Was Covid genetically engineered by Obama/Fauci/Wuhan??

Any person on this planet that believes that Fauci was not an idiot for allowing this research (let alone funding it in China) is a complete fool. The rest of us can easily see that this little rat, that had a reckless hand in this disaster, should have never been put in the position of "leading" us through this pandemic. Fauci was never mistaken! He was (and is) lying through his teeth! Now, we have countless miscarriages (dead babies) and thousands of healthy young people dying suddenly. Yet the push to vaccinate (poison) healthy people is still going strong. And Fauci is smirking in his lap of luxury. How can any doctor inject this experimental drug into our children and pregnant women at this point? They are not at any significant risk of dying from Covid, yet the doctors will STILL happily inject you and your kids. Pure evil.....money for evil...not life saving injections..simple as that.
I appreciate your sentiment, and I wish I entirely concurred.

The truth is much, much scarier: Intelligent people fell for this shit too, because winner take all politics superseded rational thought.
Well. Book readin' never made for common sense.
.phd is given in a large number of kollidjiz. Some quite advanced
I may seem bitter. I am. But just imagine the young couple that lost a child before birth. The young couple that has buried their 12 year old athlete, that died of heart failure. The military man that lost his career, the restaurant owner that lost the decades old family business etc... And now imagine the good doctor Fauci that smirks as he ponders how he is going to spend all those millions of dollars. Yeah...what a hero!!!!!!
It's hard to argue the fact that many, many doctors (all over the globe) did not have different opinions regarding therapeutics, early treatment, preventative measures, benefits of sunshine, etc.. Now, if the little rat Fauci had our best interest in mind ,,,,he would have encouraged this discussion to be vast and publicly available. Oh No No No,,, The rat was perfectly happy with the obvious censorship of debate. For this very reason I am certain that countless lives were lost, as he played a T.V. personality, while real doctors were trying to have their voices heard. What a hero!!!
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This is a critical question as to whether covid orginated in the lab or not....

Indeed, Fauci gave US taxpayer funded GRANTS to NIH docs who said it wasn't engineered....


And what about our "labs" in Ukraine that have the Russians upset???

Maybe the KGB knows more than we do....
For months and months Fauci was very frequently in front of a camera. Not so much these days. Why is that? After all he was the lead doctor that got us all through this right?? Right?? Where are the statues? Where are the buildings being named after him?? Oh, that's right, he was just a little rat that had a big role in our modern world suffering Covid. He is now sleeking away with his big chunk of cheese, to be left alone while he feasts.
For months and months Fauci was very frequently in front of a camera. Not so much these days. Why is that? After all he was the lead doctor that got us all through this right?? Right?? Where are the statues? Where are the buildings being named after him?? Oh, that's right, he was just a little rat that had a big role in our modern world suffering Covid. He is now sleeking away with his big chunk of cheese, to be left alone while he feasts.

Because during the coronavirus period people wanted to hear from "experts", now they couldn't give a shit?
People get easily bored. Look at the Iraq War, for the actual war it was big news, over time people stopped caring. Another 500 people dead, so what?
I appreciate your sentiment, and I wish I entirely concurred.

The truth is much, much scarier: Intelligent people fell for this shit too, because winner take all politics superseded rational thought.
Intelligent people are mostly not virologists.

They listen to the experts, though. It's just that not being virologists, they don't exactly know who the experts are.

A government job doesn't make you an expert. It's not really a credential, most are political appointments.

I think the problem here is government un-experts pretending they know something, and therefore lying to us.

Just look at Fauci's myriad vacillations and reversals, you'll get the idea

If you think a court of law ever settles anything, then you are a fool.
So you only believe courts when they go your way the rest of the time. They're all completely corrupt, unless you get the verdict you want.

You don't need to prove anything. We're all just supposed to believe you. And Mr. Pillow.

That's the kind of shallow, narcissistic thinking your universe has planted in you.
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Of course it came from the fucking lab.

Cult fucks….here is a test.

Lets say the lab was called “The Trump Lab of Coronavirus Research”.


Now you pieces of shit would SWEAR IT CAME FROM THE LAB.


Your side lied and then admitted those were US funded bio labs in Ukraine.

A fellow Zionist Fascist Jew Supremacist 911 Traitor from the homO Administration no less, the one Musk IDed as the person most responsible for the Ukraine US taxpayer disaster...
Of course it came from the fucking lab.

Cult fucks….here is a test.

Lets say the lab was called “The Trump Lab of Coronavirus Research”.


Now you pieces of shit would SWEAR IT CAME FROM THE LAB.


Trump promised to drain the swamp.

Fauci should've been gone the first week of his Presidency....
Yet another "conspiracy theory" where the Right was ostracized and marginalized as the tin hat wearing Q'anon wackos.....

but it turned out it was Blue Anon that was misleading everyone.

Surprise, surfuckingprise.

Gee, I wonder if even a single solitary Lefty on this message board will have the stones to be like: "Shit - if even the Biden Admin. is admitting it's probably true that the ChiComms created COVID, maybe you guys had a point after all."

Of course not. Cuz we're racist Hitlers doncha know.

Every last one of us.

The Left wants to Rwanda (verb) Western civilization into a dichotomy of deplorables and the oppressed - all while embodying the very discrimination they purport to oppose, and wielding the very power they pretend they lack.

We need to take it back.

Amazingly, Africa has the most advanced biological population of all, since they IGNORED the whole Covid FRAUD and were 100% correct in doing so....
Amazingly, Africa has the most advanced biological population of all, since they IGNORED the whole Covid FRAUD and were 100% correct in doing so....

Yep, they also used the dreaded ivermectin like crazy - resulting in the lowest COVID morality rates on the planet.

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Yep, they also used the dreaded ivermectin like crazy - resulting in the lowest COVID morality rates on the planet.


Them brothas over there BE SMART, WE BE DUMB!!!
In light of the not so new findings the puzzle is starting to piece itself together…..IS IT NOT?
The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics…the 2020 election was fast approaching. Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?
No. Covid could have been a very positive thing for Trump. Much like Bush going to the Twin Towers after 9-11. Trump just wasn't up to the task.

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