Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program

Bush's contribution was minor. The Fed had been lowering rates since 9/11 to inflate the housing market and keep the economy growing. This is not to mention Fanny Freddie FDIC FHA SEC and all the other liberal agencies that were put in place to increase home ownership. Odd isn't it that liberals purposely blew up the bubble and then sought to escape responsibility when it burst.

Yet Liberals weren't in control of the Congress since 1995. Conservatives and Republicans were until 2007, with the exception of a year in and a half when Democrats barely controlled the Senate.

Makes it the fault, mostly, in my opinion, of the party running the country.
Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program to help minorities get loans they couldn't afford.

Yes, Bush screwed up. This made things worse. This was not deregulation.
That was Bush's contribution. Republicans' contribution was their failure to pass legislation to add oversight of the GSE's. Clinton's contribution was signing Republican de-regulation into law.

I remember Bush trying to rein in the GSEs.
I remember the Dems resisting.
I don't remember any deregulation.

I didn't say Bush deregulated -- I said he contributed by increasing the number of loans being given to those who could not afford them and by pushing those loans onto Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
So basically...you're allowed to be a racist asshole...but nobody else is allowed to even utter something as innocuous as "sandwich"? Gotta love ya, Poet! You've got the most warped version of The Golden Rule I've ever run across.

Really? Find the racism. I admit to being an occasional asshole, but only in response to other assholes. Why ad hominem attacks when everyone avoids the topics like the plague? Seems the reason righties are here is only to attack liberals, Dems, gays, and blacks. And look how fast your self-righteousness came to the surface..."The Golden Rule"????? You have to bring some, to get some. LOL

I actually live by the Golden Rule, Poet...I don't give it lip service. Sorry, but I'm not a racist even though I am a conservative. I know that runs counter to your "world view" but it happens to be the case.

As for finding the racism? Does anyone REALLY have to go back through your posts to do that? I mean let's be honest here...you have a habit of reveling in your racism and have for as long as I've seen you on here. Are there racists here that have attacked you? Without doubt! But you yourself have said some of the most racially insensitive things I've ever heard coming from a "liberal". It's always seemed that you think you have a special dispensation to do that because you are black. What you don't seem to grasp is that racism is a sign of ignorance...and when you do one of your rants you come across fully as ignorant as the biggest "Cracker" that ever walked the earth.

Do you suppose you, saying the same thing, over and over and over, makes it any more "true"? It doesn't. And I, in no way, hide behind, nor flaunt my "blackness", to any extent that it makes me immune from conventionality. My calling out racists and bigots on their racism, doesn't make me a racist (for the zillioneth time). My having hundreds (let's forego "thousands") of white friends, who have ample space and opportunity to call my ass out on any racism they might find, but haven't and don't, precludes any suspicion or presumption of such. Typical that you'd compare me to a racial pejorative describing "whites"....when you were dying to use the n-word. Ain't nobody stupid. save you.
Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program

Bush's contribution was minor. The Fed had been lowering rates since 9/11 to inflate the housing market and keep the economy growing. This is not to mention Fanny Freddie FDIC FHA SEC and all the other liberal agencies that were put in place to increase home ownership. Odd isn't it that liberals purposely blew up the bubble and then sought to escape responsibility when it burst.

Yet Liberals weren't in control of the Congress since 1995. Conservatives and Republicans were until 2007, with the exception of a year in and a half when Democrats barely controlled the Senate.

Makes it the fault, mostly, in my opinion, of the party running the country.

So explain why conservatives running the Congress from 1995 to 2001 gave us balanced budgets and surpluses? The GOP was controlling the purse strings of government during most of Bill Clinton's two terms and look what happened. I hate to point out an inconvenient truth but it was Newt Gingritch that forced Clinton into those balanced budgets that led to those surpluses...it wasn't something that Clinton would have done on his own.
Really? Find the racism. I admit to being an occasional asshole, but only in response to other assholes. Why ad hominem attacks when everyone avoids the topics like the plague? Seems the reason righties are here is only to attack liberals, Dems, gays, and blacks. And look how fast your self-righteousness came to the surface..."The Golden Rule"????? You have to bring some, to get some. LOL

I actually live by the Golden Rule, Poet...I don't give it lip service. Sorry, but I'm not a racist even though I am a conservative. I know that runs counter to your "world view" but it happens to be the case.

As for finding the racism? Does anyone REALLY have to go back through your posts to do that? I mean let's be honest here...you have a habit of reveling in your racism and have for as long as I've seen you on here. Are there racists here that have attacked you? Without doubt! But you yourself have said some of the most racially insensitive things I've ever heard coming from a "liberal". It's always seemed that you think you have a special dispensation to do that because you are black. What you don't seem to grasp is that racism is a sign of ignorance...and when you do one of your rants you come across fully as ignorant as the biggest "Cracker" that ever walked the earth.

Do you suppose you, saying the same thing, over and over and over, makes it any more "true"? It doesn't. And I, in no way, hide behind, nor flaunt my "blackness", to any extent that it makes me immune from conventionality. My calling out racists and bigots on their racism, doesn't make me a racist (for the zillioneth time). My having hundreds (let's forego "thousands") of white friends, who have ample space and opportunity to call my ass out on any racism they might find, but haven't and don't, precludes any suspicion or presumption of such. Typical that you'd compare me to a racial pejorative describing "whites"....when you were dying to use the n-word. Ain't nobody stupid. save you.

Please tell me you didn't just defend yourself from a charge of racism by saying you have lots of white friends? That's pathetic.

Sorry, Poet...I don't use the "n-word". I had an ancestor who fought in the Civil War as an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry. I take Martin Luther King's words to heart, judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
You, on the other hand seem to be searching for the "Cracker" in all of us...even when it doesn't exist.
That was Bush's contribution. Republicans' contribution was their failure to pass legislation to add oversight of the GSE's. Clinton's contribution was signing Republican de-regulation into law.

I remember Bush trying to rein in the GSEs.
I remember the Dems resisting.
I don't remember any deregulation.

I didn't say Bush deregulated -- I said he contributed by increasing the number of loans being given to those who could not afford them and by pushing those loans onto Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

You didn't say it, but many others imagine Bush deregulated.
Really? Find the racism. I admit to being an occasional asshole, but only in response to other assholes. Why ad hominem attacks when everyone avoids the topics like the plague? Seems the reason righties are here is only to attack liberals, Dems, gays, and blacks. And look how fast your self-righteousness came to the surface..."The Golden Rule"????? You have to bring some, to get some. LOL

I actually live by the Golden Rule, Poet...I don't give it lip service. Sorry, but I'm not a racist even though I am a conservative. I know that runs counter to your "world view" but it happens to be the case.

As for finding the racism? Does anyone REALLY have to go back through your posts to do that? I mean let's be honest here...you have a habit of reveling in your racism and have for as long as I've seen you on here. Are there racists here that have attacked you? Without doubt! But you yourself have said some of the most racially insensitive things I've ever heard coming from a "liberal". It's always seemed that you think you have a special dispensation to do that because you are black. What you don't seem to grasp is that racism is a sign of ignorance...and when you do one of your rants you come across fully as ignorant as the biggest "Cracker" that ever walked the earth.

Do you suppose you, saying the same thing, over and over and over, makes it any more "true"? It doesn't.
Then why do you keep repeating the same misrepresentations/shadings of the truth/outright lies over and over and over?
I didn't say Bush deregulated -- I said he contributed by increasing the number of loans being given to those who could not afford them and by pushing those loans onto Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

yes but thats what you would expect from a liberal Republican. Conservatives know that regulating the free market to get millions of people into homes the free market said they could not afford was a goofy idiotic oft repeated mistake, the same one the USSR, Red China, and East Germany made and the same one dopey Obama made 50 times over with Solyndra.
The housing crisis wasn't caused by Federal Agencies.

It was caused by bankers writing bad loans and selling them as over-valued investments

How stupid are you? The loans where rubber stamped by Clinton you moron, F & F bought all of this paper, have you ever heard of or understood what the Equal Housing Act is?

RealClearMarkets - How Did Paul Krugman Get It So Wrong?

The mind of a Liberal, what a terrible thing to waste...

Did you and Poet come out of the same womb???

Do you have a clue??? The Feds are funding ZERO DOWN LOANS TODAY MORON!!! NO MI, they are USDA LOANS!!!

Get out of my gym, bitch...

Guy, the problem didn't happen under Clinton, it happened under Bush.

Mostly because he wasn't watching what the banks were doing.

Even the banking industry isn't blaming the CRA. That's a nutty bunch of shit coming out of hate radio, but of the top 25 banks that failed, only one made CRA loans. Look it up.

Sub Prime lending was born in '93, Clinton was POTUS was he not??

FHA DPA was started under Clinton in '96, he changed the guidelines of CRA, Clinton was POTUS was he not???

Brooksley Born was appointed to the CFTC by Clinton in '94, she was loud & clear & correct about OTC Derivatives and Clinton was POTUS was he not????

Today, right now USDA is funded by tax payer dollars for home loans with ZERO DOWN & NO MI...

The problem was born from CRA dumb dumb, do you understand these loans, CRA, Sub Prime, Alt A loans and FHA DPA where the disease that damaged F & F???

Krugman could not have been more wrong in his assertions. Somehow he missed Fannie and Freddie's acquisition of $4.3 trillion in sub prime, low down payment (5% or less) and Alt-A loans. How about the $2.7 trillion of CRA loans? After accounting for overlap among these groupings, he somehow missed some $5 trillion in such loans, trillions of which remain to plague the nation's economy.

Read for yourself dumb ass, these are facts, talk radio didn't make this shit up...
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The housing crisis wasn't caused by Federal Agencies.

It was caused by bankers writing bad loans and selling them as over-valued investments

How stupid are you? The loans where rubber stamped by Clinton you moron, F & F bought all of this paper, have you ever heard of or understood what the Equal Housing Act is?

RealClearMarkets - How Did Paul Krugman Get It So Wrong?

The mind of a Liberal, what a terrible thing to waste...

Did you and Poet come out of the same womb???

Watch The Full Program Online | The Warning | FRONTLINE | PBS

Do you have a clue??? The Feds are funding ZERO DOWN LOANS TODAY MORON!!! NO MI, they are USDA LOANS!!!

Get out of my gym, bitch...

another stupid conservative Texan. With Rick Perry at the helm, and the likes of Louie Gohmert, Ted Poe, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz and You, running around, is it any wonder why Texas is so fucked up?

The only thing Fucked Up is you, you're a hate filled racist bitch...

But then you already know this, you wake up feeling this way everyday...

As for Texas, we have very few idiots such as yourself, one of the more obvious reasons our economy has not suffered like the rest of the nation...
Bush's contribution was minor. The Fed had been lowering rates since 9/11 to inflate the housing market and keep the economy growing. This is not to mention Fanny Freddie FDIC FHA SEC and all the other liberal agencies that were put in place to increase home ownership. Odd isn't it that liberals purposely blew up the bubble and then sought to escape responsibility when it burst.

Yet Liberals weren't in control of the Congress since 1995. Conservatives and Republicans were until 2007, with the exception of a year in and a half when Democrats barely controlled the Senate.

Makes it the fault, mostly, in my opinion, of the party running the country.

So explain why conservatives running the Congress from 1995 to 2001 gave us balanced budgets and surpluses? The GOP was controlling the purse strings of government during most of Bill Clinton's two terms and look what happened. I hate to point out an inconvenient truth but it was Newt Gingritch that forced Clinton into those balanced budgets that led to those surpluses...it wasn't something that Clinton would have done on his own.
The same Conservative Congress that couldn't balance a budget for their life after Clinton left office?? :lmao: clearly, it was Clinton, not the Republican-led Congress who balanced the budget.
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