Warrior Trump - Afraid of Megan Kelly....

Good question. Wonder if Trump would draw a line in the sand, warn his adversary, and then do nothing when the adversary virtually tells him to stick his line up his ass?

It seem that Trump and President Obama have something in common when it come to Fox News, so it is possible Trump could be more like President Obama than his ( Trump ) supporters want to admit...

First of all, you misspelled Faux......and no, Obama isn't afraid of Faux News.....he just refuses to participate in an interview with a totally Republican biased network that calls itself "fair and balanced" when everyone knows it is totally right biased.

Faux News has not been unfair to Trump......Megan's questions were about Trump's exact tweets....so no, there is no comparison. Obama is the real deal, not some blowhard that acts tough and then gives in fear of a woman who embarrassed him and put him on the spot by quoting his own statements on a Republican biased TV station.

No, President Obama did a interview with Fox News ( I am spelling it correctly and please drop the partisan bullshit with me ) but it still does not negate the fact that his own staff have utter stuff about Fox News that even News Agencies like ABC took offense to, so President Obama and Trump have something in common.

You might want to ignore the fact that President Obama is thin skin just like Trump, but I will not...

No, you're still spelling it wrong......it's been proven they really are Faux News.....and everything that Obama said about Faux is the truth, so quit the partisan bullshit with me! Trump will appear on Faux News if they remove Megan Kelly.......Obama will not appear on Faux regardless.....so, if you want to stretch the facts to suit your partisan belief....go ahead and say they have something in common.

If you want to write like a Partisan whore by all means then do it but the reality is Fox News is not spelled the way you are spelling it and only MSNBC and Democracy Now viewers spell it that way.

You call it what you want, I'll call it by what it is. So why are you offended by it? Are you a Faux Newsbot?

It must be stated over and over again: the Fox News Channel is not a news channel. It's a Republican party propaganda channel. As such, its first amendment right to say whatever it likes ought to be protected, but not its "right" to call itself "news". That's false advertising, and it ought to be outlawed by whoever regulates such things.

Perhaps if they changed the name to the Republican News Channel (RNC for short), there would be no complaint. Until they do, however, they need to be called out by the rest of us for exactly what they are.

Fox News's faux news | Brad Friedman

Also President Obama did a Interview with Bill O'Reilly, so I guess he did do a interview with Fox in the past or were you too far up his ass to remember that interview?
I know he did, and he learned quickly that they only wanted to attack him, not really do an interview. Are you that far up Faux News' ass to get this upset over me calling Faux News by its true name?

Also it was not the truth what his staff said and even ABC News took offense to what his staff member said in the past, but of course a partisan whore would never see it that way, right?
Why don't you post the comment you are referring to so we can discuss whether or not it is true? Because you are a partisan whore yourself and likes to project?

So with that you have a lot in common with Trump seeing you both live in a delusional world and not in reality!

The only one delusional here is you.....defending Faux News when everyone, including many partisan conservatives, know the truth about Faux.
Trump claims to be the great "Hero" who is going to face all our enemies and tear them down....but.... he's afraid of Megan Kelly. He has told Faux News that he won't attend the debate unless they remove Megan Kelly.... wonder what this ferocious leader would do if a leader of an enemy country dared to confront him? Run and hide?

"You know, what we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump," Lewandowski said. "She’s on show after show about why the media shouldn’t be having him on television."
Donald Trump will skip Fox News's debate because of Megyn Kelly

B.S. This has almost nothing to do with Trump’s disdain for Megyn Kelly. Nothing.

It has everything to do with Fox news management ridiculing Trump and sending out messages that did the same. So Trump called their bluff. Good on him!

It has been obvious since the questions Kelly sent his way in that first debate Fox was hell bent on destroying Trump. But they will not admit it even though we all know!!

As if that was not obvious enough, in the last 24 hours news has broken that Fox intended to have to plants from the audience ask Trump a question. One is a Muslim import to drill him on his Islamic stance and the other was an illegal Mexican to drill him on those in this country. Of course these two plants are made to look so innocent and successful and victims of Trump’s whatever. I would not doubt Trump became aware of this as well and told Fox to take a hike.

Yes, leave it to the devious Fox and its agenda to get their candidate elected and destroy another. “So fair and balanced.”

EXPOSED: FoxNews Planned an ‘Ambush’ for Donald Trump at Iowa Debate
Trump claims to be the great "Hero" who is going to face all our enemies and tear them down....but.... he's afraid of Megan Kelly. He has told Faux News that he won't attend the debate unless they remove Megan Kelly.... wonder what this ferocious leader would do if a leader of an enemy country dared to confront him? Run and hide?

"You know, what we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump," Lewandowski said. "She’s on show after show about why the media shouldn’t be having him on television."
Donald Trump will skip Fox News's debate because of Megyn Kelly

B.S. This has almost nothing to do with Trump’s disdain for Megyn Kelly. Nothing.

It has everything to do with Fox news management ridiculing Trump and sending out messages that did the same. So Trump called their bluff. Good on him!

It has been obvious since the questions Kelly sent his way in that first debate Fox was hell bent on destroying Trump. But they will not admit it even though we all know!!

As if that was not obvious enough, in the last 24 hours news has broken that Fox intended to have to plants from the audience ask Trump a question. One is a Muslim import to drill him on his Islamic stance and the other was an illegal Mexican to drill him on those in this country. Of course these two plants are made to look so innocent and successful and victims of Trump’s whatever. I would not doubt Trump became aware of this as well and told Fox to take a hike.

Yes, leave it to the devious Fox and its agenda to get their candidate elected and destroy another. “So fair and balanced.”

EXPOSED: FoxNews Planned an ‘Ambush’ for Donald Trump at Iowa Debate

So --- by saying Rump's lobbying for four days to get Megyn Kelly removed --- which FAILED (once again for those of you in the back, the "art of the deal" FAILED) -- was not the factor in his running away, you're saying instead that he melted down over a troll tweet.

The guy who insists he'll swagger around bullying the world, deporting people, having another country build a Great Wall for our benefit --- goes to pieces over a troll tweet.

Sure you wanna go with that now?

It's OK to say yes. He does have that history....






Last edited:
It seem that Trump and President Obama have something in common when it come to Fox News, so it is possible Trump could be more like President Obama than his ( Trump ) supporters want to admit...

First of all, you misspelled Faux......and no, Obama isn't afraid of Faux News.....he just refuses to participate in an interview with a totally Republican biased network that calls itself "fair and balanced" when everyone knows it is totally right biased.

Faux News has not been unfair to Trump......Megan's questions were about Trump's exact tweets....so no, there is no comparison. Obama is the real deal, not some blowhard that acts tough and then gives in fear of a woman who embarrassed him and put him on the spot by quoting his own statements on a Republican biased TV station.

No, President Obama did a interview with Fox News ( I am spelling it correctly and please drop the partisan bullshit with me ) but it still does not negate the fact that his own staff have utter stuff about Fox News that even News Agencies like ABC took offense to, so President Obama and Trump have something in common.

You might want to ignore the fact that President Obama is thin skin just like Trump, but I will not...

No, you're still spelling it wrong......it's been proven they really are Faux News.....and everything that Obama said about Faux is the truth, so quit the partisan bullshit with me! Trump will appear on Faux News if they remove Megan Kelly.......Obama will not appear on Faux regardless.....so, if you want to stretch the facts to suit your partisan belief....go ahead and say they have something in common.

If you want to write like a Partisan whore by all means then do it but the reality is Fox News is not spelled the way you are spelling it and only MSNBC and Democracy Now viewers spell it that way.

You call it what you want, I'll call it by what it is. So why are you offended by it? Are you a Faux Newsbot?

It must be stated over and over again: the Fox News Channel is not a news channel. It's a Republican party propaganda channel. As such, its first amendment right to say whatever it likes ought to be protected, but not its "right" to call itself "news". That's false advertising, and it ought to be outlawed by whoever regulates such things.

Perhaps if they changed the name to the Republican News Channel (RNC for short), there would be no complaint. Until they do, however, they need to be called out by the rest of us for exactly what they are.

Fox News's faux news | Brad Friedman

Also President Obama did a Interview with Bill O'Reilly, so I guess he did do a interview with Fox in the past or were you too far up his ass to remember that interview?
I know he did, and he learned quickly that they only wanted to attack him, not really do an interview. Are you that far up Faux News' ass to get this upset over me calling Faux News by its true name?

Also it was not the truth what his staff said and even ABC News took offense to what his staff member said in the past, but of course a partisan whore would never see it that way, right?
Why don't you post the comment you are referring to so we can discuss whether or not it is true? Because you are a partisan whore yourself and likes to project?

So with that you have a lot in common with Trump seeing you both live in a delusional world and not in reality!

The only one delusional here is you.....defending Faux News when everyone, including many partisan conservatives, know the truth about Faux.

Tapper: It’s escaped none of our notice that the White House has decided in the last few weeks to declare one of our sister organizations “not a news organization” and to tell the rest of us not to treat them like a news organization. Can you explain why it’s appropriate for the White House to decide that a news organization is not one?

Gibbs: Jake, we render, we render an opinion based on some of their coverage and the fairness that, the fairness of that coverage.

Tapper: But that’s a pretty sweeping declaration that they are “not a news organization.” How are they any different from, say –

Gibbs: ABC -

Tapper: ABC. MSNBC. Univision. I mean how are they any different?

Gibbs: You and I should watch sometime around 9 o’clock tonight. Or 5 o’clock this afternoon.

Tapper: I’m not talking about their opinion programming or issues you have with certain reports. I’m talking about saying thousands of individuals who work for a media organization, do not work for a “news organization” -- why is that appropriate for the White House to say?

Gibbs: That’s our opinion. "

Jake Tapper Defends FOX News

Tapper was correct and The White House was wrong. The President Staff had no right claiming what it claimed, and Tapper comment is correct that what idiots like you forget is what you believe is news is a opinion commentary and not the actual news.

Sean Hannity is giving his opinion on events but is not Sheppard Smith.

There is a difference but those like you can not understand this because MSNBC and The Guardian has brainwashed you into believing that all of Fox News is propaganda and if so then the same should be written about every cable News Station with the exception of Al-Jazeera America which will be going off the air this year.

So as you make your bullshit claims you need to realize Megyn Kelly is a commentator for Fox News Network and is the same as Hannity and should not be confused with a real journalist.

It would be like me claiming Rachel Maddow is a real reporter when in fact she is a commentator that spin what she is reporting.

So keep up your partisan whore ways because all you are is a pathetic excuse of human waste!
Trump claims to be the great "Hero" who is going to face all our enemies and tear them down....but.... he's afraid of Megan Kelly. He has told Faux News that he won't attend the debate unless they remove Megan Kelly.... wonder what this ferocious leader would do if a leader of an enemy country dared to confront him? Run and hide?

"You know, what we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump," Lewandowski said. "She’s on show after show about why the media shouldn’t be having him on television."
Donald Trump will skip Fox News's debate because of Megyn Kelly

B.S. This has almost nothing to do with Trump’s disdain for Megyn Kelly. Nothing.

It has everything to do with Fox news management ridiculing Trump and sending out messages that did the same. So Trump called their bluff. Good on him!

It has been obvious since the questions Kelly sent his way in that first debate Fox was hell bent on destroying Trump. But they will not admit it even though we all know!!

As if that was not obvious enough, in the last 24 hours news has broken that Fox intended to have to plants from the audience ask Trump a question. One is a Muslim import to drill him on his Islamic stance and the other was an illegal Mexican to drill him on those in this country. Of course these two plants are made to look so innocent and successful and victims of Trump’s whatever. I would not doubt Trump became aware of this as well and told Fox to take a hike.

Yes, leave it to the devious Fox and its agenda to get their candidate elected and destroy another. “So fair and balanced.”

EXPOSED: FoxNews Planned an ‘Ambush’ for Donald Trump at Iowa Debate

So --- by saying Rump's lobbying for four days to get Megyn Kelly removed --- which FAILED (once again for those of you in the back, the "art of the deal" FAILED) -- was not the factor in his running away, you're saying instead that he melted down over a troll tweet.

Sure you wanna go with that now?

I am going with Fox hierarchy's own statements. Did you read any of them? That is the moment Trump said bye-bye to Fox. Care to argue that?

They are far more ridiculing than anything megyn kelly did. Just because Trump chooses to put Kelly on the spot and make a case for that as well does not discredit the bigger issue above. Trump makes headlines on many things.

And since then this ambush of plants in the audience set up by Fox comes out. It only adds credence to Fox's devious ways.

Imagine that, you defending Fox.
Next time Trump gets angry and starts yelling at his current wife, she can just hold up a picture of Megan Kelley and shut him up.
You brain dead Leftist Progressives are so dim witted that it's incredible. You have absolutely no idea what his withdrawal is all about.

It is actually quite brilliant. The vacant spot in the middle of the debate will bring him a thousand times more attention than him actually being there.

Oh yeah - he's not out of the spotlight. CNN is going to show his thing for veterans at the same time as the Fox debate. Probably get a whole lot better ratings.
You brain dead Leftist Progressives are so dim witted that it's incredible. You have absolutely no idea what his withdrawal is all about.

It is actually quite brilliant. The vacant spot in the middle of the debate will bring him a thousand times more attention than him actually being there.

Oh yeah - he's not out of the spotlight. CNN is going to show his thing for veterans at the same time as the Fox debate. Probably get a whole lot better ratings.
Trump pulls out, can't make a baby! Or is it erectile dysfunction?

How funny it will be to know that the great idiots of USMB will be watching CNN :)
Trump has chosen not to join in the "debate" wherein Kelly is focused on zingers rather than discussing issues voters want to hear.

Run that back again.... "zingers rather than issues..... "

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... what the fuck do you think Rump's entire blusterfulff campaign has been made of??
Obviously, his recent time spent with Sarah Palin is the cause of Trump's decision in regards to the debate and FOX. Someone should have warned him that Quitter Cooties were contagious.
You brain dead Leftist Progressives are so dim witted that it's incredible. You have absolutely no idea what his withdrawal is all about.

Fair point --- let's check the thesaurus to find out what "withdrawal" is all about.

Synonyms for withdraw:

  • pull out
  • retreat
  • shrink
  • vacate
  • recoil
  • give ground
  • make oneself scarce
  • back out
  • bail out
.... and of course, Sarah's favorite:
  • quit

You brain dead Leftist Progressives are so dim witted that it's incredible. You have absolutely no idea what his withdrawal is all about.

It is actually quite brilliant. The vacant spot in the middle of the debate will bring him a thousand times more attention than him actually being there.

Oh yeah - he's not out of the spotlight. CNN is going to show his thing for veterans at the same time as the Fox debate. Probably get a whole lot better ratings.
Trump pulls out, can't make a baby! Or is it erectile dysfunction?

How funny it will be to know that the great idiots of USMB will be watching CNN :)
Longknife just explained it to you.

You respond.

We conclude: You or yours cannot help but lie to pretend you have the truth. I mean, no one can be that naive can they?
Trump has chosen not to join in the "debate" wherein Kelly is focused on zingers rather than discussing issues voters want to hear.

Run that back again.... "zingers rather than issues..... "

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... what the fuck do you think Rump's entire blusterfulff campaign has been made of??

Having trouble comprehending? Can't accept Fox is more interested in destroying Trump than having a fair and balanced debate, can you?

Just because Trump uses bluster in his campaign really makes no difference. After all -- what the fuck do you think Barack used to bullshit his way through two campaigns and 7 years of presidency? You don't want to know, I get it.
Trump claims to be the great "Hero" who is going to face all our enemies and tear them down....but.... he's afraid of Megan Kelly. He has told Faux News that he won't attend the debate unless they remove Megan Kelly.... wonder what this ferocious leader would do if a leader of an enemy country dared to confront him? Run and hide?

"You know, what we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump," Lewandowski said. "She’s on show after show about why the media shouldn’t be having him on television."
Donald Trump will skip Fox News's debate because of Megyn Kelly

B.S. This has almost nothing to do with Trump’s disdain for Megyn Kelly. Nothing.

It has everything to do with Fox news management ridiculing Trump and sending out messages that did the same. So Trump called their bluff. Good on him!

It has been obvious since the questions Kelly sent his way in that first debate Fox was hell bent on destroying Trump. But they will not admit it even though we all know!!

As if that was not obvious enough, in the last 24 hours news has broken that Fox intended to have to plants from the audience ask Trump a question. One is a Muslim import to drill him on his Islamic stance and the other was an illegal Mexican to drill him on those in this country. Of course these two plants are made to look so innocent and successful and victims of Trump’s whatever. I would not doubt Trump became aware of this as well and told Fox to take a hike.

Yes, leave it to the devious Fox and its agenda to get their candidate elected and destroy another. “So fair and balanced.”

EXPOSED: FoxNews Planned an ‘Ambush’ for Donald Trump at Iowa Debate

So --- by saying Rump's lobbying for four days to get Megyn Kelly removed --- which FAILED (once again for those of you in the back, the "art of the deal" FAILED) -- was not the factor in his running away, you're saying instead that he melted down over a troll tweet.

Sure you wanna go with that now?

I am going with Fox hierarchy's own statements. Did you read any of them? That is the moment Trump said bye-bye to Fox. Care to argue that?

So am I. To wit:

>> "this is rooted in one thing — Megyn Kelly, whom he has viciously attacked since August and has now spent four days demanding be removed from the debate stage. .... Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly." In a call on Saturday with a Fox News executive, Lewandowski stated that Megyn had a ‘rough couple of days after that last debate’ and he ‘would hate to have her go through that again.’ <<

Fuck the fuck no, I don't support mobster tactics. You do?

They are far more ridiculing than anything megyn kelly did.

"Ridiculing" huh? Oh the horror! Ridiculing a politician, what is the world coming to? :gay:

Just because Trump chooses to put Kelly on the spot and make a case for that as well does not discredit the bigger issue above.

Actually, that's exactly what it does.

Look, you're arguing that it's not that Rump can't handle a girl, it's that he can't handle a troll Twitter tweet, or being ridiculed in general. And I don't disagree with that at all.

Trump makes headlines on many things.

So do train wrecks and fires and fake wrestling. Irrelevant.

And since then this ambush of plants in the audience set up by Fox comes out. It only adds credence to Fox's devious ways.

Imagine that, you defending Fox.

Again, as stated before (a) I don't defend entities, I defend (or attack) actions. And (b) it's not the first time I've defended an action from Fox, if it happened to be the right thing to do. Entities can mean all sorts of different things at different times. Actions have meanings that are concrete.
Trump claims to be the great "Hero" who is going to face all our enemies and tear them down....but.... he's afraid of Megan Kelly. He has told Faux News that he won't attend the debate unless they remove Megan Kelly.... wonder what this ferocious leader would do if a leader of an enemy country dared to confront him? Run and hide?

"You know, what we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump," Lewandowski said. "She’s on show after show about why the media shouldn’t be having him on television."
Donald Trump will skip Fox News's debate because of Megyn Kelly

B.S. This has almost nothing to do with Trump’s disdain for Megyn Kelly. Nothing.

It has everything to do with Fox news management ridiculing Trump and sending out messages that did the same. So Trump called their bluff. Good on him!

It has been obvious since the questions Kelly sent his way in that first debate Fox was hell bent on destroying Trump. But they will not admit it even though we all know!!

As if that was not obvious enough, in the last 24 hours news has broken that Fox intended to have to plants from the audience ask Trump a question. One is a Muslim import to drill him on his Islamic stance and the other was an illegal Mexican to drill him on those in this country. Of course these two plants are made to look so innocent and successful and victims of Trump’s whatever. I would not doubt Trump became aware of this as well and told Fox to take a hike.

Yes, leave it to the devious Fox and its agenda to get their candidate elected and destroy another. “So fair and balanced.”

EXPOSED: FoxNews Planned an ‘Ambush’ for Donald Trump at Iowa Debate

I was going to respond to your BS post....but Pogo handled it ever so well.......glad you admit that Faux is devious......but it's refreshing to hear someone from the right calling it what it is.
The RNC might have just told FOX that the upstart public rebellion has to end. Ambush Trump and get Jeb out there.
You brain dead Leftist Progressives are so dim witted that it's incredible. You have absolutely no idea what his withdrawal is all about.

It is actually quite brilliant. The vacant spot in the middle of the debate will bring him a thousand times more attention than him actually being there.

Oh yeah - he's not out of the spotlight. CNN is going to show his thing for veterans at the same time as the Fox debate. Probably get a whole lot better ratings.
Trump pulls out, can't make a baby! Or is it erectile dysfunction?

How funny it will be to know that the great idiots of USMB will be watching CNN :)
Longknife just explained it to you.

You respond.

We conclude: You or yours cannot help but lie to pretend you have the truth. I mean, no one can be that naive can they?
Trump demanded Megan Kelley should not be allowed to moderate. FOX said no. Trump is a wus.
Trump claims to be the great "Hero" who is going to face all our enemies and tear them down....but.... he's afraid of Megan Kelly. He has told Faux News that he won't attend the debate unless they remove Megan Kelly.... wonder what this ferocious leader would do if a leader of an enemy country dared to confront him? Run and hide?

"You know, what we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump," Lewandowski said. "She’s on show after show about why the media shouldn’t be having him on television."
Donald Trump will skip Fox News's debate because of Megyn Kelly

B.S. This has almost nothing to do with Trump’s disdain for Megyn Kelly. Nothing.

It has everything to do with Fox news management ridiculing Trump and sending out messages that did the same. So Trump called their bluff. Good on him!

It has been obvious since the questions Kelly sent his way in that first debate Fox was hell bent on destroying Trump. But they will not admit it even though we all know!!

As if that was not obvious enough, in the last 24 hours news has broken that Fox intended to have to plants from the audience ask Trump a question. One is a Muslim import to drill him on his Islamic stance and the other was an illegal Mexican to drill him on those in this country. Of course these two plants are made to look so innocent and successful and victims of Trump’s whatever. I would not doubt Trump became aware of this as well and told Fox to take a hike.

Yes, leave it to the devious Fox and its agenda to get their candidate elected and destroy another. “So fair and balanced.”

EXPOSED: FoxNews Planned an ‘Ambush’ for Donald Trump at Iowa Debate

So --- by saying Rump's lobbying for four days to get Megyn Kelly removed --- which FAILED (once again for those of you in the back, the "art of the deal" FAILED) -- was not the factor in his running away, you're saying instead that he melted down over a troll tweet.

Sure you wanna go with that now?

I am going with Fox hierarchy's own statements. Did you read any of them? That is the moment Trump said bye-bye to Fox. Care to argue that?

So am I. To wit:

>> "this is rooted in one thing — Megyn Kelly, whom he has viciously attacked since August and has now spent four days demanding be removed from the debate stage. .... Capitulating to politicians’ ultimatums about a debate moderator violates all journalistic standards, as do threats, including the one leveled by Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski toward Megyn Kelly." In a call on Saturday with a Fox News executive, Lewandowski stated that Megyn had a ‘rough couple of days after that last debate’ and he ‘would hate to have her go through that again.’ <<

Fuck the fuck no, I don't support mobster tactics. You do?

They are far more ridiculing than anything megyn kelly did.

"Ridiculing" huh? Oh the horror! Ridiculing a politician, what is the world coming to? :gay:

Just because Trump chooses to put Kelly on the spot and make a case for that as well does not discredit the bigger issue above.

Actually, that's exactly what it does.

Look, you're arguing that it's not that Rump can't handle a girl, it's that he can't handle a troll Twitter tweet, or being ridiculed in general. And I don't disagree with that at all.

Trump makes headlines on many things.

So do train wrecks and fires and fake wrestling. Irrelevant.

And since then this ambush of plants in the audience set up by Fox comes out. It only adds credence to Fox's devious ways.

Imagine that, you defending Fox.

Again, as stated before (a) I don't defend entities, I defend (or attack) actions. And (b) it's not the first time I've defended an action from Fox, if it happened to be the right thing to do. Entities can mean all sorts of different things at different times. Actions have meanings that are concrete.

If this was merely about Ms. Kelly it would have been worked out most likely. However from this article ----

A Fox network spokesperson mocked Trump to several media outlets, saying:

“We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings,” the statement read.

Trump fumed over those remarks at the Tuesday news conference, calling it a “wise-guy press release” that appeared to be “written by a child,” and he accused Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes of “playing games.”

“I didn’t like the fact that they sent out press releases toying, talking about Putin and playing games,” Trump said. “I don’t know what games Roger Ailes is playing or what’s wrong over there. But when they sent out that press release talking about it – I said what are these people, playing games? So most likely I won’t be doing the debate.”

The Trump campaign said that when Donald saw the statement, his reply was, “Bye bye.”

Read more at Limbaugh scorches Fox News in debate dispute with Trump

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