unaffordable for many Americans
You have to ask yourself how many liberal arts grads does the country need.
You guys keep selling that lie

Most students today major in Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM and then Liberal Arts

Students are well aware of getting degrees in fields that have jobs waiting when they get out
Some are. Imo it still depends on the kid and the family. My gripe with Warren isn't about debt forgivenss for those in a hopeless cycle. They need help. It's like people who had to use bankruptcy to get out of bad home loans. They need a path forward by showing stable income and an ability to not rack up consumer debt.

Warren's plan of "free shit" just encourages malingering in college.
The OP needs to ask....what about all the parents who saved for college and can now use the money for other things?
Warren's a horrible politician, but the charges are suspicious imo and smack of a dead fish being planted. Anyone going to college/university (public or private) is getting a mix of aid, loans and having to come up with cash. If you really were able to finance your kids' educations without loans, you didn't need the help. Either that or you really did screw up by paying out in cash what you could have gotten in programs like teach for America.

Warren's plan is a bit screwy though. But there are tens of thousands of young people whose careers got lost in the great recession. Even my daughter's generation that is ten years removed from that debacle fears it could be her future (heh) too.
As with most Warren proposals, this is s reach
You can’t wipe out all student debt and make college free

But you can settle for less
Make college more affordable. Make student debt payments tax deductible. Allow students to declare bankruptcy
The OP needs to ask....what about all the parents who saved for college and can now use the money for other things?
Warren's a horrible politician, but the charges are suspicious imo and smack of a dead fish being planted. Anyone going to college/university (public or private) is getting a mix of aid, loans and having to come up with cash. If you really were able to finance your kids' educations without loans, you didn't need the help. Either that or you really did screw up by paying out in cash what you could have gotten in programs like teach for America.

Warren's plan is a bit screwy though. But there are tens of thousands of young people whose careers got lost in the great recession. Even my daughter's generation that is ten years removed from that debacle fears it could be her future (heh) too.
As with most Warren proposals, this is s reach
You can’t wipe out all student debt and make college free

But you can settle for less
Make college more affordable. Make student debt payments tax deductible. Allow students to declare bankruptcy
If you forgive the debt of those who haven't paid, you would have to consider refunding those who did.

But Warren responded to the man's question, "Of course not."
The OP needs to ask....what about all the parents who saved for college and can now use the money for other things?
Warren's a horrible politician, but the charges are suspicious imo and smack of a dead fish being planted. Anyone going to college/university (public or private) is getting a mix of aid, loans and having to come up with cash. If you really were able to finance your kids' educations without loans, you didn't need the help. Either that or you really did screw up by paying out in cash what you could have gotten in programs like teach for America.

Warren's plan is a bit screwy though. But there are tens of thousands of young people whose careers got lost in the great recession. Even my daughter's generation that is ten years removed from that debacle fears it could be her future (heh) too.
As with most Warren proposals, this is s reach
You can’t wipe out all student debt and make college free

But you can settle for less
Make college more affordable. Make student debt payments tax deductible. Allow students to declare bankruptcy
If you forgive the debt of those who haven't paid, you would have to consider refunding those who did.

But Warren responded to the man's question, "Of course not."

Of course not

You don’t always win in life. Sometimes your choices work out, sometimes they don’t

No reason to punish future generations of students just because your choice didn’t work out
So because you were overcharged for education......everyone else must be

More like

"Because you made a poor chose a liberal arts degree and spent $200K which included vacations, food, rent, entertainment you should be relieved of your debt"
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

Father is saying to Warren - "Because I did the right thing, met my obligations and paid for my choices, I get fucked."

You have a twisted way of thinking.
So because you were overcharged for education......everyone else must be

More like

"Because you made a poor chose a liberal arts degree and spent $200K which included vacations, food, rent, entertainment you should be relieved of your debt"
Again with the Liberal Arts BS
Does Fox News teach you that? You all seem to spout the exact same lie
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Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

Father is saying to Warren - "Because I did the right thing, met my obligations and paid for my choices, I get fucked."

You have a twisted way of thinking.
We don't actually know anything about the person who asked the question. His child could have gone to a state supported school and received scholarships.
Father is telling Warren...

I got fucked, so every other parent should get fucked

Father is saying to Warren - "Because I did the right thing, met my obligations and paid for my choices, I get fucked."

You have a twisted way of thinking.
He wasn’t fucked
His daughter got an education

Just because others did better than you is no reason to expect that everyone has to pay what you did.

I bought a $1600 Plasma 60 in HD TV ten years ago
Was I fucked because the same TV now costs $400

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