Was Bush the worst President ever?

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What the fuck did the lolberal Democratics accomplish with a super-majority in the Senate and control of the House for those 72 days?

They didn't start a useless war.

Neither did Bush or the GOP. The entire congress (both parties) authorized and funded the iraq fiasco-------it was a stupid unnecessary waste of lives and money----but BOTH parties are guilty. wake up and face reality.
What the fuck did the lolberal Democratics accomplish with a super-majority in the Senate and control of the House for those 72 days?

They didn't start a useless war.

Wow...that's quite an accomplishment! They DIDN'T do something?:cuckoo:

Considering Doofus was responsible for 4000+ Americans dying and as many injured and maimed, that is quite an accomplishment, for Obama not to start a useless war.

Don't expect trigger-happy Republicans to understand that, as long as it isn't their children doing the fighting! :evil:
That's an amusing "take" on what happened, Mert...Obama ALWAYS wants more money to spend...that's what he DOES! He's a progressive. His answer to all problems is to raise taxes and spend money. The reason he couldn't get another stimulus was that the first one failed to create jobs.
That's your first lie in this post. Hmmmm, wonder how many more?
Even lying Ryan was able to see it. As for Obama wanting more money to spend, at least he didn't do like Bush, just leave it off the budget and that way no ones knows just how much he is putting the screws to the country, right?

Paul Ryan Stimulus Money Letters - Business Insider

How do we know that? It's laughably simple actually...you don't invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" if your program WORKED...you do that if it DIDN'T and you need to hide that fact! It's Democrats who ran for the hills when progressives called for "Stimulus II"! They were scared to death of losing their jobs. One look at what happened in 2010 shows that they had very good reason to be scared.

Reps have all ways to try and say that the stimulus didn't work, but they can't come up with stats to back them up. And no matter how much they try to deny it, the facts don't seem to back them up.
And the only reason Reps gained in 2010 is because Dems don't get all excited about mid-term elections, but once they saw how archaic the policies of the Tea Party were, they woke up, and you saw the result in 2012.

The reputation of the stimulus is meticulously restored from shabby to skillful in Michael Grunwald’s important new book, “The New New Deal.” His findings will come as a jolt to those who think the law “failed,” the typical Republican assessment, or was too small and sloppy to have any effect.

On the most basic level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is responsible for saving and creating 2.5 million jobs. The majority of economists agree that it helped the economy grow by as much as 3.8 percent, and kept the unemployment rate from reaching 12 percent.

The stimulus is the reason, in fact, that most Americans are better off than they were four years ago, when the economy was in serious danger of shutting down.


Sorry, Mert but TARP was what brought us back from the edge of a "shut down"...all the Obama Stimulus did was reward Barry's supporters while the rest of us were left twisting in the wind. A New York Times article saying the stimulus "worked" is laughable.

What's laughable is all the Republican politicians dissing the Stimulus in public and stretching out their hands to get some of it behind the scenes.

If it really HAD worked then there wouldn't have been any need to come up with the whole "jobs saved" scam...they would have simply reported on how many jobs were created as was normally done. The stimulus was supposed to keep us from going over 6% unemployment...and now you're saying it was a success because the unemployment rate didn't hit 12%? That's amusing...
That was if Obama had been granted the amount he first requested. Dumb Republicans, wouldn't allow it and now whine that it didn't do what it was supposed to. Figures!
It's cool how the two sides are arguing over which murderer of innocent children and thief of people's property and liberty is more awesome.
That's your first lie in this post. Hmmmm, wonder how many more?
Even lying Ryan was able to see it. As for Obama wanting more money to spend, at least he didn't do like Bush, just leave it off the budget and that way no ones knows just how much he is putting the screws to the country, right?

Paul Ryan Stimulus Money Letters - Business Insider

Reps have all ways to try and say that the stimulus didn't work, but they can't come up with stats to back them up. And no matter how much they try to deny it, the facts don't seem to back them up.
And the only reason Reps gained in 2010 is because Dems don't get all excited about mid-term elections, but once they saw how archaic the policies of the Tea Party were, they woke up, and you saw the result in 2012.

The reputation of the stimulus is meticulously restored from shabby to skillful in Michael Grunwald’s important new book, “The New New Deal.” His findings will come as a jolt to those who think the law “failed,” the typical Republican assessment, or was too small and sloppy to have any effect.

On the most basic level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is responsible for saving and creating 2.5 million jobs. The majority of economists agree that it helped the economy grow by as much as 3.8 percent, and kept the unemployment rate from reaching 12 percent.

The stimulus is the reason, in fact, that most Americans are better off than they were four years ago, when the economy was in serious danger of shutting down.


Sorry, Mert but TARP was what brought us back from the edge of a "shut down"...all the Obama Stimulus did was reward Barry's supporters while the rest of us were left twisting in the wind. A New York Times article saying the stimulus "worked" is laughable.

What's laughable is all the Republican politicians dissing the Stimulus in public and stretching out their hands to get some of it behind the scenes.

If it really HAD worked then there wouldn't have been any need to come up with the whole "jobs saved" scam...they would have simply reported on how many jobs were created as was normally done. The stimulus was supposed to keep us from going over 6% unemployment...and now you're saying it was a success because the unemployment rate didn't hit 12%? That's amusing...
That was if Obama had been granted the amount he first requested. Dumb Republicans, wouldn't allow it and now whine that it didn't do what it was supposed to. Figures!

That was if Obama had been granted the amount he first requested.

How much stimulus spending did he first request?
They didn't start a useless war.

Wow...that's quite an accomplishment! They DIDN'T do something?:cuckoo:

Considering Doofus was responsible for 4000+ Americans dying and as many injured and maimed, that is quite an accomplishment, for Obama not to start a useless war.

Don't expect trigger-happy Republicans to understand that, as long as it isn't their children doing the fighting! :evil:

Palins son was in iraq. So shut the fuck up
That's another Republican/conservative bullshit lie. Go back and review the records, Dems might have had full control like for at least 72 days - that's just a little over 2 months.

That's another Obamunist lie. Not that you folk EVER tell the truth.
Pretty ironic coming from you, huh? Given how you lied yesterday about the labor force participation ending up higher when Bush left office than it was when he started?

You had a filibuster proof lock for 2 months, but you had CONTROL for 2 years. Both houses with huge majorities, and the imperial presidency.
Obama only got his signature legislation, ObamaCare, through the Senate without them being able to maintain a filibuster. :cool:
The Republic is on the fast track of dying, and people are wondering if Bush was the worst President? There is something wrong with that picture, in my opinion.
Wow...that's quite an accomplishment! They DIDN'T do something?:cuckoo:

Considering Doofus was responsible for 4000+ Americans dying and as many injured and maimed, that is quite an accomplishment, for Obama not to start a useless war.

Don't expect trigger-happy Republicans to understand that, as long as it isn't their children doing the fighting! :evil:

Palins son was in iraq. So shut the fuck up

Palin didn't start the war, although she is dumb like Doofus. And, I don't take orders from "nobody's", so you're out of luck.
The Republic is on the fast track of dying, and people are wondering if Bush was the worst President? There is something wrong with that picture, in my opinion.
Maybe it didn't occur to you that Republicans might have had something to do with it? They vote "NO" on everything that would help the country, it isn't rocket science, you know.
Maybe it didn't occur to you that Republicans might have had something to do with it? They vote "NO" on everything that would help the country, it isn't rocket science, you know.

Well, to their defense no one is presenting any solutions which would help the country either. Returning to the Status Quo is pretty much the standard as we know it.
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The Republic is on the fast track of dying, and people are wondering if Bush was the worst President? There is something wrong with that picture, in my opinion.
Maybe it didn't occur to you that Republicans might have had something to do with it? They vote "NO" on everything that would help the country, it isn't rocket science, you know.

Freedom and liberty isn't about Republicans, Democrats, or any other political party label.

Current and past Presidents are not the benchmark of the Republic. The Constitution is.
Maybe it didn't occur to you that Republicans might have had something to do with it? They vote "NO" on everything that would help the country, it isn't rocket science, you know.

Well, to their defense no one is presenting any solutions which would help the country either. Returning to the Status Quo is pretty much the standard as we know it.

What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

House Republicans Unanimously Vote Down Minimum Wage Increase

The Sequester Is a Republican-Inflicted Wound | TIME.com
What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

So you consider making labor more expensive, helping? Interesting logic.

What percentage of the Sequester of GDP?
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What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

House Republicans Unanimously Vote Down Minimum Wage Increase

The Sequester Is a Republican-Inflicted Wound | TIME.com

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

Well, for one thing, all the others were passed and helped create jobs. This last one was not. So, why should it be different? The others created jobs - did you want this one not to create jobs?

The point being that your vapid statement that Obama has not offered anything is just that, vapid. And my claim that Republicans have been voting "no" is still true.

And, it's not just a swish of a pen, there was money invested in stimulation for jobs, but of course Republicans want to save money, that is why they want to start another war.
What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

House Republicans Unanimously Vote Down Minimum Wage Increase

The Sequester Is a Republican-Inflicted Wound | TIME.com

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

Well, for one thing, all the others were passed and helped create jobs. This last one was not. So, why should it be different? The others created jobs - did you want this one not to create jobs?

The point being that your vapid statement that Obama has not offered anything is just that, vapid. And my claim that Republicans have been voting "no" is still true.

And, it's not just a swish of a pen, there was money invested in stimulation for jobs, but of course Republicans want to save money, that is why they want to start another war.

total bullshit---there are fewer people working today than when obama first took office. He has not created one net increase in jobs.

you are buying the BS. If you get 100 new jobs but lose 110 jobs, you have not created any jobs.

fewer people working, more on foodstamps, more below the poverty level---that is obama's jobs record.

Stop the lies and you might earn some credibility. as it stands you have none.
Well, for one thing, all the others were passed and helped create jobs. This last one was not. So, why should it be different? The others created jobs - did you want this one not to create jobs?

Government induced, stimulus, temporary, non-productive jobs which can only be sustained with the Government's ability loosen the monetary base and spend money. The second that stops, those jobs are history. You're not creating an economy which can be sustained without stimulus. You're creating an economy totally dependent upon stimulus...

Well, as long as you are willing to destroy the value of the dollar to do it, I guess that's fine.

The point being that your vapid statement that Obama has not offered anything is just that, vapid. And my claim that Republicans have been voting "no" is still true.

I never said they have offered anything. I said they haven't offered anything that would help. Unless you believe more service sector jobs have helped the economy, then sure. Those job bills have helped a bunch.

And, it's not just a swish of a pen, there was money invested in stimulation for jobs, but of course Republicans want to save money, that is why they want to start another war.

The Government doesn't invest money. Investing entails there is a lucrative return. You're investing money, but all you're getting out of it are jobs which makes the nation poorer.
What? Surely you are not serious. Obama presented Congress with a "job bill" and Republicans in Congress thumbed their nose at it. If you're not even going to be honest, there's no point in even discussing it.

Senate Republicans Block Another Jobs Bill, Face Backlash From American Public

House Republicans Unanimously Vote Down Minimum Wage Increase

The Sequester Is a Republican-Inflicted Wound | TIME.com

Another jobs bill? That is what you consider 'helping.' Exactly what would have made this jobs bill any different from the Jobs Bill of 2009, or the Jobs Bill of 2010, or the American Jobs Act of 2011?

As if jobs come from the swish of a pen.

Well, for one thing, all the others were passed and helped create jobs. This last one was not. So, why should it be different? The others created jobs - did you want this one not to create jobs?

The point being that your vapid statement that Obama has not offered anything is just that, vapid. And my claim that Republicans have been voting "no" is still true.

And, it's not just a swish of a pen, there was money invested in stimulation for jobs, but of course Republicans want to save money, that is why they want to start another war.

Who by name wants to start another war? who? the entire GOP? you are full of shit.

yeah, obama "invested" in jobs----like Solyndra. half a billion down the drain and zero jobs. its all a pack of lies. wake the fuck up.
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