Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Reconsideration by Justice O'Connor

In 2013, retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who had voted with the majority, questioned the wisdom of the Court's having taken the case: "It took the case and decided it at a time when it was still a big election issue .... Maybe the court should have said, 'We're not going to take it, goodbye.' ... And probably the Supreme Court added to the problem at the end of the day." She concluded that taking the case "gave the court a less-than-perfect reputation".

More: Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh, Jesus H tapdancing Christ....The moonbats still aren't over Florida 2000. :lmao:

No we're not, that's why we decided the Repugnants needed a real whipping, in 2008 and again in 2012. And, they're showing their butt-hurt every day. :lol:
Oh, Jesus H tapdancing Christ....The moonbats still aren't over Florida 2000. :lmao:

No we're not, that's why we decided the Repugnants needed a real whipping, in 2008 and again in 2012. And, they're showing their butt-hurt every day. :lol:

But your idiotic party didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Our country has fallen through the ranks as it hasn't done in the history of this nation. Think about it.

So should of Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixion, Reagan, George HW Bush. What justifies war crimes? I could see it if Bush ordered the slaughter of innocent people, but when you go to war people are going to die. This is part of war and humanity will be kill each other 200 years ago. So are you saying we should charge our leaders if they take part in war?

Bush should be tried before The Hague. Let the chips fall where they may.

269 war crimes...

Types of War Crimes « GEORGE W. BUSH, WAR CRIMINAL?

Prosecute George W. Bush for Murder
Possibly those still suffering from the Bush nightmare.

Maybe, you should throw a tantrum.

Many did - in 2008 and 2012. More to come...

Gee, what happened in the Mid Term election between 2008 and 2012? The Democrats got their collective asses handed to them by the voters. Right now the States in the country that are recovering the quickest are predominantly run by Republicans while the ones that are circling the proverbial toilet bowl are run by Democrats. We're about to have the REAL ObamaCare sprung on us with cost over-runs that are going to be staggering. More to come? Oh, you've got that right, little buddy...but I don't think it's going to pan out the way you "think" it is.
The economy under Bush was 4.4-6 percent.
Gas prices far lower outside of 2007-2008

Yeah, Obama is somehow a good person. You can't make this shit up.

Since when do rightwingnuts blame the president for high gas prices???

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzEnKdBAb_o]FLASHBACK: Fox News On Gas Prices In 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Maybe, you should throw a tantrum.

Many did - in 2008 and 2012. More to come...

Gee, what happened in the Mid Term election between 2008 and 2012? The Democrats got their collective asses handed to them by the voters. Right now the States in the country that are recovering the quickest are predominantly run by Republicans while the ones that are circling the proverbial toilet bowl are run by Democrats. We're about to have the REAL ObamaCare sprung on us with cost over-runs that are going to be staggering. More to come? Oh, you've got that right, little buddy...but I don't think it's going to pan out the way you "think" it is.
Oh? How staggering were the costs in Massachusetts where ObamaCare was implemented and better known as RomneyCare?
Nothing is stopping you from helping others.. you have the freedom to volunteer and donate all you want...

But the uber-lefties such as yourself, wish to force others to do your charitable actions in your name.. while claiming some bogus moral high ground

And the uber-righties such as yourself, wish to force others to continue to do your charitable actions in your name such as subsidizing corporations and providing tax cuts, loopholes and shelters for the uber wealthy, while claiming some bogus concern for the national debt.

Nothing is stopping you from helping them, you have the freedom to volunteer and donate all you want........

Nice try.. have never supported any sort of welfare, including corporate

I support an EQUAL RATE, no exemption, no ceiling, no floor federal income tax... you see.. EQUAL TREATMENT.. there should be nobody paying any less percent on every dollar earned than anyone else./... there was no reason to treat 'the evil rich' differently from the beginning to have them paying higher rates

Eliminate all 'shelters' deductions etc

You lose

Your ignorance is astounding, noob
Oh, Jesus H tapdancing Christ....The moonbats still aren't over Florida 2000. :lmao:
Neither are the Reagan appointees!

Sandra Day O'Connor: Supreme Court Probably Screwed Up On Bush V. Gore

You stepped right in that one, fake Libertarian! :lol:

Who gives a fuck about that hag's regrets?
She was a St. Ronnie appointee. Therefore, she must also be saintly.

Is this another example of a conservative getting thrown under the bus for straying from the Party line?

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