Was Bush the worst President ever?

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whatever for? As if you could change my mind about anything, your empressness. Ha!

bragging that your mind is closed is kind of stupid...you know?

Who ever said that my mind is "closed". I only indulge "common sense", not opinion, or propaganda, which is all you have ever offered. You're insane, to believe that your opinion ranks as plausible or relevant. After all, you believe you're actually Trajan. :cuckoo:

And you actually believe that you're the "Conservatives Bane". Instead of indulging common sense, Poet...how about employing it from time to time?
bragging that your mind is closed is kind of stupid...you know?

Who ever said that my mind is "closed". I only indulge "common sense", not opinion, or propaganda, which is all you have ever offered. You're insane, to believe that your opinion ranks as plausible or relevant. After all, you believe you're actually Trajan. :cuckoo:

And you actually believe that you're the "Conservatives Bane". Instead of indulging common sense, Poet...how about employing it from time to time?

Pardon me? Find the conservative that can refute me. All they can do is ad hominem attacks. Instead of attacking my politics, they choose to make it about me, personally.
And here you are, echoing their sentiments, as if you're important or something. I operate from rational thinking, logic and common sense...but I guess you'd have to have it, to recognize it.
Who ever said that my mind is "closed". I only indulge "common sense", not opinion, or propaganda, which is all you have ever offered. You're insane, to believe that your opinion ranks as plausible or relevant. After all, you believe you're actually Trajan. :cuckoo:

I only indulge "common sense", not opinion, or propaganda

Tell me again how Sarbanes-Oxley deregulated our economy. LOL!

First tell me what you and Roger Daltrey have in common?

Notice how the loser shifts the argument when he is getting his ass whipped.
Who ever said that my mind is "closed". I only indulge "common sense", not opinion, or propaganda, which is all you have ever offered. You're insane, to believe that your opinion ranks as plausible or relevant. After all, you believe you're actually Trajan. :cuckoo:

And you actually believe that you're the "Conservatives Bane". Instead of indulging common sense, Poet...how about employing it from time to time?

Pardon me? Find the conservative that can refute me. All they can do is ad hominem attacks. Instead of attacking my politics, they choose to make it about me, personally.
And here you are, echoing their sentiments, as if you're important or something. I operate from rational thinking, logic and common sense...but I guess you'd have to have it, to recognize it.

To refute you, po-it, you'd first be obliged to make a coherent point or argument.

You never have. You never do. You never will.

And stop your dishonest hypocritical whining about ad hominem, kid. You do it plenty, too.

Who ever said that my mind is "closed". I only indulge "common sense", not opinion, or propaganda, which is all you have ever offered. You're insane, to believe that your opinion ranks as plausible or relevant. After all, you believe you're actually Trajan. :cuckoo:

And you actually believe that you're the "Conservatives Bane". Instead of indulging common sense, Poet...how about employing it from time to time?

Pardon me? Find the conservative that can refute me. All they can do is ad hominem attacks. Instead of attacking my politics, they choose to make it about me, personally.
And here you are, echoing their sentiments, as if you're important or something. I operate from rational thinking, logic and common sense...but I guess you'd have to have it, to recognize it.

Find the conservative that can refute me.

Like refuting your claim that Sarbanes-Oxley reduced regulations? LOL!
You're too easy.
Bush would have been fine had he surrounded himself with good people. Instead, he got stuck with what could be the most sinister next of crooks the GOP could find and took advantage of his good nature for their personal gain and our personal loss. They knew Bush wouldn't say "no" to these crooks - Rove, Cheney and a cast that should still be doing time.
Oh, No!! The oldest spew of political vomit in the historical record !!
Even the ancient Mesopotamians tried to excuse political crime with this piece of bullshit !!

"The King is good. Everything that is bad is the work of Evil Ministers.

If the King knew what they were doing, he would stop it immediately."

It shows how advanced your political thinking is, Knobby.
Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

A 2010 Siena ranking of presidential scholars rated Bush as one of the nation's five worst presidents. A similar 2009 C-SPAN ranking put Bush in the bottom eight.

It is certainly possible that years of reflection and a reinterpretation of his presidency could end up putting Bush in a more positive light, but there's no avoiding the reality that his decision to go to war in Iraq and policies of fiscal recklessness led to huge problems for the country. These are problems the country may still be reeling from as historians give Bush their second look

I don't know if he would be considered the worst, but certainly ranks among the worst. Only Republicans and conservatives will ever see him in a more positive light, but his lies to get us to go to war with Iraq, and his poor command of the language won't add positive points.
Why, oh, why am I always right in my judgments?
It would be such a refreshing change occasionally to be wrong about something
-- especially about the avalanche of disasters which have fallen on America!!

I felt unease about George W. Bush long ago, as soon as I knew anything about him and his family. The date on which that unease crystallized into alarm was October 19, 2000 as I was watching a broadcast of the Al Smith Memorial Dinner. Candidate Al Gore made a number of witty and graceful self-deprecatory remarks. I thought: Whatever else he may be, he is an intelligent, well-bred gentleman. Then Candidate Bush came to the podium and made a speech full of crude, bumptious self-praise, prefaced by these words [which were burned into my memory]:

"This is an impressive crowd: the haves and the have-mores.
Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."

My first thought was: "If this man is elected president, it will be a disaster." Then, immediately, I recalled the words of Keat's "Ode on a Grecian Urn":

"To what green altar, O mysterious priest,
Leadst thou that heifer lowing at the skies,
And all her silken flanks with garlands dressed."

I thought:

"Yes, this ignorant, arrogant fool is a sacrificial animal, but in the end it will be America's throat that is cut upon the altar."

And so it was. America was drained of its blood by the monstrous egos of this Presidential Abortion and his criminal gang.
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Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

A 2010 Siena ranking of presidential scholars rated Bush as one of the nation's five worst presidents. A similar 2009 C-SPAN ranking put Bush in the bottom eight.

It is certainly possible that years of reflection and a reinterpretation of his presidency could end up putting Bush in a more positive light, but there's no avoiding the reality that his decision to go to war in Iraq and policies of fiscal recklessness led to huge problems for the country. These are problems the country may still be reeling from as historians give Bush their second look

I don't know if he would be considered the worst, but certainly ranks among the worst. Only Republicans and conservatives will ever see him in a more positive light, but his lies to get us to go to war with Iraq, and his poor command of the language won't add positive points.

there were no lies, everyone believed that saddam had WMDs---everyone.

who said : "57 states" "corpseman" hint, his initials are BHO
I don't know if he would be considered the worst, but certainly ranks among the worst. Only Republicans and conservatives will ever see him in a more positive light, but his lies to get us to go to war with Iraq, and his poor command of the language won't add positive points.

there were no lies, everyone believed that saddam had WMDs---everyone.
Everyone believed it because Bush/Cheney lied about it. We believed they had integrity, too.

who said : "57 states" "corpseman" hint, his initials are BHO
How many died because Obama misspoke?
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Actually you're living with the worst we will probably ever know with our current POTUS...

And we have the likes of you, TM, Marc, deany, Danty, Luddy, Poet, Dot Com, LocoLahoto and a seemingly endless list of lazy liberals with their hands out who believe the world owes them everything for being here...

Europe can't pay their own bills and quit frankly they produce very little to the world...

China can't feed it's population and has created the largest housing bubble known to man so they can keep their GDP at a false level and the Yuan artificially low so their labor is still stable for their sweat shops...

Central and South America are fast becoming the cancer of the world...

But Oblamer wants our society to be on a even plain with this wonderful group...

Yeah if I voted for Oblamer, I would try to blame the last guy to...
Actually you're living with the worst we will probably ever know with our current POTUS...

And we have the likes of you, TM, Marc, deany, Danty, Luddy, Poet, Dot Com, LocoLahoto and a seemingly endless list of lazy liberals with their hands out who believe the world owes them everything for being here...

I don't know who TM, Marc, Danty.......etc., are, but you seem to have misrepresented Liberals. Not all people on welfare are Liberals, there's plenty conservatives (check out Appalachia and other areas), Liberals are the ones that are not stingy and want to make sure that the underprivileged get help, unlike Conservatives who just want to make the rich richer.

Europe can't pay their own bills and quit frankly they produce very little to the world...

China can't feed it's population and has created the largest housing bubble known to man so they can keep their GDP at a false level and the Yuan artificially low so their labor is still stable for their sweat shops...

Central and South America are fast becoming the cancer of the world...

But Oblamer wants our society to be on a even plain with this wonderful group...
And you figured this out, how?

Yeah if I voted for Oblamer, I would try to blame the last guy to...
I'm sure you voted for Bush, probably twice, and he put the country in the crapper, and that is somehow better?
Actually you're living with the worst we will probably ever know with our current POTUS...

And we have the likes of you, TM, Marc, deany, Danty, Luddy, Poet, Dot Com, LocoLahoto and a seemingly endless list of lazy liberals with their hands out who believe the world owes them everything for being here...

I don't know who TM, Marc, Danty.......etc., are, but you seem to have misrepresented Liberals. Not all people on welfare are Liberals, there's plenty conservatives (check out Appalachia and other areas), Liberals are the ones that are not stingy and want to make sure that the underprivileged get help, unlike Conservatives who just want to make the rich richer.

Europe can't pay their own bills and quit frankly they produce very little to the world...

China can't feed it's population and has created the largest housing bubble known to man so they can keep their GDP at a false level and the Yuan artificially low so their labor is still stable for their sweat shops...

Central and South America are fast becoming the cancer of the world...

But Oblamer wants our society to be on a even plain with this wonderful group...
And you figured this out, how?

Yeah if I voted for Oblamer, I would try to blame the last guy to...
I'm sure you voted for Bush, probably twice, and he put the country in the crapper, and that is somehow better?

Nothing is stopping you from helping others.. you have the freedom to volunteer and donate all you want...

But the uber-lefties such as yourself, wish to force others to do your charitable actions in your name.. while claiming some bogus moral high ground
Nothing is stopping you from helping others.. you have the freedom to volunteer and donate all you want...

But the uber-lefties such as yourself, wish to force others to do your charitable actions in your name.. while claiming some bogus moral high ground

And the uber-righties such as yourself, wish to force others to continue to do your charitable actions in your name such as subsidizing corporations and providing tax cuts, loopholes and shelters for the uber wealthy, while claiming some bogus concern for the national debt.

Nothing is stopping you from helping them, you have the freedom to volunteer and donate all you want........
Actually, Bush said nothing of the sort. In fact, he considered the increase in home ownership one of the accomplishments of his administration- until the bottom fell out.

Which is another way of saying he accommodated his banker buddies (his "base") who perpetrated one of the most egregious heists in the history of white-collar crime, the defective mortgage scam, which led to millions of unqualified buyers becoming defaulted "home owners" and precipitating the near collapse of the banking industry.

I wonder if it ever occurs to the Bush toadies who continue to sing his praises that Bush sees them for the fools they are and he laughs at them. George W. Bush is a stereotypical ne'er-do-well and a self-centered, contemptuous, elitist fop.
I don't know if he would be considered the worst, but certainly ranks among the worst. Only Republicans and conservatives will ever see him in a more positive light, but his lies to get us to go to war with Iraq, and his poor command of the language won't add positive points.

there were no lies, everyone believed that saddam had WMDs---everyone.
Everyone believed it because Bush/Cheney lied about it. We believed they had integrity, too.

who said : "57 states" "corpseman" hint, his initials are BHO
How many died because Obama misspoke?

Everyone believed it because Bush/Cheney lied about it.

Everyone believed it before Bush even ran for President.
I'd say
1# Wilson-->Fed, turning the senate over to the people(this weaken the tenth amendment, got us into a bloody war.
2# LBJ--->Charged our immigration laws(This is who we blame for our illegal programs), fucked over our personal freedoms with forcing everyone to hire people against their wills, got us fully into nam that makes Iraq look like a game.

I'd say Reagan and Carter were close to each other. Reagan gave amnesty and had a bad economy in his first term. He didn't always have a firm foreign policy as he didn't defend our marines so you can't say he was completely balls to the floor either. Carter had high inflation and was a pussy.

George hw Bush wasn't too bad but will be remembered for starting the Iraq thing. So I'd put him below Clinton. Which when I think about it is a pretty good president.
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