Was Bush the worst President ever?

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What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

So you consider making labor more expensive, helping? Interesting logic.

What percentage of the Sequester of GDP?
Well Obama's doing something right as we're now in the 37th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector to the tune of 6½ million jobs.

the unemployment rate is within .5% of its highest point. If you believe that obozo created 6.5 million jobs then you must also agree that 6.5 million lost their jobs in the same period. If there was a NET increase in the number of people working, the unemployment rate would have gone down. It has not.

NET JOBS is the only measure that matters. if its net zero or net negative, then obozo has failed.

as to the sequester-------nothing was CUT except the rate of growth.

if you budget in 2012 was 100 and it was supposed to go to 110 in 2013, the sequester made it 108----------NOTHING WAS CUT, OBAMA IS LYING TO YOU.
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Congress and the tea party will be hailed as patriots for resisting the encroach of socialism under obama. They are heroes and history will so acknowledge.
Lousy leader -or- Effective leader heading in the wrong fucking direction.


Georgie W may just go down in history as the man who saved this country by driving the final nails in the coffin of Trickle Down Voodoo Economics.

Or may go down as the man who destroyed this country by allowing the failed Keynesian policies of stupid fuck economics to reenter society despite the abysmal and proven failure under Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter.

The "trickle up poverty" of stupid fuck economics, as promoted by Obama, are the most destructive since Carter.
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Congress and the tea party will be hailed as patriots for resisting the encroach of socialism under obama. They are heroes and history will so acknowledge.

By whom?
Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

So you consider making labor more expensive, helping? Interesting logic.

What percentage of the Sequester of GDP?
Well Obama's doing something right as we're now in the 37th consecutive month of job growth in the private sector to the tune of 6½ million jobs.

the unemployment rate is within .5% of its highest point. If you believe that obozo created 6.5 million jobs then you must also agree that 6.5 million lost their jobs in the same period. If there was a NET increase in the number of people working, the unemployment rate would have gone down. It has not.

NET JOBS is the only measure that matters. if its net zero or net negative, then obozo has failed.

as to the sequester-------nothing was CUT except the rate of growth.

if you budget in 2012 was 100 and it was supposed to go to 110 in 2013, the sequester made it 108----------NOTHING WAS CUT, OBAMA IS LYING TO YOU.

You must be fucking insane.

The "highest point" of U3 unemployment was 10%. It's currently at 7.6%, which although I possess no expectations of someone as insane as you to understand, is more than the .5% range you unbelievably delude yourself into believing. Here, on planet Earth, that's a 24% drop, not a .5% drop.

And that 6.5 million job gain in the private sector over the last 37 month period (about to be 38 months on Friday) ... IS net growth.
Liars figure and liberals lie about figures.

No worries, Choadbreath, those are numbers ... you're a Conservative ... I don't expect you to understand them. Go back to reading Mein Kampf for Conservatives.
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Who really has a "my way or the highway" attitude, Avg-Joe? The Obama Administration began with Barack Obama telling the Republican leadership that "elections have consequences...I won." Not exactly the way you want to start out if you're interested in building a bi-partisan approach to fixing the country's problems. Then he followed that up with a decision to put the economy on the back burner as he used his Super Majorities in the House and Senate to push through ObamaCare. On THAT he ignored the wishes of a majority of Americans, who simply wanted some reforms to make their health care more affordable...but hey, as Rahm Emanuel put it "Don't let a crisis go to waste!" Which is the same philosophy that the Obama White House employed following the Gulf oil spill. A deep water drilling fiasco was used as an excuse to shut down ALL drilling in the Gulf including shallow water drillers who have a safety record that's nothing short of spotless. Want to pass strict gun control laws? What better time to pass something that will take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens than following a mass shooting of little children like in Conn? Forget that what you're passing isn't going to stop criminals from getting weapons. Push it through anyways while everyone is reeling from a lunatic's attack on the innocent. It wouldn't have stopped what happened in Conn anymore than it would have stopped what happened in Boston a few weeks ago but that doesn't matter when you have an "agenda".
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Congress and the tea party will be hailed as patriots for resisting the encroach of socialism under obama. They are heroes and history will so acknowledge.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bud.
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

:) Same could be said of the DNC. Why isn't it? Sort of reminds me of "The Emperor's New Suit", without the happy ending when Everyone wakes up to reality. :)

Hans Christian Andersen: The Emperor?s New Suit

The emperor marched in the procession under the beautiful canopy, and all who saw him in the street and out of the windows exclaimed: “Indeed, the emperor’s new suit is incomparable! What a long train he has! How well it fits him!” Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid. Never emperor’s clothes were more admired.

“But he has nothing on at all,” said a little child at last. “Good heavens! listen to the voice of an innocent child,” said the father, and one whispered to the other what the child had said. “But he has nothing on at all,” cried at last the whole people. That made a deep impression upon the emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right; but he thought to himself, “Now I must bear up to the end.” And the chamberlains walked with still greater dignity, as if they carried the train which did not exist.
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Who really has a "my way or the highway" attitude, Avg-Joe? The Obama Administration began with Barack Obama telling the Republican leadership that "elections have consequences...I won." Not exactly the way you want to start out if you're interested in building a bi-partisan approach to fixing the country's problems. Then he followed that up with a decision to put the economy on the back burner as he used his Super Majorities in the House and Senate to push through ObamaCare. On THAT he ignored the wishes of a majority of Americans, who simply wanted some reforms to make their health care more affordable...but hey, as Rahm Emanuel put it "Don't let a crisis go to waste!" Which is the same philosophy that the Obama White House employed following the Gulf oil spill. A deep water drilling fiasco was used as an excuse to shut down ALL drilling in the Gulf including shallow water drillers who have a safety record that's nothing short of spotless. Want to pass strict gun control laws? What better time to pass something that will take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens than following a mass shooting of little children like in Conn? Forget that what you're passing isn't going to stop criminals from getting weapons. Push it through anyways while everyone is reeling from a lunatic's attack on the innocent. It wouldn't have stopped what happened in Conn anymore than it would have stopped what happened in Boston a few weeks ago but that doesn't matter when you have an "agenda".

Is that why congress hasn't had an approval rating above 20% since Clinton? :eusa_eh:

I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but I believe history will blame congress and the entrenched special interest cock they continue to suck for the gridlock in DC. Just my humble opinion.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.
No,....Barack Hussein Obama looks as though he's going to take the reins as worst POTUS in history.

And, after his disastrous news conference yesterday, even many liberal pundits are admitting he's a lousy leader, who doesn't have the ability to lead whatsoever.

Read and weep!

The Siena College poll, which surveyed 238 presidential scholars at U.S. colleges and universities, asked scholars to rate the nation’s 43 chief executives on 20 attributes ranging from legislative accomplishments to integrity and imagination.
In the overall ranking, Obama rated two places below Clinton, who was 13th best, and three better than Reagan, who is ranked as the 18th best.

Historians: Obama Better Than Reagan!
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Who really has a "my way or the highway" attitude, Avg-Joe? The Obama Administration began with Barack Obama telling the Republican leadership that "elections have consequences...I won." Not exactly the way you want to start out if you're interested in building a bi-partisan approach to fixing the country's problems. Then he followed that up with a decision to put the economy on the back burner as he used his Super Majorities in the House and Senate to push through ObamaCare. On THAT he ignored the wishes of a majority of Americans, who simply wanted some reforms to make their health care more affordable...but hey, as Rahm Emanuel put it "Don't let a crisis go to waste!" Which is the same philosophy that the Obama White House employed following the Gulf oil spill. A deep water drilling fiasco was used as an excuse to shut down ALL drilling in the Gulf including shallow water drillers who have a safety record that's nothing short of spotless. Want to pass strict gun control laws? What better time to pass something that will take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens than following a mass shooting of little children like in Conn? Forget that what you're passing isn't going to stop criminals from getting weapons. Push it through anyways while everyone is reeling from a lunatic's attack on the innocent. It wouldn't have stopped what happened in Conn anymore than it would have stopped what happened in Boston a few weeks ago but that doesn't matter when you have an "agenda".
I hope to goodness that whenever a Republican is back in Office again, whenever that happens, that they begin their term with efforts to reach out to Democrats figuring out how they can work together to solve the country's problems.

I hope to goodness they do. More importantly, I hope you bash them if they don't.
No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.

Who really has a "my way or the highway" attitude, Avg-Joe? The Obama Administration began with Barack Obama telling the Republican leadership that "elections have consequences...I won." Not exactly the way you want to start out if you're interested in building a bi-partisan approach to fixing the country's problems. Then he followed that up with a decision to put the economy on the back burner as he used his Super Majorities in the House and Senate to push through ObamaCare. On THAT he ignored the wishes of a majority of Americans, who simply wanted some reforms to make their health care more affordable...but hey, as Rahm Emanuel put it "Don't let a crisis go to waste!" Which is the same philosophy that the Obama White House employed following the Gulf oil spill. A deep water drilling fiasco was used as an excuse to shut down ALL drilling in the Gulf including shallow water drillers who have a safety record that's nothing short of spotless. Want to pass strict gun control laws? What better time to pass something that will take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens than following a mass shooting of little children like in Conn? Forget that what you're passing isn't going to stop criminals from getting weapons. Push it through anyways while everyone is reeling from a lunatic's attack on the innocent. It wouldn't have stopped what happened in Conn anymore than it would have stopped what happened in Boston a few weeks ago but that doesn't matter when you have an "agenda".
I hope to goodness that whenever a Republican is back in Office again, whenever that happens, that they begin their term with efforts to reach out to Democrats figuring out how they can work together to solve the country's problems.

I hope to goodness they do. More importantly, I hope you bash them if they don't.

And I hope Democrats give that hypothetical Republican President the same crap that Republicans are giving Obama - let's see how well Republicans will handle that.

I say hypothetical because I really don't see any Republican that shows any positive signs of good leadership. Most Americans don't agree with the tea party's archaic and draconian policies, but most Republicans don't get it, they keep electing these bozos that push for vaginal ultra sounds, doing away with Roe v Wade and some even go so far as to condemn contraceptives! Imagine that in 2013!
And I hope Democrats give that hypothetical Republican President the same crap that Republicans are giving Obama - let's see how well Republicans will handle that.

I say hypothetical because I really don't see any Republican that shows any positive signs of good leadership. Most Americans don't agree with the tea party's archaic and draconian policies, but most Republicans don't get it, they keep electing these bozos that push for vaginal ultra sounds, doing away with Roe v Wade and some even go so far as to condemn contraceptives! Imagine that in 2013!

Yeah, I mean - you of the Khmer Rouge were nothing but supportive of Bush.

I mean, it's not like you were fuckwads openly calling for his murder.


Hey, you Obamunists are total scumbags, but at least you're fucking hypocrites about it! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
History is going to be just as split on W as we seem to be today.
No, history is definitely not as stupid as most of the people on this thread.

History will never prove as badly flawed in its judgment reasoning and general "intelligence" as you and your fellow soppy thinking lolberals.

W had his flaws, to be sure. But, overall, he will be judged as an ok President.

It is the incumbent failure in chief, Obama, who will be judged the most harshly.

Unremitting fail, that one.
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