Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program

Bush's contribution was minor. The Fed had been lowering rates since 9/11 to inflate the housing market and keep the economy growing. This is not to mention Fanny Freddie FDIC FHA SEC and all the other liberal agencies that were put in place to increase home ownership. Odd isn't it that liberals purposely blew up the bubble and then sought to escape responsibility when it burst.

Yet Liberals weren't in control of the Congress since 1995. Conservatives and Republicans were until 2007, with the exception of a year in and a half when Democrats barely controlled the Senate.

Makes it the fault, mostly, in my opinion, of the party running the country.

There were efforts made to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2003 through legislation proposed by Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska), Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina) and John Sununu (R-New Hampshire). The bill however was blocked by the Democrats. There was more a blame game going on, headed up by Maxine Waters and Barnie Frank, that nothing would ever get done through repeated attempts to create some oversight. You would think when Fannie Mae disclosed a $1.2 billion accounting error in October of 2003, that it would have set off a huge red flag that something had to be done. However there was more of a concern with protecting Fannie Mae CEO Frank Raines (with his 1.1 million dollar bonus), than allowing Congress the tools to enforce strong GSE regulations.
Bush's contribution was minor. The Fed had been lowering rates since 9/11 to inflate the housing market and keep the economy growing. This is not to mention Fanny Freddie FDIC FHA SEC and all the other liberal agencies that were put in place to increase home ownership. Odd isn't it that liberals purposely blew up the bubble and then sought to escape responsibility when it burst.

Yet Liberals weren't in control of the Congress since 1995. Conservatives and Republicans were until 2007, with the exception of a year in and a half when Democrats barely controlled the Senate.

Makes it the fault, mostly, in my opinion, of the party running the country.

There were efforts made to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2003 through legislation proposed by Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska), Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina) and John Sununu (R-New Hampshire). The bill however was blocked by the Democrats. There was more a blame game going on, headed up by Maxine Waters and Barnie Frank, that nothing would ever get done through repeated attempts to create some oversight. You would think when Fannie Mae disclosed a $1.2 billion accounting error in October of 2003, that it would have set off a huge red flag that something had to be done. However there was more of a concern with protecting Fannie Mae CEO Frank Raines (with his 1.1 million dollar bonus), than allowing Congress the tools to enforce strong GSE regulations.

Umm... here's the bill ... show me where Democrats blocked it ...

Bill Summary & Status - 108th Congress (2003 - 2004) - S.1508 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
YES. Next.

No. Worst was JFK. Most of you young un's will never know how close we came to Thermo-nuclear war with the Soviets. Turned his back on the Cuban ExPatriots at the Bay of Pigs.

No, that was a GOOD thing. We should take all those assholes in Miami and send them back to Castro's tender mercies. I'm pretty tired of them polluting our politics with their inability to admit they were on the wrong side of history.

2nd was Jimmy Carter. An absolute WORTHLESS president who ushered in 18% interest rates and 11% inflation. Throw in the bungled Iran Hostage rescue and there you go.

Carter was weak, but frankly, didn't do the kind of damage Bush did.

3rd worst was Richard Nixon. Need I say more?

Nixon also ended Vietnam, gave us OSHA and the EPA, got us and the USSR to walk back from the nuclear brink, drove a wedge between the USSR and China, and frankly, was a pretty decent president. His personal conduct is what got him in trouble, because he didn't learn the rule of scandals every president has learned since- FIND A FALL GUY.

4th worst was, indeed, George Bush

No, not really.

Really bad presidents, one would need to go back to the 19th century- Buchanan whose weakness caused the Civil War, or Andrew Johnson, whose mismanagement of the peace that followed gave us 100 years of Jim Crow.
YES. Next.

No. Worst was JFK. Most of you young un's will never know how close we came to Thermo-nuclear war with the Soviets. Turned his back on the Cuban ExPatriots at the Bay of Pigs.

2nd was Jimmy Carter. An absolute WORTHLESS president who ushered in 18% interest rates and 11% inflation. Throw in the bungled Iran Hostage rescue and there you go.

What was the interest rate and inflation rate on the day Carter took office?

He inherited those rates from two Republican POTUS who had been in for 8 years.

Sound familiar?

Carter didn't bungle the rescue attempt. Was he flying the helicopters? No. He did what you wingnuts are always saying is the correct course of action: make the decision, and then leave it up to the military to carry it out.

Wasn't Oliver North one of those bunglers?

3rd worst was Richard Nixon. Need I say more?

4th worst was, indeed, George Bush
There is no way that Nixon was worse than Bush.

Nixon's criminality didn't cause any American deaths and didn't cause foreign deaths due to improper use of our military.

Nixon's criminality didn't cause another depression.

Nixon's criminality didn't result in the loss of American freedoms and Constitutional rights.
That picture can't be right. Where's all the people trapped on the roofs of their houses and literally tens of thousands of American refugees forced into horrible conditions with literal rape and murder occurring? Oh wait... is this the natural disaster that happened on Obama's watch? Hmm...

Save your mindless partisan lies, hack.

{Six months after Superstorm Sandy devastated the Jersey shore and New York City and pounded coastal areas of New England, the region is dealing with a slow and frustrating, yet often hopeful, recovery. Tens of thousands of people remain homeless. Housing, business, tourism and coastal protection all remain major issues with the summer vacation – and hurricane – seasons almost here again.}

After Hurricane Sandy, Homeless Still Number In The Thousands In New York, New Jersey

And BOOOOOOOSSSSHHHH raped and murdered people? Amazing what you little Goebbels will claim.
The man left the economy at the edge of a cliff.

Then Obummer came along and pushed it over. Then pissed on it as it fell

He started two wars which have never been paid for. He was the worse President that I witnessed in the WH. Yes

From your perspective as a hyper-partisan hack... :eusa_whistle::eusa_hand:

Aww, poor, Conservative. The next 4 years are going to be especially difficult for folks like you.

At any rate, under Bush, unemployment went from 4.2% to 7.8%. A 3.6 point increase (86% increase) and worse than every president except for Herbert Hoover.

Under Obama, unemployment (so far) has gone from 7.8% to 7.6%. A .2 point decrease (3% decrease).
Aww, poor, Conservative. The next 4 years are going to be especially difficult for folks like you.

Well, the last four have been especially difficult for the entire nation.

At any rate, under Bush, unemployment went from 4.2% to 7.8%. A 3.6 point increase (86% increase) and worse than every president except for Herbert Hoover.

Ah, lies - the mainstay of the left.

Unemployment was 7.3% the day Bush left office.

Send This Chart To Your Bush Hating Friends Who Are Voting For Obama | RedState

But even if your lie were true - which of course it isn't - but even if you stumbled and accidentally were honest, what you claim as the WORST of Bush, is the BEST of your little tin Messiah®....


Hmmmm, Dear Leader sucks, doesn't he?

Under Obama, unemployment (so far) has gone from 7.8% to 7.6%. A .2 point decrease (3% decrease).

Under Obama, we have 4 solid years of unemployment over 7% - worst performance since Carter.
Aww, poor, Conservative. The next 4 years are going to be especially difficult for folks like you.

Well, the last four have been especially difficult for the entire nation.

At any rate, under Bush, unemployment went from 4.2% to 7.8%. A 3.6 point increase (86% increase) and worse than every president except for Herbert Hoover.

Ah, lies - the mainstay of the left.

Unemployment was 7.3% the day Bush left office.

Send This Chart To Your Bush Hating Friends Who Are Voting For Obama | RedState

But even if your lie were true - which of course it isn't - but even if you stumbled and accidentally were honest, what you claim as the WORST of Bush, is the BEST of your little tin Messiah®....


Hmmmm, Dear Leader sucks, doesn't he?

Under Obama, unemployment (so far) has gone from 7.8% to 7.6%. A .2 point decrease (3% decrease).

Under Obama, we have 4 solid years of unemployment over 7% - worst performance since Carter.
I see rightwingnut desperation is stretching for new highs. The unemployment rate was 7.3% at the end of December, 2008. With some 700,000 people losing their job in January, 2009, you'd have to be insane (or a Conservative) to assert that all of those folks lost their job only during the final week and a half of January. It's funny because I've never seen anyone attribute January unemployment to a new president until desperate Conservatives struggle for a way to claim that unemployment is still higher under Obama.

At any rate, your desperation aside, going from 4.2% to 7.8% is still far worse than going from 7.8% to 7.6%. Bush sucked worse.
Aww, poor, Conservative. The next 4 years are going to be especially difficult for folks like you.

Well, the last four have been especially difficult for the entire nation.

At any rate, under Bush, unemployment went from 4.2% to 7.8%. A 3.6 point increase (86% increase) and worse than every president except for Herbert Hoover.

Ah, lies - the mainstay of the left.

Unemployment was 7.3% the day Bush left office.

Send This Chart To Your Bush Hating Friends Who Are Voting For Obama | RedState

But even if your lie were true - which of course it isn't - but even if you stumbled and accidentally were honest, what you claim as the WORST of Bush, is the BEST of your little tin Messiah®....


Hmmmm, Dear Leader sucks, doesn't he?

Under Obama, unemployment (so far) has gone from 7.8% to 7.6%. A .2 point decrease (3% decrease).

Under Obama, we have 4 solid years of unemployment over 7% - worst performance since Carter.
Even funnier, I clicked on your link to redstate.com, and even they indicate the starting unemployment rate was 7.8%. Do you get that, Con? Your own link disagrees with your claim. You're calling me a liar for pointing out how unemployment under Obama srarted at 7.8% -- and you post a link to a rightwing site which states the unemployment rate was 7.8% when Obama started.

But I did get a good laugh at them posting the utterly useless and idiotic statistic of the average unemployment rate being lower under Bush than it has been under Obama. Classic rightwingnut nuttiness!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I see rightwingnut desperation is stretching for new highs. The unemployment rate was 7.3% at the end of December, 2008. With some 700,000 people losing their job in January, 2009, you'd have to be insane (or a Conservative) to assert that all of those folks lost their job only during the final week and a half of January. It's funny because I've never seen anyone attribute January unemployment to a new president until desperate Conservatives struggle for a way to claim that unemployment is still higher under Obama.

At any rate, your desperation aside, going from 4.2% to 7.8% is still far worse than going from 7.8% to 7.6%. Bush sucked worse.

Obama went from 7.3 to 10.1% in a matter of months. But it wasn't the fact that the nation failed as soon as he took over that made the worst issue, it is the fact that UE REMAINS in the toilet.

{In the department's survey, 206,000 fewer people said they had a job than in the previous month, even though a separate survey of employers in the March jobs report showed 88,000 jobs were added.

In addition, 290,000 fewer people were counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work. That drop in those seeking jobs was the reason the unemployment rate fell to 7.6%, the lowest since December 2008.

The participation rate, which counts both those with jobs and those looking for work, fell to the lowest rate since 1979, when far fewer women were in the U.S. labor force. For men age 25 and older, March was the lowest participation on record. }

Unemployment rate falls for all the wrong reasons - Apr. 5, 2013

Your little tin god sucks.
I see rightwingnut desperation is stretching for new highs. The unemployment rate was 7.3% at the end of December, 2008. With some 700,000 people losing their job in January, 2009, you'd have to be insane (or a Conservative) to assert that all of those folks lost their job only during the final week and a half of January. It's funny because I've never seen anyone attribute January unemployment to a new president until desperate Conservatives struggle for a way to claim that unemployment is still higher under Obama.

At any rate, your desperation aside, going from 4.2% to 7.8% is still far worse than going from 7.8% to 7.6%. Bush sucked worse.

Obama went from 7.3 to 10.1% in a matter of months. But it wasn't the fact that the nation failed as soon as he took over that made the worst issue, it is the fact that UE REMAINS in the toilet.

{In the department's survey, 206,000 fewer people said they had a job than in the previous month, even though a separate survey of employers in the March jobs report showed 88,000 jobs were added.

In addition, 290,000 fewer people were counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work. That drop in those seeking jobs was the reason the unemployment rate fell to 7.6%, the lowest since December 2008.

The participation rate, which counts both those with jobs and those looking for work, fell to the lowest rate since 1979, when far fewer women were in the U.S. labor force. For men age 25 and older, March was the lowest participation on record. }

Unemployment rate falls for all the wrong reasons - Apr. 5, 2013

Your little tin god sucks.
Umm, the unemployment rate under Bush was also lower due to a drop in the labor force. And despite that lowering the unemployment rate, it still nearly doubled on his watch. Whereas under Obama, it's down 3%.

Bush still sucked worse.
Umm, the unemployment rate under Bush was also lower due to a drop in the labor force. And despite that lowering the unemployment rate, it still nearly doubled on his watch. Whereas under Obama, it's down 3%.

Bush still sucked worse.

So, are you claiming the participation rate under bush was a lower number at any point in 8 years, than it is now??

Spit and spew as you like at Bush, it doesn't alter the fact that the economy under Obama is in the toilet, and has been his entire term.

Bush is irrelevant to the fact that Obama sucks.
The only reason why unemployment has dropped is because so many people shifted to welfare or disability.

The participation rate under Obama - that is the percentage of Americans actively in the workforce, is abysmally low.

{ "It's the lack of job opportunities -- the lack of demand for workers -- that is keeping these workers from working or seeking work, not other factors," she said.

Shierholz said estimates from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office show there are 3.9 million workers who should be in the labor force but are not because of the weakness in the job market. Counting them as unemployed would take the unemployment rate up to 9.8%. }

Unemployment rate falls for all the wrong reasons - Apr. 5, 2013

Obama has created the worst jobs environment since Carter. I don't care if the partisan hacks like Faun claim that Bush drowned kittens in the oval office, the Obama economy sucks. Shrieking "BOOOOOSSSSHHHH" is what the hate sites train the mindless drones to do, to defend their little tin god, still the Obama economy sucks. Next will be BOOOSSSHH lied about Iraq, and still the Obama economy sucks.
Umm, the unemployment rate under Bush was also lower due to a drop in the labor force. And despite that lowering the unemployment rate, it still nearly doubled on his watch. Whereas under Obama, it's down 3%.

Bush still sucked worse.

So, are you claiming the participation rate under bush was a lower number at any point in 8 years, than it is now??

Spit and spew as you like at Bush, it doesn't alter the fact that the economy under Obama is in the toilet, and has been his entire term.

Bush is irrelevant to the fact that Obama sucks.

No, you flaming idiot (i.e., Conservative), I'm claiming the participation rate also dropped on Bush's watch. The same way you claim such a drop has lowered the unemployment rate under Obama also applies to Bush since it dropped during his 8 years in office. And even with that drop lowering the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency, the unemployment rate still nearly doubled on Bush's watch.


Factor in the drop in the labor force under Bush and the unemployment rate more than doubles by thd time Bush slithers out of the White House.

Bush still sucked worse.
No, you flaming idiot (i.e., Conservative), I'm claiming the participation rate also dropped on Bush's watch.

Oh, so you're just lying. Got it. How progressive of you.

The same way you claim such a drop has lowered the unemployment rate under Obama also applies to Bush since it dropped during his 8 years in office. And even with that drop lowering the unemployment rate by the end of his presidency, the unemployment rate still nearly doubled on Bush's watch.


Quite the opposite.

For the first seven years of Bush's tenure the participation rate rose steadily. It dropped some in 2008, but remained above the starting point in 2001.

Factor in the drop in the labor force under Bush and the unemployment rate more than doubles by thd time Bush slithers out of the White House.

Bush still sucked worse.

Again, only your Messiah® managed to create a double digit unemployment rate. On the economy, Obama is the worst since Carter - and may actually turn out worse than his mentor.

Obama is an abysmal failure.
I found this rebuttal to Ezra Klien's demagoguery to be interesting.

{ The 2006–7 decision to surge in Iraq under David Petraeus, when the Congress, the Iraq Study Group, and many in his administration and the Joint Chiefs were against it, was Churchillian and saved Iraq from a Somalia-like fate. Bush’s efforts to fund and deliver new anti-AIDs drugs to Africa to ward off a continental pandemic saved tens of millions of lives. Historians will argue over the catalysts for the September 2008 meltdown, but [not] about the fact that up to that point the economy had performed well for the first seven years of the Bush tenure, or that we were on a trajectory of radically reducing the deficit to a very small percentage of GDP without stalling the economy or spiking unemployment. The real problem, however, was the increased rate of federal spending in the first term, not just for the 9/11 response, but the vast jumps in discretionary domestic spending; the $4 trillion total in new debt over eight years (small in Obama terms) discredited both the tax cuts that had actually increased revenue, and the conservative brand of fiscal restraint. …

… Even Bush’s critics are shrugging that he was generous and well intentioned; he certainly lacked the petty vindictiveness of both his predecessor and successor. That may be why Bush is a model ex-president (unlike Carter or Clinton) and, in terms of presidential history, following the rehabilitative model of Harry Truman — a similarly blunt-speaking centrist who kept us safe in dangerous times and left office unappreciated because of an unpopular, indecisive war, wild unhinged demagoguery against him, a lack of eloquence, and a subsequent presidential candidate of his own party who campaigned as much against as for the sitting president.

In Bush’s case his warranted rehabilitation will come even more quickly than Truman’s, in part because in comparative terms his successor, Barack Obama, is no Ike.}

Was George W. Bush a "Bad" President? - Daniel Doherty
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