Was Bush the worst President ever?

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I posted a fact:

Obama didn't crash the world's economy. He wasn't even in office yet. You right wingers are either stupid or willfully ignorant.

And here's the message I got from Warrior:

"Take a chill pill, ya assfucking little Goddamned beaaaaaaaatch"

Warrior struggles daily with his confused sexual orientation. He thought that putting on all the Harley costumes would make him feel more manly but the little voice won't stop.

And now all that leather just makes him imagine it on that hot Latino guy he saw cutting his neighbor's lawn.
The worst thing W did was to be replaced by Obabble.

Disclaimer: No Obama fan here. My politics are fiscal reactionary, individual rights focused social liberal. Moving on...

Blame the degenerate scum who voted for Bush in 2004 for Obama. Had a decent human won in 2004, policies would have changed, results would have differed, and the United States of America would have had different choices in 2008.

Those white trash scum deserve every bit of the fucking Obama is giving them today. Even better, he appears to enjoy that aspect of his work.
If America had been smart enough to elect Kerry, then Kerry would have run for re-election in 2008 and may have been beaten by a Republican if Kerry wasn't able to control Bush's Iraqi Quagmire.

If the Republican had won in 2008, then there is a much better chance that they would have held on for the 2012 election.
Fact: Bush warned of the coming economic crisis and asked the Democrat congress 5 times to do something about it and they refused.

You know nothing...but you're a democrat so that goes without saying.

He did absolutely nothing to stop it - the democrats had a slight lead from Nov. 7 2006 on - and supermajority for what, all of a month? You really think the corporatist right wingers were going to let the dems reign in their idols on Wall Street? LOL!!! The repubs had the reigns for 6 YEARS. And I'm not a democrat. I'm a registered Independent.
You keep it up with all these facts and you're gonna fuck up their day.
Fact: Bush warned of the coming economic crisis and asked the Democrat congress 5 times to do something about it and they refused.

You know nothing...but you're a democrat so that goes without saying.

He did absolutely nothing to stop it - the democrats had a slight lead from Nov. 7 2006 on - and supermajority for what, all of a month? You really think the corporatist right wingers were going to let the dems reign in their idols on Wall Street? LOL!!! The repubs had the reigns for 6 YEARS. And I'm not a democrat. I'm a registered Independent.
You keep it up with all these facts and you're gonna fuck up their day.

Your sexual obsession with paul ryan as displayed in your avatar is noted.
Which regulations did Bush cut?
When did the bill pass?
Give some details.

It's not just about Bush, it's the Republican ideology. Republicans have always been for less stringent regulations, that's nothing new. They worked on dismantling the Glass-Steagall Act for a long time and finally got it passed. Bush did nothing to try and reverse it.
Glass-Steagall was designed to prevent exactly the kind of collaboration that brought us the Goldman-Sachs fraud. Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999 by a Republican-controlled Congress who pushed for the passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill. Gramm-Leach-Bliley was named after its three sponsors, all of them Republicans: Congressmen Phil Gramm (R-Texas), Jim Leach (R-Iowa) and Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R-Virginia). The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act tore down the regulatory framework that would have helped protect against the sub-prime mortgage bubble and the speculation that led to a collapse of the market where speculators traded the "derivative" securities that were created from those sub-prime mortgages.
Daily Kos: The repeal of Glass-Steagall, who voted against it?

And, Bush blocked bill for stronger regulation to fertilizer plants - like the plant in West, Texas needed.
In the wake of 9/11, there was concern that fertilizer plants could be a danger to the population, since they store explosive chemicals. (And sometimes explode, as we saw last week.) But despite all George W. Bush's claims to wanting to make us safe in a post-9/11 world, his administration threw up roadblocks to the regulation of such plants, All in with Chris Hayes reports.
Daily Kos: Bush administration blocked stronger regulation of fertilizer plants in the wake of 9/11

It's not just about Bush,

LOL! So you won't be listing the bank regulations Bush cut to cause the crisis?

Were you lying, or just stupid?
Was Bush the worst President ever?

He certainly had among the worst administrators ever, the likes of Cheney, Rove, Yoo, Wolfowitz, and Libby, to name but a few, were a true rouges’ gallery of political reprobates who exhibited contempt for the rule of law and the American people.
Was Bush the worst President ever?

He certainly had among the worst administrators ever, the likes of Cheney, Rove, Yoo, Wolfowitz, and Libby, to name but a few, were a true rouges’ gallery of political reprobates who exhibited contempt for the rule of law and the American people.

and are axelrod, biden, napolitano, geithner, perry any better? seriously
He did absolutely nothing to stop it - the democrats had a slight lead from Nov. 7 2006 on - and supermajority for what, all of a month? You really think the corporatist right wingers were going to let the dems reign in their idols on Wall Street? LOL!!! The repubs had the reigns for 6 YEARS. And I'm not a democrat. I'm a registered Independent.
You keep it up with all these facts and you're gonna fuck up their day.

Your sexual obsession with paul ryan as displayed in your avatar is noted.
It's telling that you see something sexual in Paul Ryan's photo.
actually Bush...gave Iraq and Afghanistan a shot at freedom much like the French gave us a shot! To a freedom hating liberal that would make Bush the worst ever.
Is that what Faux News is pushing lately? Iraqis are far worse now than they were when Hussein was in power, and all that taxpayer money that was spent destroying it and that is still going into helping them create a democracy is just money down the drain. So, yeah, conservatives who "hate" spending won't admit that it makes Bush "worst".
President of Vice Dick Cheney: "Deficits don't matter."

And so it came to pass. The greatest weapon of mass destruction turned out to be the invasion itself. Over the past ten years, Iraqis have witnessed the physical, social and economic destruction of their country – the aerial demolition of schools, homes and hospitals; the siege of cities such as Fallujah; US-led massacres at Haditha, Mahmudiyah and Balad; the biggest refugee crisis in the Middle East since the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948.
The hawks were wrong: Iraq is worse off now

What caused the housing crisis was/is Republican/conservative ideology that companies, corporations will regulate themselves and therefor we need to cut out regulations. That's what caused the economy melt-down.

We just had an example of Republican's idea that companies regulate themselves in West, Texas, where a fertilizer company exploded because it hadn't been inspected in years!

Records: Texas plant hadn't told feds about explosive fertilizer - CNN.com
How pleasing it is, amidst the lies and gibberish and brainwashing of modern American society, when, out of the gloom, the light of simple facts and truth make their appearance.

Thank you, Tweety.
The worst thing W did was to be replaced by Obabble.

Disclaimer: No Obama fan here. My politics are fiscal reactionary, individual rights focused social liberal. Moving on...

Blame the degenerate scum who voted for Bush in 2004 for Obama. Had a decent human won in 2004, policies would have changed, results would have differed, and the United States of America would have had different choices in 2008.

Those white trash scum deserve every bit of the fucking Obama is giving them today. Even better, he appears to enjoy that aspect of his work.
If America had been smart enough to elect Kerry, then Kerry would have run for re-election in 2008 and may have been beaten by a Republican if Kerry wasn't able to control Bush's Iraqi Quagmire.

If the Republican had won in 2008, then there is a much better chance that they would have held on for the 2012 election.

Why would electing John Kerry be "smart"? He's a career politician with even LESS executive experience than Barry has...and you see how well THAT is working out. John Kerry is little more than an expensive hair cut and and nice suit. That pretty much sums him up. He's the epitome of why Senators usually make lousy Presidents.
Because that is not my name/ID, and I didn't give you license to get familiar with me.
And since you, obviously, have nothing positive to offer, you are the newest member added to my ignore list. Finally. Fish.

typical liberal, run from rational discussion and hurl insults. LOL.

What a fucking hypocrite. I am a typical liberal, but yours was hardly a "rational discussion", as you were the one being "flippant" and hurling insults, comparing me to a "sandwich", and then asking if it was "racist". Fuck you, you piece of crap.

So basically...you're allowed to be a racist asshole...but nobody else is allowed to even utter something as innocuous as "sandwich"? Gotta love ya, Poet! You've got the most warped version of The Golden Rule I've ever run across.
Each one is worse than the one before. Been that way since Wilson.
I agree that Reagan was much worse than Carter.

And Nixon was much worse than Johnson.

And W. Bush was much worse than Clinton.

Good point!

When you take into account the misery index, inflation, gas at the pumps (for those of us who remember odd and even license plates), the failure to relieve unemployment, as well as the handling of an International crisis, Carter was clearly the worst President.
typical liberal, run from rational discussion and hurl insults. LOL.

What a fucking hypocrite. I am a typical liberal, but yours was hardly a "rational discussion", as you were the one being "flippant" and hurling insults, comparing me to a "sandwich", and then asking if it was "racist". Fuck you, you piece of crap.

So basically...you're allowed to be a racist asshole...but nobody else is allowed to even utter something as innocuous as "sandwich"? Gotta love ya, Poet! You've got the most warped version of The Golden Rule I've ever run across.

Really? Find the racism. I admit to being an occasional asshole, but only in response to other assholes. Why ad hominem attacks when everyone avoids the topics like the plague? Seems the reason righties are here is only to attack liberals, Dems, gays, and blacks. And look how fast your self-righteousness came to the surface..."The Golden Rule"????? You have to bring some, to get some. LOL
I don't think the youngsters on here have any idea about how bad it really was back in the Carter Administration.
What a fucking hypocrite. I am a typical liberal, but yours was hardly a "rational discussion", as you were the one being "flippant" and hurling insults, comparing me to a "sandwich", and then asking if it was "racist". Fuck you, you piece of crap.

So basically...you're allowed to be a racist asshole...but nobody else is allowed to even utter something as innocuous as "sandwich"? Gotta love ya, Poet! You've got the most warped version of The Golden Rule I've ever run across.

Really? Find the racism. I admit to being an occasional asshole, but only in response to other assholes. Why ad hominem attacks when everyone avoids the topics like the plague? Seems the reason righties are here is only to attack liberals, Dems, gays, and blacks. And look how fast your self-righteousness came to the surface..."The Golden Rule"????? You have to bring some, to get some. LOL

I actually live by the Golden Rule, Poet...I don't give it lip service. Sorry, but I'm not a racist even though I am a conservative. I know that runs counter to your "world view" but it happens to be the case.

As for finding the racism? Does anyone REALLY have to go back through your posts to do that? I mean let's be honest here...you have a habit of reveling in your racism and have for as long as I've seen you on here. Are there racists here that have attacked you? Without doubt! But you yourself have said some of the most racially insensitive things I've ever heard coming from a "liberal". It's always seemed that you think you have a special dispensation to do that because you are black. What you don't seem to grasp is that racism is a sign of ignorance...and when you do one of your rants you come across fully as ignorant as the biggest "Cracker" that ever walked the earth.
What caused the housing crisis was/is Republican/conservative ideology that companies, corporations will regulate themselves and therefor we need to cut out regulations. That's what caused the economy melt-down.

Which regulations did Bush cut?
When did the bill pass?
Give some details.

Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program to help minorities get loans they couldn't afford.

Bush Minority Homeownership Plan Rests Heavily on Fannie and Freddie

When President Bush announced his Minority Homeownership plans last week in Atlanta, his top priorities were new federal programs: a $2.4 billion tax credit to facilitate home purchases by lower-income first-time buyers, and a $200 million national downpayment grant fund.

But none of the new federal programs--if passed by Congress--will come even close to achieving the 5.5 million-household increase in minority homeownership the President set as his target.

Instead, most of the heavy lifting was assigned to two mortgage market players that have sometimes come under fire from Bush administration officials and Congressional Republicans: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Fannie's and Freddie's commitments are the bedrock core of the President's ambitious plans--but didn't get the headlines. Fannie Mae agreed to increase its already substantial lending efforts to minority families by targeting another $260 billion of mortgage purchases to them during the next nine years. Freddie Mac agreed to buy an additional $180 billion in minority-household home loans during the same period.

Besides its $180 billion mortgage purchase commitment, Freddie Mac gave President Bush a promise to implement a 25-point program aimed at increasing minority homeownership. Some of the points were cutting-edge. For example, as part of an effort to remove the fear of financial loss from first-time minority home buyers, Freddie committed itself to "explor(e) the viability of equity assurance products to protect home values in economically distressed areas."

Pressed for details on "equity assurance" by RealtyTimes, Freddie Mac vice president Craig S. Nickerson said the idea is still at an embryonic stage, but might involve limited guarantees or insurance coverage to protect buyers from the possibility of loss of their initial equity stakes should property values in their neighborhoods decline.​

Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program to help minorities get loans they couldn't afford.

Yes, Bush screwed up. This made things worse. This was not deregulation.
That was Bush's contribution. Republicans' contribution was their failure to pass legislation to add oversight of the GSE's. Clinton's contribution was signing Republican de-regulation into law.
Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program to help minorities get loans they couldn't afford.

Bush Minority Homeownership Plan Rests Heavily on Fannie and Freddie

When President Bush announced his Minority Homeownership plans last week in Atlanta, his top priorities were new federal programs: a $2.4 billion tax credit to facilitate home purchases by lower-income first-time buyers, and a $200 million national downpayment grant fund.

But none of the new federal programs--if passed by Congress--will come even close to achieving the 5.5 million-household increase in minority homeownership the President set as his target.

Instead, most of the heavy lifting was assigned to two mortgage market players that have sometimes come under fire from Bush administration officials and Congressional Republicans: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Fannie's and Freddie's commitments are the bedrock core of the President's ambitious plans--but didn't get the headlines. Fannie Mae agreed to increase its already substantial lending efforts to minority families by targeting another $260 billion of mortgage purchases to them during the next nine years. Freddie Mac agreed to buy an additional $180 billion in minority-household home loans during the same period.

Besides its $180 billion mortgage purchase commitment, Freddie Mac gave President Bush a promise to implement a 25-point program aimed at increasing minority homeownership. Some of the points were cutting-edge. For example, as part of an effort to remove the fear of financial loss from first-time minority home buyers, Freddie committed itself to "explor(e) the viability of equity assurance products to protect home values in economically distressed areas."

Pressed for details on "equity assurance" by RealtyTimes, Freddie Mac vice president Craig S. Nickerson said the idea is still at an embryonic stage, but might involve limited guarantees or insurance coverage to protect buyers from the possibility of loss of their initial equity stakes should property values in their neighborhoods decline.​

Bush contributed to it with his homeownership program to help minorities get loans they couldn't afford.

Yes, Bush screwed up. This made things worse. This was not deregulation.
That was Bush's contribution. Republicans' contribution was their failure to pass legislation to add oversight of the GSE's. Clinton's contribution was signing Republican de-regulation into law.

I remember Bush trying to rein in the GSEs.
I remember the Dems resisting.
I don't remember any deregulation.
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