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Was Adam really the first human and if so...

You believe in your god, because you were born into that religion.

You never had a chance to look outside the box. You're just in the box. And that's all you see.

No, I do not believe in the god or religion that I was born into. You don't know what you are talking about. I believe in an unknown and unseen God of no religion because he has made himself known to me. I do not have a belief, I have experience.

Look outside the box, and you'll understand what we're saying.

How many of you are there?
So you believe in a god that nobody else has seen, and has not made itself aware with anybody else.

I believe you had an experience, but what are you trying to say?

Are you with these current religious cults?

Who promote murder and rape, and all that other shite?

lol... Let me put it this way. According to the story Moses who spoke for God gave the dietary laws. Many people claim to believe this and diligently and even obsessively dick around over whats for dinner.

I read the very same laws and see that the subject of one flesh or another, either clean or unclean, is about teaching not food, the described creatures, either clean or unclean, are simple universal metaphors for human archetypes.

The same God cannot have intended both interpretations to be followed because to conform to the literal interpretation to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate violates the deeper more intelligent implications of the exact same law that actually and demonstrably reflects divine wisdom.

In the same way Jesus commanded his followers to eat his flesh. Some people claim that its about handing out eternal life in the form of a cheap snack food made by human hands and eaten..

I read the exact same command, immediately saw the connection to kosher law and understood that the subject of eating his flesh is receiving his teaching, teaching that he received from God. Astonishingly, faithful believers and smarter than thou unbelievers alike have absolutely no idea what that teaching even is.

In the same way that I believe in an unknown God who cares about what goes into the mind not the stomach, I believe in a Jesus that people have not seen for thousands of years and do not know to this day, obscured behind a thick cloud of metaphors, allegories, homonyms, parables, hyperbole, etc., a strange figurative language of the prophets.

And no, I do not belong to any sex cult. lol...Do you think I should join one? Do you have any recommendations?
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The story of adam and eve is a childrens story about the dispute between God and the Pharoah who wore a serpent on his head.Its about his condemnation and Moses being expelled into the wilderness east of egypt.

It's not a children's story. It is a story that was created at least 2000 years before the OT version of it. And it was not about the dispute between God and Pharoah, it was about the dispute between Enlil and Enki. (which I can see being god vs pharoah).

Moses had nothing to do with that particular argument.

This site kind of explains it pretty well, from the Sumerian and Babylonian point of view (which everything else is based on)...

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts

I got news for you.

Any story that starts with "In the beginning" just like "once upon a time" and immediately introduces a talking serpent is a children's story even if foreign gods and preexisting ideologies were denounced and ridiculed in it..
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...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Man, there are 40 pages or responses, but NO Adam was not the first man. Neither does the Bible teach such a story.

It doesn't? I thought the bible says that God created Adam. What am I missing or misunderstanding?
The story of adam and eve is a childrens story about the dispute between God and the Pharoah who wore a serpent on his head.Its about his condemnation and Moses being expelled into the wilderness east of egypt.

It's not a children's story. It is a story that was created at least 2000 years before the OT version of it. And it was not about the dispute between God and Pharoah, it was about the dispute between Enlil and Enki. (which I can see being god vs pharoah).

Moses had nothing to do with that particular argument.

This site kind of explains it pretty well, from the Sumerian and Babylonian point of view (which everything else is based on)...

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts

I got news for you.

Any story that starts with "In the beginning" just like "once upon a time" and immediately introduces a talking serpent is a children's story even if foreign gods and preexisting ideologies were denounced and ridiculed in it..
Many of the accounts of the Bible are told as stories. And for good reason too. It helped them remember it. The reason we love to tell fables is because there is truth in the fables.
God doesn’t contact me because I think Mary was assfucked? :lol:

It’s actually quite common in the Middle East to assfuck before marriage so that the girl is still a virgin, didn’t you know that?

lol,,, not in observant Jewish communities.

But seriously, to answer your question, God doesn't contact you because you are a foul and loathsome creature whose flesh is defiled and contaminated.

Your mind is filled with garbage.

You might as well ask why the Pope never jumped into a cesspool to snuggle with a flea bitten diseased rat.
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Man, there are 40 pages or responses, but NO Adam was not the first man. Neither does the Bible teach such a story.

It doesn't? I thought the bible says that God created Adam. What am I missing or misunderstanding?
Adam and Eve are symbols for the first men and woman. People like to believe that there was a first man and a first woman, but I don't think that is likely.

The account of Genesis refers to the first men and women who became conscious (i.e. self aware of themselves and their surroundings). The distinction is between beings that know and create versus animals who act on impulse and instinct. Specifically our ability to know good and evil.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Man, there are 40 pages or responses, but NO Adam was not the first man. Neither does the Bible teach such a story.

It doesn't? I thought the bible says that God created Adam. What am I missing or misunderstanding?
God did create Adam and Eve. He created everything. He created existence. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
lol,,, not in observant Jewish communities.

But seriously, to answer your question, God doesn't contact you because you are a foul and loathsome creature whose flesh is defiled and contaminated.

Your mind is filled with garbage.

You might as well ask why the Pope never jumped into a cesspool to snuggle with a flea bitten diseased rat.
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?
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...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Man, there are 40 pages or responses, but NO Adam was not the first man. Neither does the Bible teach such a story.

It doesn't? I thought the bible says that God created Adam. What am I missing or misunderstanding?

Well, for one thing the Bible says in Genesis (chapter 1) that God created man. The word "day" in Genesis is yome in Hebrew. All it really means is an equal period of time. Each of the days in the Old Testament could be any amount of time. So we don't know how long it was from the creation of one day to the next. For example, to illustrate the principle:

II Peter 3: 8 states, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

Examine the Bible closely (the AKJV is the easiest to compare to the original Hebrew and Greek.) After the seven day creation period, God FORMED Adam. The preAdamic races existed many years before Adam and the Bible does not claim to be a book about all of mankind. See Genesis 5: 1. The Bible is only about Adam and his descendants.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Man, there are 40 pages or responses, but NO Adam was not the first man. Neither does the Bible teach such a story.

It doesn't? I thought the bible says that God created Adam. What am I missing or misunderstanding?
God did create Adam and Eve. He created everything. He created existence. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.

Adamic man was FORMED. Man already existed. From the pre-Adamites, God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life and man became much different than his predecessors.
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?

Nothing, really. You make some interesting arguments, hence my question.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Man, there are 40 pages or responses, but NO Adam was not the first man. Neither does the Bible teach such a story.

It doesn't? I thought the bible says that God created Adam. What am I missing or misunderstanding?

Well, for one thing the Bible says in Genesis (chapter 1) that God created man. The word "day" in Genesis is yome in Hebrew. All it really means is an equal period of time. Each of the days in the Old Testament could be any amount of time. So we don't know how long it was from the creation of one day to the next. For example, to illustrate the principle:

II Peter 3: 8 states, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

Examine the Bible closely (the AKJV is the easiest to compare to the original Hebrew and Greek.) After the seven day creation period, God FORMED Adam. The preAdamic races existed many years before Adam and the Bible does not claim to be a book about all of mankind. See Genesis 5: 1. The Bible is only about Adam and his descendants.

This seems sensible to me. Thanks for the enlightenment.
lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?

Nothing, really. You make some interesting arguments, hence my question.

ok.. What I thought it might tell you is that God reigns over the minds of mortal men and either grants or denies comprehension.

My question to you is, do you see what I see?
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Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?

Nothing, really. You make some interesting arguments, hence my question.

ok.. What I thought it should tell you is that God reigns over the minds of mortal men and either grants or denies comprehension.

My question to you is, do you see what I see?


I don't know. No offense, but you seem to speak in riddles at times. I guess I need it dumbed down. Perhaps God left me out of the comprehension circle of trust. ;)
Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?

Nothing, really. You make some interesting arguments, hence my question.

ok.. What I thought it should tell you is that God reigns over the minds of mortal men and either grants or denies comprehension.

My question to you is, do you see what I see?


I don't know. No offense, but you seem to speak in riddles at times. I guess I need it dumbed down. Perhaps God left me out of the comprehension circle of trust. ;)

No offense taken. I have been hearing people complain about me speaking in riddles ever since I could talk.

I used to think that either I was strange or people were insane and felt bad about it. Then I read about the signs of salvation, speaking in a strange language etc. Now I am sure that I am strange and people are insane but I am feeling just fine.

So, if there is enough of the divine spark of life left in your mind to find what I have been saying interesting, there is enough there for you be worthy of comprehension. Just keep following to where it is leading, and your mind will be opened to understand the truth.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.
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God doesn’t contact me because I think Mary was assfucked? :lol:

It’s actually quite common in the Middle East to assfuck before marriage so that the girl is still a virgin, didn’t you know that?

lol,,, not in observant Jewish communities.

But seriously, to answer your question, God doesn't contact you because you are a foul and loathsome creature whose flesh is defiled and contaminated.

Your mind is filled with garbage.

You might as well ask why the Pope never jumped into a cesspool to snuggle with a flea bitten diseased rat.
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that bill is already paid.
God doesn’t contact me because I think Mary was assfucked? :lol:

It’s actually quite common in the Middle East to assfuck before marriage so that the girl is still a virgin, didn’t you know that?

lol,,, not in observant Jewish communities.

But seriously, to answer your question, God doesn't contact you because you are a foul and loathsome creature whose flesh is defiled and contaminated.

Your mind is filled with garbage.

You might as well ask why the Pope never jumped into a cesspool to snuggle with a flea bitten diseased rat.
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,
Women in the Middle East get pregnant from assfucking. Look it up.

So god won’t help me purify my mind, s9mehow that seems wrong.

Don't take it too hard Taz, God doesn't seem to be helping the so called believers that you mess with daily clear out the superstitious garbage that has addled their minds and rendered them insane either. I heard somewhere that God will not suffer a fool. He abandons fools to their folly. Must be true.

Hell, forget about God, many people don't seem to care at all about your predicament, just like you don't care about theirs, even after they heard all of your whining because they are drowning in the same shit as you, the perversity of a defiled and contaminated mind.

I guess you're stuck with me.

Here is todays lesson. This is me helping you.

Being repulsive is not a superpower anymore than an old dog fart is, even if it clears everyone from the room.

Note this. It will be on the test.
So why does god make fools if he can't stand them?
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

And all our deeds of righteousness are like filthy rags;
That is what God thinks about you trying to work your way into Heaven.

God can see the end from the beginning. It has to with dimensions. You must not understand them.
Christ paid for all, once and for all. Your "works" are an insult to God:
And all our deeds of righteousness are like filthy rags;

What Laws are you referring to and conforming to? Jewish Law? The Laws that Christ fulfilled? The Law that God hated? The one His Son came here to fulfill?
Christ had one rule, Love the Father and each other. Conform to that and you have fulfilled the Law...

Well dear girl, you can't even seem to get even just that one right.

You set aside the divine commands and teach others to do the same which amounts to murder, not love.

You defy the law of God, desecrate the teachings of Jesus and bear false witness against your neighbors who will never swallow the garbage that defiles the sanctity of your mind.
What's "the law of God"?
I bet Jews assfuck though, don’t they?

So why wouldn’t god contact me to heal my diseased mind?

lol....Haven't you gotten that out of your system yet?

you have to take your head out of your own ass before you can see anything. Just do the math. If God is everywhere and you can't see him anywhere you must be blind.

What could be causing that blindness? The garbage that fills your mind.

The solution is simple.

Purify your mind, be refined, and God will make himself known to you,

Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?
That god is a cherry-picker too.
Self will get you nowhere. Christ paid your debt. Past tense. THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN ADD TO YOUR SALVATION.
It is about the pureness of Christ, that makes you known to God, certainly NOT our own attempt at pureness.
It is a gift. You have nothing to do with it other than accepting the gift. A substitute paid your debt. All of it. Once and for all. Done deal.

"It is finished" is a Greek translation of what Christ said. Back then, receipts were given out when a purchaser finished paying for an item with the word tetelestai stamped across it. It meant PAID IN FULL. Of the two definitions, that is a much better definition for what Christ uttered.
Accept the gift and live for an eternity being thrilled you did.

Thats complete nonsense.

Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to interpret and conform to the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life.

Unless you receive this teaching, eat his flesh, and act on it, drink his blood, you cannot have that life in you.

When his enemies threatened Jesus he told them that no one starts to build a house without first calculating what it will cost to finish it.

Before Jesus died he said "it is finished", tetelestai, meaning that his debt was paid in full, not yours.

Do not be misled. You haven't stopped lying in the name of God or desecrating the teachings of Jesus. You even brazenly and unrepentantly worship a nonexistent edible pagan trinity.

How can your debt be paid in full while you are still accumulating debt every time you blubber on your knees before a god made man made matzo made by human hands?

No, unless you repent and conform to what the law demands, your guilt remains.

How did you gain your biblical knowledge?

A man can only have what God gives him.

Many saints and righteous people have lived out their entire lives praying to God for just such a revelation and never got it even though it was hidden in plain sight the entire time.

What does that tell you?

Nothing, really. You make some interesting arguments, hence my question.

ok.. What I thought it might tell you is that God reigns over the minds of mortal men and either grants or denies comprehension.

My question to you is, do you see what I see?
Why would god cherry-pick people for comprehension? And why weren't you picked? :biggrin:

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