Warships on their way to Libya...Obama on his way to Las Vegas


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
1) The US suspects the Libya and Cairo attacks were planned.

2) US Embassy protests continue.

3) Marines are on their way to protect embassies.

4) Warships are on their way to Lybia on a contigency basis.

5) No one is in the Oval Office for intelligence briefings.

6) Obama is in Las Vegas campaigning.


U.S. Suspects Libya Attack Was Planned


U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt

September 12, 2012 7:21 PM
U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt - CBS News

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

Originally published: September 12, 2012 7:46 AM
Updated: September 12, 2012 7:50 PM
U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others
The Campaigner N Chief, Aopeasement messiah is absent with our nation having been attacked..
In this day and age, the President can get briefings where ever he is at. And it is beginning to look like this was an Al Queda payback for the number of people we have been killing in their upper echelon. Whomever the operators were in Libya, I am betting that they will have a very short time to live. One thing that this President has a very good record on is taking out people that kill Americans.
It's nice to have a President who can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Is there a reason the president has to be in the white house to have "intelligence briefings"?
1) The US suspects the Libya and Cairo attacks were planned.

2) US Embassy protests continue.

3) Marines are on their way to protect embassies.

4) Warships are on their way to Lybia on a contigency basis.

5) No one is in the Oval Office for intelligence briefings.

6) Obama is in Las Vegas campaigning.


U.S. Suspects Libya Attack Was Planned


U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt

September 12, 2012 7:21 PM
U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt - CBS News

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

Originally published: September 12, 2012 7:46 AM
Updated: September 12, 2012 7:50 PM
U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

This sums it up for me.


In this day and age, the President can get briefings where ever he is at. And it is beginning to look like this was an Al Queda payback for the number of people we have been killing in their upper echelon. Whomever the operators were in Libya, I am betting that they will have a very short time to live. One thing that this President has a very good record on is taking out people that kill Americans.

He's too busy to see Netanyahu, but not too busy to go in the David Letterman show, he's too busy to have meetings with his job council (since January), but he can go to fundraisers, he doesn't meet with cabinet members although there are crises all over Africa and in the Middle East, but he can't miss one campaign stop.

Are his intelligence people supposed to chase him around the nation? Or do everything over the phone. Isn't there ever a brainstorming meeting with more than one person to get a consensus of information?
Is there a reason the president has to be in the white house to have "intelligence briefings"?

I dont think so, but judging by the bush-haters references to Bushchimpymchitler being on vacation all the time at either Camp David, or down in Texas, I would think governing would be impossible unless you were in the oval office.
Like I said, we're a country of stupid.

Have we forgotten the Gulf of Tonkin bullshit? Or Iraq had WMD's bullshit? Why do we continue to believe the boy crying wolf everytime, like it was the first time he said it?

This was just another manufactured event to continue perpetual war. The war machine, needs an event to justify more military aggression against sovereign nations. Otherwise, they get their funding cut. Oh no, we can't lose that! We need another 9/11 to keep spending on shit we don't need.
1) The US suspects the Libya and Cairo attacks were planned.

2) US Embassy protests continue.

3) Marines are on their way to protect embassies.

4) Warships are on their way to Lybia on a contigency basis.

5) No one is in the Oval Office for intelligence briefings.

6) Obama is in Las Vegas campaigning.


U.S. Suspects Libya Attack Was Planned


U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt

September 12, 2012 7:21 PM
U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt - CBS News

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

Originally published: September 12, 2012 7:46 AM
Updated: September 12, 2012 7:50 PM
U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

This sums it up for me.



The empty chair is making more and more sense to me every day.
What's wrong wtih this picture?

How come every single American citizen KNEW that the White House traveled WITH George Bush, that other Bush, Reagan, Clinton and every single other president in our history.

And yet, the idiot rw's don't know that the White House travels WITH President Obama?

How did the rw get so damn dumb?
Is there a reason the president has to be in the white house to have "intelligence briefings"?


But, the froot loop fundies rule the very narrow world that rw's inhabit. They call the shots. Whether its $arah Palin or Jones the NOT preacher or the idiot who made the video or Mittens or the teepotters or the monsters who attacked our consulate, when one of these fanatical fundies tells the rw's to jump, they ask how high.
1) The US suspects the Libya and Cairo attacks were planned.

2) US Embassy protests continue.

3) Marines are on their way to protect embassies.

4) Warships are on their way to Lybia on a contigency basis.

5) No one is in the Oval Office for intelligence briefings.

6) Obama is in Las Vegas campaigning.


U.S. Suspects Libya Attack Was Planned


U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt

September 12, 2012 7:21 PM
U.S. Embassy protests continue in Egypt - CBS News

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making

U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

Originally published: September 12, 2012 7:46 AM
Updated: September 12, 2012 7:50 PM
U.S. sends marines, warships to Libya after attack kills U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, 3 others

What better thing than to make as if Obama is in Vegas......:eusa_shhh:

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