Was Bush the worst President ever?

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seriously, I have never, on any board, in any discussion had a liberal who could tell me what regulation reducing legislation bush initiated.

Phil Gramm, Father of Subprime Deregulation, Chief McCain Economic Advisor - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

McCain guru linked to subprime crisis - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

In 1996, McCain was national chairman of Gramm's unsuccessful presidential bid.

In 2000, the duo had a rare parting when Gramm backed his home-state governor, George W. Bush, for president instead of McCain.
Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Major banks and financial service firms regularly lobbied for deregulation in the United States since the 1970s. The bulk of the deregulation was performed under the Bill Clinton administration, sandwiched between the two Bush administrations of George H.W. Bush (1988-1992) and George W. Bush (2000-2008). However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

Hello, somebody?

However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

LOL! Tell us more!
Take your time.

I provided the link. You want me to read it to you, too? LOL
Not happening.
Phil Gramm, Father of Subprime Deregulation, Chief McCain Economic Advisor - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

McCain guru linked to subprime crisis - Lisa Lerer - POLITICO.com

In 1996, McCain was national chairman of Gramm's unsuccessful presidential bid.

In 2000, the duo had a rare parting when Gramm backed his home-state governor, George W. Bush, for president instead of McCain.
Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Major banks and financial service firms regularly lobbied for deregulation in the United States since the 1970s. The bulk of the deregulation was performed under the Bill Clinton administration, sandwiched between the two Bush administrations of George H.W. Bush (1988-1992) and George W. Bush (2000-2008). However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

Hello, somebody?

However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

LOL! Tell us more!
Take your time.

I provided the link. You want me to read it to you, too? LOL
Not happening.

Your link didn't list any Bush deregulation.
Maybe you should read it to yourself?
However, the two Bush administrations were far from inactive in the deregulation sphere.

LOL! Tell us more!
Take your time.

I provided the link. You want me to read it to you, too? LOL
Not happening.

Your link didn't list any Bush deregulation.
Maybe you should read it to yourself?

As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act. Signed, notably, by George W. Bush. At the same time, however, this same president invoked an obscure 1863 law forbidding states to regulate local banks. Therefore, the second Bush administration has a mixed record on financial deregulation

Read more: Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension...You, not so much.
Bush would have been fine had he surrounded himself with good people. Instead, he got stuck with what could be the most sinister next of crooks the GOP could find and took advantage of his good nature for their personal gain and our personal loss. They knew Bush wouldn't say "no" to these crooks - Rove, Cheney and a cast that should still be doing time.

Karl Rove Ranks Bush's Presidency Somewhere 'Up There,' Just Below Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, FDR

Holy shit... That seems grossly misoverestimated.
I provided the link. You want me to read it to you, too? LOL
Not happening.

Your link didn't list any Bush deregulation.
Maybe you should read it to yourself?

As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act. Signed, notably, by George W. Bush. At the same time, however, this same president invoked an obscure 1863 law forbidding states to regulate local banks. Therefore, the second Bush administration has a mixed record on financial deregulation

Read more: Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension...You, not so much.

As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act.

Hey, moron, Sarbanes-Oxley was a massive increase in regulations.

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension

LOL! You're stupid, but at least you're funny!
and we might have gotten OBL if the GOP hadn't insisted on wasting two years of Clinton's time impeaching him over a blow job. We might have avoided 9/11 if Bush hadn't read a CIA Brief entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike US" and then said, "You covered your ass" and went fishing a month before 9/11 happened.

Can you honestly say that we would have went to war with Iraq if Al Gore had been president? Bush is responsible for Iraq because he was avenging his Pa like a bad western.

Actually, FEMA was a litany of fuckups, so bad Bush had to fire his "Heckava job" FEMA DIrector and put the military in charge.

Funny, what I remember was when bush became president, we had 400 billion dollar surpluses, peace, prosperity, 3% unemployment, the only growth in middle class wages since the 1960's....

Bush managed to fuck up all those things. Yeah, it's his fault.

Only if Bush was responsible for 9/11, Joe. Do you want to make that case?

I'm sorry but if Slick Willie was still President when 9/11 took place then the "peace dividend" that he took advantage of (not to mention the Dot Com Boom, which had ended before his last year in office) would have vanished like smoke in a strong wind. Bush didn't REALLY fuck things up...he got hit with a serious of problems that he had to deal with. The recession that was already underway when he took office and then an attack upon the US that was a total shock to all of us.

Lies and sissy chatter. Misrepresenting the truth, and "spinning", like hell.

My pointing out that the country W inherited from Clinton was going into recession before Bush ever walked in the door to the Oval Office and that nobody...including Clinton...saw 9/11 coming...is "lies and sissy chatter"? How so? Did Clinton NOT have the Dot Com Boom to help his numbers? Did Clinton NOT have the so called "peace dividend" to allow him to cut military spending back? Enlighten me on what I'm "spinning".
Only speaking for myself. During the Bush Administration I made good wages, and was pretty upbeat about the future.

2 years into the Obama administration I saw my first ever stint on unemployment. Upon returning to work I saw a pay decrease at 25%. At the slow increases that I have received it will take 4 more years just to get my full pay cut back. Some will still blame Bush for that and I say horseshit. I have little hope about the future of America as the government grows and the debt rises beyond imagination, something I blame both parties for, but Obama is by far the largest spender on record. I find his economic and social policies detestable.

Worst President ever? My vote goes to Jimmy Carter with Obama at a close second.
I could NEVER vote for a democrat, but the only President in the last 30+ years to balance the budget was Clinton.

One thing is certain, BOTH political parties are corrupted by special interests and the only solution is term limits on all politicians. Career Politician should NOT be a part of the American vocabulary.

When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic...Benjamin Franklin.
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I'd say
1# Wilson
2# LBJ
3# Obama
4# Bush
5# Reagan

From worse to better
I liked Reagan......I wouldnt put him on there.....I'd put Carter at number 5......Dam when I made my list I forgot about Wilson......yeah he's waaay up there....a progressive racist....who knew?
Your link didn't list any Bush deregulation.
Maybe you should read it to yourself?

As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act. Signed, notably, by George W. Bush. At the same time, however, this same president invoked an obscure 1863 law forbidding states to regulate local banks. Therefore, the second Bush administration has a mixed record on financial deregulation

Read more: Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension...You, not so much.

As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act.

Hey, moron, Sarbanes-Oxley was a massive increase in regulations.

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension

LOL! You're stupid, but at least you're funny!

:lol: you should stick to spraying your free verse on on subway walls 'poet'..:lol:


As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act. Signed, notably, by George W. Bush. At the same time, however, this same president invoked an obscure 1863 law forbidding states to regulate local banks. Therefore, the second Bush administration has a mixed record on financial deregulation

Read more: Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com Deregulation of Financial Markets Under George Bush | eHow.com

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension...You, not so much.

As of 2003, this practice was removed by the passage of the Sarbines-Oxley Act.

Hey, moron, Sarbanes-Oxley was a massive increase in regulations.

Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension

LOL! You're stupid, but at least you're funny!

:lol: you should stick to spraying your free verse on on subway walls 'poet'..:lol:


Sarbanes?Oxley Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My verse is not for "free". I don't spray. And I live in Houston, and we don't have "subways". LOL Massive "fail". Stick to Emperoring. As it were.
Not only is George Bush II at the bottom of the list , he was so bad they gave him the bottom THREE spots His old man was moved 10 points lower as a result of the sins of the son visiting the father!
Not only is George Bush II at the bottom of the list , he was so bad they gave him the bottom THREE spots His old man was moved 10 points lower as a result of the sins of the son visiting the father!

Why? I'd put Wilson and LBJ as worse by far. Nam makes Iraq look like a tiny little joke and his pissing on our civil liberties makes LBJ quite the cock sucker!

Wilson formed the fed and got us into a blood bath.
My pointing out that the country W inherited from Clinton was going into recession before Bush ever walked in the door to the Oval Office and that nobody...including Clinton...saw 9/11 coming...is "lies and sissy chatter"? How so? Did Clinton NOT have the Dot Com Boom to help his numbers? Did Clinton NOT have the so called "peace dividend" to allow him to cut military spending back? Enlighten me on what I'm "spinning".
It seems you've been misled by deceptive right-wing propaganda, so you need to read this: The three best charts on how Clinton?s surpluses became Bush and Obama?s deficits

In the simplest terms, by imposing a sensible tax policy Clinton was able to leave the Economy in good condition with an impressive projected budget surplus. Bush immediately commenced a profligate spending spree, wasting the accumulated revenues and eliminating the surplus.

He initiated two massively costly military adventures (Iraq and Afghanistan) without budgeting for either one. And rather than negotiating with the pharmaceutical industry for reduced drug prices, as Canada has successfully done, he instituted Medicare Part-D, which has collapsed the Medicare budget but was a boon for that industry -- a major component of Bush's "base."

So I suggest you educate yourself and stop propagating false information about the cause of our present economic problems.
We wouldn't like have the illegal problems we have today if Reagan would of enforced our laws. SAID FUCK NO TO AMNESTY!

LBJ also charged our immigration laws in 1965 that started this shit coaster. Fuckers lucky I didn't put him as 1#.
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