Was Colorado Prison Chief Murdered for Refusing to Free Saudi Rapist?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Was Colorado Prison Chief Murdered for Refusing to Free Saudi Rapist?

March 21, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Last month there were discussions about freeing Homaidan al-Turki, a VIS (Very Important Saudi) who kept a sex slave and claimed it was part of his religion.

Al-Turki not only kept a woman as a slave for four years while repeatedly raping her, but he also ran an Islamic publishing house with the copyright to the works of Al Qaeda kingpin Anwar Al-Awlaki. Naturally Al-Turki did what every single Muslim charged with any crime does, he cried Islamophobia.

Homaidan al-Turki argued that the United States was attacking Islamic customs such as not paying your slave and controlling her life. “We are Muslim. We are different. The state has criminalized these basic Muslim behaviors. Attacking traditional Muslim behaviors is a focal point of the prosecution,” he testified.

However the plan to transfer Al-Turki back to Saudi Arabia where he could enjoy the full range of basic Muslim behaviors, such as enslaving and raping women, was shut by one man.

Now that man is dead.


Was Colorado Prison Chief Murdered for Refusing to Free Saudi Rapist?
Very disturbing. The guilty man lives and the innocent man dies. A plot line that happens much too often :(
Granny says prob'ly dat same bunch dat killed dat Colorado prison warden...
Suspicion in DA death shifts to white supremacists
1 Apr.`13 — Suspicion in the slayings of a Texas district attorney and his wife shifted Monday to a violent white supremacist prison gang that was the focus of a December law enforcement bulletin warning that its members might try to attack police or prosecutors.
The weekend deaths of Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, who were found fatally shot in their home, were especially jarring because they happened just a couple of months after one of the county's assistant district attorneys, Mark Hasse, was killed near his courthouse office. And less than two weeks ago, Colorado's prison chief was shot to death at his front door, apparently by a white supremacist ex-convict who died in a shootout with deputies after fleeing to Texas. The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas has been in the state's prison system since the 1980s, when it began as a white supremacist gang that protected its members and ran illegal activities, including drug distribution, according to Terry Pelz, a former Texas prison warden and expert on the gang.

The group, which has a long history of violence and retribution, is now believed to have more than 4,000 members in and out of prison who deal in a variety of criminal enterprises, including prostitution, robbery and murder. It has a paramilitary structure with five factions around the state, Pelz said. Each faction has a general, who is part of a steering committee known as the "Wheel," which controls all criminal aspects of the gang, according to court papers. Four top leaders of the group were indicted in October for crimes ranging from murder to drug trafficking. Two months later, authorities issued the bulletin warning that the gang might try to retaliate against law enforcement for the investigation that also led to the arrest of 30 other members.

At the time, prosecutors called the indictments "a devastating blow to the leadership" of the gang. Pelz said the indictments might have fragmented the gang's leadership. Hasse's death on Jan. 31 came the same day as the first guilty pleas were entered in the indictment. No arrests have been made in his killing. McLelland was part of a multi-agency task force that investigated the Aryan Brotherhood with help from the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and police in Houston and Fort Worth. McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, were found shot to death Saturday in their rural home just outside the town of Forney, about 20 miles from Dallas.

Detectives have declined to say if the Aryan Brotherhood is the focus of their investigation, but the state Department of Public Safety bulletin warned that the group is "involved in issuing orders to inflict 'mass casualties or death' to law enforcement officials involved in the recent case." Killing law enforcement representatives would be uncharacteristic of the group, Pelz said. "They don't go around killing officials," he said. "They don't draw heat upon themselves." But Pelz, who worked in the Texas prison system for 21 years, said the gang has a history of threatening officials and of killing its own members or rivals.


See also:

Slain Texas Lawman Had Pledged to Hunt Down ‘Scum’
March 31, 2013 — After the daylight assassination of his deputy two months ago, Mike McLelland, the district attorney in largely rural Kaufman County, responded with a flash of angry bravado, denigrating the perpetrators as “scum” and vowing to hunt them down.
A former Army officer who served in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm, Mr. McLelland carried a gun and refused to be intimidated, according to a friend and the local news media, even as his wife expressed unease, worrying that her husband, too, could be in danger. “I hope that the people that did this are watching, because we’re very confident that we’re going to find you,” he said at a news conference hours after his deputy was killed. “We’re going to pull you out of whatever hole you’re in. We’re going to bring you back and let the people of Kaufman County prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.”

On Saturday evening, the authorities found Mr. McLelland, 63, and his wife, Cynthia, 65, shot to death inside their home in Forney, Tex., in Kaufman County. The killings galvanized law enforcement officials and frightened and bewildered local residents, many of them still shaken by the shooting of the deputy, Mark E. Hasse, 57, on Jan. 31. That case remains unsolved. The police said Sunday that they had increased security for local elected officials and would tighten security at the county courthouse. The courthouse was scheduled to be open Monday, but Mr. McLelland’s office will be closed. “It’s unnerving to the law enforcement community, to the community at large,” Sheriff David A. Byrnes said at a news conference on Sunday. “That’s why we’re striving to assure the community that we are protecting public safety and will continue to do that.”

The authorities said it was too early to say if the deaths of Mr. McLelland and his wife were connected to the shooting of Mr. Hasse, the county’s lead felony prosecutor. But the killings of two prosecutors in a county of 106,000 people in less than eight weeks appeared to many officials to be more than a coincidence. “I’m really trying to stress for people to remain calm,” said Mayor Darren Rozell of Forney, about 15 miles northwest of Kaufman, the county seat. “This appeared to be a targeted attack and not a random attack.”

A law enforcement official said investigators believed that the shootings of the two prosecutors were related, but appeared to have been carried out by different people, perhaps from the same group or with the same affiliation. Shell casings were recovered in the shootings of the McLellands, but not in the shooting of Mr. Hasse, indicating that his killer or killers had more experience, the official said.

More http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/01/us/second-prosecutor-shot-to-death-in-texas-county.html?hp&_r=1&
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The prison chief was murdered for refusing to free a christian white racist of the brotherhood.
White supremacists are going to be blamed for a whole lot of deaths. Dunno about the prison chief, but the prosecutors follow the exact MO of the cartels.
The prison chief was murdered for refusing to free a christian white racist of the brotherhood.
Got any proof, evidence, or documentation of that, or is it just your worthless liberal opinion?
The prison chief was murdered for refusing to free a christian white racist of the brotherhood.
Got any proof, evidence, or documentation of that, or is it just your worthless liberal opinion?

It's interesting to me that you didn't demand any "proof, evidence, or documentation" before jumping on the anti-Muslim attack bandwagon...
We may have to return to a system of placing Wardens, District Attorneys, and Sheriffs into housing on prison farm outskirts to protect behind well-guarded gates from predators, whoever they might be.

This is a sad day when every group starts picking off officials who have to uphold the American and sundry State justice systems who are charged with convicting known criminals and stop their deleterious activities that either kill, maim, or harm in some way officials charged with incarcerating them for breaking the law. These people need to know that we are a nation of laws, and if they don't like our laws, they need to go someplace where their damaging behaviors are tolerated by opposition societies. Why bring it over here where nobody wants it?

It's not making good sense.
Does this development really surprise any of us?

We encourage organized crime (War on Drugs) and then we're shocked when organized crime fights back?

Mexico and Columbia have been dealing with this problem for years.

Why be surprised that what went down comes around?

Between criminal organizations fueled with illegal drug profits and home grown political extremists goaded by main stream media, I expect to see more and more assassinations of public officials as time goes by.

The White Aaryan nation is a prison based criminal organization that makes it money from the amphetamine trade.

They seem to be the most likely suspects in the rash of muders involving judges, DA (and their families!?) and prison officials.

These look like revenge killings to me.

Looks like its designed as Terrorism of the officials who challenge them.
Yup, and the NRA is doing it's very best to make sure these people have the latest in military type hardware.
Early release led to the suspect's being on the street. Now they call it a clerical error.

Error Led to Colorado Prison Chief Shooting Suspect Evan Ebel's Early Jail Release - ABC News

How likely is it that someone who knows they have been mistakenly released would immediately go kill the prison chief? Or would they just go on the run and hope they won't be found?

Liberals are creating their very own monster under the bed. The white supremacist gang without a name. Just white will do to whip up a little anti white fervor.
Early release led to the suspect's being on the street. Now they call it a clerical error.

Error Led to Colorado Prison Chief Shooting Suspect Evan Ebel's Early Jail Release - ABC News

How likely is it that someone who knows they have been mistakenly released would immediately go kill the prison chief? Or would they just go on the run and hope they won't be found?

Liberals are creating their very own monster under the bed. The white supremacist gang without a name. Just white will do to whip up a little anti white fervor.

Well, when it is a white supremacist connection to the Colorado and Texas killings, well, then, yes, it is "white".
What is the connection? Or were we just told there is a connection?

It's convenient. Very convenient. Useful.
That you, a known reactionary and racist, dislikes the use of "white" is obvious.

No one cares that you dislike it.
Very disturbing. The guilty man lives and the innocent man dies. A plot line that happens much too often :(

Actually the innocent man lives and the guilty man is already dead. According the bible precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of one of his saints. The murdered man is in heaven and lives forevermore whereas the muslim is hellbound and dead in his sins right now - and yes it does look like this is another assassination ( like Andrew Breitbart, his coroner, and quite a growing list of others now dead after meeting with Obama's disfavor ) we can add to the list.

I believe Obama admin has been cutting backroom deals across the board for Muslims. Why? He promised the Muslim Brotherhood he would after 2nd election was over. He got out in front of himself on his promise to Morsi and releasing the Blind Sheik who did first World Trade Towers attack - the release could not be made without a huge outcry from American public so the State Dept plan was to stage a kidnapping of US Embassy - Stephens - with a pre - arranged agreement from kidnappers that USA would release Blind Sheik in exchange for Amb. Stephens. Unfortunately for Obama and Muslim Brotherhood - egyptian leader - MORSI - some folks didn't obey the stand down order and when they went in guns blazing the kidnappers at embassy thought they had been double crossed, went into a frenzy - raped Stephens on camera in front of world ( pics were hidden from usa citizens - rest of the world has seen them being passed around -muslims consider such videos and pictures to be trophies - allah akbar and all that jazz.....) and then murdered him.

The Obama administration is probably behind the assassination of this man too. If they release him now that this man is dead you'll know Obama was behind it for sure. imo.

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