Warren Ripped for Endorsing Clinton

If so called progressives, wanna get taxed into poverty for someone else's free shit, move to Greece, or Venezuela, because that socialist Bullshit is never gonna happen here in the states, you want free tuition FUCK YOU, get a job and pay for your own schooling, America wasn't built on that shit

Americans aren't being taxed into poverty, Moron.
They are being systematically indebted by the miracle of compound interest.

"J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World. For them it meant concentrating financial fortunes in the hands of an emerging oligarchy indebting the economy to itself at an exponential rate. This has been the key factor in polarizing the distribution of wealth and political power in societies that do not take steps to cope with this dynamic."
http://store.counterpunch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Killing-The-Host_PDF_V7.pdf (p. 36)

J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Fake quotes are awesome!
You would know

I do point them out when libs post them.
Todd accepted George's bet on the Cavaliers, while never telling George that he was secretly hoping the Warriors win.
"WASHINGTON — In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in U.S. housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting.

"Goldman's sales and its clandestine wagers, completed at the brink of the housing market meltdown, enabled the nation's premier investment bank to pass most of its potential losses to others before a flood of mortgage defaults staggered the U.S. and global economies.

"Only later did investors discover that what Goldman had promoted as triple-A rated investments were closer to junk."

Warrior and Cavs are both AAA, right?

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Thanks for the link.

Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals, many of whom lacked sufficient credit or income but got subprime mortgages anyway because Wall Street made it easy for them to qualify.

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Damn those banks for lending the way the Feds wanted them to. Derp!
If so called progressives, wanna get taxed into poverty for someone else's free shit, move to Greece, or Venezuela, because that socialist Bullshit is never gonna happen here in the states, you want free tuition FUCK YOU, get a job and pay for your own schooling, America wasn't built on that shit

Americans aren't being taxed into poverty, Moron.
They are being systematically indebted by the miracle of compound interest.

"J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World. For them it meant concentrating financial fortunes in the hands of an emerging oligarchy indebting the economy to itself at an exponential rate. This has been the key factor in polarizing the distribution of wealth and political power in societies that do not take steps to cope with this dynamic."
http://store.counterpunch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Killing-The-Host_PDF_V7.pdf (p. 36)

J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Fake quotes are awesome!
You would know

I do point them out when libs post them.
I always thought you simply lied about "fake quotes"
Pretty much the same way your kind does about most other things.
If so called progressives, wanna get taxed into poverty for someone else's free shit, move to Greece, or Venezuela, because that socialist Bullshit is never gonna happen here in the states, you want free tuition FUCK YOU, get a job and pay for your own schooling, America wasn't built on that shit

Americans aren't being taxed into poverty, Moron.
They are being systematically indebted by the miracle of compound interest.

"J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World. For them it meant concentrating financial fortunes in the hands of an emerging oligarchy indebting the economy to itself at an exponential rate. This has been the key factor in polarizing the distribution of wealth and political power in societies that do not take steps to cope with this dynamic."
http://store.counterpunch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Killing-The-Host_PDF_V7.pdf (p. 36)

J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Fake quotes are awesome!
You would know

I do point them out when libs post them.
I always thought you simply lied about "fake quotes"
Pretty much the same way your kind does about most other things.

No, I'm not lying about your fake quote.
Todd accepted George's bet on the Cavaliers, while never telling George that he was secretly hoping the Warriors win.
"WASHINGTON — In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in U.S. housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting.

"Goldman's sales and its clandestine wagers, completed at the brink of the housing market meltdown, enabled the nation's premier investment bank to pass most of its potential losses to others before a flood of mortgage defaults staggered the U.S. and global economies.

"Only later did investors discover that what Goldman had promoted as triple-A rated investments were closer to junk."

Warrior and Cavs are both AAA, right?

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Thanks for the link.

Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals, many of whom lacked sufficient credit or income but got subprime mortgages anyway because Wall Street made it easy for them to qualify.

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Damn those banks for lending the way the Feds wanted them to. Derp!
Damn those banks...

"McClatchy's inquiry found that Goldman Sachs:

  • Bought and converted into high-yield bonds tens of thousands of mortgages from subprime lenders that became the subjects of FBI investigations into whether they'd misled borrowers or exaggerated applicants' incomes to justify making hefty loans.
  • Used offshore tax havens to shuffle its mortgage-backed securities to institutions worldwide, including European and Asian banks, often in secret deals run through the Cayman Islands, a British territory in the Caribbean that companies use to bypass U.S. disclosure requirements.
  • Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals, many of whom lacked sufficient credit or income but got subprime mortgages anyway because Wall Street made it easy for them to qualify.
  • Was buoyed last fall by key federal bailout decisions, at least two of which involved then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a former Goldman chief executive whose staff at Treasury included several other Goldman alumni.

  • "The firm benefited when Paulson elected not to save rival Lehman Brothers from collapse, and when he organized a massive rescue of tottering global insurer American International Group while in constant telephone contact with Goldman chief Blankfein. With the Federal Reserve Board's blessing, AIG later used $12.9 billion in taxpayers' dollars to pay off every penny it owed Goldman.

    "These decisions preserved billions of dollars in value for Goldman's executives and shareholders. For example, Blankfein held 1.6 million shares in the company in September 2008, and he could have lost more than $150 million if his firm had gone bankrupt.

    "With the help of more than $23 billion in direct and indirect federal aid, Goldman appears to have emerged intact from the economic implosion, limiting its subprime losses to $1.5 billion.

    Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

    Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash
  • By repaying $10 billion in direct federal bailout money — a 23 percent taxpayer return that exceeded federal officials' demand — the firm has escaped tough federal limits on 2009 bonuses to executives of firms that received bailout money.

Americans aren't being taxed into poverty, Moron.
They are being systematically indebted by the miracle of compound interest.

"J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World. For them it meant concentrating financial fortunes in the hands of an emerging oligarchy indebting the economy to itself at an exponential rate. This has been the key factor in polarizing the distribution of wealth and political power in societies that do not take steps to cope with this dynamic."
http://store.counterpunch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Killing-The-Host_PDF_V7.pdf (p. 36)

J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Fake quotes are awesome!
You would know

I do point them out when libs post them.
I always thought you simply lied about "fake quotes"
Pretty much the same way your kind does about most other things.

No, I'm not lying about your fake quote.
Prove it's fake.
Todd accepted George's bet on the Cavaliers, while never telling George that he was secretly hoping the Warriors win.
"WASHINGTON — In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in U.S. housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting.

"Goldman's sales and its clandestine wagers, completed at the brink of the housing market meltdown, enabled the nation's premier investment bank to pass most of its potential losses to others before a flood of mortgage defaults staggered the U.S. and global economies.

"Only later did investors discover that what Goldman had promoted as triple-A rated investments were closer to junk."

Warrior and Cavs are both AAA, right?

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Thanks for the link.

Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals, many of whom lacked sufficient credit or income but got subprime mortgages anyway because Wall Street made it easy for them to qualify.

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Damn those banks for lending the way the Feds wanted them to. Derp!

Follow the money

Goldman Sachs: Total Contributions | OpenSecrets
Todd accepted George's bet on the Cavaliers, while never telling George that he was secretly hoping the Warriors win.
"WASHINGTON — In 2006 and 2007, Goldman Sachs Group peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in U.S. housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting.

"Goldman's sales and its clandestine wagers, completed at the brink of the housing market meltdown, enabled the nation's premier investment bank to pass most of its potential losses to others before a flood of mortgage defaults staggered the U.S. and global economies.

"Only later did investors discover that what Goldman had promoted as triple-A rated investments were closer to junk."

Warrior and Cavs are both AAA, right?

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Thanks for the link.

Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals, many of whom lacked sufficient credit or income but got subprime mortgages anyway because Wall Street made it easy for them to qualify.

Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Damn those banks for lending the way the Feds wanted them to. Derp!
Damn those banks...

"McClatchy's inquiry found that Goldman Sachs:

  • Bought and converted into high-yield bonds tens of thousands of mortgages from subprime lenders that became the subjects of FBI investigations into whether they'd misled borrowers or exaggerated applicants' incomes to justify making hefty loans.
  • Used offshore tax havens to shuffle its mortgage-backed securities to institutions worldwide, including European and Asian banks, often in secret deals run through the Cayman Islands, a British territory in the Caribbean that companies use to bypass U.S. disclosure requirements.
  • Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals, many of whom lacked sufficient credit or income but got subprime mortgages anyway because Wall Street made it easy for them to qualify.
  • Was buoyed last fall by key federal bailout decisions, at least two of which involved then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a former Goldman chief executive whose staff at Treasury included several other Goldman alumni.

  • "The firm benefited when Paulson elected not to save rival Lehman Brothers from collapse, and when he organized a massive rescue of tottering global insurer American International Group while in constant telephone contact with Goldman chief Blankfein. With the Federal Reserve Board's blessing, AIG later used $12.9 billion in taxpayers' dollars to pay off every penny it owed Goldman.

    "These decisions preserved billions of dollars in value for Goldman's executives and shareholders. For example, Blankfein held 1.6 million shares in the company in September 2008, and he could have lost more than $150 million if his firm had gone bankrupt.

    "With the help of more than $23 billion in direct and indirect federal aid, Goldman appears to have emerged intact from the economic implosion, limiting its subprime losses to $1.5 billion.

    Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

    Read more here: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash
  • By repaying $10 billion in direct federal bailout money — a 23 percent taxpayer return that exceeded federal officials' demand — the firm has escaped tough federal limits on 2009 bonuses to executives of firms that received bailout money.

Bought and converted into high-yield bonds tens of thousands of mortgages from subprime lenders that became the subjects of FBI investigations into whether they'd misled borrowers or exaggerated applicants' incomes to justify making hefty loans.

Darn those subprime lenders....lending to subprime borrowers....like Carter, Clinton and Bush wanted.

Used offshore tax havens to shuffle its mortgage-backed securities to institutions worldwide, including European and Asian banks, often in secret deals run through the Cayman Islands, a British territory in the Caribbean that companies use to bypass U.S. disclosure requirements.

Oh no! They sold bonds to foreigners. The horror.

Has dispatched lawyers across the country to repossess homes from bankrupt or financially struggling individuals

It's true, when you don't pay your mortgage, the bank takes back the house. It's in the paperwork you sign. Durr.

Was buoyed last fall by key federal bailout decisions

Yes, the banking system and financial system was saved when the Treasury and Federal Reserve acted.

The firm benefited when Paulson elected not to save rival Lehman Brothers from collapse

No, the decision to allow Lehman to fail cost the entire banking system, including Goldman, hundreds of billions.

With the Federal Reserve Board's blessing,
AIG later used $12.9 billion in taxpayers' dollars to pay off every penny it owed Goldman.

Yes, AIG paid Goldman, and other banks, with the money the government lent to AIG.
Money which AIG repaid, in full, with billions in profit to the US Treasury and Federal Reserve.

By repaying $10 billion in direct federal bailout money — a 23 percent taxpayer return that exceeded federal officials' demand

Were you upset that Goldman repaid their loans? Or that the Treasury made money on the deal?
J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are said to have called the principle of compound interest the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Fake quotes are awesome!
You would know

I do point them out when libs post them.
I always thought you simply lied about "fake quotes"
Pretty much the same way your kind does about most other things.

No, I'm not lying about your fake quote.
Prove it's fake.

Last edited:
Were you upset that Goldman repaid their loans? Or that the Treasury made money on the deal?
How much did the Federal Reserve make on its charity to Wall Street?

"As Warren correctly pointed out in a previous Senate hearing, Wall Street received $13 trillion in cumulative loans as a secret bailout through the Federal Reserve. Much of that money was loaned at below 1 percent interest."

Wall Street On Parade

How much did the Federal Reserve make on its charity to Wall Street?

On a specific deal? Or on all its actions since the crisis?
Were you upset that Goldman repaid their loans? Or that the Treasury made money on the deal?
How much did the Federal Reserve make on its charity to Wall Street?

"As Warren correctly pointed out in a previous Senate hearing, Wall Street received $13 trillion in cumulative loans as a secret bailout through the Federal Reserve. Much of that money was loaned at below 1 percent interest."

Wall Street On Parade

How much did the Federal Reserve make on its charity to Wall Street?

On a specific deal? Or on all its actions since the crisis?
"During the financial crisis, Congress bailed out the big banks with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money; and that’s a lot of money. But the biggest money for the biggest banks was never voted on by Congress. Instead, between 2007 and 2009, the Fed provided over $13 trillion in emergency lending to just a handful of large financial institutions. That’s nearly 20 times the amount authorized in the TARP bailout."
Warren: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch Received $6 Trillion Backdoor Bailout from Fed
Were you upset that Goldman repaid their loans? Or that the Treasury made money on the deal?
How much did the Federal Reserve make on its charity to Wall Street?

"As Warren correctly pointed out in a previous Senate hearing, Wall Street received $13 trillion in cumulative loans as a secret bailout through the Federal Reserve. Much of that money was loaned at below 1 percent interest."

Wall Street On Parade

Much of that money was loaned at below 1 percent interest."


The Discount Rate, what the Fed charges member banks borrowing from the Fed, was 0.5% until Feb 2010.
No surprise there. Shes as corrupt as the hil.
Can you name a politician who isn't corrupt?

I take that as your endorsement of the hillary? Not all are corrupt as the hil.
I can't imagine a politician more corrupt than Hillary, but I would argue all politicians are corrupted by the moneyed interests they serve.

Interest Groups | OpenSecrets

You'll get no argument from me about the moneyed interests
No surprise there. Shes as corrupt as the hil.
Can you name a politician who isn't corrupt?

I take that as your endorsement of the hillary? Not all are corrupt as the hil.
I can't imagine a politician more corrupt than Hillary, but I would argue all politicians are corrupted by the moneyed interests they serve.

Interest Groups | OpenSecrets

You'll get no argument from me about the moneyed interests
The only solution I see to their influence on US politics involves prohibiting all private funding of elections, which probably would never pass SCOTUS?
Were you upset that Goldman repaid their loans? Or that the Treasury made money on the deal?
How much did the Federal Reserve make on its charity to Wall Street?

"As Warren correctly pointed out in a previous Senate hearing, Wall Street received $13 trillion in cumulative loans as a secret bailout through the Federal Reserve. Much of that money was loaned at below 1 percent interest."

Wall Street On Parade

Much of that money was loaned at below 1 percent interest."


The Discount Rate, what the Fed charges member banks borrowing from the Fed, was 0.5% until Feb 2010.
Warren: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch Received $6 Trillion Backdoor Bailout from Fed
"During the financial crisis, Congress bailed out the big banks with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money; and that’s a lot of money.

"But the biggest money for the biggest banks was never voted on by Congress.

"Instead, between 2007 and 2009, the Fed provided over $13 trillion in emergency lending to just a handful of large financial institutions.

"That’s nearly 20 times the amount authorized in the TARP bailout.
Warren knew Bernie was not electable in the General Election. She was right.

She's a fucking hypocrite. All she has done is rage against the corporate machine and then she goes and endorses the biggest bought and paid for Wall Street whore in the race.

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