Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Bush approval rating has risen since he left office it is tied with Obama now . I think the worst is Obama then Carter in my opinion

Actually, Bush's rating is still pathetic for an ex-president.

They usually have high approval ratings when they are ex-presidents. Bush is still underwater 5 years later.

With all due respect, Joe...isn't he STILL being blamed by progressives 5 years later? I mean it's almost become farce at this point. W's been back in Crawford cutting brush for five years and the Left is still obsessed with blaming him. Your previous post about what Bush will ultimately be judged on was rather astute by the way...which is why I think in the long run his reputation will continue to improve because he really didn't handle any of them badly and handled many of them quite well. TARP was his baby...he took major heat from conservatives on it but he felt it was needed and pulled the trigger on it...probably keeping the economy from cratering. From my vantage point it's TARP that pulled us back from the brink...not the stimulus that followed.

I have no problem with TARP. It was an act of political courage.

But it was everything that Bush did that lead up to that, from deregulating the banks to the point where they made all these risky loans, to running up huge defiicts when the economy was healthy enough to balance the budget, to blowing a trillion dollars in Iraq, that caused that great recession.

I think all presidents eventually get boiled down to one thing. And in Bush's case, it will be Iraq.
Conservatives won't forgive him for the Great Society

I should hope not. A half a century and trillions of dollars later, the rate of poverty has INCREASED! A complete and utter failure in which more harm than good was done by that fucking meddling central planner.

and Democrats won't forgive him for Vietnam

They seem to have no problem forgiving Obama for Afghanistan and all the other little wars he's involved us in...even though he doesn't call it "war". They're happy bombs being delivered by those drones you see...

The rate of poverty has increased because the wealth has shifted from the working class to wealthy. Government dependency isn't a cause, it's a symptom. I'm sorry your understanding of economics is so poor you don't understand this.

Welfare programs just prevent people from rioting to do something about it.

9/11---- might not have happened if clinton had taken OBL when sudan offered him up

and we might have gotten OBL if the GOP hadn't insisted on wasting two years of Clinton's time impeaching him over a blow job. We might have avoided 9/11 if Bush hadn't read a CIA Brief entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike US" and then said, "You covered your ass" and went fishing a month before 9/11 happened.

Iraq ---- stupid unnecessary war, but congress authorized and funded it, Bush did not do it alone

Can you honestly say that we would have went to war with Iraq if Al Gore had been president? Bush is responsible for Iraq because he was avenging his Pa like a bad western.

Katrina ---- the failures were at the state and local level, FEMA was as good as they were in NY and NJ after Sandy

Actually, FEMA was a litany of fuckups, so bad Bush had to fire his "Heckava job" FEMA DIrector and put the military in charge.

The great recession ---- Duh, I guess you think that Bush did that all by himself. You cannot be as ignorant as you seem, no one could be.

Funny, what I remember was when bush became president, we had 400 billion dollar surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment, the only growth in middle class wages since the 1960's....

Bush managed to fuck up all those things. Yeah, it's his fault.
Actually, Bush's rating is still pathetic for an ex-president.

They usually have high approval ratings when they are ex-presidents. Bush is still underwater 5 years later.

With all due respect, Joe...isn't he STILL being blamed by progressives 5 years later? I mean it's almost become farce at this point. W's been back in Crawford cutting brush for five years and the Left is still obsessed with blaming him. Your previous post about what Bush will ultimately be judged on was rather astute by the way...which is why I think in the long run his reputation will continue to improve because he really didn't handle any of them badly and handled many of them quite well. TARP was his baby...he took major heat from conservatives on it but he felt it was needed and pulled the trigger on it...probably keeping the economy from cratering. From my vantage point it's TARP that pulled us back from the brink...not the stimulus that followed.

I have no problem with TARP. It was an act of political courage.

But it was everything that Bush did that lead up to that, from deregulating the banks to the point where they made all these risky loans, to running up huge defiicts when the economy was healthy enough to balance the budget, to blowing a trillion dollars in Iraq, that caused that great recession.

I think all presidents eventually get boiled down to one thing. And in Bush's case, it will be Iraq.

Deregulating the banks? LOL!
Bush piled on more regulations.
No, George W. Bush is not the worst president ever, he is not even on the top 5 list of worst presidents ever. And for that matter, Barack Obama would not even be on the list of 5 worst presidents either.

By far, the worst president ever was Teddy Roosevelt, a true America-hating progressive. One of Teddy's lesser known quotes was "to hell with the Constitution". Teddy, also ran as a 3rd party candidate with the progressive Bull Moose party to take votes away from Howard Taft and give the election to the 2nd worst president ever, Woodrow Wilson. Wilson, who with a Democrat majority in the house and senate sold the right of congress to coin money to the federal reserve, and of course we can see where this has lead us.

The remaining 3 of the five worst presidents ever: FDR, Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter.

Teddy R, Wilson and FDR........You lose already
Conservatives won't forgive him for the Great Society

I should hope not. A half a century and trillions of dollars later, the rate of poverty has INCREASED! A complete and utter failure in which more harm than good was done by that fucking meddling central planner.

and Democrats won't forgive him for Vietnam

They seem to have no problem forgiving Obama for Afghanistan and all the other little wars he's involved us in...even though he doesn't call it "war". They're happy bombs being delivered by those drones you see...

The rate of poverty has increased because the wealth has shifted from the working class to wealthy. Government dependency isn't a cause, it's a symptom. I'm sorry your understanding of economics is so poor you don't understand this.
The one who has no understanding of economics is you Corky.
No, George W. Bush is not the worst president ever, he is not even on the top 5 list of worst presidents ever. And for that matter, Barack Obama would not even be on the list of 5 worst presidents either.

By far, the worst president ever was Teddy Roosevelt, a true America-hating progressive. One of Teddy's lesser known quotes was "to hell with the Constitution". Teddy, also ran as a 3rd party candidate with the progressive Bull Moose party to take votes away from Howard Taft and give the election to the 2nd worst president ever, Woodrow Wilson. Wilson, who with a Democrat majority in the house and senate sold the right of congress to coin money to the federal reserve, and of course we can see where this has lead us.

The remaining 3 of the five worst presidents ever: FDR, Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter.

I wouldnt put TR on there...I disagreed with some of his stuff, but agreed with others.....but FDR, LBJ, Carter, Harding, and maybe Andrew Johnson
TR was the prototype for the modern neocon....He totally sucked ass.
Actually, Bush's rating is still pathetic for an ex-president.

They usually have high approval ratings when they are ex-presidents. Bush is still underwater 5 years later.

With all due respect, Joe...isn't he STILL being blamed by progressives 5 years later? I mean it's almost become farce at this point. W's been back in Crawford cutting brush for five years and the Left is still obsessed with blaming him. Your previous post about what Bush will ultimately be judged on was rather astute by the way...which is why I think in the long run his reputation will continue to improve because he really didn't handle any of them badly and handled many of them quite well. TARP was his baby...he took major heat from conservatives on it but he felt it was needed and pulled the trigger on it...probably keeping the economy from cratering. From my vantage point it's TARP that pulled us back from the brink...not the stimulus that followed.

I have no problem with TARP. It was an act of political courage.

But it was everything that Bush did that lead up to that, from deregulating the banks to the point where they made all these risky loans, to running up huge defiicts when the economy was healthy enough to balance the budget, to blowing a trillion dollars in Iraq, that caused that great recession.

I think all presidents eventually get boiled down to one thing. And in Bush's case, it will be Iraq.

Bush is responsible for the banks making risky loans? Correct me if I'm wrong here, Joe but wasn't Bush the one warning that we were putting ourselves in a risky position with what we were doing with home loans? As for running up huge deficits? Unless something has changed from my high school civics class then I believe Congress still controls the purse strings in our government? Trust me when I say that W. doesn't get much love from me on his willingness to spend...but it was the Nancy Pelosi led House that's REALLY to blame for that.

Quite frankly, I don't see Iraq being a big issue long term. I think Bush will be judged first and foremost on his reaction to 9/11. The fact that he did successfully go into Afghanistan and root out the Taliban coupled with his ability to prevent another terrorist attack on the US homeland during the rest of his two terms will bode well for his future reputation...especially if subsequent Presidents have "issues" with attacks like Boston.

9/11---- might not have happened if clinton had taken OBL when sudan offered him up

and we might have gotten OBL if the GOP hadn't insisted on wasting two years of Clinton's time impeaching him over a blow job. We might have avoided 9/11 if Bush hadn't read a CIA Brief entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike US" and then said, "You covered your ass" and went fishing a month before 9/11 happened.

Iraq ---- stupid unnecessary war, but congress authorized and funded it, Bush did not do it alone

Can you honestly say that we would have went to war with Iraq if Al Gore had been president? Bush is responsible for Iraq because he was avenging his Pa like a bad western.

Katrina ---- the failures were at the state and local level, FEMA was as good as they were in NY and NJ after Sandy

Actually, FEMA was a litany of fuckups, so bad Bush had to fire his "Heckava job" FEMA DIrector and put the military in charge.

The great recession ---- Duh, I guess you think that Bush did that all by himself. You cannot be as ignorant as you seem, no one could be.

Funny, what I remember was when bush became president, we had 400 billion dollar surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment, the only growth in middle class wages since the 1960's....

Bush managed to fuck up all those things. Yeah, it's his fault.

Only if Bush was responsible for 9/11, Joe. Do you want to make that case?

I'm sorry but if Slick Willie was still President when 9/11 took place then the "peace dividend" that he took advantage of (not to mention the Dot Com Boom, which had ended before his last year in office) would have vanished like smoke in a strong wind. Bush didn't REALLY fuck things up...he got hit with a serious of problems that he had to deal with. The recession that was already underway when he took office and then an attack upon the US that was a total shock to all of us.
Wait did Lakhota mispell a word, what a dipshit dumbass, he made fun of me doing it....he cant even spell library.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL

He's such a dumbfuck pussy....
He spelled it that way in reference to the picture below -- as you well know.


If you will stoop to such petty misrepresentations, I guess that shows how much we can trust anything that you write.
I don't know if Bush was the worst President ever because I'm not that well educated in the details of American history. But he certainly was the worst President in my lifetime, which began with FDR -- whom I believe was the best President in recent history.
I don't know if Bush was the worst President ever because I'm not that well educated in the details of American history. But he certainly was the worst President in my lifetime, which began with FDR -- whom I believe was the best President in recent history.

Carter was vastly worse than you invalidly claim W was.

And Obumbler is magnitudes worse than even Jimmy Carter.

MikeK will not read this reply because he is a pussy who puts almost half the Board on "ignore."


But his opinion is that of a typically mindless liberal drone. So, it doesn't matter if he reads contrary views or not. He can't comprehend any thoughts other than the re-heated bullshit spewed by the Democrat Parody.

9/11---- might not have happened if clinton had taken OBL when sudan offered him up

and we might have gotten OBL if the GOP hadn't insisted on wasting two years of Clinton's time impeaching him over a blow job. We might have avoided 9/11 if Bush hadn't read a CIA Brief entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike US" and then said, "You covered your ass" and went fishing a month before 9/11 happened.

Can you honestly say that we would have went to war with Iraq if Al Gore had been president? Bush is responsible for Iraq because he was avenging his Pa like a bad western.

Actually, FEMA was a litany of fuckups, so bad Bush had to fire his "Heckava job" FEMA DIrector and put the military in charge.

The great recession ---- Duh, I guess you think that Bush did that all by himself. You cannot be as ignorant as you seem, no one could be.

Funny, what I remember was when bush became president, we had 400 billion dollar surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment, the only growth in middle class wages since the 1960's....

Bush managed to fuck up all those things. Yeah, it's his fault.

Only if Bush was responsible for 9/11, Joe. Do you want to make that case?

I'm sorry but if Slick Willie was still President when 9/11 took place then the "peace dividend" that he took advantage of (not to mention the Dot Com Boom, which had ended before his last year in office) would have vanished like smoke in a strong wind. Bush didn't REALLY fuck things up...he got hit with a serious of problems that he had to deal with. The recession that was already underway when he took office and then an attack upon the US that was a total shock to all of us.

Lies and sissy chatter. Misrepresenting the truth, and "spinning", like hell.
Okay, Chippy, you tell yourself that..

How's the weather on Bizarro World?

Show me where Bush reduced regulation.

What bill did that? When did it pass?

Take your time. LOL!

seriously, I have never, on any board, in any discussion had a liberal who could tell me what regulation reducing legislation bush initiated.

Phil Gramm, Father of Subprime Deregulation, Chief McCain Economic Advisor - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

McCain guru linked to subprime crisis - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

In 1996, McCain was national chairman of Gramm's unsuccessful presidential bid.

In 2000, the duo had a rare parting when Gramm backed his home-state governor, George W. Bush, for president instead of McCain.
Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Major banks and financial service firms regularly lobbied for deregulation in the United States since the 1970s. The bulk of the deregulation was performed under the Bill Clinton administration, sandwiched between the two Bush administrations of George H.W. Bush (1988-1992) and George W. Bush (2000-2008). However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

Hello, somebody?
Show me where Bush reduced regulation.

What bill did that? When did it pass?

Take your time. LOL!

seriously, I have never, on any board, in any discussion had a liberal who could tell me what regulation reducing legislation bush initiated.

Phil Gramm, Father of Subprime Deregulation, Chief McCain Economic Advisor - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

McCain guru linked to subprime crisis - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

In 1996, McCain was national chairman of Gramm's unsuccessful presidential bid.

In 2000, the duo had a rare parting when Gramm backed his home-state governor, George W. Bush, for president instead of McCain.
Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Major banks and financial service firms regularly lobbied for deregulation in the United States since the 1970s. The bulk of the deregulation was performed under the Bill Clinton administration, sandwiched between the two Bush administrations of George H.W. Bush (1988-1992) and George W. Bush (2000-2008). However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

Hello, somebody?

However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

LOL! Tell us more!
Take your time.
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