Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Was Bush the worst president in history? NO, not even close

Obama is trying very hard to capture that title away from Carter, right now it looks like he will succeed.
Neither are the Reagan appointees!

Sandra Day O'Connor: Supreme Court Probably Screwed Up On Bush V. Gore

You stepped right in that one, fake Libertarian! :lol:

Who gives a fuck about that hag's regrets?
She was a St. Ronnie appointee. Therefore, she must also be saintly.

Is this another example of a conservative getting thrown under the bus for straying from the Party line?


O'connor was never a conservative, and is currently senile. what she says today has absolutely no value except to partisan hacks like you.
Who gives a fuck about that hag's regrets?
She was a St. Ronnie appointee. Therefore, she must also be saintly.

Is this another example of a conservative getting thrown under the bus for straying from the Party line?


O'connor was never a conservative, and is currently senile. what she says today has absolutely no value except to partisan hacks like you.
Neither was Reagan, but that doesn't stop you wingnuts from pretending he was.

Justice O'Connor is not senile. Not even close.
She was a St. Ronnie appointee. Therefore, she must also be saintly.

Is this another example of a conservative getting thrown under the bus for straying from the Party line?


O'connor was never a conservative, and is currently senile. what she says today has absolutely no value except to partisan hacks like you.
Neither was Reagan, but that doesn't stop you wingnuts from pretending he was.

Justice O'Connor is not senile. Not even close.

Did you hear O'Connor talk? certainly sounded senile to me. If not for the interviewer prompting her, she would not have known what to say. Another reason we need an age limit for government employees-----all of them.

Reagan was conservative on international issues and social issues. He turned liberal on fiscal issues in his second term when his senility set in and Nancy was running the country.
Oh, Jesus H tapdancing Christ....The moonbats still aren't over Florida 2000. :lmao:

No we're not, that's why we decided the Repugnants needed a real whipping, in 2008 and again in 2012. And, they're showing their butt-hurt every day. :lol:

But your idiotic party didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Our country has fallen through the ranks as it hasn't done in the history of this nation. Think about it.

What do you mean it didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Obama tried to pass a bigger Stimulus, but recalcitrant idiotic Republicans whined so much he had to cut it way back - and now they whine because it didn't help as much as it could have.

If McCain and his bimbo had won in 2008, we might now be a 3rd world country - we sure wouldn't be where we are.

Dow Jones up sharply during Obama's term: Sunday's Numbers | cleveland.com
What do you mean it didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Obama tried to pass a bigger Stimulus, but recalcitrant idiotic Republicans whined so much he had to cut it way back - and now they whine because it didn't help as much as it could have.

If McCain and his bimbo had won in 2008, we might now be a 3rd world country - we sure wouldn't be where we are.

Dow Jones up sharply during Obama's term: Sunday's Numbers | cleveland.com

You realize that the Obamunist party had absolute control from 2009 through 2011? The Porkulus was EXACTLY what the Obamunist party deemed it to be. The Republicans had zero influence or say over it.

Since the DOW has a natural level of about 12,000 - the drop below 7,000 held the assets of nation well below actual value. It was inevitable to rise back to around 12,000.

The rise above that is another bubble - which is not the great thing that you imagine it to be.

{. The American economy exhibits strong fiscal intervention alongside ginormous and endless rounds of monetary expansion. Therefore, this new and ephemeral sugar high is just another illusion created from our good old Federal Reserve-borne inflation. When the Fed debases the currency and inflates the dollar, the Dow index (based on dollar prices) will naturally go up. The price of everything will go up! Or in other words, the value of the dollar will go down.}

Dow Jones 14,000 is Economic Illusion Created By the Federal Reserve
What do you mean it didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Obama tried to pass a bigger Stimulus, but recalcitrant idiotic Republicans whined so much he had to cut it way back - and now they whine because it didn't help as much as it could have.

If McCain and his bimbo had won in 2008, we might now be a 3rd world country - we sure wouldn't be where we are.

Dow Jones up sharply during Obama's term: Sunday's Numbers | cleveland.com

You realize that the Obamunist party had absolute control from 2009 through 2011? The Porkulus was EXACTLY what the Obamunist party deemed it to be. The Republicans had zero influence or say over it.
That's another Republican/conservative bullshit lie. Go back and review the records, Dems might have had full control like for at least 72 days - that's just a little over 2 months.

Without fail, everyday I am either challenged or questioned about the information I presented. So in an attempt to further clarify the information and hopefully address the many questions, I am presenting it once again. More importantly, commenters, journalists, reporters, political pundits, Republicans and even some Democrats continue to repeat the same falsehood:

“The president controlled Congress for two years, and had the opportunity to do everything he wanted to do.”

The statement simply isn’t true.

Democrats Had a Filibuster-Proof Senate Majority for 72 Days During President Obama's First Term | Winning Progressive

Since the DOW has a natural level of about 12,000 - the drop below 7,000 held the assets of nation well below actual value. It was inevitable to rise back to around 12,000.

The rise above that is another bubble - which is not the great thing that you imagine it to be.
It's still an indicator, a good indicator. I suppose the meltdown under Bush wasn't as bad as we imagined it to be? :eusa_whistle:

{. The American economy exhibits strong fiscal intervention alongside ginormous and endless rounds of monetary expansion. Therefore, this new and ephemeral sugar high is just another illusion created from our good old Federal Reserve-borne inflation. When the Fed debases the currency and inflates the dollar, the Dow index (based on dollar prices) will naturally go up. The price of everything will go up! Or in other words, the value of the dollar will go down.

Dow Jones 14,000 is Economic Illusion Created By the Federal Reserve}
Regardless of how you consider Dow Jones, Obama is doing a whole lot better than Reps want to give him credit for. I call that sour grapes.

Obama's first term isn't technically over yet, but so far, employment has risen from 133.56 million in January 2009 to 134.02 million in the latest report, for December 2012. That's a net gain of about 460,000 or 0.3 percent. As paltry as that is, it beats Bush's first-term performance.
Surprise! Obama Is Creating More New Jobs Than George W. Bush - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Wall Street banks experienced years of unprecedented growth under President Bush, at least until the crisis of 2008. But in the two-and-a-half years since President Obama took office, the largest Wall Street banks have grown even larger, and profits at banks and trading firms have risen even faster than they did under Bush, the Washington Post’s Zachary Goldfarb reports:
Wall Street Traders Have Profited More Under Obama Than In Eight Years Under Bush | ThinkProgress
Many did - in 2008 and 2012. More to come...

Gee, what happened in the Mid Term election between 2008 and 2012? The Democrats got their collective asses handed to them by the voters. Right now the States in the country that are recovering the quickest are predominantly run by Republicans while the ones that are circling the proverbial toilet bowl are run by Democrats. We're about to have the REAL ObamaCare sprung on us with cost over-runs that are going to be staggering. More to come? Oh, you've got that right, little buddy...but I don't think it's going to pan out the way you "think" it is.
Oh? How staggering were the costs in Massachusetts where ObamaCare was implemented and better known as RomneyCare?

How much have the "projected" costs of ObamaCare increased since it was passed? How much more are they GOING TO INCREASE?

The truth of the matter is that Barry, Harry and Nancy lied through their teeth to the American people about what ObamaCare was going to cost when they pushed it through. They used deception to hide the true costs and as it becomes clear that they did so the people who are going to get stuck picking up the tab for it are going to be PISSED!
No we're not, that's why we decided the Repugnants needed a real whipping, in 2008 and again in 2012. And, they're showing their butt-hurt every day. :lol:

But your idiotic party didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Our country has fallen through the ranks as it hasn't done in the history of this nation. Think about it.

What do you mean it didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Obama tried to pass a bigger Stimulus, but recalcitrant idiotic Republicans whined so much he had to cut it way back - and now they whine because it didn't help as much as it could have.

If McCain and his bimbo had won in 2008, we might now be a 3rd world country - we sure wouldn't be where we are.

Dow Jones up sharply during Obama's term: Sunday's Numbers | cleveland.com

That's an amusing "take" on what happened, Mert...Obama ALWAYS wants more money to spend...that's what he DOES! He's a progressive. His answer to all problems is to raise taxes and spend money. The reason he couldn't get another stimulus was that the first one failed to create jobs. How do we know that? It's laughably simple actually...you don't invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" if your program WORKED...you do that if it DIDN'T and you need to hide that fact! It's Democrats who ran for the hills when progressives called for "Stimulus II"! They were scared to death of losing their jobs. One look at what happened in 2010 shows that they had very good reason to be scared.
But your idiotic party didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Our country has fallen through the ranks as it hasn't done in the history of this nation. Think about it.

What do you mean it didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Obama tried to pass a bigger Stimulus, but recalcitrant idiotic Republicans whined so much he had to cut it way back - and now they whine because it didn't help as much as it could have.

If McCain and his bimbo had won in 2008, we might now be a 3rd world country - we sure wouldn't be where we are.

Dow Jones up sharply during Obama's term: Sunday's Numbers | cleveland.com

That's an amusing "take" on what happened, Mert...Obama ALWAYS wants more money to spend...that's what he DOES! He's a progressive. His answer to all problems is to raise taxes and spend money. The reason he couldn't get another stimulus was that the first one failed to create jobs.
That's your first lie in this post. Hmmmm, wonder how many more?
Even lying Ryan was able to see it. As for Obama wanting more money to spend, at least he didn't do like Bush, just leave it off the budget and that way no ones knows just how much he is putting the screws to the country, right?

Paul Ryan Stimulus Money Letters - Business Insider

How do we know that? It's laughably simple actually...you don't invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" if your program WORKED...you do that if it DIDN'T and you need to hide that fact! It's Democrats who ran for the hills when progressives called for "Stimulus II"! They were scared to death of losing their jobs. One look at what happened in 2010 shows that they had very good reason to be scared.

Reps have all ways to try and say that the stimulus didn't work, but they can't come up with stats to back them up. And no matter how much they try to deny it, the facts don't seem to back them up.
And the only reason Reps gained in 2010 is because Dems don't get all excited about mid-term elections, but once they saw how archaic the policies of the Tea Party were, they woke up, and you saw the result in 2012.

The reputation of the stimulus is meticulously restored from shabby to skillful in Michael Grunwald’s important new book, “The New New Deal.” His findings will come as a jolt to those who think the law “failed,” the typical Republican assessment, or was too small and sloppy to have any effect.

On the most basic level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is responsible for saving and creating 2.5 million jobs. The majority of economists agree that it helped the economy grow by as much as 3.8 percent, and kept the unemployment rate from reaching 12 percent.

The stimulus is the reason, in fact, that most Americans are better off than they were four years ago, when the economy was in serious danger of shutting down.

What do you mean it didn't do shit to stop the bleeding. Obama tried to pass a bigger Stimulus, but recalcitrant idiotic Republicans whined so much he had to cut it way back - and now they whine because it didn't help as much as it could have.

If McCain and his bimbo had won in 2008, we might now be a 3rd world country - we sure wouldn't be where we are.

Dow Jones up sharply during Obama's term: Sunday's Numbers | cleveland.com

That's an amusing "take" on what happened, Mert...Obama ALWAYS wants more money to spend...that's what he DOES! He's a progressive. His answer to all problems is to raise taxes and spend money. The reason he couldn't get another stimulus was that the first one failed to create jobs.
That's your first lie in this post. Hmmmm, wonder how many more?
Even lying Ryan was able to see it. As for Obama wanting more money to spend, at least he didn't do like Bush, just leave it off the budget and that way no ones knows just how much he is putting the screws to the country, right?

Paul Ryan Stimulus Money Letters - Business Insider

How do we know that? It's laughably simple actually...you don't invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" if your program WORKED...you do that if it DIDN'T and you need to hide that fact! It's Democrats who ran for the hills when progressives called for "Stimulus II"! They were scared to death of losing their jobs. One look at what happened in 2010 shows that they had very good reason to be scared.

Reps have all ways to try and say that the stimulus didn't work, but they can't come up with stats to back them up. And no matter how much they try to deny it, the facts don't seem to back them up.
And the only reason Reps gained in 2010 is because Dems don't get all excited about mid-term elections, but once they saw how archaic the policies of the Tea Party were, they woke up, and you saw the result in 2012.

The reputation of the stimulus is meticulously restored from shabby to skillful in Michael Grunwald’s important new book, “The New New Deal.” His findings will come as a jolt to those who think the law “failed,” the typical Republican assessment, or was too small and sloppy to have any effect.

On the most basic level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is responsible for saving and creating 2.5 million jobs. The majority of economists agree that it helped the economy grow by as much as 3.8 percent, and kept the unemployment rate from reaching 12 percent.

The stimulus is the reason, in fact, that most Americans are better off than they were four years ago, when the economy was in serious danger of shutting down.


Sorry, Mert but TARP was what brought us back from the edge of a "shut down"...all the Obama Stimulus did was reward Barry's supporters while the rest of us were left twisting in the wind. A New York Times article saying the stimulus "worked" is laughable. If it really HAD worked then there wouldn't have been any need to come up with the whole "jobs saved" scam...they would have simply reported on how many jobs were created as was normally done. The stimulus was supposed to keep us from going over 6% unemployment...and now you're saying it was a success because the unemployment rate didn't hit 12%? That's amusing...
For you to sit here and say that the 2010 Mid Terms went the way that they did (the biggest swing from one party to another in modern electoral history) was because Democrats weren't "excited" is laughable. They weren't "excited" because they had Super Majorities in both the House and Senate along with control of the Oval Office and all they managed to do was pass a health care "reform" bill that was supposed to lower costs but in fact raised them for most Americans and spent a trillion dollars in stimulus that made the unemployment numbers worsen instead of improve! Why WOULD anyone be "excited" if that was what you'd managed to get done?
That's an amusing "take" on what happened, Mert...Obama ALWAYS wants more money to spend...that's what he DOES! He's a progressive. His answer to all problems is to raise taxes and spend money. The reason he couldn't get another stimulus was that the first one failed to create jobs.
That's your first lie in this post. Hmmmm, wonder how many more?
Even lying Ryan was able to see it. As for Obama wanting more money to spend, at least he didn't do like Bush, just leave it off the budget and that way no ones knows just how much he is putting the screws to the country, right?

Paul Ryan Stimulus Money Letters - Business Insider

How do we know that? It's laughably simple actually...you don't invent a new statistic "jobs created or saved" if your program WORKED...you do that if it DIDN'T and you need to hide that fact! It's Democrats who ran for the hills when progressives called for "Stimulus II"! They were scared to death of losing their jobs. One look at what happened in 2010 shows that they had very good reason to be scared.
Reps have all ways to try and say that the stimulus didn't work, but they can't come up with stats to back them up. And no matter how much they try to deny it, the facts don't seem to back them up.
And the only reason Reps gained in 2010 is because Dems don't get all excited about mid-term elections, but once they saw how archaic the policies of the Tea Party were, they woke up, and you saw the result in 2012.

The reputation of the stimulus is meticulously restored from shabby to skillful in Michael Grunwald’s important new book, “The New New Deal.” His findings will come as a jolt to those who think the law “failed,” the typical Republican assessment, or was too small and sloppy to have any effect.

On the most basic level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is responsible for saving and creating 2.5 million jobs. The majority of economists agree that it helped the economy grow by as much as 3.8 percent, and kept the unemployment rate from reaching 12 percent.

The stimulus is the reason, in fact, that most Americans are better off than they were four years ago, when the economy was in serious danger of shutting down.


Sorry, Mert but TARP was what brought us back from the edge of a "shut down"...all the Obama Stimulus did was reward Barry's supporters while the rest of us were left twisting in the wind. A New York Times article saying the stimulus "worked" is laughable. If it really HAD worked then there wouldn't have been any need to come up with the whole "jobs saved" scam...they would have simply reported on how many jobs were created as was normally done. The stimulus was supposed to keep us from going over 6% unemployment...and now you're saying it was a success because the unemployment rate didn't hit 12%? That's amusing...

Rushbot. :lol:
That's another Republican/conservative bullshit lie. Go back and review the records, Dems might have had full control like for at least 72 days - that's just a little over 2 months.

That's another Obamunist lie. Not that you folk EVER tell the truth.

You had a filibuster proof lock for 2 months, but you had CONTROL for 2 years. Both houses with huge majorities, and the imperial presidency.

It's still an indicator, a good indicator. I suppose the meltdown under Bush wasn't as bad as we imagined it to be? :eusa_whistle:

The Meltdown under Bush was bad - but nothing compared to what happened once your god got in.

However, in both cases, the drop could not stay down as the assets of the nation have greater value than the DOW reflected.

Regardless of how you consider Dow Jones, Obama is doing a whole lot better than Reps want to give him credit for. I call that sour grapes.

Just don't call "bubble," as the party doesn't like it.
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