Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Obama the worst,followed by Jimmy Carter.
You must be pretty fucked up to beat Jimmy Carter.

I guess George Bush was pretty fucked up, he beat Jimmy Carter for the position of worst!

Based on what? Does he beat Wilson and LBJ? Seriously learn some history.

Based on the fact that he lied about WMD's, responsible for 4000+ American soldiers killed, attacking the wrong country, putting the country in the crapper, not being able to complete a full sentence, a failure on Katrina, among others.

And, Bush comes up worse than Jimmy Carter, so maybe you need to learn some history.
Based on 2 senseless wars and almost destroying the world economy.

actually Bush freed the Kurds and they love him for it. And, he(and all our allies) gave Iraq and Afghanistan a shot at freedom much like the French gave us a shot! To a freedom hating liberal that would make Bush the worst ever.

Also, if Bush was weak on the economy it was by not in getting rid of the liberals agencies: Fed SEC Fanny Freddy FHA, FDIC etc that caused the housing crisis. That one is too complex for a liberal to understand.
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Based on 2 senseless wars and almost destroying the world economy.

actually Bush freed the Kurds and they love him for it. And, he(and all our allies) gave Iraq and Afghanistan a shot at freedom much like the French gave us a shot! To a freedom hating liberal that would make Bush the worst ever.

Also, if Bush was weak on the economy it was by not in getting rid of the liberals agencies: Fed SEC Fanny Freddy FHA, FDIC etc that caused the housing crisis. That one is too complex for a liberal to understand.

BS. Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds, who have had to fight on two fronts, Turkish and Iraqi, to this day. The French????? Right. The only thing that the French did right was to run tail from Haiti, in the fight for its' independence, and despicably left behind the Polish soldiers of fortune, who had no choice but to assimilate into the population. Cowards.
No...to anyone with at least half a brain and common sense Bush is the worst ever.
Please. Anyone who is a student of recent history knows that John McCain, along with Phil Gramm of Texas started the deregulation and lack of oversight ball rolling.
Vietnam was not the responsibility of just one president. It and the other wars under the presidents named were not illegal by international law and treaties signed by the US. Iraq was.
actually Bush freed the Kurds and they love him for it. And, he(and all our allies) gave Iraq and Afghanistan a shot at freedom much like the French gave us a shot! To a freedom hating liberal that would make Bush the worst ever.
Is that what Faux News is pushing lately? Iraqis are far worse now than they were when Hussein was in power, and all that taxpayer money that was spent destroying it and that is still going into helping them create a democracy is just money down the drain. So, yeah, conservatives who "hate" spending won't admit that it makes Bush "worst".

And so it came to pass. The greatest weapon of mass destruction turned out to be the invasion itself. Over the past ten years, Iraqis have witnessed the physical, social and economic destruction of their country – the aerial demolition of schools, homes and hospitals; the siege of cities such as Fallujah; US-led massacres at Haditha, Mahmudiyah and Balad; the biggest refugee crisis in the Middle East since the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948.
The hawks were wrong: Iraq is worse off now

Also, if Bush was weak on the economy it was by not in getting rid of the liberals agencies: Fed SEC Fanny Freddy FHA, FDIC etc that caused the housing crisis. That one is too complex for a liberal to understand.
What caused the housing crisis was/is Republican/conservative ideology that companies, corporations will regulate themselves and therefor we need to cut out regulations. That's what caused the economy melt-down.

We just had an example of Republican's idea that companies regulate themselves in West, Texas, where a fertilizer company exploded because it hadn't been inspected in years!

Records: Texas plant hadn't told feds about explosive fertilizer - CNN.com
BS. Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds,

yes and liberals wanted to befriend him, while Republicans set the kurds free. Slow??????????

The French????? Right. The only thing that the French did right was

.....win the American Revolution for us!!! Slow????

No...to anyone with at least half a brain and common sense Bush is the worst ever.
you mean because he freed the Kurds and gave Iraq and Afganastan a shot. Because he objects to acid in the face of little girls going to school while liberals don't?? Or because he was not conservative enough to eliminate the liberal agencies FDIC Fanny Freddy SEC that helped people get into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford. Slow???

Please. Anyone who is a student of recent history knows that John McCain, along with Phil Gramm of Texas started the deregulation and lack of oversight ball rolling.

dear how could there be deregulation when all the agencies: FDIC Fed Fanny Freddie FHA etc were heavily involved to the end in making sure the regulatory mandates to get more and more people
into homes were carried out??????

Did you think Fanny Freddie etc were created to regulate the market such that fewer and fewer would get mortgages??

See why we say slow, so very very slow???
Based on what? Does he beat Wilson and LBJ? Seriously learn some history.

Based on 2 senseless wars and almost destroying the world economy.
But needlessly intervening in Vietnam made total sense! :lol:

Yeah, and who started that one?

The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower undertook instead to build a nation from the spurious political entity that was South Vietnam by fabricating a government there, taking over control from the French, dispatching military advisers to train a South Vietnamese army, and unleashing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct psychological warfare against the North.
The Causes of the Vietnam War
Based on 2 senseless wars and almost destroying the world economy.
But needlessly intervening in Vietnam made total sense! :lol:

Yeah, and who started that one?

The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower undertook instead to build a nation from the spurious political entity that was South Vietnam by fabricating a government there, taking over control from the French, dispatching military advisers to train a South Vietnamese army, and unleashing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct psychological warfare against the North.
The Causes of the Vietnam War

Who starts any and all U.S. wars? Republicans.
He took a healthy country and destroyed it for generations.

In August 2011 he was told in no uncertain terms that Al Qaeda was planning to attack skyscrapers on the eastern seaboard. He was begged to have planes scramble-ready. He ignored it. On 9/11 (somehow) the most basic defense protocols were turned off. Planes that were known to be hijacked were able to fly for over an hour without being intercepted.

He then used the fear and confusion created by that attack to launch a foreign-policy that was constructed by the neocons in the 90s.

He shredded the American Constitution by illegally tapping the phones of American citizens. His law-enforcement team used the patriot act not to catch terrorists but to track the finances of the political opposition, like Elliot Spitzer. They also intimidated the free press by calling anybody who disagreed with their policies a terrorist sympathizer. It was pure Soviet Union where the government uses a national security threat to build the needed surveillance powers to hunt the political opposition.

Regarding the housing bubble: He was advised to pressure Greenspan to lift rates off their 50 year lows so that money stopped flowing into the housing market from all corners of the globe. He was advised not to relax leveraging rules for corporations. The old leveraging laws forced corporations to have more money on hand to cover their Wall Street bets, especially in the derivatives market. Bush ended that, making it possible for companies like AIG to bet the world on risky securities without needing to have the assets to cover those bets.

Also regarding the housing bubble: He used provisions created under his "ownership society " to erase the down payment for minorities and poor people who didn't qualify for loans. He created a whole slew of extra provisions not included in Carter's original CRA. He modeled his ownership society after Margaret Thatcher, who said that if poor people had a large taxable entity, they would be more likely to vote for the party that wanted to lower those taxes. [Please do the research. Google Bush ownership society]

For six years of his presidency the Republicans controlled all three branches of government. As a result we lost the housing sector and the financial sector, and millions of middle-class Americans were thrust into poverty. An entire generation of middle-class homeowners were literally destroyed by the Bush presidency.
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Based on 2 senseless wars and almost destroying the world economy.
But needlessly intervening in Vietnam made total sense! :lol:

Yeah, and who started that one?

The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower undertook instead to build a nation from the spurious political entity that was South Vietnam by fabricating a government there, taking over control from the French, dispatching military advisers to train a South Vietnamese army, and unleashing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct psychological warfare against the North.
The Causes of the Vietnam War

it was not really a hot war until LBJ really expanded our effor there.
But needlessly intervening in Vietnam made total sense! :lol:

Yeah, and who started that one?

The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower undertook instead to build a nation from the spurious political entity that was South Vietnam by fabricating a government there, taking over control from the French, dispatching military advisers to train a South Vietnamese army, and unleashing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct psychological warfare against the North.
The Causes of the Vietnam War

Who starts any and all U.S. wars? Republicans.
Who knew that Wilson, FDR, Truman and LBJ were republicans?
But needlessly intervening in Vietnam made total sense! :lol:

Yeah, and who started that one?

The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower undertook instead to build a nation from the spurious political entity that was South Vietnam by fabricating a government there, taking over control from the French, dispatching military advisers to train a South Vietnamese army, and unleashing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct psychological warfare against the North.
The Causes of the Vietnam War

Who starts any and all U.S. wars? Republicans.

Bumpkin Republicans! :lol:
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