Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Palin didn't start the war, although she is dumb like Doofus.


Palin's not dumb like Obama; are you on crack?

And, I don't take orders from "nobody's", so you're out of luck.


You're a mindless drone. You lack the cognitive processes of higher life forms. The hate sites program you, and you spew your partisan idiocy as an automaton.

In short, if I want to know what you think, I merely need to log on to DailyKOS and read it directly.
Palin didn't start the war, although she is dumb like Doofus.


Palin's not dumb like Obama; are you on crack?

And, I don't take orders from "nobody's", so you're out of luck.


You're a mindless drone. You lack the cognitive processes of higher life forms. The hate sites program you, and you spew your partisan idiocy as an automaton.

In short, if I want to know what you think, I merely need to log on to DailyKOS and read it directly.

Are you arguing they are equally dumb, too funny. :razz:
You don't think 6½ million jobs added in 3 years is worth celebrating??

Damn, you must be a Conservative.

Playing fast and loose again? Damn, you must be an Obamunist.


{You’ll notice, too, that the chart above shows Bush had more total jobs — which includes not only private-sector jobs, but all government jobs. By using private-sector jobs, the president makes his job-creation record look better.

The U.S. has gained about 55,000 private-sector jobs since Obama became president in January 2009, but overall there has been a total job loss of 552,000 — all because of the decline in government jobs.

Just for the record — and to show how easily one side or another can shade the truth by clever selection of the time period it wants to discuss — here’s the monthly change in total jobs (total nonfarm employment, seasonally adjusted) for the full Bush presidency, and Obama’s term so far.}


FactCheck.org : Obama?s Economic Sleight of Hand
Maybe it didn't occur to you that Republicans might have had something to do with it? They vote "NO" on everything that would help the country, it isn't rocket science, you know.

Well, to their defense no one is presenting any solutions which would help the country either. Returning to the Status Quo is pretty much the standard as we know it.
Bullshit. Obama proposed an infrastructure bill that the House refused to even bring up.
What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

So you consider making labor more expensive, helping? Interesting logic.

What percentage of the Sequester of GDP?

Whether you agree with these solutions is irrelevant. You said "no one is presenting any solutions". That's clearly false.
Maybe it didn't occur to you that Republicans might have had something to do with it? They vote "NO" on everything that would help the country, it isn't rocket science, you know.

Well, to their defense no one is presenting any solutions which would help the country either. Returning to the Status Quo is pretty much the standard as we know it.
Bullshit. Obama proposed an infrastructure bill that the House refused to even bring up.

Obama proposed a "do-over" of the same failed infrastructure bill he had in the first stimulus...you know the one where he finally admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd anticipated never really materialized? That's a "solution" in your eyes?
What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

So you consider making labor more expensive, helping? Interesting logic.

What percentage of the Sequester of GDP?

Whether you agree with these solutions is irrelevant. You said "no one is presenting any solutions". That's clearly false.

If there's one thing that Barack Obama is a MASTER of...it's presenting things that he knows don't have a chance of being passed. Take his budgets. Can you name any other President in the history of this country who presented a budget that didn't receive even one vote of support from Congress? I mean THAT is quite the legislative "feat"!
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?
total bullshit---there are fewer people working today than when obama first took office. He has not created one net increase in jobs.
Only if you're getting your facts from Faux News.

Is the job market better?

Yes. Slightly better, if you count from the month Obama took office. Much better, if voters grant Obama his argument that he should be judged on progress from the bottom of the economic avalanche that was in midstream when he was sworn in.

Analysis: Is economy better now? You decide

you are buying the BS. If you get 100 new jobs but lose 110 jobs, you have not created any jobs.

fewer people working, more on foodstamps, more below the poverty level---that is obama's jobs record.
Just goes to show the depth of George Bush's ineptness and what he handed over to Obama. In spite of the crap that Republicans handed Democrats in 2008, and in spite of Faux News lying about Obama's progress, the facts prove otherwise. And this is in spite of the fact that George W. Bush inherited a surplus when he took office. Imagine where the hell we would be if McCain/Bimbo or Rmoney/Lyan had won.

Even President Barack Obama acknowledges that the economy is creating jobs too slowly under his stewardship. Yet Obama can now boast that more jobs have been created during his first term than during that of his predecessor George W. Bush.
Surprise! Obama Is Creating More New Jobs Than George W. Bush - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Stop the lies and you might earn some credibility. as it stands you have none.[/QUOTE]
Take your own advice, and stop buying the BS that Faux News provides you.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.
No,....Barack Hussein Obama looks as though he's going to take the reins as worst POTUS in history.

And, after his disastrous news conference yesterday, even many liberal pundits are admitting he's a lousy leader, who doesn't have the ability to lead whatsoever.
total bullshit---there are fewer people working today than when obama first took office. He has not created one net increase in jobs.
Only if you're getting your facts from Faux News.

Is the job market better?

Yes. Slightly better, if you count from the month Obama took office. Much better, if voters grant Obama his argument that he should be judged on progress from the bottom of the economic avalanche that was in midstream when he was sworn in.

Analysis: Is economy better now? You decide

you are buying the BS. If you get 100 new jobs but lose 110 jobs, you have not created any jobs.

fewer people working, more on foodstamps, more below the poverty level---that is obama's jobs record.
Just goes to show the depth of George Bush's ineptness and what he handed over to Obama. In spite of the crap that Republicans handed Democrats in 2008, and in spite of Faux News lying about Obama's progress, the facts prove otherwise. And this is in spite of the fact that George W. Bush inherited a surplus when he took office. Imagine where the hell we would be if McCain/Bimbo or Rmoney/Lyan had won.

Even President Barack Obama acknowledges that the economy is creating jobs too slowly under his stewardship. Yet Obama can now boast that more jobs have been created during his first term than during that of his predecessor George W. Bush.
Surprise! Obama Is Creating More New Jobs Than George W. Bush - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Stop the lies and you might earn some credibility. as it stands you have none.
Take your own advice, and stop buying the BS that Faux News provides you.[/QUOTE]

you are wrong tweety bird, there are fewer people working today than when barry took office, there are more in poverty and more on food stamps----his stimulus and jobs ideas have FAILED, All of them.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.
No,....Barack Hussein Obama looks as though he's going to take the reins as worst POTUS in history.

And, after his disastrous news conference yesterday, even many liberal pundits are admitting he's a lousy leader, who doesn't have the ability to lead whatsoever.

Lousy leader -or- Effective leader heading in the wrong fucking direction.


Georgie W may just go down in history as the man who saved this country by driving the final nails in the coffin of Trickle Down Voodoo Economics.
A real leader would submit a real budget...one that addressed real problems. Barry goes through the motions but doesn't REALLY do what needs to be done. Why? I guess so he can then claim that he did in fact submit a budget. Well yeah...you DID...but it was a budget that you couldn't even get Democrats to support. So why even waste your time doing that?

No matter what history has to say about George Jr. and his successor, history is going to HAMMER congress and the T-Party with regards to the budget gridlock and their collective "my way or the highway" attitude.

I suspect they'll get hammered on digging in their two right heels over social issues and gun rights too.
Well, to their defense no one is presenting any solutions which would help the country either. Returning to the Status Quo is pretty much the standard as we know it.
Bullshit. Obama proposed an infrastructure bill that the House refused to even bring up.

Obama proposed a "do-over" of the same failed infrastructure bill he had in the first stimulus...you know the one where he finally admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd anticipated never really materialized? That's a "solution" in your eyes?


Stimulus Improved Infrastructure, But U.S. Needs $3.6 Trillion In Investments By 2020 | ThinkProgress

Where the Stimulus Money Went: New Buildings, Clean Energy and Infrastructure Projects | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

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